Recap And Reviews Kdrama Joseon Gunman: Episode 7

Recap and reviews korean drama Joseon Gunman: Episode 7 -

family is the name of the cat-and-mouse game in this series, as it catapults the action towards its cliffhanger one end (this drama is certainly not down there cliffhanger format, right?). But perhaps the real question should be: Who is the cat and who the mouse? Our hero was plotting his revenge mission carefully and seems things have under control ... but he does it? With his crafty foe to test him on every occasion, he is still one step ahead of the rest of the field, or if he is a rude awakening heading? It's enough to keep you tied in knots. Good nodes


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Yoon-kang in port matters, where his sister is shipped out and marks its way on the building, where it is held. it is immediately by Choi Won-shin waiting guards, marked his way with swords surrounding block.

Yoon-kang levels his gun at her, and Choi talks him quietly and said that they are thieves just looking. Everything he asks that Yoon-kang identify himself to ask his unmasked face for a look. his right hand above begins, but everyone freezes when Yoon-kang cocks the gun and-he sees in the distance wants to get away, but it is enough to make any duck, and he darts past them in a flash.

to the shot Hearing officer Jung-hoon sends half of his team to follow, leaving the other half with Soo-in and Ho-Kyung as they wait for the slaves to be transported.

Yoon-kang Followers Choi bomber who catches up on a roof to him and engages him in combat. Take swings and some punches land, and Yoon-kang Flying spin kicks the assassin clear from the roof. The man lands hard on the floor below, mostly fine, but too late to catch Yoon-kang, who has disappeared.

There are also Jung-hoon and his officers enough time to catch the killer and corner. But Choi Won-shin steps in the officials to say that this is not the man they want to, he was only pursuing the gunmen. And Jung-hoon is mostly concerned about Yeon-ha kidnappers, he calls his men again on the lookout for the slavers resume.

Yeon-ha and their fellow slaves loaded into a car, and when she boards, she throws one last time, as if her brother hoping will save them. As it happens, he is near misses but only the departure, arrive at an empty building.

Soo-in and Ho Kyung come near, with it only a look on while he tried to persuade them to turn around. They arrive at the now empty warehouse and take each to a side looking-and when they rounded a corner, she sees the masked gunmen there crouched. It starts in surprise by air to grab, and Yoon-kang darts forward to clap a hand over his mouth.

There is a tense few seconds, as they look directly at each other, to Ho-Kyung rounds the corner and sees what is going on. Yoon-kang sizes the situation and swirled Soo-in, so it they hold hostage. Ho Kyung asks him to let her go, himself hostage instead offers his palpable concern for an impression both Yoon-kang and Soo-in to make.

Yoon-kang finds himself in a tie, not really wanting a hostage of any kind, but without a clear way out. So it is a welcome distraction when she heard voices outside officer, and Yoon-kang pushes Soo-Ho Kyung and makes his escape.

The deflection unfortunately the slavers slip unnoticed away (although it back without the girl have to turn transmitting on the boat), and police don 't know, although Yeon-ha was about to begin. Choi Won-shin apologized for his role in the confusion, sympathy pretend for their search and Yeon-ha plight. But above all, he is upset that his man could not get a look at the gunmen face so that his suspicions were unanswered.

Soo-in thanks to Ho Kyung for his help, but also touches anxious to ask what he wanted done if the shooter had taken him hostage. Ho Kyung admits that he does not know what to do, and just thought they actually save. She is grateful to him, but also feels that had the shooter does not intend to kill them:


It is again tomorrow or the lavish Hanjo act rather, lunch, since he so long in bed lazes that his partner has Kanemaru him go to get their company opening barking. It is a necessary act, because Choi Won-shin spy observed, but I enjoy how Kanemaru disapprove so his boss when he would probably be in sync with its true nature much more. But it does the job, because the spy reports back to Choi that Hanjo his was gisaeng all night and well into the day.

Choi assassin (time for a name-it's Sung-gil) points out that it is possible Hanjo caught to spy on and slipped unseen but Choi can not risk this on a mere presumption. He needs proof before acting because Hanjo Yamamoto has confidence. He has Sung-gil track those slavers-when Hanjo Yoon-kang is that he will seek for them.

In its newly opened trading company, Yoon-kang fills Sang-chu on the events of last night. Both Choi Won-shin appearance find terribly random and take a look at, and Yoon-kang sends Sang-chu to the police station with a message.

Choi and his entourage with gifts for the company opening arrive, and also to get down with talks of Mining Deal business. On the one hand they are anxious to secure the contract, but on the other hand, they still have the explosives demonstration come to a halt. Yoon-kang says that the materials will arrive tomorrow and strives not to do it so as soon as possible to see to see why Soo-in would wish any delay. She stammers a few excuses as need time to mix and prepare the materials, and asks for ten days. He gives her three.

discussions over, now it's time for drinks. Yoon-kang pampers its guests with hilaaaaarious exploits as his gisaeng held him up all night long when yaknowwhaddimean. Hye-won is better than Soo-in at their reaction masking and sends Soo-in one view her brows tirade to beat. Soo-in keeps them together enough to apologize, then vents intended to Hye-won, that it was completely wrong to like Yoon-kang him.

The pressing concern is the explosive demonstration and Hye-won pleads Soo-in to do with their best what she knows. To say that it is not their fault if it fails, it expresses at least with things go together and try and Soo-in can not refuse.

Yoon-kang shares some details of his (made) background, such as how he came to work for Yamamoto. There are appetizers that borrowed from his real life sound, like his father to be a fencer who taught him to fight, and want a different life for themselves. But on paper, then it is in clear focus on all background checks Choi is carried out on his own; because now holds on its history. This means it is more important than ever to pursue the Yeon-ha case for further confirmation.

A flashback lands us in the streets Japan, three years ago. Yoon-kang is beaten and mocked for a modest Korean, but he spits only in his attacker's face and throws himself into the fight. He is lightning fast and skilled with the sword, but more than that, full of rage, when he takes down any attacker who overcomes him.

noticed a man in the crowd watches and tenacity, earned him a place in his organization (the supporting dealers and polices the market place). Yoon-kang scoffs until the man adds that they work with Yamamoto and tells him to look Hasegawa Hanjo, if he's interested.

is so that the identity he-extra-handy carrying that it is a real person, give it more credibility.

Mr. Kim meets with Choi Won-shin, after he heard that one of his top gunmen was killed. He observed the formation of the small army that he built, and looks happy on their progress.

Sang-chu delivers the message to the police, and wonders if it's okay that guy to trust. Yoon-kang smiles, though, and we cut to Jung-hoon at the station to be unlucky and slackerly even his usual. Officer moon gives him a dressing-down for more Being in gibang out as his work and sends him the dead gunman to examine, from ... and somehow, Jung-hoon ends on gibang anyway. HA.

He is also excited because of the letter he received, to meet him him alone at night, requested and signed with his favorite gisaeng name. He is surprised, puzzled, then disappointed to find a man sitting in the rooms, no pretty lady in sight. It's Yoon-kang, averted his face and hidden under a hat, and he has Jung-hoon to come in and betrayed before himself.

Jung-hoon takes this Hanjo is burned enough by its adoption, be the first time carefully. So even if Yoon-kang outs itself, ie eyes at him doubtfully and peppers him. With questions that would only know Yoon-kang It is quite endearing, something like this is:

Jung-hoon: "If we were trained together when was the first time that I punish you with the sword "
Yoon-kang: ". They made me never beat "
Jung-hoon: " It At one time "!
Yoon-kang: "What that time you threw dirt in my eyes?"
Jung-hoon: "It's really you!"

Jung-hoon crying with relief, and the friends have a touching reunion. Jung-hoon wants to get Soo-in immediately, but it's Yoon-kang, holding him. He argued that he was still a wanted criminal, so involved it would only endanger their lives. He says that it is better that they dead and forgotten him, to believe him, and warns not to let her find out his friend. "I have died," he says. "Here in Joseon, you are the only person who knows is I'm alive."

Yoon-kang explains his search for Yeon-ha and asks his friend with him at the first sign of news comes immediately.

interpreter Jung presented the king with his idea for the new government agency that would be their vehicle for tracking the Kaehwa policy of promoting, to handle with offices in matters of foreign diplomacy, new weapons development, and other objects ,

As predicted, the Sugu officials protesting vehemently, arguing that it was enough to Japan to open trade, but relations with the world in the court would be much dope. But it's really more that they find this new institution a threat to their own power, because it would siphon off tasks from the existing State Council and ministries. Gojong did have a small number of officials who argue for his plan, although it is safe to say that the big players are on Sugu page.

Gojong occurs to declare that the creation of the office go as planned, warning that the fate of Joseon is at stake and that it would withhold the to oppose nation.

The material for the explosives have arrived and are ready for use, so Yoon-kang observed, examined how Soo-in them. She takes issue with the quality of gunpowder and said that blacker, spicy ground is best; this seems to have been together hastily mixed with inferior salty soil. Yoon-kang thinks she pulls one over him, and it keeps a handful of powder and told him to try it and see if it spicy or salty.

He grabs her hand before she can push the powder in his face, and they both freeze on contact. It takes a moment to recover his mind, and he barks you better find powder, when she wants. They bicker back and forth as they joke at his lack of confidence back the way with their disgruntled make, and him or her disgruntling on through that he trusts people who are trustworthy. She sparkles and warns him to be ready to apologize if it is demonstrated in the demonstration.

And then they find their way through a crowd of armed villagers blocked the know of Hanjo and Soo-in of the association to the dealer leader. They are plan to dig graves for his company in the arms to Choi Won-shin (which explains his exchange with his daughter, where she noted: "People care more about the dead than the living") and accusing Hanjo of setting Choi up to.

There are some indignation in the game, but also some pretty ugly slurs that is thrown for Hanjo around a Japanese infidel and Soo-in as the "dirty bitch "who bring in touch with him.

The mob closed on them, and Soo-in trembling with fear. It is their reaction to leave Yoon-kang spores that warn of their steps and draws his gun against the leader him. A man begins to charge, and Yoon-kang shoots into the air, then ineptly Soo-in and pulls them together in a single run. The mob chasing.

you get enough of a head to duck behind a rock in coverage begin hiding while the mob she goes. Belatedly he registered that they firmly grasp his hand, which had reminded them under the floorboards hidden him that time holding hands.

She pulls her hand from his when she realized it, but now it sparks another store for them, from the time that she had hidden together when he escaped the city. Just as she had convinced himself it was not the same man ...

you sit for a while to wait for the danger and she asks why he pulled the gun; she had been badly frightened that he could kill the old man. Yoon-kang says: ".. I'm not that kind of person, it is a violent person who kills someone with a gun" His weapon of self-defense is, he adds.

Soo-in says that a gun can cause wear to shoot a gun, and that takes a shot only to kill. This death is cruel to take her own life without the world a chance for one last look. Yoon-kang looks intently at her and asks if she has ever experienced, and they stammers that it is known only in general terms.

He asks if she is he still thinks Yoon-kang, ask how much it must have caused him to forget it not. She replies:?. "As long as I live, how could I forget him, it was a short time, but I was laughing and crying with him, and even life and death experienced situations when I think of those times that I spent with him, the were the happiest moments of my life. "

She turns the question to ask him, and if he is really not Yoon-kang. Even if she says, he is not, it feels as if it "? Am I under a big misunderstanding, or I'm right and there's a reason"

He hesitates for a brief moment, but takes his Hanjo stance on the initiative in scoffing.

Hye-won will hear the shot on the way to it and seeks to be the area justice, until she finds it. She is able to settle on a compromise with the mob, the rites for the dead and perform the compensation of the members includes, and apologized profusely to Yoon-kang for the effort.

Soo-in his outraged response is snappy, although the upset apology and accepted does not understand how Hye-won can be so accommodating to accept all the blame and is relieved that he was no longer , Hye-won tells her that she owes him a debt of gratitude, and he had saved her life.

"But that's not the only reason," she adds with a smile quietly. "I've seen his unexpected page, though you can not see it."

The Suhogye members are in uproar over Gojong latest move, though wily old Mr. Kim more amused than threatened seems giggling that the king managed his game up. The others scream and argue that he upset while Mr. Kim only adopt the Joseon order of things ". I'll have to meet with him I need to hear how far he willing, this is to take."

interpreter Jung a pretty high government official overseeing other officials will be granted, and Ho Kyung congratulated him warmly. He promises to do what he as a scholar and unofficial adviser to help, but Interpreter Jung offers him an official position, to work seriously to want to cooperate.

Sang-chu like this arrangement with the new slave Je-mi just fine (looks like a budding crush in manufacturing is), except when he notices that the clothes are washing them Hanjo is. Eek! Did they only ruin his expensive suits? Sang-chu yelps and fish from the clothes, but it is too late and the damage is.

Yoon-kang is ready right then Je-mi away and there to send, but Sang-chu jumps to her defense and swears he will certainly do nothing how this happens again. And then he remembers news about Yeon-ha is sighted, the Yoon-kang distract attention and grab him: "Why you telling me this now?" Sang-chu stammers: "W-well, do not you give me a chance and, all crazy ..."

Pity all news travels at the same speed at all, because Choi Won-shin, the same peak receives: you have narrowed Yeon-ha whereabouts on a particular band of slave traders. Both parties established their headquarters to find.

Yoon-kang is dressed in his peddler costume, but Sang-chu decorated in nobility clothing that has fidgeting him awkwardly. He is the nobility accepts authoritative voice when he heard the dealer over a slave named asks Yeon-ha, only it was only sold prior to a dealer only fifteen minutes. Oh no, too slow!

Yes, it is Choi Won-shin, the Yeon-ha leads away now. He sets the case, plan a party tomorrow to hold and attend inviting Hanjo.

Yoon-kang returns empty handed and devastated.

Soo-in to help figure out puzzles on a book of instructions on how to work with their explosives, but not much progress-there is only so far you can actually go without working with the stuff. Your angry maid says sarcastically that they could steal some gunpowder, although the sarcasm totally lost on Soo-in, which takes this idea.

with the lie Armed that Hanjo her to take a look at the gunpowder, she asked Je-mi you get involved. You "checks" in the business while hastily grab small balls to stow in hidden bag. It makes just about nervously weekend to run only in Sang-chu and drop the bag. Gulp.

The solid on Choi budget is prepared, and Hye-won notes, the new face and hears that her father to work, brought the slave home. Yeon-ha also follows the release of one of the guests whose views lingers in a decidedly creepy fashion. Less creepy assassin's Sung-gil, the Yeon-ha monitored carefully because they'll be the bait for Hanjo. Who knew that the assassin would be less creepy option?

Once the assembly is in full swing, Choi Won-shin invites Yoon-kang take tea isolated, as they make small talk about the guests and the party. He leaves a teaser for yesterday to bring home a new slave, then asks if Soo-in is still under the impression that he Yoon-kang.

Yoon-kang it laughs aside and said that it was just some people that look the same and that these comments are no longer disturb him. Choi agrees: ". There are in the world many have to be as long as you are not blood, it would be difficult to know for certain."

Then Choi Won -shin apologizes for a moment, so that clearly enter the time for Yeon-ha with the tea tray. And when they face each other, they freeze. The tea tray falls to the ground with a crash.

Yeon-ha yells: "Oraboni!" She rushes to him and throws him into the arms while Yoon-kang looks beaten, unmoved. Conflicted.

Choi Won-shin watches from the door, looking smug.


Oh no, Yeon-ha! Do not crush their spirit! It's one thing to push aside a best friend or your sweetheart with a few angry words, but your enslaved little sister who is all alone in the world and their every hope of returning pinning? * Thud * It's my heart, my feet fall.

Of course, that is exactly what Choi Won-shin on is capital, since even the toughest revenge seeker has his breaking point, is not it? Choi's very clever in this regard, the audit in small ways at first, felt his way to the edge before Hanjo in going for the direct blow. He knows when to bide his time and when to strike, which is what makes it a cut above the other murderers. He reminds me a bit to Mr. Kim, in style, in fact, that the Sugu forces always as children are stewing ready to throw a tantrum, and he is the only one with the concept of strategy.

You know, it could be argued that Joseon Gunman is some very expected storylines play out that we could probably all see in this moment comes from the beginning of the episode; I admit that I was pretty clued to the possibility of this exact cliffhanger at the end, so that the action beats did not throw me a curve. So I would say that the strength of the show is not in the story that tells it, but in the way that it makes the well-known story of: I know how this story ends, because it classic Graf is of Monte Cristo , but I'm still sitting on the edge of my seat to see how the show plays it out, and how these special characters respond to these expressions.

So is the experience for me is like a solid romantic comedy-not-on-tone or genre, but in the way that my knowledge of the end does not interrupt watching my joy. It takes a certain ability to make their own well in an expected scenario, and you will often get that when a story has been crafted applies well even if you are aware of what it does.

I'm curious what Yoon-kang has been planned for the future, because he got the sense in the long run is obviously, as he continues his chess pieces in place. He seems pokes able Choi and jabs with nimble words or repel feet, but this is now. I am banking partly my hopes on the fact that he is more clued in Choi movements appears as Choi believes, but I am also afraid that he is going to fall into the trap of underestimating his opponents.

And while I could squirm no doubt that Yoon-kang on his own from every narrow scenario (or more likely, Kick and his way of punch out of it), it is the members who become a liability and he starts his network rebuild. Which is great (yay, friends! Smile! Bro Hugs!) But also unnerving (more blind spots, hostages and blackmailing sources!). Damn love, why do you ruin everything that needs all the time? I mean, if you do not make life worth living and all that.

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tags: featured, Joseon Gunman, Lee Jun-ki, Nam Sang-mi
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