Recap And Reviews Kdrama Triangle: Episode 15

Recap and reviews korean drama Triangle: Episode 15 -

There is really Young-dal to shine hour in this episode, after connecting the points in the past, to learn how that affects his presence, and to know what he must do to prepare for the future. Something needs a hero, whose thoughts and feelings are created to be said before him like an open hand "cause is a man who is not to bluff in the game of life.

His rawest moments are there, tugging our innermost feelings in the best way, and I'm sure I'm not uncomfortable given the greatest luck ~~ POS = TRUNC the only feeling he has to do it in his life. But you know what they . say go go big or go home


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reflects on the way to hospital, Young-dal to the detected in the orphanage memories, shown in a long retread the previous episode. the greatest truth is lingering in his head, of course, that Dong-soo is really his hyung. As soon as he arrive and Shin-hye, they learn that Dong-soo in surgery after stabbed. his attacker is still at large.

Meanwhile, Soo-chang meets the river with the scarred man and chokes him until he goes limp, although Chairman him go to provide jobs sure he has finished the job.

when Young-dal waiting with the others outside the operating room, for a good message of hope, he retraces all his memories with Dong-soo, from their first meeting of the effort to be saved if Dong-soo she said were family now, when he finally had Dong-soo beat when he learned that his dream in search of revenge was pure.

Recalling these memories are painful, but it's even harder for Young-dal Dong-soo is wheeled out of surgery to see and said that his chances for recovery because of excessive bleeding are slim. get

taken away his unconscious big brother watching again, leaves Young-dal to tears.

He has also spent in the hospital overnight must've because Jung-hee did not find him at home the next morning. She has not made a decision on the Seoul offer yet, and she tells the grandmother on to decide, whatever makes her happy.

Sure enough, Young-dal diligently stands vigil of Dong-soo at the bedside. He asks Shin-hye why Dong-soo still has not woken up. Dong-soo lost a lot of blood from the attack and needs intensive blood transfusion, but his body is to reject the new media.

It is shocking how Young-dal asks softly what is happening now, and his eyes to listen well to new tears that Dong-soo wake because of its severe blood clots and can never out of his comatose state.

"But he does not know who I am," Young-dal said in a critical condition, breathless. "He does not know that Heo Young-dal is Dong-Chul." Leaning over the bed, Young-dal almost breaks again to wake urge Dong-soo, because it something important to say, it has.

Sitting back, Young-dal asks why his hyung took off without him and their little brother. Moreover, he did not even get a chance to excuse him for not being able little Dong-woo to protect.

"Please ..." He asks, tears running down his cheeks. "Please open your eyes. I'm begging you. Open your eyes!"

Manager Bae and colleagues Manager complain about how the unknown new exec due means to come in the next week, another Chef to tiptoe. Jung-hee briefly interrupts the conversation in her resignation letter at hand. Oh, so you take the new job?

your boss about it is not happy, but their surprise is nothing compared to Yang-ha, which doesn 't take good news. When Jung-hee not answer his call (and from the looks of it, they expected that it was), he marches at the dealer down to ask for an audience.

Even if all eyes on her Jung-hee says firmly that it is not to entertain in the mood and go out, and Yang-ha follows after her. Hyun-mi (who stay for a bit, decided while longer to get their bonus) constitutes annoying sunbae Trios sneers to rest, noting that they to not even have the courage over Yang-ha his face, the to gossip.

Yang-ha and Jung-hee their conversation outside resume where he asks if he is the reason why they finish their work here. How I wish I could not tell him everything about him, but what can ya.

Yang-ha own pity party having had enough, claiming that her decision to leave Jung-hee clearly has nothing to do with him, and they new and better chances to look. He says that they may have the same here when choosing it, but she says that is his own complacency talking-who he is to call decisions in their lives?

"Because you frustrate me, and I feel bad for you!" Yang-ha explains. He can not stand the idea that Jung-hee has refused him an unsuitable match for her as Young-dal. He would be willing to concede his emotions when Young-dal was someone who was decent enough to recognize him as people who make really Jung-hee was happy capable, but that's not the case.

He can see how Jung-hee is always bogged down by the likes of Young-dal, and can not understand why she is obsessed over him. I would say that you would also know a thing or two about obsession, Yang-ha, but continue.

But Jung-hee will not stand to hear from such a decent and kind man like Young-dal being spoken, especially coming from someone as Yang-ha, who wants for nothing in this world. Young-dal is all alone in this world, and they need to be by his side.

So she really turns away, but Yang-ha to ask her back to whips, "Do I look like I what I ever want anything in this world? Do I have looks anything missing? I .. . I do not even know what my birth parents look like. I was adopted when I was a child. "

He was raised as a legacy of a company or a son in a family. Even if he was given the best education available, was no one who showed him affection. After he found out that he was adopted, he was with fear of abandonment and relied resorted to pills to treat his depression and anxiety. could

The reason why he liked Jung-hee was because he was someone he felt his innermost fears and secrets to betray anyone, him touching a warm look or could throw. His eyes filled up with tears, he begs: "Please do not turn away from me."

Assuming Jung-hee expression, his words appear as they tug at heartstrings more ... and just around the corner, we see that the female manager has been listening to the entire conversation and passes the information to Director Hyun grinning hear it.

Director Hyun takes that juicy mystery Yang-ha love life just to the Chairman Yoon, who is told that Jung-hee late father was one of the leading mining protesters beside Papa Jang.

Young-dal finally sees the flood of missed calls from Jung-hee and calling them back to her great relief. He says he is still in Seoul and has a score to settle to visit, they understand. She says she misses him and hopes he will come back home soon (aw). He replies that he (Double aw).

The detectives finally have a visual and identity on the Scarred Man get the logical motive has Dong-soo, also known as the detective to attack him before twice behind bars. But what is more irritating that he works for the Chairman Go, has Shin-hye ask if Chairman Go had ordered the attack.

Young-dal can this information sink in and then goes away with an expression that suggests he wants to take matters into their own hands. So he does not get the rest of Shin-hye plan hearing to arrest Chairman Go to out to squeeze information out of him, since it is as a psychiatrist apparently a better detective (ish).

Young-dal heads back to Dong-soo at the bed, but when he remembers the names of their mutual enemies, and it's like the dull look in his eyes to sharpen can see how slowly builds up in his anger. He calls Boss Min for helping him an audience with the Chairman Go.

Speaking of whom, Chairman Go incensed that Dong-soo is mostly dead, do not get all dead. He takes on Boss Min reputation and thrown their weight around her gangster husband name. Sure Chairman Go would not refuse to listen to him, is not it?

It does the trick and Chairman Go waits alone that night, impatient. He is more intrigued Young-dal walk instead of seeing, although it until Young-dal towels is not, the rest of his acts, his face smiling smugly to close it. In banmal. , Oh snap

Young-dal is not going in the mood to the Chairman Pander and goes straight to him and cuts to the chase. "I am no longer Heo Young-dal to you My name is Jang Dong Chul. "

Papa Jang was his father and Dong-soo is its Hyung, and he knows that the chairman Go killed and tried to kill the other. Chairman Go listen to this talk as crazy and denies it back and Young-dal hollers: "Shut up, you son of a bitch"

"Do not call Heo Young-dal, me" Young-dal bites back, grab the chairman of the lapels. "Heo Young-dal was just a son of a bitch all he could to earn the approval of bastards like yourself. From now on you, I am Jang Jong-Kook son, Jang Dong-Chul. Jang Dong-soo brother, Jang Dong-Chul! "

Chairman Go breaks a bottle over Young-dal head in retribution, and that has taken by Young-dal of the right hook. Then Young-dal is to hurl the older man to the ground and kicks him before him roar up again.

Chairman Go, however, continues to deny and accepts all Young-dal beats. And it looks like Young-dal does not want to leave until he has left a body punches, but that's to come when the detectives rushing with Shin-hye to stop him.

Even as he his death threats to Chairman go back by force, Young-dal hollers is held. Shin-hye gets her little throat with one stroke and arrested chairman go for attempted murder. Wait, she has the authority to do that? She is a doctor (Art) not a policeman. Orrr it is?

Back in the underground casino, Boss Yang can not stand to see another flirtin admirers' with his wife, not knowing how powerful a gangster Manbong is. He tries with a strong diamond ring to impress that Manbong takes slid on her finger.

Shin-hye leads the interrogation against President go and invite him to his testimony that his lips matter are completely sealed, what the police do against him. Once the cameras are turned off, can Detective Tak Chairman go there, punching and the man to step on the floor.

Picking chairman swears back off the ground go up Detective Tak that he did not regret it, if he loses his job for this reason, because he only chairman Go stop whining is under his feet.

Jun-ho sneaks copy laptop in Yang-ha Office Daejung files of Yang-ha. He gives Jailbreak about who assured him that the new director comes with his back has.

Chairman Yoon updated to Chairman Go arrest and Dong-soo hospitalization and called Yang-ha see him arrive in Seoul. Jung-hee does not work again, but running in Jang-soo and Jailbreak, which are planning to go to Seoul to read at her boyfriend.

Young -dal asks Elder Ahn and Boss Min to move their infiltration into Daejung Casino, given recent events. They agree. He goes back to the hospital, where he met his friends and Jung-hee, and the two chat outside.

asks you who the comatose man identifies the Young-dal as his long-lost Hyung. However, his Hyung has yet to learn that they are brothers, and he can never know if he does not wake.

Young-dal is in advance, as it might have promise not maintained to be able to Jung-hee in a respectable life without away his life gambling. Now that he knows who he really is, as his father died, and seeing his brother so he keep confidence in these words, is missing.

He shares how he. Used to be a street beggar as a boy, collecting scraps at the station and is beaten by the pimps who stole his money He went hungry every day, but the fear that no one loved in the world and it protects him in constant fear and uncertainty behind, the more difficult to bear for him.

Young- dal "be at this agitation going on, I became more and more like the crazy bastard who I am today, he did not care whether the people. a criminal or waste called me become a brazen bastard who knew no shame, everything I did was a means to try and delete I had the constant insecurity. "

now know who were the ones who make his life miserable and thought only drives him crazy. Jung-hee tells him not to ruin his life in the presence of trying to fix the past, and encouraged him to imagine a common future

This is something that Young-dal can not afford more do. "There is no How can I forgive those bastards, what they have done."

sitting as Shin-hye of Dong-soo at the bed, she to the Chairman Go [thinkingback hit [on interrogation, she finally a stop to put to get some answers.

after confirming that the Scarred man working for him, they would not have been able to obtain release chairmen go call the hit. When the cops that are curious, they can Scarred One wonders, but it is unlikely that they will ever be able to find him.

Manbong would be possible to hear that the chairman Go absence him to take the opportunity are Chungjin group for themselves. At the same time, Soo-chang sent Chairman Yoon to deliver a message. Your former conversation the hit on Dong-soo Order

Chairman Yoon is hardly fazed by the threat that he take care of the Dong-soo problem to be so name be dragged into the attempted murder investigation. Instead, he Soo-chang told that parrot will be returned Chairman Go to dig his own grave when he wants.

Yang-ha times surprised to learn that his father already knows all about Jung-hee, her family history, lack of education and professional experience, including. When his father (calm but stern) rejection, Yang-ha says Jung-hee someone he cares about, and that is the only thing that is important to him.

Chairman Yoon leaves a deep sigh before Yang ha recalled that he the future heir to Daejung before he is his son. As such, if there is nothing that stands by his company future in the way, Chairman Yoon will not hesitate to release it. And if Yang-ha can not accept, then he will also be forced to kick him out. Geez, no wonder Yang-ha from fear of abandonment suffered for years.

They are only interrupted by the arrival of their guests, and wait minute, which is Jiyeon (T ARA). Apparently she is a friend of the family, which he has not not been seen in a few years. I'm not quite sure, but it sounds like they have sorta-not-really been dating, and she is determined to change Yang-ha Spirit upon them.

Ah, so Young-dal will take when the man Elder Ahn Dong-soo court wants to place in Daejung. Uff, this should be good to go on. He and Elder Ahn head inwards and Jung-hee spots him wearing a curious expression.

Chairman Yoon and the rest of Daejung leaders wait patiently until the doors finally opened ... and to see Yang-ha eyes wide Young- dal enter the meeting room.


Ooh, it is to . When it came to bring the bad guys in this show down, I was either for Dong-soo and Young-dal prepared the inside man at Daejung Casino to work. So if Dong-soo comatose been furnished, it was natural that Young-dal would be the one to fill his shoes. At least there is Lee Beom-soo some time to rest, while it looks like we in live shooting are now field. How else would we allllllll to explain the long flashbacks in this hour?

And yet, I did not, Young-dal as a replacement for step in this plan out of pure obligation, but I wanted him to come to a decision and hope that we would see hopefully make him a choice , We did, and in short, it was a glorious sight.

His input also the pitch between the ongoing battle balances between him and Yang-ha, now that they'll probably share a similar level of authority in the workplace. Up to this point Young-dal has as the underdog feel in an uphill battle against former gangster and company execs who put him in prison at will, but I'm excited to see how our once aimless hero this fight taking next level.

I must admit that my heart stopped for a moment while Young-dal watched shed his former identity and way of life in Chairman Go face, and his statement that he Jang Dong-chul sent honest a chill down the spine. (For continuity's sake, or to Young-dal fully identified as Dong-Chul to himself and others around him, we chat with Young-dal). For him, he fueled his appetite for revenge by the truth now know to fight for himself and his family and the tragic life she led for two corrupt Chairmans.

and while I see to pieces Young-dal and Jung-hee together adore, and Young-dal of straightforwardness and honesty with her, I appreciate why he will not be able to keep the promise that he made to keep them. Despite the dangers, to go while fixed on the past, there is no other, the fight this fight for him and he can not not live without destination in the world, not when he has a duty, the only family member to protect it again found (so far).

as we press forward, so it seems like we'll tell us about the lovable Sabuk boy next door, had the once innocent dreams to settle down. I know it breaks my heart, also. For what it's worth, I can take comfort in wandering with Young-dal, when he waived his old lifestyle and the deplorable things that came with it, and then take action by contact in a corporate battlefield in a fight of more than the affections includes his heart. You do not want to Yang-ha or could learn two things about it?

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tags: featured, the Shi-wan, Jaejoong, Lee Beom-soo, triangle

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