Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Mind: Episode 4

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Mind: Episode 4 -

It is difficult to say that Young-oh cares about his practice is not a question, but how it works, which is our bad guy to find out and what could have motivated the murders, he sets to amaze with his lack of empathy. Jin-sung is also dedicated to their profession in a similar manner, but we see that determination alone is not enough, a case.

to solve


We work with a different scene from the past to open, where a senior doctor berates Young-oh visited future fiancee min-jae as Young-oh to a patient. The senior doctor takes a swipe at Min-jae modest education, and notes that could do the least it is more seriousness show.

He mutters that this is why he did not accept from the Universities low-tier interns, and embarrassed, Min-jae can only keep his head down. Young-oh says nonchalantly that course doctors should be seriously ... and those of top-tier universities are no exception.

Young-oh Recalls that the history considering the senior doctor Min-jae ordered introduce the wrong tube to start. That seems quite the doctor instructed, while Min-jae tries to keep her laughter back.

Later, when Min-jae is visited with another patient, she asks nervously Young-oh, when he is hungry, commenting that they suuuuper hungry. When he says short, he had mentioned it a chicken restaurant nearby, to tell him that the portions are too big, and it does not have someone to go with her. Note, Note.

Ignoring Min-jae talk about lunch, Young-oh describes the proper way to pat the back of the patient. He grabs her hand to demonstrate, and although Min-jae is startled by their close distance, Young-oh is totally blind to it.

Young-oh asks Min-jae, whether it is really so hungry, and she nods seriously indeed. Young-oh comments, that's great then, because they can now end this large parts chicken itself. He sends them off to eat and says not to worry about the patient her because he'll be here to keep watch.

After lunch, Min-jae angry marches in Young-oh Office. He asks her if she has had her fill unobservantly chicken, and it is not until a chair on him occurs angry that he realizes that she is excited.

On the verge of tears, Min-jae asks if Young-oh her application is rejected at one time, so cold because they graduated from a low-tier university. Confused, Young-oh she asks, at which time it is desired to speak.

Min-jae points unnerved that she asked him to eat chicken with her, and Young is oh confused expression only further disturbs. To think that he plays dumb, Min-jae starts to cry and grabs the toilet paper on his desk to wipe her tears.

you noticed that the toilet paper is lined with careful stitches, and looking around, they can be seen frightened that office everything is lined in Young-Ohs with stitches - from his closet doors, his couches, on his post-it Notes.

Min-jae asks if he be a neurosurgeon enjoys so much, and Young-oh declares that he has the responsibility to save the patient in front of him. For him, the important thing is strong is a patient to maintain vital functions - in this way no one will have a problem with it

to explain that it is not what education regardless Min-jae comes. or what kind of person Young-oh really is, Young-oh indicates that the hospital is the ideal place to hide. Min-jae interpreted as Young-oh tell her to become a skilled doctor and she blinks back tears.

Young-oh moves closer to Min-Jae and cups her face in one hand and wiped away the tears. He tells her softly that when it comes to asking for an appointment, they should look into his eyes to ask - in this way, he would be able to read it.

In the present, Director Kang and his two assistants come to discuss the death of Chief Director Shin Young-oh to office.

Meanwhile, other doctors, the murder as well, and Dr. Hwang are double-checked the history of the discussion: someone a lethal dose of pseudoephedrine Chief Director Shin, prescribed a known diabetic. Another doctor points out that the killer could have asked an employee, and everyone wonders if Young-oh knows who the real killer.

This is exactly what director Kang asks Young-oh, and Young-oh explained that he at the mortality conference area will found the murderer, that nothing went wrong to prove during surgery. Director Kang assured Young-oh, if he's worried about his reputation, will be kept his record clean.

The Joint Commission International or JCI, an international committee come that sets global standards for health care are Hyunsung evaluate next week and director Kang do not want, they listen to this alleged murder. Young-oh concludes that the director Kang afraid that this scandal patients would deter foreign, most of the revenues of the hospital.

Young-oh, noted tried that when they find the killer and show that Hyunsung has a system, unethical doctors of weeding, it'll prove that it is a safe hospital. It guarantees that it hurt any business, but director Kang him only says that scandals are scary; People only remember the initial shock, because the conclusions are enough never interesting.

As director Kang goes through the hospital, he is tripped by a reporter, the information about the death of Chief Director Shin is clearly digging. Director Kang threatens all Hyunsung the ads from the newspaper to withdraw, but the reporter has no fear.

commented that he did not live Hyunsung sponsorship, the reporter refers to the scores of patients on their smartphones, which are hungry for new gossip, and director Kang marched back to Young-oh Office.

Director Kang Young-oh are one week to find out who the murderer is before the JCI out. Many do not want to have the media a field day with this scandal, director Kang would only likely with every deal internally.

in the hospital auditorium, are the other doctors with an aneurysm, to discuss the case of a child. She's Suk-Joo of patients, but it is also the daughter of Dr. KIM YOON-KYUNG, an anesthesiologist at Hyunsung.

Dr. Kim's daughter had previously received heart defects for an operation, and now, the blood clot in her brain is also getting worse. Dr. Kim wants her daughter to have another operation, but the other Hyunsung doctors reject the idea, thinking that it was probably the child die during surgery.

Suddenly Dr. Lee comes into the hall, and confirmed that Young-oh plans on the killer on the mortality conference in curves and declared afterwards that everyone in chief director Shin operation was on some operations may not work until the killer is found. Dr. Lee points out that there will be no successful operations when the staff and surgeons do not trust each other.

In a hospital room with Dr. Kim daughter her mother Suk-Joo asks if it is only to say to give and watch her daughter die, when he her the operation told not possible. She confesses in tears to Suk-Joo, that this be their punishment must - she prayed every day for her daughter a heart to get donors, also the hope that another child accident would save her daughter.

Jin-sung finds Young-oh in the hospital library and asks if he searches for clues that lead him to the Chief Director Shin killer. Young-oh tells her that he has seen many indications - the perpetrator director Shin was close enough to know that he had diabetes, a lethal dose of pseudoephedrine ordered him without arousing suspicion, and wanted to stop him, out that the heart of the motorcyclist was gone

Jin-sung asks Young-oh, when he talks about Suk-Joo, and Young-oh replies that he never said that Suk-Joo was the murderer - , it is there that suspects him. Young-oh recalls Jin-sung that only of them believe both that chief director Shin was murdered, the team of today makes them further.

Jin-sung begins walking away, but Young-oh pulls them back. He stated that they will not be able to find the killer without his help, so they need him evidence, the killer of the mortality conference nail to find.

listening to Young-oh routes, Jin sung checks the security material Suk-Joo retrace the steps to see if he met with chief director Shin that night. Young-oh tells her that it must be a record of someone who is assured a lethal dose of pseudoephedrine, and reminds them that Suk-Joo would not have gotten under his own name.

in the hospital cafeteria, Jin-sung sitting at a table with the surgical staff by director Shin practice down. A flashback shows that Young-oh had asked Jin-sung to ask the staff about Suk-Joo in question to see if anyone had been asked of him, even if it meant that everyone would suspect Suk-Joo , the killer to be. Jin-sung worry, but Young-oh says only to bring her a role. You can be either a lovesick little girl or a policeman, but not both

In the present Jin-sung points out the staff that Suk-Joo both the motorcyclists of Surgery and Director Shin was practice at the scene. It begins for more information on issues, when suddenly a stream of water poured her face so that it dripping wet.

It's Suk-Joo doctor friend, Lee Shi-hyun, who poured the water, and exhorts Jin-sung, do this to Suk Joo when Jin -Sung is so close to him. Shi-hyun asks the other doctors how they would feel if the patient she worked so hard to save them accused of murder.

Jin-Sung defended themselves that it is their job easy to do, but Shi-hyun responds that they should really be doing their job. Shi-hyun tells her that Young-oh the suspect in this case - to her, it seems as if he is trying to shift responsibility for his mistakes during surgery on someone else.

, the doctors gossip about Suk-Joo to be a suspect later and right on cue, Suk-Joo passes. Ignoring the gossip Suk-Joo asks where Young-oh.

Young-oh is currently tells Jin-sung evidence circumstantial and physical collect while he collects medical indications. He plans on inviting Suk-Joo in one place, the place most comfortable Young-oh, and the scene cuts to Suk-Joo and Young-oh look at a CT scan of Dr. Kim's daughter.

Considering that it will be a lot of complications in this operation, Young-oh want Suk-Joo, especially cardiothoracic surgeons work to be with him.

Young-oh meets with Dr. Kim and tells her that he plans her daughter to stop the heart during surgery, so it does not tear. Dr. Kim Young-oh asks to promise her that her daughter will live, but Young-oh simply says that the one who decides the result of this operation, is not he, Dr. Kim.

Later, when Dr. Lee hospital goes through, asks Dr. Kim to be working for him Young-oh. They argued that Young-oh is the only surgeon willing to operate on her daughter. It falls in a hurry on his knees and begs for Dr. Lee to allow the operation to tell him that he can not you do this, and that there's nothing they would just not do now in order to save her daughter.

In order for the operation the green light is given, and each PREPS it. Young-oh spots go his father before the operating room and gives him a small bow in front inside.

Meanwhile, Shi-hyun worry about how Young-oh specifically for Suk-Joo called such a dangerous operation to do with him, and suggested that this might be a trap. Suk-Joo says simply that Dr. Kim's daughter be patient - it does not need another reason for the operation.

As planned, Suk-Joo stops the child's heart and Dr. Kim sets the timer for 30 minutes. Suddenly, Young-oh required to set a new timer four minutes - he can not find the source of the aneurysm, and if they continue like this, rips the heart can.

Young-oh declares that he be the artery clip and start from the beginning. Suk-Joo and the other doctors express some doubts about this plan, but Young-oh only insists that he finish within 4 minutes. Dr. Kim resets the timer and looks on to fear the worst for their child.

The surgical team is thrown into a frenzy, as the seconds disappear and everyone can only hope that Young-oh succeed. left over with 30 seconds Announces Young-oh, he will cut off the artery and Dr. Kim breathed a sigh of relief. Now it is to complete the operation only to Suk-Joo and Shi-hyun.

Outside the operating room, Dr. Kim Young-oh seriously thanks for not giving up on her daughter. He smiles to tell her that the one who really did not give up on her daughter, was Dr. Kim himself.

Suddenly something to remember, Young- oh asks Dr. Kim when Suk-Joo had been the doctor who visited all the time to her daughter treatments. Dr. Kim hesitates a little before he answered yes, and with, young oh goodbye

When Young-oh goes away, he analyzes Dr. Kim reaction -. Your pursed lips forced eye contact and folded hands are all signs of a lie.

as Suk-Joo in the locker room changing, Young-oh noted that he has confirmed his suspicions - Suk-Joo Shin is not director killer. Young-oh clarifies that Dr. Kim's daughter had a lesion that was the same rare disease as the motorcyclist.

Suk-Joo looks Young-oh in alarm, and a grinning Young-oh further and said that the four-minute operation was a test. The fact that Suk-Joo not showing recognize the lesion, that he was not the one who motorcyclist has stolen the heart, and when Suk-Joo not the heart to steal, he would have had no reason have chief director Shin murder.

Displeased, Suk-Joo asks if he fooled everyone in the room operating only for this test, and that the cut has been completed before the four- Young-oh only replies, was, minutes of operation - the child was never in danger, and it is a happy ending for all.

as Suk-Joo stems from, Young-oh noticed that when Suk-Joo had no idea that the patient had not a rare disease that a doctor needs to be large. Suk-Joo in silence stews and Young-oh goes out of the room.

Meanwhile Dr. Kim makes her nervous Towards an area within the hospital and reported someone surgical gloves, which stained with blood Young-oh was very curious about the treatment of her daughter. She tells the person that they do not know how long they can keep the secret for himself and pulls furiously from the surgical gloves before throwing them on the floor.

It turns out that Young-oh Dr. Kim was followed, and as soon as he leaves Dr. Kim the room looks, he sees a man to from walking. The rips his surgical mask, and it was to be his father, Dr. Lee.

While Suk-Joo makes its way to the morgue, Young-oh visited Dr. Shim pathology department and ask them to look at a sample of the motorcyclist of the lesion. He observed the branded accessories and trophies lying around Dr. Shim office and tried to appeal their vanity

He tells her that he does for them -. If it be the one who creates, who discovered the cause behind this lesion, it will be famous. Baited and hooked, agrees Dr. Shim to look into the lesion Young-oh and promises in a day to come to him.

In the research laboratory, a concerned Suk-Joo asks his assistant to confirm that their research is going well. The assistant replies that has been patented by their research, they will probably be the best hospital in the whole of Asia, and Suk-Joo sends the wizard.

Dr. Lee is behind Suk-Joo and asks him what he is really curious. Suk-Joo explains that he is worried because the treatment of subjects is to look good. Dr. Lee says Suk-Joo that this regenerative medicine research of the late chief director Shin life has equal value, and there can be no problems, even if there are problems.

When Young-oh leaves his office, he calls Min-Jae and proposes that they meet formally with his father.

from the hospital Driving, Young-oh running almost Jin-sung, as she jumps in front of his car. She hurries in his car to show him the records of doctors who prescribed pseudoephedrine, and asks him to look at it to see if there is any evidence that Suk-Joo was the one who ordered the fatal dose.

Young, oh asks Jin-sung, whether it has been complied with his orders just to prove that Suk-Joo is the culprit, but Jin-sung tells him with determination that it does this to to prove that Suk-Joo is not guilty. She remembers how the safety material and call records and nothing has Suk-Joo meeting with chief director Shin that night checked.

Jin-sung suggests that Young-oh look at another offender, noting that Suk-Joo a person is too good to do that. Young-oh can only laugh at naivety and tells her that there are only two kinds of people in this world: those who have failed to hide their true selves, and those who are still hiding their true selves.

Young-oh told Jin-sung that he knew from the beginning that Suk-Joo was not the culprit. Jin-sung considered Young-oh and wants to know why he let them, and the entire hospital, thinking that Suk-Joo was the murderer.

Young-oh stated that he he just wanted the murderer off the hook was thinking, but can finish his sentence before Young-oh, Jin-sung raises their papers in his face. Something cuts Young-oh neck, but Jin-sung is completely uninvolved.

asks if he has ever given his whole heart to someone, or if he'll ever accept someone wholeheartedly, and runs out of the car. Your words give Young-oh something to think about as he watched her leave.

Young-oh remembers how, back in the locker room, he had Suk-Joo asked why he did not defend himself against the allegations. Suk-Joo said that if he had, then everyone in the surgery department would be suspect and would be chaos.

Rushing to the hospital to see Suk-Joo Jin-sung stumbles over her words when she excused him for the suspicion. She tells him that he can hate them for the rest of his life, if he wants.

stone-faced, Suk-Joo asks if she thinks he would to keep for the rest of his life, and falls Jin-sung face. Suk-Joo bursts into a little laugh and suggests that they attack go dinner. Jin-sung, however, breaks into tears to see how easy is already forgive her and Suk-Joo comforts her, to tell her it's okay.

suddenly When the family dinner, Young-oh told his father that he and Min -jae plan to marry. Dr. Lee says that it unexpectedly and asks Min-jae, how well they know Young-oh. Min-jae replies that she could probably write a thesis on Young-oh.

Young-oh giggles to hear that, and his father says not to ask such difficult questions. Finally, he says, needs Min-jae be terribly nervous already, when her future father is a respectable and moral doctor like Dr. Lee.

Each still happy to eat, but according to Min-jae apologizes, smiles Dr. Lee immediately falls. He says Young-oh, it's too risky to live with Min-jae, but Young-oh disagrees. He says he do his best to make Min-jae happy for the rest of their lives, and then people will think that it is normal, like his father wants.

Dr. Lee asks Young-oh, if he has made progress in the mortality conference, and Young-oh replies that the case is becoming more and more interesting. Dr. Lee chides him about the death of a person for the mediation "interesting", but Young-oh asks him what exactly as big and powerful over death.

For Young-oh, death is like losing - treacherous doctors lose illness to lose the elderly to old age, and people like Chief Director Shin lose friends. Young-oh recalls Dr. Lee from his own words that doctors should dedicate their lives to save as many lives as possible. Young-oh wonders if Dr. Lee has changed his outlook, but notes that he wants to follow these words.

Young-oh tells his father that he was going to catch in any case the person corrupt poison his operating room dared Chief Director Shin, and gets up to leave. As Young-oh goes away, he calls the hospital and asks mortality conference to move on tomorrow.

All doctors get the message that the mortality conference was postponed, including Dr. Lee. The camera pans Watch importance to his brown leather down.

The next morning, Dr. Shim says Young-oh, that they could not determine what caused the lesion, and he noticed that her body language shows that she's lying , Young-oh she recalled that both the motorcyclist and Chief Director Shin died because they found out the truth about the lesion. Knowing that Dr. Shim the cause of the lesion found it, he warns that it will be next if they do not announce the truth on mortality conference. has

heard that the mortality conference today, finds Jin -Sung Young-oh and demanded that he hand over all its evidence to her. She is determined to arrest the killers. She asks him, even if he has seen them soju bottle cap ring, but Young-oh only replies that he has not. In his office, he, however, the cap ring from his pocket and puts it in his desk.

While Young-oh concern grows that Dr. Shim is not in her office, we see they meet with a man in her car when she says she thought it would be right for them, let him know at least when a twenty-year research project on regenerative medicine is about to go down the drain because of their research. It is noteworthy that the man wearing the same watch that Dr. Lee wore to dinner the night before.

At the hospital Young-oh a call from Dr. Shim gets. There is no response from her, and we see her cell phone from a building fall, as Dr. Shim of the body follows. Young-oh realized that there is something terribly wrong, and the other doctors rush Dr. Shim store.

Young-oh prepares Dr. Shim to use and as Jin-sung looks at the chaos, comes Dr. Lee behind her and asks her to.

Within the operating room, Young-oh replaced his surgical staff with a new group. The first group of doctors is offended that he thought one of them would be the killer, but Young-oh ignoring to start the selection of the operation.

In Dr. Lee's office, Dr. Lee Jin-sung asks Young-oh and offers her a Master Card to arrest, so they can do it without a warrant. Jin-sung considered what the image of Dr. Lee to do and notices and Young-oh on the shelf.

During surgery Young-oh, the new team seems pretty green to the operating room, and he takes a short break to leave for the locker room.

When Jin-sung makes her way to the dressing room, there is a constant ringing noise is. As she goes to open Young-oh locker therefore, he comes in and hides them. She looks to open him his locker (which stops ringing) to inject and his medicine.

Jin-sung pop out and tells him that she has to arrest him. Young-oh it ignores and attempts Dr. Shim to come, which is on the operating table yet, but handcuffs sung him Jin and lets him know that they to arrest him for the serial murders of Hyunsung Medical Center.


Jin-sung is sometimes so frustrating that even a cup of water over his head to throw I'm trying. I like that they determined and strong-willed, but say the makeup not only listen to them someone how to conduct an investigation, especially if this person is not a policeman.

Shi-hyun was right when she said Jin-sung right to do their job, and I can not believe that Jin-sung was not the least bit suspicious of Young-oh, as she searched for clues that had Suk-Joo. I think the writing is a little lax in connection Jin-sung actions and her words - she says that she does delete Suk-Joo name this investigation because it believes in Suk-Joo, but she is angry, that Young-oh tricked her to think that Suk-Joo was the murderer. When she was cheated, then cause not their faith in Suk-Joo was not as steadfast as it claims?

Of course, I find it is very problematic that Young-oh manipulates them and the hospital staff to find the killer, but I do not think Jin-sung has really the right to say something about Young-oh Ethics , She helped knowingly spread the gossip that Suk-Joo's killer without substantial evidence that he was the murderer, no wonder nobody wants to have them on the violent crimes unit!

Well, she's interrupting about Young-oh, if he is in the middle of a critical operation. You'd better have a good reason for the arrest Young-oh, not just some information it is to hear from Dr. Lee, or otherwise, it deserves to be really fired.

Young-oh, on the other side is at least quite interesting how little he other cares for the feelings of the way he manipulated the hospital staff to think that Suk-Joo was the culprit to the way he manipulated to think the surgical staff that Dr. Kim's daughter was in critical danger.

I am glad that this lack of empathy it is the ability that his father derive too cold are apparently behind these killings, but at the same time, it is shocking how without conflict he feels about his father to to track. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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