Recap And Reviews Kdrama Secret Door: Episode 14

Recap and reviews korean drama Secret Door: Episode 14 -

A new chapter opens, and wowza we are for some dramatic changes in. It is refreshing (and exciting) our greatest players to develop stronger, wiser and smarter people to see a move away from the innocence and idealism mark that they made such heartrending sacrifices. Now, as each time to respond to the trauma of the last episodes had, dunk with new plans and new sharper edge. I like that. I like it very much.


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Sun bursts to stop the torture, too late to save Ji-dam father. he confronts his father with threat of maengui, now that he has been in the possession of the original document, and calls for a halt to the proceedings. Yeongjo's all literally on the pile of corpses he has just killed and leaves without sun sparingly word.

the father-son confrontation continues this evening when Yeongjo laughing bitterly to ask whether it while feeling on the hook to his son to try the nation, is to govern. What more the point, honey missing, would, if you think Sun gladly let you decide, while the doll pull strings.

Sun says he has no intention of pulling this kind of dirty tactics, and then the maengui draws. Yeongjo eyes shocked expand ... and then expand even more when the sun goes very aware ... the burner near ...

What! I repeat, what? Are you crazy, or is this a Fakeout? Tell me this is a Fakeout. You have the real maengui somewhere, and this is just a duplicate, is not it? You can not burn!

father and son see burn the document, and then explains Sun: "Father, you are my political opponent now." It's pretty amazing how quickly shifts Yeongjo front stoop in fear and disbelief to Align and confidently puffing. He scoffs that Sun have not burned the document, if he wants to take him.

Sun says that he wanted, which was the political battle, not the war, because to end this war, it needs to receive as many or more life than his father in charge: "Instead of policies that kills ., I want to engage in politics that-not save war but true policy "

Yeongjo chuckles amused and said substantially" over my dead body "- to not be able to live on to guide policy during Yeongjo is. One might think that he would be more careful than the fate to lure so, but maybe he just feel confident that the sun is too weak yet major threat. To his credit, Sun makes back down an inch and just says that while his father has won this round, the policy is all about the turns, so they need to see who comes out on top at the end.

Advisor Chae given a promotion by the king, who gave him his first job, which is personally to deliver the message to the prince that he is deprived of his reign. The king is now sadistic, since it is clear to see that TripAdvisor Chae feels hurt Sun to address this impact. The message has the Prince to restrict its activities with those of princes and to move away from all his duties, actually apply.

Sun does properly as told and falls from Princess Hyegyeong quarters to see his son. It's a nice subtle moment when he greeted his family warmly, though his general mood is oppressed.

Yeongjo his full court to announce gathered that he direct rule is in this time of trouble and turmoil is resumed. He explains that he would a compassionate approach to the rebels, scaling their sentences back in order to spare their lives. But the court burst into a chorus of protests, because the Norons for Soron traitors exist at death.

Yeongjo looks taken aback at the violence of the pushback and meets with former Prime Minister Kim Taek to tell him to retire, considering that the Prince burned the maengui. But Kim Taek feels safer than ever, grinning, that the king will not be able to do anything now to do it, because the king effectively their dirty work for them, which has done in cutting down Soron opposition: "And now only the Norons be left. "

Kim Taek congratulates smugly Yeongjo on Norons" to be king, and Yeongjo looks were outmaneuvered a little stunned. I'm a little surprised that he seems so surprised but Yeongjo let his feelings to take him over the line, and the Norons were willing to use it to their advantage.

thus, the commands reissued round out the traitor, dismay Suns. officer min Woo-sub says despairingly, that he wishes had Prince not burned the document, but Sun says that would not have done do results even bloodier. Someone has cut the loop.

This means that the families of the accused are rounded, and Chul-joo works quickly Ji-dam of the city as a boy dressed to smuggle before being caught in the purge. Teachers Park awaits her escape, knocking them on their way out of the city in order ushered to a hiding place temporarily.

Chul-joo connect it implores them on their flight, but Park is quiet to meet his destiny head-on determined. Chul-joo, cheered in righteous indignation, swears that this is not the end of them, and that they come 1 day ago any recompense for what they have done.

teacher asks Park Chul-joo safe and hurries them on to stay when he hears approaching the authorities. Chul-joo and Ji-dam escape lately, while Park is suspended quickly by a swarm of officers. He is punished with banishment, and takes his much stoic.

teachers Park now as something of his life talk about their end to take and send a letter to the king. Yeongjo opens the note to find only two characters written on it: Juk-pa.

Yeongjo flashes back to the day when teachers park him for the first time that the moniker offered his mark for bamboo and flowing water meant to symbolize a country where justice flows like water. Yeongjo also remembers that day when, as crown prince had to advise park with all other officials spurned him he had stayed and left.

Park, the search has been progressively weak and ill, dies while in exile. We hear his last message of supplication to the king in voiceover as he Yeongjo asks to be a good king, and that it is not too late to turn things around. Yeongjo responds to Park's death grieved at first sigh: "I am alone again." But however you twist things as he wants them, he says his officers: "We survived once again." One must not forget what important here: number 1.


Sun hears with sadness of death. in his lap holding his son, he asks with a heavy heart, "I want to be able to endure this pain and win this fight? Could I make this world that is better than it is now I man could be a father? "

And then we opened three years later. (This puts us in 1758 in the 34th year Yeongjo. Sun is now 23)

So now wearing facial hair on display, the weather enjoying outdoors while his faithful guard Min Woo-sub ( poof, he's still around) warns him outside the palace to be seen. On the contrary, Sun wants to get exactly-for news of his trip out to the king.

Yeongjo know is missing from its policy lessons and demands to find angered the Prince, where sun rose. Minister of War Hong runs along the message that the prince has decided to choose his own teacher.

Sun out with Kim Taek, his mood far from the open suspicion and hostility with which he used to look at Kim. Today it is full of flattery and praise, and then makes his overture: He had Kim Taek as its policy to be a teacher. Oh. That is interesting.

There is an unexpected request, but one that Kim Taek intrigue, especially when Sun explains that he would like to challenge the King. Kim points out that the prince might harbor secret designs to stab him, but Sun knows how to hook his interest and says he wants to know everything about how the power of Kim to win and run it ... unless Kim is afraid that he'll teach you to Sun well? He dangles irresistible bait: Kim Taek should teach Sun, and he was able to make Sun the rulers that Norons want.

Yeongjo is alarmed to hear Sun, has the interest Kim Taek of the court and turns with War Minister Hong. But Hong is firmly entrenched with the Norons now and not cringe before the king, noting only that it will get a good idea for Sun on the policy of a master like Kim.

Yeongjo Familiar pool has shrunk (... because he killed them all) to his chamberlain and advisor Chae serving him still loyal, while keeping its distance from the sun Yeongjo notes that the Norons in grown force because the Sorons were cut down, and wonders what his son in this way. Traveller Chae advises the king to take it in stride because he was partially responsible for sending Sun in this way. Yeongjo increased that he robbed Sun his reign because he was going to position itself as a competitor, but Chae Recalls that it is him of the regency in stripping, the Yeongjo Sun actually caused to take him a rival. Is it not ironic.

Kim Taek is surprised to learn that Sun already done his grandson, Kim Moon, under his wing. Hm, sun moves quickly and quietly, and so far his motives are a mystery, which bodes well for him. (I too afraid for his safety when all other can read him like an open book.) So Sun called Kim Taek 'teachers' and heads off with moon collected a whole clique of his young friends-all the sons of prominent Noron has officials.

Kim Taek informed his cronies in the older Noron circle of positive news of Sun's offer. A minister remains cautious accommodate Sun ulterior motives, but Kim Taek is not blind to this possibility, it is easy to be intimidated by him. was crushed with the Sorons, it's time for the Norons against the king from the face, and the prince will be a key player in this fight. In fact, argues Minister of War Hong that if Sun had not come to them, they still have to rely on him. You can use the prince to check the king and thus restore the current account to the level they like it to. With the license weak and doll-like, and the actual power in the hands of the noble class

the young audience the prince amused with alcohol and women in Woon-Shim the gibang that is bursting in the Advisor Chae to call Sun for an audience with the king. He is disapproving and disappointed that it kills me, because he sees the sun, the son has gone astray, wasting his life away in frivolity and lightly gibang parties call lessons in culture and music. Sun is pretty brazen to as his future Noron trailers introduction, not to break his face, his friends its facade, even if Advisor Chae tells him frankly that he is disappointed in him.

to leave

Unsuccessful sun in always the party, Chae says loyal guard Woo-Sub and asks if Sun does this often (he does) and why Woo-sub not stop him (no one can stop Sun).

Meanwhile, Sun apologizes to his buddies to ruin the festive atmosphere, and asks for the newly arrived gisaeng. Woon-Shim stiffened visibly and tried to make excuses about it, but they can not open to stop the door from the spin, revealing ... Ji-dam, which grew all as gisaeng and dressed.

This is Yoon So-hee and joined Yoo-jung in Kim, and while it is obviously a new person to us, Suns reaction informs us that it is immediately recognized as Ji-dam.

he bring with her in private sitting his relief expressed to know that she was safe in all these years, but Ji-dam, which insists that he call gisaeng use, Bingae-is rugged and dead eyes as she faces him, and avoids him looking directly. She tells him that the childish, naive Ji-dam the past died beside her father, and pointedly noted that the old prince has disappeared to-the man who more valued his people Himself. Instead, now he is wasting his time to drink with the elites.

They flatly asks what he wants from her, and says that if it's sex, it will comply. So she begins to undress mechanically, and he keeps them in terror. He apologizes and says that he comes back to leave for the day.

He asks Woon-shim, if it's okay to leave Ji-dam here, and it assumes that it is secure as long as Sun does not let that he knows them. It leaves them with his contact information in case they need ... and then its proud new friend Kim Moon steps to ask Woon-Shim, what they meant about him "let on" about Ji-dam. Sip. It lies to cover it up, but he did not buy it.

When she gibang the, Woo-sub proposes leaving Sun that she might have been honest with Ji-dam about their intentions. But Sun hushed violently to tell him that they do not jeopardize what they have worked so hard to prepare. Well, I'm glad that at least Woo-sub is in the double-sided on the Sun Mission; the guy needs a friend to count on.

Dressed in plain clothes and a big hat, sun drops in on a bookseller subway, from the looks of his latest, to collect them, which has come in only. The seller asks what he means to do with these books and maps which are varied and somewhat dangerous writings that are critical of tyranny. Sun says only he reads to pass the time.

The bookseller reported the exchange to Chul-Joo, who just can tell from the books that they are bought mysterious man is more up than just for fun read how he says. He wonders what he means to do with this information, and speculates that this man planning to something-and that alignment with their own interests ". In order to change the world" That's how great idealism sounds, but in a practical sense, we are talking about a coup.

annoyed that his son ignored his summons, Yeongjo waiting for news from Sun, impatient at his slow return to the palace. So when his dinner is brought to him, explained Yeongjo in a huff that he will go on a fast, refusing all food and medicine.

Hyegyeong is anxious even when Suns extended absence, waiting for him when he comes back, honeyed water prepares him from drink to sober and a toothbrush the smell of alcohol from clear. She is worried that Yeongjo could blow up at Sun to remember his activities, but he seems unconcerned and beyond all used fasting as one of his father's tactics.

It is reminiscent of frequent threats of Yeongjo abdicate falling in line as a way of getting his courtiers, and while anyone can suggest that Yeongjo is not very serious about the hunger strike, they still need the movements go to mollify him. In fact, if Sun visited his father to urge him to break his fast, bringing attitude Yeongjo nothing more than one child to take care of in a tantrum while Sun calms him.

Yeongjo takes issue with Sun Kim Taek approaches to be his teacher, and tells him to give up on this idea, but sun pushes back. He says he wants to learn how to be a good king, as if his motives are completely pure and therefore harmless. Yeongjo asks about his frequent visits gibang and Sun has a ready answer for that as well, saying that he in which he creates a casual atmosphere with his future colleagues can talk, as his father does with his policies.

Yeongjo jump in alarm screws up his mind hearing A-B-C and Z: Plant sun to take over the throne already then? Is he so eager to die for his father?

Sun replied calmly that it will inherit its role as crown prince to the throne, and he is working hard to prepare a wonderful ruler like his father to be. The sarcasm is thick, but he gives it straight, and has Yeongjo in a fit; Sun eyeing a slippery fish, he demands to know his true target, accusing him of a power grab to make, to make his father. Sun says he has no immediate plans engaged in politics, and Yeongjo sends him away in a huff.

Kim Taek Sun ensures that the fast is not serious and heads to the king to speak, in the next. He tells Yeongjo one end of the setting quickly and chides him to force the point, the Prince of devious plots in accusatory. Yeongjo sulking like a child, but Kim Taek know how to bring it around him, and warns that the court officials will refuse to appear on the official meeting tomorrow, if the king does not soften.

It works, mainly because Yeongjo really have his heart not in it anyway, and Sun thanks Kim for as soon his father to change opinion. Meanwhile, the king goes about his son growing cooperation with Kim Taek to care and Norons; their growing power is a danger that they must figure out how to neutralize.

I Traveller Chae ability love to say "I told you so" without rancor, which is why the king did not rage when Chae reminded not with him him that this kind of the king himself is error he should the Noron power base grows have expected when he purged the Sorons. Now with no one left the Norons at bay, that can stop them?

Yeongjo interprets this as Chae said he dug his own grave, but he appreciates openness is the consultant and invites him to share his thoughts on. So Chae said that while he does not agree with many of the king's actions, he has achieved many things. He brings to the king's most important laws that emphasizes Tangpyeong policy, the non-sectarian policy. He would put into practice by the office on the ground of merit rather than party lines appointing and Advisor Chae sees the need to revive this policy again.

He suggests that the surviving Yeongjo Soron bring politicians (which are no longer in office), and Yeongjo considering this over seriously.

Sun special arrangements shall, to ensure that it is not seen when he and Woo-sub show a hidden door in a wall (ah, so which is what the secret door is?), down the stairs in a secret library pointing down.

The library was built two years ago and Sun are wryly credit to the assassin who had tried to assassinate him by fire in his palace. In the reconstruction process, he was able to install this room, and quietly stocking on the shelves.

Woo-Sub-points from the risk he takes on with such dangerous substances, and asks why he work so hard. Sun replies, "Because that is the voice of the people." So if these are dangerous objects, he read the thoughts of men carefully.

Bingae (Ji-dam) slips out of gibang to meet with Chul-joo, not noticing that she has observed is. Well, that's not good. She has bigger worries on her head, however, and is ready to move on to the next step of their as yet not announced plan. Chul-joo reminds them of the dangers, but Bingae says with determination that the Prince to see only reinforced their determination to repay what was done to her many times.

message comes from an alarming disturbance at the border, and each can be heard on the edge of a battle between a fishing boat Joseon and Qing Navy. Qing forces are of the opinion that this is. An act of aggression by the Joseon nation and send envoys to the capital It's an explosive situation and Yeongjo knows the dangers that can be implemented quickly in ... but "A threat is also an opportunity." Ack, I do not like the sounds of that.

So he built his farm and the rails on them to be on a do-nothing government, essentially. Oh, he enjoys the blame all of this on their laziness and ineptitude, and puts in it, as it can lead to the Qing their omissions in the war. He will send out for more helpful Officials bringing the Sorons back to court!

The Norons are stunned, but Yeongjo shoots them down, saying that he does not expect the Sorons to fix the mess, only that he needs their help in light of Norons incompetence. In addition, he wants the prince to have the cause of the Qing envoy handle.

Oy, is it means to contact the Norons with feet and set his son doomed it? Because everyone argues that this matter be dire is to leave the Prince, and Sun's father-in-law warned him privately to refuse the order.

So subpoena Yeongjo sun, and once again asks what he wants from his classes with Kim Taek. Is it really just the policy to learn, or if he is to acquire it as a way, with his Prince reign again? Well, Yeongjo will give him a chance to do just that, and outlines its mission, if he chooses to accept it: convince the Qing envoy, they do not give the slightest pretext to start a war, and do everything well, not Joseon View mar. It is a big challenge, perhaps near impossible, but if he succeeds, will Yeongjo him as Prince Regent reinsertion. If not ... well, prepare for dire consequences. What will he decide?

Sun replies, "I can do it."


Woohoo, have grown these characters and learned a thing or two in the last three years they have not? The drastic change is with Ji-dam / Bingae that you portray a whole new actress's character, and while I will say that the new version was confusing (and maybe bullshit part), I will not bring argue with that. Ji-dam was sweet and earnest and a necessary ally for the equally sweet and serious sun, but oh my god it was frustrating to see how their naivety they made those goals.

Grown-up Ji-dam (which I will call Bingae now) is not much older in years, but this new actress brings with it a much harder, steelier atmosphere and I can see why the compensation required was. Yoon So-hee has that cold bitch face that sells really Bingae bitterness (there something I hated to her before drama about the actress, but good throw it to use its best effect narratively), in a way that I did not Kim could see Yoo, -jung feeding, because it is just too cute.

It's great that they have the worst of Sun (not great , but good for the story!) Believe, because if they will be as the great love of his life presents us, I want to feel some emotion about their tragic romance. A big misunderstanding, which is necessary to effect Sun great plan, is an effective way to keep the fear in transition, and I find myself in the expectation of this novel sitting. Ji-nut scenes were not as interesting to me before, when there was Hyegyeong my attention away from drawing to be as complex and layered, but now I hope Bingae to put back on the map as a source of dramatic conflict.

As for sun, more than anything I'm relieved that he hardened and learned how to hide his thoughts from the outside world, with people as he needs , but give nothing away from his true self. What's great is that he has learned the art of politicizing where you clearly mean one thing but say the opposite, and yet take no problem because they respond to the content of your words, not what you say, or the motivations behind them. Take the fast-scene as an example, where it says it all with such a straight face that, although Yeongjo he is convinced sarcastic or lying beings, he is not protesting when Sun tells him: "But Father, I want to be a good ruler as you are. "

, it is his father who taught him this lesson, and it's all very tragic that these skills will be his father, takedown be used. But it's a nice irony, because I have always thought of Yeongjo as some of his own worst enemy, creating problems in the rush to prevent them. That's not to say that the threats against him were not real and dangerous, but he'd always turn this trick a bad situation worse, and in an attempt to protect themselves from someone attack him, he would indeed go to attack him. It is positive oedipal in the framework; Create the problem looking over your own demise to thwart and bring.

Not that I Sun expected Yeongjo to succeed, and take it, of course (although I can not help the drama, want the history to deny us give some Type Twist) but now you at least get the feeling that the playing field was leveled. Sun goes into battle fully armed for the first time, well, I'll always respect the soldiers who fought wholeheartedly for his cause, no matter the result.

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tags: featured, Han Seok-kyu, Kim Yoo-jung, Lee Je-hoon, Park Eun- am, secret door

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