Recap And Reviews Kdrama Misaeng: Episode 7

Recap and reviews korean drama Misaeng: Episode 7 -

We get an insight into the dark and discouraging side to work in an office. It is a hard lesson to be learned in the workplace: Sometimes, hard work is not enough. Limitations are set by the hierarchy of the workplace and how much power you exert. And even if the hard work is not recognized, you have got in the next day at the same time to watch, ready for a whole new set of demons.


When Geu-rae Hiking in the break room, he hears loud scolding from the next room. He peeks over Young-yi is shouted by her older employees, for the assessment of its report to see Ha Sung-joon. She replies calmly to his roar, but he is so worked up in his anger, that he throws the papers in her face, leaving a paper cut on the cheek.

They answered again, while their attitude maintained that they mad employees encouraged to grab a book and ... a smile boss Oh interrupts the conversation just in time to say Sung-joon that Chief Jung for him examined. Once he goes, boss Oh and Geu-rae papers pick (with a little tug-of-war) for Young-yi, who takes it and leaves. Chef Young and Sung-joon glare on the duo of Sales Team 3, as they walk past, but boss Oh continues with a forced smile on his face, Geu-rae face turned away from them.

Sales Team 3 holds a meeting to decide their new sales project. Dong-Shik recommends that it gravitates the safer route with grade-A product, but boss Oh choose towards riskier class-B a. Geu-rae analyzed noticing his decision-making process that he to imitate the movements of a baduk player that rolls two stones between his fingers, while a hidden stone keep. He is certain that boss Oh has a hidden card somewhere in this deal, but can not Dong-Shik of seem to analyze expression as they go forward with the grade B point to decide.

boss Oh trying to convince his manager of that will bring the oil deal Iran in more profits, even if the rare earth element China is much more stable. He gets a temporary license, but it is to get it passed by the financial and risk analysis teams.

Dong-Shik explained Geu-rae to choose more difficult projects the boss Oh liable because he believes that someone else may the lighter finish. He brings his passionate and sporting side, but Dong-Shik wishes that he would certainly sometimes play it, especially with so many people willing to see him fall.

Sung-joon rejected all proposals from the financial spin Committee at Young-yi, to tell her to do their best to fix it and get it approved. He adds that if it is good enough, they could be included in their next business. When he heard this, she gets right to work

Geu-rae overhears a conversation between Sung-joon and his colleagues talk about how it will be impossible to obtain the approval of the Finance Committee -. All Young-yi work be for nothing is. He deliberately did not give her the feedback from the Finance Committee to put her on even more of a disadvantage.

boss Oh intercepts Geu-rae of hardworking Young-yi stares and warns him not to intervene. "If you want someone to protect, you need to have the ability to put first. There is no greater annoyance than without the skills to help in between."

Geu-rae then asks about the Finance Committee and Chief Oh explains that the difficulty mainly due to the meticulous and tenacious Manager. "Even if you have a good record, you will not be easy to get past her. You have prepared thoroughly, to confront them with your suggestion, or leave else smashed to pieces. But I find their work surprisingly sexy ethics"

Cue :. Seok-yul walking down the hall with his pervert radar on high alert. He follows a woman with an attractive figure in the hallway and taps on her shoulder, just to get an unexpected face of ajumma. His broad smile quickly turns into a frown, and he said later that they have the financial manager, known to look like a traditional mask, but a reasonable and open person.

As usual Baek-ki has little to do, and his frustrations are at their breaking point when Geu-rae taking orders from his superiors, Kang hemodialysis joon. Baek-ki has faced not do it and asks why he has to be treated in this way. Hae-joon finds that Baek-ki likes attention and answered his question, saying that he does not believe that Baek-ki complete nor trained. Baek-ki perseverance finally wins him a task, but he is disappointed when he sees that there is a simple Excel Job.

He stands up for some air to go and met with Young-yi. Outside, she gives him the rejected proposals of the resource team and asks if he has seen them before. It recognizes the proposals on carbon dioxide emissions and are on his view, why it was given this task. He advises to give up and ask for help, as that is what is probably the resource team wants from her. But he noted that they should be placed in a not and tells her that the proposals of financial managers were rejected, so it is to get their best bet this through.

Young-yi noted that the clouds roll and wonders aloud whether it would be only a temporary rain. After a moment of silence, takes Baek-ki this opportunity to ask them to get drinks after work. It is a little surprised, but Baek-ki it clears a casual drink after work between colleagues to be.

Sales Team 3 is busy at work, come with calls in one after another. Geu-rae number of work-related calls is interrupted by a call to Seok-yul, who suggested that they go for drinks. He strolls in their work area, but is completely ignored. Not to be intimidated by a the unfriendly welcome, Seok-yul asks Chef Oh for permission for drinks with their internal class Geu-rae to take out. Chef Oh agrees surprising as Seok-yul his round of calls to Baek-ki on.

Baek-ki initially rejects Seok-yul the offer, but the couples end in the same restaurant on, initiate their first group binding. Seok-yul prepares expertly drinks as he talks about how Young-yi should have come to him for advice. Geu-rae suggests that they directly but Baek-ki agree not speak to the finance manager.

speak from experience, Seok-yul says that it is difficult to approach the financial manager because their front and back of the bill (literally) very different, but he admits that his superior him said that it is an open and reasonable person. Baek-ki interjects and spurned Geu-rae for not established the formalities in the corporate world to understand.

After thinking Young-yi decides only for him to go and approach the finance manager directly. She shrugs optimistic, and the three of them, to drink its decision without Baek-ki.

But when Young-yi of the financial manager approaches, she is told to leave immediately. Keep a smile on her face, the finance manager tells her that it is not appropriate, not to respect the hierarchy within the company and come directly to her.

Back at her desk, cringes Young-yi in the comments and disapproving looks of her team. To top it off, she gets a "I have told you" message from Baek-ki. Not one to back away, she sends the financial manager to excuse a message and to explain their situation, which granted her permission to come to her office. There is Young-yi the task of analyzing the resource team proposal and re-submit a written report by the next morning.


While everyone else is still busy at work, Baek-ki gets ready to leave. He follows Young-yi in the break room and expresses his embarrassment about school-leavers work while others all nighters they wait. It is also for her paper cut their ointment, knowing that they do not have the time to get it to look after itself. AWW.

Both Young-yi and Geu-rae are in the same boat, with workloads they need to stay overnight at the work. Young-yi eats her instant ramen, washes, puts on the ointment, and get back to work. The two flip eagerly through papers all night until Young-yi suggests that they take a break.

On the roof Geu-rae apologizes for his inexperienced advice for their problems to give, but Young-yi remains optimistic, saying that they give it , needed a shot for something to happen. She wonders how Chief Oh is planning on getting approved his proposal, and Geu-rae tells her that he will be just stubborn. "He will keep by the question from the perspective of the other person who tries and to make things work. This is one of the chief Oh unique strengths." On

Young-yi can sit this comment and stares Geu-rae. Then she says to him: "I think your team is really good." Geu-rae smiles appreciatively. Back at her desk, they Geu-rae comment on boss Oh determination remembers things work and includes their night work.

The next morning, Young-yi apologizes to the finance manager, since the attempt to see the proposal by the finance department of perspective to it his fault saw. She tells her that she could not fix the problem, but they have some evidence - that sentences could be interpreted differently by the various departments and most importantly, that a mechanism exists to carry out a financial budget. "Next time, if my proposal is rejected, I'll think about what I could do, the Finance Committee to consider requests instead about being just what I did wrong."

The financial manager is satisfied with their response and tells her that she would not be completed for a report they think of an appropriate punishment. Before leaving Young-yi, asks the manager what they studied - and foreign policy - and recommends that they soon finish learning accounting, as it is the language of administration and business. She is visibly impressed.

Baek-ki rotates in its Excel spreadsheet on request, but he scolded immediately for incompleteness. He did not follow the basic structure is necessary, it is said that if he wants to work for another company that uses its version of the data processing, it can go whenever he wants. Uff.

Geu-rae and Dong-Shik are on a tight schedule of meetings, so they are forced to quickly scan their proposal without sufficient attention. If Geu-rae comes back in the office for a meeting with the manager, boss Oh do not have time to check the files prior to the meeting, and assumes that everything will be fine. But Geu-rae stops him and recommended that he look through the files to see if he has any small doubts about him. Chef Oh takes his advice and pushes the meeting one last look to take back.

see nothing wrong, and Geu-rae apologizes for wasting time. But boss Oh appreciates his caution and tells him that the most dangerous aspect of the business to be rash. Dong-Shik comes just in time for the meeting, but just before they head off Geu-rae receives a call from an Iranian correspondents who reported an embargo -. A critical impact on its proposal

At the meeting, the proposal of the team not considered because of the embargo, and finished, but boss Oh argues that it is still possible. Thinking on his feet, he notes that they can run the business through Turkey, where they have a long history of successful business. The risk analysis manager nods in agreement, and the manager is ultimately their consent.

The team then goes for drinks as they wait for the final approval, and Chief Oh concerned noticed face of Dong-Shik. He is concerned about the other class-A project in China, which was established basically by their manager, but boss Oh do not seem to be worried. He ordered pork and sets a mini-ritual, in order to provide happiness for this business project. His phone rings, and as feared, flatly rejected its proposal. Dong-Shik packs the retrieved documents before boss Oh can throw them and they are Geu-rae for storage.

boss Oh come thoroughly home drunk, and Geu-rae sits quietly in his room thinking about how his boss takes this impact. Looking through his boss notes and newspaper clippings on the Iranian oil imports, Geu-rae wonders if boss Oh felt the same way he did when he collected notes and newspaper Parts baduk.

The next morning at work, everything is back in order, and the project is China sales in full swing under boss Oh. Geu-rae take a moment to appreciate his new box under his desk that marks Chief Oh hold on the failed project. He hopes to learn more about how the box fills

At its meeting for the new project, Dong-Shik hints on how the economic situation in China has changed since the preparation of this proposal -. China has significantly increased its shares for exporters. Chef Oh, reported the discrepancies and risks associated with the project, namely, as will be little profit, but the manager personally takes his criticism. He thinks Chief Oh is because his proposal was rejected Iran.

boss Oh are in and decides to go ahead with the China project. Dong-Shik argues that the situation has changed dramatically since all reports the end of the Chinese Super Cycle show, but boss Oh, knows that he has to stick with this project. She was given by her manager, and his name is associated with it. So the team decides to take responsibility and deal with this case in the interests of their sales manager.

While Chef Oh and Dong-Shik go on their breaks, Geu-rae continue to work with new motivation. The sales manager falls through, and after reading through the actual conditions of China's economic state, he calls boss Oh, to discuss the situation. Not willing to take the blame, he commands boss Oh, to remove its name to the report and tells him the deal, to do his best.

It is clear that the sales manager tried to clean his hands when boss Commented Oh colleague on his incompetence with the business. He was told by the sales manager that boss Oh caused complications by not following directions was.

This is boss Oh new drive, and he says Dong-Shik that they succeed with this business. Dong-Shik and Geu-rae go the components and suppliers of the deal to explore, and she said that illegal exports rather than legal ones, so some risky business.

When she asks for their next stop on, Geu-rae Sales Manager Kim. Dong-Shik describes him as full salaryman: "Without a salary and a promotion, he would be nothing." Geu-rae asks if this is the case for virtually Dong-shik, and he replies saying that he has found nothing else.

Young-yi catches a lift, with Sung-joon leave are met. He calls out for blocking his way, but fortunately boss Oh it is his signature execute triggering movement. He apologizes disingenuous to Sung-joon and recommends the stairs before the elevator with Young-yi go on the roof.

The attempt to start a casual conversation with Young-yi, head Oh asks where she learned to speak Russian. She says she learned to speak in school, and Chief Oh says he always loved Russia. He begins to speak and passionate singing a Russian film, the Young-yi corrected as Americans. He apologizes for impulsive talk and stick some random facts together. Then she asks about his current problems with the China business and says he to find a solution - it's always darkest right under the lamp base (an idiom which means that we see things in the rule that are right in front of us) ,

This triggers a thought boss Oh, and he runs to continue his thought process. Young-yi thinks back about sticking random things together as Chief Oh comment, and she also rushes with a solution to their problems back to their desks.

Sales Manager Kim asks if Chef Oh has found something, he reported that North Korea may be their source for rare earth exports to supply without problems and Demand. Enough Sales Team 3 back into the game, and a meeting is to obtain Proposal for the approval of their business. Chef Go de Sales Team 2 is concerned that his project can not be selected, so he asks a favor of the Deputy Chief Sales Manager Kim to convince to change his mind.

time for the meeting. The trio of Sales Team 3 strut down the corridors and in Geu-rae first official meeting. He noted how all the company's resources and connections are used, as it takes minutes. After the meeting noted Dong-Shik, deputy head sales manager Kim approaches and offers to buy dinner.

These plagues Dong-Shik, and he says boss Oh, that it is not fair that Sales Team 2 plays dirty. He wants boss Oh received his well-deserved promotion, but boss Oh seems this policy immune. Geu-rae noticed Chef Go de Sales Team 2 to its workers shout and thinks back to Dong-Shik revelation of the life of a salaryman. "There is no life that is easy."

Baek-ki its revised spreadsheet on Hae-joon desk sets, and he takes a look at his work. It is close to perfection, and Seok-yul sneaks from behind to recognize this fact. Baek-ki seems annoyed by his presence, but Seok-yul sticks around they go for drinks propose.

Young-yi finished their presentation to the Finance Committee to fix by a way of finding resources in Russia, and Sung-joon noted the document during their brief holiday , He sees through them, angry that they this actually deducted. It is good enough for them to take to the Finance Committee in its forthcoming proposal.

When Young-yi returns, it finds the proposal on the desk of her boss. She is visibly relieved and happy with this, and Geu-rae is asking after her if everything turned out well.

Sales Manager Kim refuses to reconsider Chef Go take incessant requests its projects and calls boss Oh for dinner. Sales Team 3 arrives, and they are told the final decision: Sales Team 2 deal first, and then Sales Team 3. Dong-Shik and Chief Oh swallow their disappointment as they provide to the overly enthusiastic chef go.

The manager opens the door to her room after dinner a few votes to recognize and welcomes its employees. He noticed the folder containing the rare earth elements business proposal, and told the sales teams that this project has already been adopted by the resource team. He seems to be a confirmation of Manager Ma force, and he says sales manager Kim that the resource team will take (steal) this project.

He adds that the sales teams should look for projects at their level instead look elsewhere. He says he'll pay for dinner and goes with the resource team. Sales Manager Kim frozen in place and leaves in frustration. Sales Team 3 is left to have dinner together in silence.

Geu-rae:... "We have to say a word without We were overwhelmed by hunger and needed to fill this gap, it was the day when I found out why it was necessary to be drunk, it does me to suffering in this situation to be a useless Newcomer for. "a tear falls, and Geu-rae it steals away quickly.

We get a quick look at Seok-yul and Baek-ki of beverage, past this finally out. Chef Oh walks through the streets, drunk in his grief down. When he comes home, he needs to throw up, but finds it difficult to open the door. His wife leaves him in, and he rushes to the bathroom to empty his system.

His wife complains that he always comes back drunk from work, and he asks her if she knows the real taste of alcohol. She storms in frustration, and then he turns to us: "Did you know all the flavor you have?"


After what you've been through, boss Oh, I probably do not know that taste you speak. This show has put a great job of small bright moments in the dark, but what a depressing episode for our sales team 3. be It was great to get the team together to see, but they only came together briefly by their superiors dismissed , Sometimes is hard work for nothing, and you can see how daunting it is to be a superhero for Geu-rae to see his super salaryman, be put down by forces out of his control. And because I have seen Chef Oh as crazy and disrespectful at the office, it's hard to be so powerless to see him. This is the man who roars regularly and screams his mind, but he has silenced not only by external forces, but also internal factors -. He is more than just a salaryman

The show made an interesting comment on what it means to be a salaryman - that without promotion and a salary, you're nothing. You can see how this holds true for many of the workers in the office, because they would do anything to keep their jobs and to promote. But that is not the case for Chief Oh. He approaches his salaryman life with unnecessary passion, loyalty and sincerity. I do not call it necessary because it does not involve properties that will help you in the business world (Baek-ki would tell you). He is willing to sacrifice, and the various aspects of his pride protect his team to remain faithful to itself, make something happen. If he wants, he knows himself in the other person's shoes for the element of compromise to allow to place , This is something that I have admired next Geu-rae -. That he find compromises without his ethics compromises

Baek-ki is a bit of a different story, though I would not say that he is wrong. He knows how the workplace works, and although he lowered the top, he is usually right. I do not think he is the cruel means of reasons, but he definitely knows how to belittle someone - Geu-rae - silenced. Out of all the newcomers, Baek-ki was the seat of corporate life, as he seemed the savviest in this environment to be. He dreams of that to be a complete salaryman, but he is too wise to be satisfied with only one salary and a promotion. So I find it very refreshing to see his ego of a be checked dismissive think that could take care relative to other newcomers less about his skills - he is still not good enough. I am sure he his lesson learn superior under his hardass, but I wonder what he must do to earn respect among this guy. Baek-ki is a big difference to the rest of the newcomers as he to be near the antagonist of the group, and I love the notes of bromance waiting to happen.

Young-yi is a strong and resilient Superstar. It makes lemonade from lemons, to the one to be adaptable in the workplace. She is not the exuberant nature, but it is still pronounced. She's not afraid to express their opinions and respond to an intimidating team of sexist men. I love that she speaks her mind, during this delicate balance of respect is maintained at the workplace, and you can see how much potential it has. The financial manager knows potential when she sees it. It was great, Sung-Joon smug smile is stolen, look away from his face when Young-yi succeeded with its proposal and I am sure it will get a lot more of it. You go, girl.

with boss Oh Their relationship is somewhat similar, with him to Geu-rae relationship, which makes sense, given how similar Young-yi and Geu-rae are. They both have backbones, but could definitely use a few pointers to less trampled. I love how Chef Oh serves as mentor / Yoda Figure / Super salaryman for both to save Swooping in the day. He has to look after his children this, so hopefully he is not working, to be to his own hard kryptonite.

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tags: functions, the Shi-wan Kang Haneul, Kang So-ra, Lee Sung-min, Misaeng

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