Recap And Reviews Kdrama Plus Nine Boys: Episode 7

Recap and reviews korean drama Plus Nine Boys: Episode 7 -

There is a dedicated episode for changing seasons. The Autumn Blues beat our amorous boy quite hard, and they are trying to mend their toughest their broken hearts by the encounter with the other girls to throw themselves headlong into work, or just to roll into a fit of good old fashioned denial , But the change from summer brings a change in attitude, to fall with him, and for some of our guys, it can be the start of something big be.


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Track 7: "September 19"

are as we remembered our boys recent heartbreak, Jin-gu told that this unusually hot and stuffy summer was particularly hard on them he catches us in the last few weeks to a few changes in .:

Dong-gu difficult to study acting work, but he keeps getting cast in bit parts with little to no speaking lines background animal, a ghost, a slave in a sageuk (arrive min-joon, the nobleman's son). min-gu just seems to have his head on Judo and College, because lately he has just trained nonstop and even to eat vegetables.

"... and Uncle Kwang-soo ... has become strange." he has to go on blind dates agree suddenly to Mamas complete shock and joy and headlong throws in the dating pool. mostly Although, what happens is that it goes on a series of blind dates that exactly the same, he is running things to say, and its data asks if she as Jeon Hyun-moo or Kim Jong-min celebrities, and get disinterested glances. Teehee.

But the icing is that Kwang-soo has even joined a hip-hop dance class with Young-hoon, so it can meet women. The dancing, it calls for a minimum of two my word rewinds-take for them.

And as for Jin-gu, he says that things back to normal for him and Se-young, officially at least in a continuous, outwardly capacity. They are to be friendly workmates again, and he's back on his own desire. Jin-gu: "Our pass suffocating summer, the fashion, and in the autumn has finally arrived, but on September 19, 2014, a further colossal day approached us ...."

We start on September 18: Kwang-soo goes on another blind date, and at the pretty woman staring aghast toward him sit, just like the former Weather Park Eun-ji ( flowers Opa Investigation Unit ), and she laughs, she looks IST Park Eun-ji. That only makes him even more confused and clumsy than usual, if that is possible, and he tanks the date.

Young-hoon rightly calls him a fool for them not on a second date to ask immediately, but is Kwang- soo so hard on himself that he that someone like her in one would like him ajusshi interest to consider refuses. Young-hoon finds out that he has to go to all these appointments because of his persistent feelings for Da-in, but Kwang-soo denies stubbornly something.

Jin-gu Office, flatter all women when Jae-bum is dressed in work like the boy next door (Pullover Vests instead of black suits) , They all ask if he's dating, and encourage him to be this sunny all the time. Both Jin-gu and Se-young look and smile, and Jin-gu thinks that Jae-Bum also a tough summer.

to Search at their staff meeting, Jae-Bum defended Se Young's idea for a new track, and they start again suspicious coupley. Director Jo is in a good enough mood to approve Jin-gu idea as well, and then tells everyone his Friday night plans for forced delete fun.

Jin-gu and Se Young share an embarrassing moment when they are to come on that day for lunch the first, and he feels Se-Young-wall of ice when he tries it in a to engage conversation. You sit there staring at their phones, and it is only when Jae-Bum and Go-eun arrive that she relaxed again.

Later, Go-eun asks Se -Young if anyone Jin-gu likes, and she pretends not to know. Go-eun ensures that Se-Young not secretly is dating him and seems relieved ... that begins to nag at Se-Young.

Min-gu renounces girl and decides that the only fate he is interested to get now in college. Nevertheless, he sees hopeful when his friends see a girl as Su-ah looks, but it's not her, and he goes back to the last ounce of energy in Judo watering practices.

Jin-gu goes to his bar owner friend, see Han Gu. It is technically not a bar owner more because its chimaek place went out of business (he blames Korea terrible World Cup record, because his bar was adjacent stadium), and he now runs a little Pojangmacha version on the road. Jin-gu sighs that it is perhaps a case of Plus-nines got.

He sees that Go Eun Jin-gu is texting and eggs dating him on it, since it is apparent in him. Jin-gu swears that he is not interested in her that way, but Han Gu tells him to take the path of least resistance, rather than for Se-young of languor.

Kwang-soo comes home that night and is surprised to get a call from his Blind Date Park they Eun-ji calls him oppa and asks him to dinner tomorrow night, and he agrees, half Shock. He hangs up and stammers: "O-ppa"

But he hardly gets out of the car when Mom runs come to him to order him his engine to start. He complains that he is too tired to take them to the market, but then, since-in appears behind her with her daughter in her arms. Mama says that the child is ill, and they need to go to the hospital.

Kwang-soo jumps into the car and accelerate them to the hospital, and when he sees Da-in to get into the crowded emergency room in a panic, he calls in a favor to a doctor he met while producing one of his shows. He carries on and the doctor thinks he's the father of the girl, Kwang-soo has to awkwardly properly.

to bring down her daughter fever, back head home, and Kwang-soo noted crying Da-in in the backseat. He insists to help them up, but when he tried to open his mouth to say something, again, since-in closes it with a formal thanksgiving down. He lingers in the hallway for a long time, as he is about to turn back ... but he does not.

When he comes home, Dong-gu runs his cookie to pass a fortune, and insists that it be and has to open his fortune read like the rest of them did. He cracks open and it is ". It is the good fortune to be with someone on the same frequency as you are"

Jin-gu sighs that she got all the same assets, with the exception of Dong- gu, the one has said that he is a man who shines. Mom thinks it's a good sign for its fashion CF tomorrow and Dong-gu exerts its model represents.

In the morning of September 19, Jin-gu said that he does not know whether it is good or not, but a very big day for each of them began. As he waits for the elevator, Kwang-soo primps nervous when he sees that she Da-in moves an attack on the ground. He looks up expectantly as the doors open, but it is not their day.

However, when he gets to the parking garage, someone stops him, calling him oppa. It is one of Da-in old friends, here with porridge for Da-in and her daughter. You will immediately jump to the conclusion that it together again, and not really let him get a word in edge.

But he learns strange things of this friend who sounds really relieved that they're back together. She says that since-in as much cried when she broke and drunk that she would never do.

This friend accused the resolution to Kwang-soo, and asks him to understand the fact that Da-with another man shortly married, sound a lot to make it as rebounds only because they are so over it was broken. The match can be totally spun him around.

Dong-gu goes to his CF shoot, only to find out that he is going a underwear model today. He complains that it is too embarrassing, but mom tells him that Jang Geun-suk and Kim Soo-hyun did, so he can also. This is your argument?

She tells him that he would one day be a big star, like a lie seems at this point, but Dong-gu finally grinds his teeth and gets over his embarrassment to decide that he could just not be a shining star, but he will be one day.

Min-gu does not want to hang out with his friends, and decides to stay late and practice into something more. he goes home lost in the middle of an intersection, as if ready Su-ah it thought seem to stop.

But then, as it is along an overpass on foot, there they come directly to him. Remember, but he promised to stay away from her, and do so, not even to know them ... so forcing it to look straight ahead and keep walking. You can not help but look back on his way, and he does, but they are both out of sight. Min-gu told "I can pry my eyes away easily, but not my heart."

Kwang-soo spends all day in a haze, fixed on what said Da-in friend and what it could mean. Young-hoon takes him app (encouraging less human interaction really what you want to do?) And Kwang-soo, she asks in a new chance to say: "Could it be true" His phone says him, it is, and that it'll come today.

he illustrates the rest of the day nothing else in mind but because-in spending, and I love the way, is: she's the girl in Soju poster when he is at noon, and it is the face of all TV monitors at the station, every corner of his mind filling

Jin-gu. and his staff spend the evening getting dragged by her boss for a mandatory fun. On Noraebang they simply wait until director Jo has its wealth of song and drink, and when he arrives at the table, they send him happy in a taxi. Then the real fun begins. Each player takes the singing, and not miss Go-eun chance they get to flirt with "Troublemaker".

Su-ah leaves her tuition academy that night and constantly scans the road, as if looking for Min-gu. She starts walking home when she discovers a familiar-looking silhouette with a sports bag hidden very noticeable behind a tree.

Min-gu cringes and comes out with a sheepish wave, and she smiles to herself. She asks what he is doing when he said he would never reappear in front of her, and he admits that he did promise that "But honestly, where there is such a thing as fate? I do not like you because they were my destiny, I saw you at the moment but I liked you. "

he says he only said that stuff because he wanted to find reasons to keep them to talk, and asks hesitatingly: "so, whether or not there is the fate, you can not be me only?" Omg why so cute?

Kwang-soo as well steer heads to his date with Park Eun-ji, although he could to the gallows, with the look on his face. He stopped at a red light when he suddenly has an epiphany: "If only for a day, an hour, you crazy ... life could be a blockbuster" He wheel turns and makes a U-turn


Da-in includes the night in their cafe the store, and when the door opens, she takes her staff, is back from the garbage out. But it is frozen in place when she looks in the direction of over door it Kwang-soo, determined need of a conversation, to have this time.

Jin-gu is doing nothing more than stealing the whole evening takes a look at Se-jung, but it does not seem to look at itself in its direction determined. I do not know if it pretends not to hear or forcing them only to do so, but they completely ignored his emo playing IZI "ER" (written above, Gorgeous from the girl Chun-hyang OST, a song about regretting how he is misunderstood for another chance, which he loves, and ask of the).

he asked belt out his heart and then leaves the room, and Go-eun follows him to check if he is dating someone because of the sad love song. It ensures that it is not, and then surprised him with a kiss.

He is so taken aback that he initially can not speak, but you can tell by his reaction that he has to let her down, so she stops him and just says cheerily that he would one day like to come.

Se-young leaves with Jae-bum and wonders where Go-eun ran away, but he says he has already seen with Jin-gu. He throws his coat over Se-young shoulders, despite their reluctance to take it, and when she he asks sang the song before, he admits that he saw read her online profile: "A mystery that can not be solved" , and found that they were of a song lyrics. Agh, he tried so hard and has no idea that they likely wrote about her feelings for Jin-gu. Poor dude.

They tried to interject, but he says he already knows that he is likely to make again unpleasantly her. He says he tries to get over his feelings, but it did not turn out to be so simple. He knows that you do not feel your heart something that can force and that he. An adhesive-in-the-mud kind of guy

She protests that he's a good guy, and he replies: ". I'm going to become an even better person ... to you" Awww. He gives her a little pinch on the cheek to get them to smile, and she does.

When closing voiceovers, Min-gu says: "I did not want to keep looking for reasons." Kwang-soo: "I want to regretting not keep." Jin-gu: "September 19 as follows Our case histories began."


When Kwang-soo not his mouth open in the next thirty seconds (the history of the time) I'll reach in and to shake him. God had you finally his moment of clarity, at least on the issue of confrontation with Da-in head. His inaction began to drive me crazy, but I feel like its trajectory in this episode showed some healthy signs with the world involved. We know that he can not go on until he deals with the trauma, which in its ten's pin him old left Breakup I know that she has not done it, just ask for him, but his courtesy damned you have to wonder, .

He literally seems to think the reason they broke up was because she hated him, while the truth probably is the opposite she loved him more and got hurt, all the way until it snapped just more. But whatever was their reason (or their method of expression frustrating), it is the lack of dimension in his perspective that has kept all the time-he only love or hate him in the dark to see, not the fact, that they might have been more heartbroken, even if the one who was leaving him. I know that he has self-doubt debilitating and scarcely thinks a woman with him a second date would want to let the loss of him as a friend mourn alone, but it's pretty extreme that he never contemplated that Da-in could have called him up to her boyfriend told him so in simple terms.

In any case, I do not think it matters much, the more harm or crying more since the point is only to acknowledge the fact that they hurt each other if he will always get past her wall icy politeness. to be His realization a moment of choice, the difference between his sad life and is the hero of a blockbuster was worth the wait-that a U-turn felt such as 39 years in the making was, and it feels like a big shift, regardless of the outcome that awaits him. There is no guarantee that he will not be heartbroken, but it would be nice to see once in his life behind him for his love, rather than waiting for life to happen to him.

The opposite seems but is nothing like happened for Se-young and Jin-gu, because they are in denial zone settling that is similar to their old friendship outwardly. And while it is frustrating that Se-Young pretends like Jin-gu does not exist, it is so fixed on without looking at him, that it's pretty much on the backfires. I hope along her something is coming soon from that shake like finding out about Go-eun kiss. She thought that perhaps no better of Jin-gu, but at least jealousy would force them to be a little more honest about their feelings.

At the moment I feel even worse for Jae-Bum, because he does not know he's the third wheel, and it holds so much care and detail put into their impressive. Frankly, if I were Se-Young's friend, I'd been promoting Jae-Bum, because he is so sincere and he is wearing his heart on his sleeve. In every practical way, he is the better choice. But of course, their problem is that they want the one guy most illogical and impractical and dangerous thing that could really crush her heart. It is a good thing, there is no lack of love ballads about regretting how to treat an old love. Maybe on one song per episode, he is on his way after all this second chance up to work.

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tags: featured, Kim Young-Kwang, Kyung Su-jin, Oh Jung-se, plus Nine boys

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