Recap And Reviews Kdrama You're all surrounded: Episode 7

Recap and reviews korean drama You're all surrounded: Episode 7 -

There is a hours of Rome-com hijinks, and it's not even my birthday. Awkward confrontations and budding feelings put all on the edge, but thanks to the Policing and drama country rules the area, there is nowhere to kiss and run. Luckily there are no shortage of crime come to keep the excuses. Wait, that's a bad thing, right?


Lee Hyori - "10 Minutes" [ Download ]

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Episode 7: "A person comes ..."

Soo-Sun wallows in her tent, Play default daemon gu surprise attack kiss in her head until she sits on in defeat, she is sleeping also worked to realization.

We go back to 24 hours earlier ... where a ajumma in Seoul station takes adorned what it must be version of fantasy holiday wear. Oh ha, it is Soo-Suns mother, and she calls her daughter with zero warning that it is here to visit.

Soo-sun jumps in alarm and next what until we know the whole team gathered on their roof. she admits that she is in the tent lives, and asks the boys let her pretend she with them for just one night while Mom out alive.

Tae-il and Gook are shocked that she lives been at the police station, and easy to tune cosplay benefit of for mom roommate. Dae-gu on the other hand, remains unaffected. He says not, and Soo-Sun threatens to jump off the roof, if he does not change his mind

He looks over the edge and casually told her to keep going. "It's three stories, so you won 't die." Pfft.

At this, she folds her hands and exclaims: "! I'm sorry Mom already at your place" freeze the boys and Dae-gu looks like he just could hit over the edge himself.

But then we cut to the ridiculously huge spread, Mom has cooked for the boys, and suddenly it's not so bad that it's there. She feeds hand Dae-gu and calls them all her sons and Soo-sun is a little upset that the naysayers is the one getting all the best parts of the fish.

Tae-il pours Mom a little wine, and they can not believe how beautiful they are, cluck decide with which they should even call eye candy. But then they would have to be a rock band, and then we would have Cop Rock on our hands.

After dinner, Mom comes out of the bathroom ready for bed and Soo-sun does not know what to say when Mom asks for her room. But Dae-gu has been a blanket and pillow for the couch and is that his room is Soo-sun, and it does not have the time still had to unpack.

directs Mom to bed, and Soo-Sun him gratefully looks over. Oh, you just know that she reminds him of his mother, and he could not be rude to her if he tried.

The four heads on the roof for a few beers and Soo-sun thanks the boys to help her appear homeless not before Mom. She asks how they feel after the hit-and-run perp nabbing because they expect to feel like they had saved the world, but she feels more restrained.

Tae-il says Batman Gotham saved but he was not happy, and Soo-Sun prost compare to Batman. But Gook one is to say that he was thrilled, because the moment he saw photographs of this little boy alive, he knew that he would do anything to catch the bastard who killed him.

he says he first felt that he might in becoming a detective, had done the right thing. They are surprised to hear him that after all his "Nothing we do changes the world" speech. They declare that Gookie is less returned to his old self blunted

Soo-sun told. "Gook could be right. The world does not change. But today we have out something that had been sitting for a long time in a worn drawer ..."

Sa-Kyung goes home that night Pan -seok to find waiting outside her door. She gives him the Lightning and says she can talk tomorrow, but he stops her and says that he could put off tomorrow in the past: ". But this is that I can pass on many things"

he knows that he asked her why she came to Gangnam and why she became a detective when she so hated his job before, but he recognizes that none of it matters now. "It is important that the moment you walked in the district, I do not know how you'll take this but ... My heart began to race."

He asks with such hopeful eyes, "Can we start"

Soo-Sun continues her story: "... For some people who love" Tae-il takes a picture by his brother and putting it on his desk. (?). "... For some people pain." And in her tent, Soo-Sun opens a drawer and the chain accepts that Combat Boots went in search of the night Dae-gu mother died. "And for others, an old memory."

Wait, why did you do? Combat Boots it was that night when he went to school to Dae-gu. I took he picked it up again, but you need it found after they were both gone.

The next morning we are at the moment, to catch up, suddenly Dae-gu when Soo-Sun acknowledges the Ji-yong Thanks to his Clark Kent specifications that now makes more sense that we know that they thought about it before only the night.

He panics when Pan-seok approaches and kisses her, and it does the trick-Pan-seok escapes as he saw something frightening. Soo-sun breaks in shock away and puts a hand on her lips, and Dae-gu is so nervous that he. Just from there screws

Pan -seok watching them go in opposite directions and wonders if they act like nothing happened, because they do this all the time, ha, and asks how much hanky-panky here is going.

that night Soo-Sun sits in her tent to ask what it means: "He likes me," But then she argues that he is always with her screaming and being mean. "Is he a pervert?" Hahaha. "As long as he has liked me? Was everything I hot and cold just play?"

Dae-gu thinks the kiss over as brushing his teeth, the night, and pauses at himself in the mirror to look as if to ask, Why did you do that? he quickly comes back to his furious toothbrushing and he thought the memory of his lips clean.

Soo-sun falls Mom at the station in the morning now and Dae-gu goes his doctor to see for sleeping pills to ask because his insomnia always bad lately ,

come at the same time at work, and Dae-gu spins on his heels the second he sees Soo-sun goes toward the elevator. But then he stops and decides that he has no reason to run.

Soo-sun hides when she sees him approaching and trying to get the elevator doors to close. He does it, but then so does Gook. He asks Soo-sun about Mama and she thanked again left for their stay in the lurch.

Gook worried about their tent situation, but she says that it is only for two months. He tells her that, should if at all things dire they get to stay with them, and Dae-gu sees eye pierced him mute.

Someone is watching how they get out of the elevator-eek, it's Combat Boots who wonders why Dae-gu and a detective came here was.

Meanwhile goes Pan-seok to a department meeting and apologized again for his behavior, and Chief Kang does not warn him anywhere near Advocate Han again to go.

One of the other detectives draws Gook aside in the hallway and warns him not to good to be Tae-il, because there are rumors all over Gangnam that he is gay. The Ignorant warns Gook that if he could too nice confess Tae-il undying love or something. Why take guys gay guys do not have standards? It's insulting. You would not pretty enough for Tae-il anyway!

Gook is not just not open it, which way Tae-il swings mattering, but he in his own defending his friend (albeit misguided) way. He swears up and down that Tae-il is not gay, and screams do not go spreading lies the man.

Soo-Sun runs into some trouble when Chief Toad a stock of their possessions in the pedestrian zone associated with, and it ends to tell the truth about their lives Pan-Seok. She asks him to look for only two months in the other direction, and Pan-seok agrees to cover for her and tells her to hide a better job, to do their stuff.

The team gets a new case involved a Pojangmacha attack where a drunken man came and thrust into a pair of scary looking thugs who beat him and stabbed him with a kitchen knife.

The victim made it through the surgery, and they have rounded the Pojangmacha owners in a formation to identify possible suspects. The ajumma comes and Pan-seok assures her they can not be seen through the glass, and they wait patiently as she dismisses one group after.

But one of the men scares her clear, and they see them in spite of their refusal to recognize a shaking of the suspects. Pan-seok kneels and asks if they are too afraid the gangsters be identified, and she admits that people warned them, a witness what to be when they return the favor?

Pan-seok it promises in its gravest reassuring tone that they can trust them to protect them. Augh, the view in Dae-gu eyes when he hears that the familiar language. I'm crawling to get to the confrontation.

Pan-seok constitutes ajumma and Dae-gu anger increases to persuade and builds until it finally says to stop. He says the ajumma that they have nothing to do, and it is in her right now on foot. That's exactly what it does.

Of course, the Pan-seok gets roaring at him, and Dae-gu says he stepped over in forced, if they are clearly too afraid to identify the suspect. He rattles deadlines and cases and says what they have in common, a second crime is that the police in the name could not help to resolve the initial case.

Pan-seok shouts back that an order of the detective is the case to solve before him, and to catch the criminals in the first place, do not worry about a second crime before it happens. And then Dae-gu behalf of the case he shouldn't-his mother-though he only calls them by date and place, as if it is only one of the others.

is heard Pan-seok's sore spot and Eung -do wheezing, brought it. Pan-seok eyes light up in anger, and he asks if Dae-gu is now done on him background checks. Dae-gu says only a quick search of the legendary Pan-seok Seo is bringing this case, act as he read it on the internet only.

Dae-gu shouting at the top of his lungs that he does not understand how Pan-seok could have lived through this case and still witness today coercion. Pan-seok tells him that he does not understand, he just signed his resignation papers and get the hell out.

Dae-gu goes to the roof and takes his frustrations out on the punching bag, kicking yourself for letting it get this far, he has been waiting 11 years for this opportunity.

Pan-seok takes Dae-gu of the file and says Eung-do, he will get rid of it through proper channels. Eung-do will clearly not, but there are no calls Pan-seok from him today. He is surprised when he sees that Dae-gu is from an orphanage, and Pan-seok told him to look into his past to see what Dae-gu has against him.

The rest of the team finds Dae-gu brooding alone, and Soo-Sun at the sight of it all gets stiff and awkward. Gook sighs that he is going to put a talisman in the interrogation room, because every time they go in there, Dae-gu and Pan-seok's throats are others. Heh.

Eung-do calls Tae-il and Gook to go out to follow a suspicious potential suspects by police lineup and Soo-Sun paths for them, desperately wanted not left alone with Dae-gu.

Am Bahnhof, Sa-Kyung passes Pan-seok and makes these brush pass, where she sneaks something in his hand. It stops only to walk back without looking and smiling to himself. Okay, that was hot.

Pan-seok looks at his hand down and found a heart-shaped note to tell him to come to the place where they first met in seven o'clock tonight. He grins like a boy with a crush.

His face darkens when his secret phone rings. It's Combat Boots, and he wants to meet. Pan-seok, she says now is it instead, should meet away, and Dae-gu listening wide-eyed to realize, this is his chance. Pan-seok is behind the wheel, and Dae-gu follows.

The rest of the team is mid stakeout on their suspects waits with his partner to come and make contact. They eat jajangmyun in the van and wonder if they'll be able to go home tonight, and Eung-do says a detective the schedule at the mercy of criminals is a good deal.

He has the children asking if they knew Dae -gu was an orphan, and they are all in shock, have him the only son of a rich family or expecting anything. You know that his mother died when he was fifteen, but never thought that he meant was an orphan.

Soo-Sun sighs, she is his partner, but they really do not know about Dae-gu. Tae-il says that it reminds him the poem: "A person come a really big deal, since a person is living together with him.."

Dae-gu follows Pan-seok in a crowded shopping mall but the secret meetings hits a hook at Pan-seok their Pojangmacha suspicious spots just to be Waltzing at the mall if it has accepted, at home.

that's parked messages to Eung-do and the ties that are still sitting in the car outside the guy's house. Dae-gu does not know what's going on, and follows Pan-seok someone follows, it is to think Combat Boots.

Pan-seok followed the suspect, who eventually realizes the tail and makes a run for the subway. Pan-seok goes running and chasing him wildly on the platform down and go by car running to the car.

He eventually jumps off the train at the last second, and of course he spots the suspect inside the train just as it pulls away from the station. Pan-seok growls him through the glass, and Dae-gu finally sees that it boots not fight they finally chased and deflates.

Pan-seok are Eung-do ears on his way gabbing by staking and their sole track to lose, and so Eung-do sends to see Dae-gu and Soo-sun at the hometown of the suspect, if he shows up there.

he says, a room for the night, they surprised to hear that is suspicious of an island. Woohoo, island stakeout date?

, take the boat ride in peace and to check on, check if the suspect has not yet come, they get a room for the night until the first boat in the morning.

Meanwhile Gook and Tae-il are in a car outside the apartment of the suspect. They talk about Dae-gu and be like them probably nicer to him, because maybe he's so prickly, because he grew up all alone.

Gook asks if they are true careful to prove friends and reamers the theme of secrets, offering to share his deep dark secret friends that they are. He says that no one knows this, but he likes ... And Tae-il interjects: "Soo-Sun" Gook is shocked that anyone could notice, ha

And then he asks Tae-il for his secret, and prefaces it with. "I'm your friend, so no matter what you did or who you want I'll understand. " Awww, Gookie. You're a good friend! He cling to the mystery, and Tae-il, she whispers in his ear. There must be something unexpected, if we are not allowed to know yet.

The boardinghouse on the island has only one room, of course, because this is a drama. To top it off the room has no door, thinking the ajumma is not that big a deal. When Soo-Sun asks for a second room, ask the ajumma why them they are a couple, assuming it would take, and they can not say they are police officers on a secret mission exactly, so they let them take over.

Dae-gu lands outside sleep, and Soo-sun sitting anxiously in the room without a door, wondering how to deal with this embarrassment between them. She goes out finally and pushes him to talk to the outside, so he follows her.

you start in this long prologue about how hard they worked to get this job and how much they like it now really and wants to be a good detective. And then finally she asks: "Do you like me?" And quickly adds that it has no intention of dating in the workplace.

Dae-gu scoffs: "Is this because of that kiss It is what is the total loss of reason, how?." Ha. Before she can react, he deadpans: "I do not like you, we well.?"

What cracks me up is that they worked for a soft rejection thinks it nice and let it slightly down will be, but now she's the one who's upset that he does not seem to be with her in love

Soo-sun :. "? Why you kiss me do", he says that it was for any other reason, he can "t they say. He points out that they should be happy, since they would not be confused with him what she agrees is technically true

Dae-gu. "Why does it seem unfair? You can then me also kiss. "* Blink blink * He says in haste that clarifies things then, and goes back to bed, leaving her speechless.

a coming a little later and sees Dae-gu on the terrace curled up to watch cartoons on his phone, and gives him a pillow and a blanket. his phone is dying, and he murmurs, that there would be no chance that he sleeps fall now. Soo-sun "Why, because you think of me?"

she admits that she was a little upset to think that he was only with her in disarray, but she decides to leave it behind and just be good partners. it sets for a shake her hand and he swats it away. she smiles, that now it is as it should be, and you can relax about the awkwardness and forget. you jumping happily into bed while he upset remains.

run away in the middle of the night, Dae-gu heads after the resignation alone, and revolves around twice for fear of eventually. Hahahaha. He is too scared to pee alone.

He tried to keep him that really do not get him very far, and then he finally goes to Soo-sun room to see if she's awake. OH MY GOD. I love that he needs her to go with him to the scary toilet.

So did they actually accompanied him there with a flashlight, and he thinks that she still outside while he goes.

gets you waiting drilled, so she has to sing a song. It's Lee Hyori the "Ten Minutes" (posted above) course, which was in high school their anthem. She's just so terrible at singing and dancing, as she was then, and Dae-gu peeks out the window to watch them.

He can not help spreading wide smile on his face it-a. It is so terrible, but she's so into it that you can not help but love them at the moment, and of course he remembers the day when he sing and dance to the same song caught in broadcast room of their school.

She stops to ask whether it is still not done, and he is that he just needs more time so that he can keep watching her dance through the window. You get it back, and he breaks into a goofy smile

Soo-sun told to repeat the poem Tae-il divided. "A person is coming a really big deal. Because a person's life comes along with it"

Epilogue .:

Masan, 03. Ji-yong pines while he watches his noona Crush yet received another love confession from a boy. Ding Dong wonders what is about them so great when it seems as if they would of them to keep all on the hook, but Ji-yong sighs that someone can not help loving.

Suddenly Soo-Sun busts in the snack shop with her squad, and "Ten Minutes", the speaker comes roaring through as if on cue. She struts about the pretty popular girl from Seoul and she calls out. Ah, so this is the prologue to the battle on the pier, and the first time Ji-yong ever saw Soo-Sun.


cuuute. I love anytime we get flashbacks because her teenage colleagues are so adorable and spunky. And any reference to the teenage Soo-Sun is entertaining because it so seriously and well as an adult, I often forget that she was such a rowdy troublemaker. The best part is that Dae-gu for it falls first, in spite of himself. And it's not the kiss that he does open more for self-preservation than anything else, but her adorable off-key, off-beat music and dance that puts a smile on his face. I'm actually glad that he swore he did not like it, because now, the more he likes it, he is to die of embarrassment.

The thing that bugs me is that it artificially to Soo-Sun feels his accept One answer questions about the kiss to have and forget about their flash of Kim Ji-yong, when she saw his glasses. Why is it not suspicious? It's one thing when the thought that he has a crush on, she took over her BrainSpace, but once they clean the air, they should not ask why the hell he kissed her, and remember that they uncovered a secret identity have? I think she has been slow for the entrance, but as a glaring omission, it feels just accept that they could forget it.

I am at least glad that she associated with the necklace that should prove useful when they finally connect a few dots and go along to Combat Boots. There is obviously more to Pan-seok and Combat Boots as Dae-gu anticipates, but so far I can not say what their relationship is Pan-seok want to see to make him face to face. Is it not evil? But we saw him kill Mom. On the other hand, Pan-seok suspicious enough to go in Dae-gu past to dig out the confrontation I'm really waiting. He can not be that antagonistic and expect Pan-seok to leave it alone, he can? There is another way in which they are the same temperament, precedes the reason, and gets them into trouble at every step of the way.

I am happy bloom all the love to see two of Pan-seok chance with Sa-Kyung (yay) to the rare moments when Dae-gu his guard leaves to Soo-sun down. And poor Gookie course, who crushed his heart to get rid of. Tae-il might not even gay be (they are teasing much so that it appears for a turn like an obvious setup), but I like that the point is not its orientation, but Gook is very supportive moment good temperament best friend , I would love to move Mom only to Seoul, so that the risk would pop her by anytime Soo-sun to get into the apartment, because I seriously do not release the boy, she can only think about this Rooftent back. Until then outhouse will do data have

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tags: Cha Seung -Won in , Go Ara, Lee Seung-gi, you're all surrounded

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