Agh, they are so Cuuuuute , Now that our backstory in place, the second episode actually brings our leads along the screen, and I'm happy to say that their momentum is endearingly their bickering relationship is fun and friendly, and I like both characters. It was impossible to tell from the first episode alone, whether the show would stagger me, but by the end of this hour they got me.
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EPISODE 2: "The Ugly Duckling"
last place student Dal-po won his first round of Quiz Show TV, the grin from the first place champion and surprisingly all wipe in its class. When the audience claps and turn the cameras on him, he tells in off-commentary that after this cruel events suffers with his family, he swore never set foot are connected in a broadcasting station or exchange words with anyone even remotely to a network.
he says, he was so determined that he thought he would never break his own rule. "The reason I broke that oath and stand here now ... was a secret I wanted to protect more than a vow. "
Rewind 2 weeks. It is an average morning at grandpas house when Dal-po and In ready-ha for school. you try not to hard to roll their eyes when Grandpa Dal-po promise makes to his niece to look and listen for in-ha to her uncle.
In-ha bursts to ask in a fit of aegyo Opa, their buying for pocket money a bicycle own, but Opa counters only that they are not there do you need when you are uncle rides her every day. commute otherwise say The silent glance, but Dal-po snapped her mouth before she can tell on him.
In-ha in the cart he placed on the back of the Dal-po Bicycle same gets you was not enough to pull them in as children, which is no longer the case. To Grandfather wave as they leave the very picture of sweet country charm ... until they are and In-ha demands to be let out of sight, and Dal-po fulfilled easily.
He does not hesitate even before, without them from riding, and she stomps in frustration. Ha, that's what every morning? Dal-po does eventually stop, and looks like he could turn back to pick them up, but then he discovered Dad to watch them from afar, and holds no they go.
Dad looks up as In-ha, the boat runs into the school to make, and it makes it hard, as always before the start, another complaint of Captain earning over so that the whole group again be late for school.
She just stares at Dal-po, sitting leisurely on the boat, and asks why he hates them so much for what it is, a blood feud enemy of his or something? What to ask for one thing. He deadpans that of course it is, and it is also huffier, if that is possible.
Dal-po of the quiz show opponents Chan-soo seems to have a crush on In-ha, a little, and when she arrives at school in a radio about their lack of a bicycle, he offers her an extra from his to enter the house. He warns that it is old, but she's so excited that they only clasped his hands in joy and says they'll take it.
She's over the moon when he brings the bike, and they approach Dal-po and sees a puddle of water between them called her name, she takes a evil glint from her eyes. It runs right through the puddle to splash him ... only he sees them come and deliver it tricks out of the way, the shield of mud splash with school forms that he was going. Foiled again.
In-ha to write overlooking the form, what work asks her dream, and when she sees that the consultant has proposed lawyer, prosecutor and judge for them, she chooses a lawyer and it begins to below. But her friend asks how a person who can not lie, can be a lawyer, and Dal-po when a Pinocchio would happen to consider what, asks how she had to defend a murderer.
you do not see what would it be so hard, and imagines himself in a courtroom hall ~~ POS = HEADCOMP, serial killer Min Joon-gook defend (Cameo of Jung Woong-in ). It begins with the words, that if there is even a trace of doubt, it should not be found guilty ... except he also told her that he had committed murder and was not sad about it. HA.
Suddenly Min Joon-Gook roaaaarrrrs and familiar music cues his outburst when he skips the witness stand In-ha to attack. He strangles her neck, swearing that he would kill her and the bastard who was a lawyer badge to her. Is it wrong that I miss Min Joon-gook something?
In-ha is shaking from the nightmare and immediately deletes "advocate" on their part. Dal-po snarks that she would be the kind of lawyer who stabbed by the customers they get defended, and when Chan-soo she's pretty enough proposes an actress to be, Dal-po again asking Chimes how she would get through scenes in which she died.
in-ha imagines itself as having to play the heroine in a melodrama in which the hero her lifeless body transmits through a field. But of course it is through each individual take hiccups until the director has a total meltdown. She sighs and deletes "actress" to. Chan-soo encouraged that there will be many professional future for them to choose from, while Dal-po tells her that she would not employable basically.
Your teacher tells the class that their school is a sending students to find a show TV quiz, and they are all a trivia test, participants take. After school Chan-soo In-ha shows the bicycle bell it is installed for them, and hems and rosehip before that blurting when he goes to this quiz show, he will admit that he loves her.
she is frightened and begins to answer him, but Chan-soo covers his ears and tells her he did not say it, but so can they do not answer. Ha, that's adorable. He hurries away, and it is so flat that it does not observe Dal-po from afar not noticed.
In-ha in conversation with her mother in voice-over (we do not know if this is something she says actually mom or thinks just), and says that she now her first confession of a get boys. But she thought it would feel different-flatter not strange as this.
That night, Dal-po finds her head against the wall, representing their thinking, if she has a problem.
elsewhere takes Hyung a short break along its route water delivery when he sees Papas poster wanted pinned on a bulletin board. He asks what the date is today (it's short five years ago at the time of the fire), ripping the wanted poster down.
Everyone in the class has a trivia quiz, and Chan-soo beats In-ha by just a few points. But the real surprise is Dal-po, who decided at the last minute to break his all-Bbang strips and scores 100. The whole class the results to find out wobbles, and Chan-soo is twice emptied because he only his large has lost confession moment.
feeling vindictive, Chan-soo begins to spread the rumor that Dal-po cheated on his test and even stole the original to do so. He has not the flames either much to do to feel, because the others are quick to jump to the worst conclusions about Dal-po.
He takes the mockery in transition, not much care if they whisper a cheater or a gangster or a psychopath to have. it is that is, in order, until a guy says he heard that Dal-po father was a criminal to. It strikes a nerve and Dal-po snaps.
he bangs the other child against the wall and growls him to go and say it again, and he will tear him to pieces. This only confirms the worst suspicions "children about him, and the teacher refuses Dal-po believing decided with already that he is a liar and a cheat.
He closes his eyes with In-ha, while the teacher scolds him in the hallway, and the minute she turns his gaze, she begins to uncontrollably hiccups. It takes days, and by the time Chan-soo is on the TV show quiz the first round win to become the new champion, in-ha still hiccups.
the MC asks Chan-soo, what it feels like to win, and that's when he in camera shows and says, "Choi in-ha, I like you very much!" the whole class to accept songs with her his confession, but in-ha only sighs and looks over at Dal-po empty desk with a long face [
she hangs upside down in her room again that night, and told her mother (by SMS) that she has been hiccups for days and it is a new record. She knows what to stop it, has to do, but does not have the courage to do it, and wonders if anyone has ever died of hiccups before. She decides to hell with him, and chooses survival over pride.
At school the next day, Dal-po is the office called an excuse for fraud to write, and he wonders why he for one thing he did not apologize when they are just rumors. The teacher tells him to prove the rumors wrong then, and Dal-po flashes back to reporters surrounded the same exacting and Hyung answer then: "Why must I be the one to prove it?"
Dal-po's words now repeated, and the teacher responded exactly as the reporter did: the room looks Dal-po to "Because you issue the the rumors. " and sees a female teacher standing near, and tells them, he goes on foot from here and spread the rumor that he saw the two of them having an affair.
The teacher begins to stutter, and Dal-po tells him to go ahead and prove the rumor wrong. Teacher asks immediately defensive why he was the one, it should be to prove, and Dal-po makes his point nicely: is He pushes the letter of apology over and tells him to write one, and "Since you are the subject of the rumor." out. Of course, if outside, Dal-po begins to fear that he went overboard and shouting in frustration.
Meanwhile, In-ha the nerve treatment was to do "it", whatever it is that they will stop incessant hiccups. Dal-po is in the hallway outside her classroom just in time to see how they fill their cheeks with water and spray it all over Chan-soo congratulatory cake.
The whole class comes to a standstill, and to discover in-ha-rays that they have stopped hiccups. She tells Chan-soo, she sad, but she can not accept his confession, and said, apologizing to all children Dal-po to accuse him, if anything they have to go on a rumor. Aw were hiccups you because you did not jump to his defense all the time? That is so sweet.
Chan-soo to prove it says, so they countered that, when it does, it has its quiz show divided profits in half with Dal-po. Chan-soo agrees, but wants to add a condition, if they can not prove it. He looks for an idea, and comes with the thing that Dal-po always says. "If I'm right, I get to hit you ten times" (that's what Dad always say earlier, and the thing Dal- po again says Chan-soo on the quiz show.)
Dal-po growls and in-ha starts to get nervous, but before he can intervene, they stated that the bet on. Chan-soo warns them that he just not going to play nice because she's a girl, and when he throws a basketball past her, it is that they do not have fear, and hiccups to a round of laughter from her classmates ,
it stems from, humiliated, and Dal-po can be found on the stairs, wondering if they get really beaten. She decides she just the hits then, and Dal-po she observes with a smile, not to let his presence known.
After school, Dal-po sees Chan -Soo give In-ha bike a little kick, and noticed the creaky old bicycle brakes fall apart. He stops in-ha on the way out, but it starts in a defensive statement about how she did not defend him, because they had to do it, it wanted them to stop hiccups.
you do not let him get a word, and tells him not fail, and she really had no choice really. He asks what he would get me wrong about the situation, and she says only: "Do I have to say it aloud"
He gives up and sends them on his way to find out that, when it has eyeballs, they will see that their brakes are defective. Of course, she gets on the wheel and drives away without a second thought, and Dal-po is left after they run.
It is not until she rides down the road at a fairly high speed, they are discovered its brakes out, and she begins to panic. Dal-po rides as fast as he can to hunt them, and provides them off before a bridge cutting and tearing them off the bike before it falls down into the gorge goes.
He breaks down, and in-ha to see whines that her knuckles bled, just turn around and realize that he is bleeding from his head, and unconscious. She shakes him repeatedly, but he does not wake up, and when he stirred awake, he rides in an ambulance with a bandage on his head.
He opens his eyes weep to see In-ha, ask the paramedic if her uncle will die. The medic says ironically, that it is really only a little scratch, but you will not be comforted, and laments that it's probably brain damage: "He can not be an idiot, he is already the underdog even though he is a dummy! he will be pathetic! "LOL her melodrama are hysterical.
He eventually to be quiet at their murmurs, and asks her who she is and how many fingers she holds on. When he ignores her, she decides he has amnesia, and he has finally closed her lips to push so that he apologize to the paramedic and can be interpreted as asking.
go home in silence, and Dal-po finally noted In-ha behind him, limping because of her ankle. He turns around and leans down to give a piggyback ride, and transmits them to the rest of the way.
On the boat ride back to their island, Dal-po takes his bandaged head off because he does not want to scare Grandpa, and says In-ha just to say, Dad, that she rides her ankle hurt her bike, and no more.
he asks for a bandaid on his forehead, and as she helps him put it, he does not try to look at them. In-ha confirmed that test score Dal-po his skills really matured and realizes that it means that he played all the time in silence. She asks why, and he says that her real uncle was silent.
You can not believe that he pretended, just stupid to keep his grandfather before the collapse, and then now wonders why what he made breaking the act? He does not answer, but does not tell her why, suggested to worry because there is no way that happens. She steals a peek at him and smiles.
The next day, Dal-po kneels to say that, unfortunately, it is their lot before his piggy bank split in life to her stomach by the Master, which they and grimaces before taking to cut with a knife open feeds. Hee.
He tells Dad that he tonight spends the night at a friend's house, and In-ha wonders what's up to it, because he has no friends. She sniffs in his room and found nothing wrong (ha, his report card is really zeros everything) until it finds an academic book under the hiding of comics that falls to her eye.
She wonders what he is doing something like this to read, and goes to the library, where he borrowed it. Do flips in the library with a book by the by, only to find out that Dal-po has each checked out of them at one point or another.
you start to collect the library card (I'm cringing for the librarian to replace those who have), amazed that he is to read every volume in there. You begin the tedious process all library cards and reproductions of posters to prove that Dal-po justifiably earned its top marks.
Dal-po has gone meanwhile to Seoul broadcast station YGN where he takes the main test for the TV quiz show try. We already know he is elected Chan-soo to his opponent, and he leads their speed-quiz. All children in her class are surprised and even in-ha father sees the program on TV while shopping at the market.
There comes time for the last question, could win where either of the boys. Chan-soo jumps first answer, but knows only one of a four-part answer, and if Dal-po's turn, he the other three names intentionally and pretends to know not the last. Everyone can watch say that he is doing it to mess with Chan-soo, who has no choice but to make the question correctly and win, but feel all defeated equal.
Everyone in the class is to jump fast ship and now believe in Dal-po and In-ha looks at her classmates with a smile how found it in this Dal-po decreases, the best way to prove, after all, and them from beat to rescue the rumors wrong.
It radiates and declared it the coolest thing ever, and when her boyfriend asks her if she talks about Dal-po, it clarifies that it the power of broadcast TV-in means one stroke, Dal-po proved observe anyone know what the truth really was. Uh-oh, I'm pretty sure that this is wanted from this the last thing to have come Dal-po. She takes her form and fills in the future career goal in ink and stated that they never ever change this their opinion.
Dad calls Opa, to ensure that he was not watching TV today, knowing only now why Dal-po had asked Grandpa busy on that day hold. But what they do not know is that Grandpa In-ha discovered poster detailing why Dal-po is smart and deserve that full marks all on its own merit. Oh no. Gramps can not die too! Do not do it, show.
The PDs of quiz show program complete the final paperwork with Dal-po and Chan-soo and Dal-po does not seem to recognize Reporter Gyo-dong who is now a PD. Gyo-dong asks why Dal-po the game threw when he could have won, and Dal-po tries to play dumb, but Gyo-dong tells him that broadcast TV is not any joke.
Dal-po answer holds the elevator door open long enough, and his tone is dark, as he says he does not consider it a joke: "Broadcast TV is the thing that a person with only one word to kill. How could I believe, dare, be it as a joke? "
he says he does not answer the last question, because if he had, it would mean that he in a foot of station to step back has-a place where people arm themselves with microphones and cameras, and repeat rumors based on hunches. He screams that it is disgusting to breathe the same air as those people, and that is why he would rather die than return to this place. He lets go of the door and the elevator heads without him.
Dal-po outbreak leaves Gyo-dong in a daze, his thoughts naturally drift back to this cliff on the day they discovered Mom shoe farewell letter and Little Dal- po. Hyung had scolded, every last one of the reporters to blame: "! You killed them, you killed my brother and my mother" Chan-soo begins to apologize for Dal-po, but Gyo-dong, he says is correct.
In-ha gasps when it comes to find a her Dal-PO Smartypants placed poster on her desk back home, and hurries on Opa check. He seems completely fine though, and takes her lie that Dal-po home from home come tonight his friend, although they must suppress their hiccups. Grandpa says it's looks like rain, and worried that Dal-po did not take an umbrella.
The bus ride home from Seoul is an embarrassing one for the boys, and finally Dal-po says Chan-soo to say what he thinks instead looks like a boy stealing with a crush. Chan-soo says he only ask three things: Did he pretend to be as this time stupid things? Yes. Why all of a sudden he break his all-Bbang strips? To go on the quiz show.
Chan-soo is not scored, and asks if he really at the station much that hates going. Dal-po confirmed that he does. So if Chan-soo asks why he had to do the quiz show then, Dal-po says he already made his three questions and does not answer.
The clouds roll in as predicted Opa, and In-ha looks umbrella Dal-po is still hanging on the hook. She shakes her thoughts out of your head and says he deserves only raining on, hiccups. I love that she can not even themselves are associated with this condition.
Dal-po gets to the bus stop in the pouring rain, wondering if he freeze 'll come home to try death. But when the cars and coaches admit he sees In-ha asleep, waiting for him. A smile creeps across his face, and we go back to the two weeks when it all began ...
When Chan-soo offered first his bike and In-ha held his hands in gratitude, Dal-po bristled, but turned out to be asleep. And then he heard Chan-soo not-a-confession, and when it came to take the test, he could not help himself.
He thinks back to In-ha question on the boat: Why did he now show his brain, all of a sudden? Back in the present, he says aloud although no one can be heard around him: Awwww
In-ha wakes and waves "Because I like you.". him, and comes out in the rain running, to find only broken her umbrella. He chuckles and disappears, then reappears suddenly with two huge pylons, which he sticks on the head.
He takes the other and they wear as hats, which is rather impractical, but so sweet. She tells him not to misunderstand, because they come Opa forced. He points out that it has hiccups, and it is again, that it is because it is cold.
you stop to ask what it is, he wanted to say, but again cut to the quiz show, when he sent directly addressed. He is looking for something to say, and comes with ". If I win, it does not get my bike from now on" She wonders what he means: "You're not ... maybe ..."
they stand in the rain staring at each other, and Dal-po said: "When I look back on it now, that the . is the moment I should have left it was a feeling I should not have kept in my heart, and a person who I had not met "an insert in the form of in-ha desk reveals what she wrote as her dream job: ". radio reporter. basic :. Because I can not lie"
Back in the city, we see Hyung outside their former neighbor's house-the man with Pinocchio syndrome skulking, who reported that he saw Dad after the fire. He tells addressing her father that today runs the statute of limitations on his case.
he hates true people that this has done to them, but even if it to do anything they were saying about him, he would that prefer because it were alive Dad would mean for him and could come back. He clings Papas wanted poster in the rain and shouting: ". I miss you, Father"
And now, five years after the fire, the rain washed a pile of dirt off the skeletal remains of an apparent last fireman. (I do not know all the way to do this when he was clearly in the center of the explosion, but the point is that he died on that day, no doubt. What Dad)
Dal-po (voiceover): ". Before these feelings was bigger than I could still turn things around, I should have"
Back at the bus stop when they hesitates in-ha, Dal-po asks if she will own jumping to conclusions her. He says, in any case, he did not win, so they simply do not ride holding his bicycle, and says they not to misunderstand. She gets all huffy and it consists on like nothing happened! * Hiccup *
hides from embarrassment in their cones, and he smiles as he watches over her flail. He said: "I thought that the pounding would calm in my heart by the time, and that once it did, I could leave but that was a childish misunderstanding, and an apology to her side to stay.."
Lee Jong seok is never better than when he works with this production team, and I'm so happy, Dr . Whozit erase from my memory. The downside is that if he is to make his voiceovers, I Park Su-ha (be I hear your voice characters) to hear, and that is a connection, to shake hard. There is a positive association, but it is also very familiar, and I think the writer is going to have to stretch a little Dal-po to distinguish. I do not think his character confusingly to be similar, but when he talks, there is something inherently Su-ha-esque about the inner monologue. Maybe it's just one thing that over time?
will fade the high school history, where I feel the first feeling of connectedness with the characters, and I begrudging In-ha honor'm loving. I think it's nice that forcing them to her makes Pinocchio syndrome responsible for Dal-po, get up when he was wronged when really, it is their internal barometer of right and wrong, which, if it determines hiccup. Because it is not a condition, the absolute-if they believe on relying one thing to the bone, it is truth, and if she does not, then it is a lie. The fact that it considers mockery of her classmates Dal-po a sign of their good character in two is defend way that she finds it wrong in the first place, and that they then speaks bravely for what she believes. While I agree that it would probably stabbed by a customer at the end could be a public defender to be not yet so terrible career choice for them. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});
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