Recap And Reviews Kdrama School King of Savvy: Episode 6

Recap and reviews korean drama School King of Savvy: Episode 6 -

King of Savvy keeps the magic with another great result to bring. Jin-woo decides something subtle in his power struggle with Min-seok to be, and the result pushes our fake Director to wrestle with some unfamiliar emotions. Soo-jung takes some convincing to begin work as a secretary, but she quickly shows that it's got the skills - and the wardrobe! Rivalries, burgeoning affection and warring loyalties make pass this hour. And as always, the supporting cast contributes just like the lines. I just hope Yoo-ah decides to keep alive Duk-hwan and Tae-seok ... that are way too adorable two of them to die!


After Min -seok (right) as his secretary introduces Soo-jung, cries surprised everyone. Team leader Kim stammers how bold director Lee is, and Soo-jung clearly uncomfortable rigid with each. She says she should not have come, bows, and leaves, followed immediately by Min-seok. Team leader Kim is forced to suspect that the meeting be moved prior to his impulsive Director.

Min-seok does not understand, Soo-jung restraint and said he only wanted to help an ally. She was fired unfairly, and he wanted to do it right. But believe Soo-young that when bad things happen in life, it will not always be a Min-seok to come and help her. She thanks him for trying to help her, but is away from the company.

team leader Kim is on the lookout for Min-seok in the toilet of the men. After checking alone to ensure that they are, he begins upbraiding Min-seok to start to act as if he is a real director. Min-seok is still excited and in no mood for team leader Kim censure, he takes off his jacket and says, well, it is terminated. He is almost out of the door, as a team leader Kim backhugs him (with a clumsy caress sensually that I'm fine smashing had), popular compliment crooning remain him to learn. Of course, at this very moment Jin-woo comes down the aisle, and overheard talking about how he can not be caught Min-seok.

enough for Jin-woo to explore the detail of the monitored information agonizingly on. He calls a friend whose brother is an investigator, and asks if he knows about Lee Hyung-Seok, perhaps as Yali known. His friend has to know the name, saying that he believes Hyung-Seok was seen at a symposium two weeks ago. Jin-woo is still intrigued, because two weeks ago Hyung-Seok was already operate at Comfo.

Another call comes for Jin-woo, this time from the rehabilitation center, where his mother lives. Apparently her condition is getting worse.

Jin-woo is on a company elevator with President Yoo. He tells his father of his mother received. At this moment, however, two female employees, they come into the elevator and the president is quick to make small talk. Jin-woo looks aside, frustrated by the lack of response.

Soo-young goes back to the convenience store, just as a customer are welcomed. She remains confused until her boss makes it clear that it will be fired. She lingers at a bus stop, while calling on other job opportunities until it receives a call from her mother. Mom is in town and wants Soo-jung to see their fancy company!

With her old employee card dangling around her neck to trap Soo-jung rushes her mother and her friend. It heralds in their workplace, to hide from the former members of her team on the way. You are about to get into the elevator when Min-seok runs in them. Soo-young leads him as "Director Lee ... my team", and Min-seok, bless his loyal heart, with the flow.

Up on the roof, Min-seok delivers coffee to the ladies and good-natured sitting by the inevitable questioning: he sees to be a director young, he is a chaebol heir, his family had a lot of money to him to send abroad? He is unfailingly kind and polite. has from embarrassment to be about dying now Soo-young, especially when mom says she is not chasing a man for her, so they should work hard.

After Mom dispatch, Min-seok and Soo-young a walk. Soo-jung is grateful for the help, while Min-seok will apologize again for hurting her feelings with his impulsive actions. She says she knows that he only tried to help an ally, but Min-seok insists it was more than that. He has a secretary do anyway, and he would rather be Soo-jung than anyone else. Aww ... say yes, Soo-young!

The Dubious Duo of Duk-hwan and Tae-seok spy Min-seok sit with girls and sneak up on the two of them. You get Min-seok attention, and he stutters to Soo-young, that he forgot to take his friends who ten years younger. He throws them his things and incited them away from Soo-jung.

When Soo-young returns to her apartment, Yoo-ah busy trying to repair her school uniform, even if the stitching does not seem to be their favorite activity. Soo-Young she has to buy a new, and Yoo-ah replies absentmindedly that should Soo-jung pay for themselves. "Do you know it?" asks Soo-young, on the fact that they lost their jobs, and Yoo-ah realized their mistake. They tried hastily distract her sister with kimchi fried rice that they prepared. Soo-young will not be fooled -. Later that night, when Yoo-ah sleeping, Soo-young watching wistfully and says that her little sister has become much more adult

a groggy min- seok wakes up the next morning with a phone call. A cheerful voice says, "Morning Call, director! It's time for the work to get done!" Min-seok checked the phone, disoriented, and sitting in bed. Meanwhile, Soo-jung appears to have found a new life. Prepares you for the day with vigor, hugging her new role of secretary.

You are a hilarious pep talk while brushing their teeth and accept dressing, a new style for the new job. Dramatic music and epic slo-mo creates an additional sense, as secretary Soo-young for their first day at work is finished.

Soo-young is formally to the Retail team. Your reception is mostly lukewarm except the Assistant Manager Yoon clapping wildly. Team leader Kim gives an impassioned speech about how they are all family, with Min-seok him a sideways glance, as if to say, If you want to see this guy? gets to give her new desk Soo-young, and the retail team finally reunited.

Soo-young takes to her secretary job with her usual force, staying near Min-seok and goes over every detail of his schedule. He finally snaps, telling her to take it easy, to speak generally, and for heaven's sake bear her glasses when she needs to see them. "How far will you follow me?" He asks, and we see that they arrived at the men's toilet. "Caution!" She says with a bow, as he heads into the toilet. HA!

Jin-woo, lurking as usual around the corner, witnesses this exchange and realizes that Soo-jung, the Secretary has accepted position. It follows from the vending machines you. First, he buys her a juice, then he offers before an apology for his behavior, and finally he asks you this evening for dinner. Confused, she tried to refuse, but he says he will meet them at a nearby Italian restaurant and comes with a devilish smile away. What are you up to, Jin-woo ?!

receiving a call for Min-seok on a meeting with clients from Spain, which was moved that night. Soo-young colleague he gets, and because it annoys Soo-Young-happiness throws it note rather carelessly a Post-it, and it accidentally falls to the ground. comes Soo-jung, all in a tizzy about the invitation to dinner, and you do not see the message.

Yoo-ah corners Duk-hwan and Tae -seok in an alley, and demands to know what her "husband Lee" has done lately. She does not play around, and when she gets Duk-hwan a brick spits out a plausible lie: "He has a part time job has!" The two friends spinning a tall tale about Min-seok tries to help his family, with a sophisticated delivery job that calls him at all hours. Yoo-ah stalks with a targeted look away, not responding to her friends when they ask what's wrong.

Min-seok leaving a shopping center for the work to inspect before only team leader Kim bursting with the news of the meeting in this evening. He wants to know why Min-seok have not received the message, and Soo-young colleague admits that she is a post-it rather note left directly the message to Soo-jung as over. After trying a couple of times to call Soo-young charges out of the office. She even goes beyond forgetting her cell phone, over the unfinished message that she was sending about for their dinner to Jin-woo Requesting a rain check.

Soo-jung just missed Min-seok, when he gets into a taxi, but it creates a scooter from a delivery man to get caught. She throws him her ID card and shouts: "I'm not a bad person," Before speeding away.

The high-speed chase is on, and Soo-young maneuvers. Through the streets by taxi Her skirt splits on the way, but it only grinds his teeth and carry on. They also activate the speaker and called to stop for the taxi. Min-seok hears finally and completely flabbergasted, gets out of the cab. She screams to obtain, without explaining why him on the scooter.

Back in business, team leader Kim and Director Han wait in expectant misery. President Yoo Will arrive every minute, and they really Hyung-Seok must be available to these specific customers. Then, just as the president and his entourage come into view in the lobby, Soo-young and Min-seok come on the borrowed scooter. The day is saved!

After the office exhausted returning, Soo-young sees her cell phone and remembers her dinner date with Jin-woo. From the Italian restaurant they go, and even if it is late there he still when it arrives. She offers him to buy food for the delay to make, and he says that there is a different place, he knows

Next stop :. Jin-woo apartment. He ushers in spite of their polite protests, and tells her, because she already knows to wash, where the bathroom is. Soo-young takes the opportunity to repair their windswept hair and the plucking eyebrows (A for effort, but this is really the time?), Then connects to the kitchen Jin-woo.

He appears to be fishing for information, as he asks director Lee and says that they seem to be close. When Soo-jung does not know how much spaghetti you need, he shows her how to measure portions, by putting different fingers together. Although only part of a dastardly plot, hooray for spaghetti Skinship!

After the meal, they talk a little about their different taste in music. Jin-woo puts on a classic song that he enjoys, and opens a little over his difficult childhood, because Soo-jung already experienced his strained relationship with his father. Soo-jung says that the song is beautiful. Jin-woo: "It's nice, and that makes it sad ... like my mother."

Jin-woo falls Soo-jung from home, and is even a gift her on getting their new congratulate job. Yoo-ah is welcomed in the time Jin-woo, expressing surprise that this Director not the director who set her sister again.

After Jin-woo leaves, Yoo-ah torment to get her sis that they fall for their directors repeatedly. "When do you get paid?" She asks as they walk along the road on. "Can you give me an advance on my permission?" Are not these sisters just the cutest?

Min-seok gets a wake-up call from Soo-jung, the next morning, even though he already awake. He hangs up and comments to her potted moss that she is not really a secretary material. He waters the carefully moss that is ever quite the sweetest thing. Dad calls him for breakfast, and Gramps echoes joyfully the call.

Dad asks Min-seok to name his hyung, because he sent a packet got back. Min-seok says it's because Hyung-Seok moves, but not prevent Dad to attend. Gramps attempts to steal plate with fish, it is for Hyung-Seok said.

Min-seok takes back the fish, claiming to like it more than his brother, responds to the Gramps: "Hyung, first dongsaeng, second.." Min-seok keeps a smile on his face, the eating fish distracted to keep Gramps. But the person who has been injured, especially when Min-seok is the one to bring all the victims, to protect his family.

Min-seok father follows him outside. He is worried about Hyung-Seok, not only because of the package, but because of bad dreams that he has been the. "It's just because you're getting old," Min-seok assured him. "Why not dating as Tae-seok Mom?" He says his father women not to worry and go seduce, then crashes. "Take care of yourself!" Dad yells after him. "Be careful when sport!"

If he alone, Min-seok tried to call his brother, but he does not answer. As much as he could deny his father, Min-seok has to be concerned. He goes to school, and his friends help with the roll-call window escape routine that he had mastered from now is.

As luck would have it, Min-seok into the lobby right after Soo-young and Jin-woo. He listens as Soo-jung thanks Jin-woo for a lovely dinner and Jin-woo is a clock leave it in the bathroom of his apartment. Min-seok is there in the lobby after they leave, helpless and definitely not happy.

Min-seok immediately confronted Jin-woo to know, ask what it is to play at with Soo-jung. Jin-woo says it is not his thing, but Min-seok insisted and Jin-woo gives it to him straight. "It was embarrassing, after she confessed her feelings, but look so worried about it made me curious," he says. "She has a funny side, and she is charming ... as a woman." Min-seok get in his grill, but Jin-woo accurately points out that he pretty much always worked on his secretary.

In the retail team office, team leader Kim Soo-jung praises for her quick thinking with the scooter on the previous day. see your colleagues as. in a new light Han Sang-hee, the colleague who made the post-it note errors, also comes to them personally thank. The only person who is not with Soo-young's recent actions Min-seok, leaning with a skeptical look on his face against the door overjoyed.

Min-seok calls Soo Young in privately in his office. He says he has something to tell her, "for their own good," and she gets obediently her notebook out to pick it up. He hesitates ... but in the end he did not say anything. He sends them out.

now alone in the office, he complains that he can not say about them the truth of who they fired because they would only get hurt again. Soo-jung starts work diligently on his schedule, but he interrupts her soon with an instant message asking what she's up to. He says he's just boring, but he is still struggling with what to say.

Then Soo-young gets a message from Jin-woo, you want a happy afternoon and including the song he shared with her the other night. She gets happy from her headphones and start listening. However, they incorrectly sends their message of gratitude Min-seok instead of Jin-woo, and that is enough to press the affected fake director over the edge.

He calls on the office phone and starts for scolding not seen Jin-woo goodness through. She rushes into the office and he keeps screaming to tell her that they do not take what Jin-woo says at face value. thinks Soo-young that he by people who mistake should be forgiving, and further tells him that it is not appropriate to instruct them in this way. Before leaving she asks snaps over their moss and Min-seok that he threw it.

Our office gossipers quickly bring on the odd relationship between the director and his secretary. There is some disagreement as to whether anything is going on, and they would probably kept arguing have thought about, but Assistant Manager Yoon cuts in and tells them to get back to work. From his expression, but he knows that something between the two allies is not right.

Min-seok evaporated in his office. "Do what you want!" He says to the empty office. "I do not care if you get hurt!" Displeased He is that she got mad at him if he thinks that he was only trying to protect them.

Up on the roof, Soo-jung is similarly confused and bewildered. Director Lee was nice to her, and then teased her, and now he is mad at them, and they do not know why it changes constantly. "It's okay," she says, as if to convince himself of it. "Everything is OK."

asks Soo-jung to leave work, and Min-seok is still sulking with a video game in his office. He grunts a syllable consent, and she bows and leaves. Then a call comes in about hockey practice, so Min-seok also have to leave.

In practice, it is more than the usual amount of frustration feeling, and he takes a fight with his sunbae when he is tested. Your players have the two to pull apart, and Min-seok will speak again after training by bus instead of his attitude.

Duk-hwan and Tae-seok wait for him afterwards with a Band-Aid on his face. They chatter about the "Women People" in his office to try and lighten his mood. Min-seok's all together in silence. Then Yoo-ah rushes to them pleased to see "husband Lee", but upset about the scratches on his face. She offers him to buy food, which he succinctly rotates downwards. When she offers again, he snapped at her, he said he did not how it felt. "Why do you keep bothering me when I said I do not like the feeling?" He roars, cool losing his with her, perhaps for the first time. For once Yoo-ah is too shocked to say anything.

Later, Min-seok looks Soo-jung after another dinner of Jin-woo car together always. He goes mad on the road, suggests a few boxes, and then comes to a standstill. His expression sets in one of the determination, and he runs away.

Soo-young, a poster for a missing dog sees who is falling down, and it is on tiptoe, to try and resolve. She receives a call from Min-seok, who asks if she likes Jajangmyeon or jjampong more. "I'm someone who needs to know what I'm curious," he stresses. She says Jajangmyeon, he asks if she runs in winter or summer. "Winter," she replies, still trying to fix the poster with one hand. "Then there is another question I have to ask you," Min-seok told them.

He goes on and reaches about it, put the poster back into place. He is out of his business suit now, wearing a shirt that he has him more like the high school students can look. "This, I need your help," he says. "Ten seconds ... 10 seconds would be enough." Then he pulls into a hug.


This drama. SO GOOD! Consistently funny, sometimes irreverent, but always on the real emotional struggles revolve represent the characters. Min-seok growing frustration, Jin-woo repressed anxiety about his family, Yoo-ah surprising maturity and protecting when her sister a hard time ... it is in my heart.

It was nice that Soo -Young has not the job immediately that Min-seok offered to her. Your comments about the fact that they had to rely on themselves and weather adversities right on the money, and it is also true that Min-seok was carried away. He saw something he be false, and wanted it immediately by all means necessary to fix. But while he did not consider any issues that might arise from his actions. Loyal and kind-hearted as it may be, but he has to do some growing.

The scene with Soo-young mother really well solved the dilemma, as Min-seok get a second chance to articulate his feelings. He apologized for impulsively, then explained why he really needed a secretary, and that he could not think of better than Soo-jung of someone. It was a good exercise for him to think to force him, before he speaks, and speak before he acts. He is to have this practice, if it is to survive in the company, and even more, if it wants to compete with Jin-woo to Soo-young affection.

Soo-jung, as always, has convinced me somewhat clumsy with them, but always sincere approach to life. Some people find Lee Hana seem a little exaggerated, and to a certain extent I agree, but for me it is not distracted by the lovable nature of her character. Soo-jung throws herself headlong into everything she does, her heart carries on the tongue. They burned for time and again but not make you bitter or contact her inside. She tries only harder, while keeping their sense of what is right. She's as tough as her sister, but with none of the street smarts (or the dirty mouth).

The role of the secretary she fits so well. Of course they tried the Extreme Makeover Secretary and hardcore schedule organization too hard at the beginning. But if the job requires someone meticulous, someone who does not give up, Soo-jung really shines. It was so the retail teams met acknowledge seeing them after they saved the day with the Roller Chase.

The love triangle is well designed also. At the beginning of the episode, I thought that Jin-woo only by Min-seok was intrigued, so he made overtures to Soo-jung. I still believe, but I think that it is more difficult during this episode at some point if to say he started it for her taste. There was definitely a certain amount of vulnerability when he said about his mother, for example. And it seems to me that for Jin-woo, enclosed and highly defensive introverted, Soo-jung is kindhearted and relentless Ernst will finally touch with him. He could be even Min-seok grow in his crosshairs, but Soo-jung on it soon enough ... it is like moss so!

What Min-seok, I really feel for him in this episode. He saves Soo-Young Job and even helps save her face from her mother, just to see how they compared to the Director gravitating, who fired first. For someone who puts such a value on loyalty that must have hurt. And then factor that we seemed in his growing attraction to creep unknowingly until the last moments on him. Min-seok is a barrel of teen angst right now, but he still has to follow its best his heart and principles.

I like Min-Seok better if he is comically indignant rather than dark and brooding. It was painful scream at him Yoo-ah, to see who has really won me over the last few episodes. It seems that no matter how things, someone will get hurt in the end. But it is a sign of this quality of the show, that no matter who it is, even Jin-woo, we go for it to feel. Secondly, and I can honestly antagonists root for ... which is really rare in my experience, and it makes me love Savvy so much more. About the only people pretty I really want to beat now President Yoo and Hyung-Seok. I hope, however, that Jin-woo and Min-seok is from the worry for me in future episodes.

king of Savvy, thank you from the bottom of my heart for what pleased me until Monday again

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tags: featured, high school king of Savvy, Lee Hana, Lee Soo-Hyuk, Seo In-gook

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