Recap And Reviews Kdrama Police Unit 38: Episode 16 (Final)

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Police Unit 38: Episode 16 (Final) -

How often can blow a show your mind before it will not make sense to do? If you think it simply can not be more twists, 38 police unit ups again the ante collides, a whole new direction as the past take to the presence in a final, all-out, life or-death- showdown between the bad guys, the other bad guys, the not-so-bad guys who might villains, and our resident bear. But if your philosophy to fight until you win ... surely it's only a matter of time?

The final episode RECAP

Jung-do wrapped in the freezer and thanked Mrs Noh his war council to agree to the plan. He sends Mi-Joo with her, but before they go, Sung-il it instructs everyone save himself, should things go wrong.

After that, the two men will remain at rest, Jung-do with the head later bent until Sung-il asks if he does not go the whole plan to say, because they'll hurt if they find out. "So what if it hurts?" Jung-do responds to raise his head with a half smile, "Ajusshi, I'm a cheater." Despite his words, it is clear that he is interested in.

Ms. Noh parts with Mi-Joo with the caveat that this fraud could all end, they should find out their own way. You and Ji-yeon drive away, and Mrs. Noh true when Ji-yeon says she should do, as Chairman Wang tells them.

Sung-hee phones Sung-il, to tell him that the mayor has found the relationship between Chairman Wang and Jung-do. Jung-do immediately receives a call from Mr. Kim, who must turn him with big eyes on Sung-il. But Jung-do can casually, with a reassuring touch on Sung-il shoulder. Once outside, but he rushes to his car and takes off.

Jae-sung eyes wide greedy on the bag with bank notes from the Chairman Choi stuffed who now asks him what is his great delicacy. Jae-sung asks him if he (Sung-il dead brother-in-law) reminds Kim Min-Shik, and Choi, remembers him as the man who tried to defeat him about President Bang, but then gave himself killed ,

"Who said that it suicide?" Jae-sung asks. He disclosed that President Bang killed him and Mayor Chun covered it as a suicide. Choi began to giggle, and a hook grin spreads across Jae-sung face.

Mi-Joo a call from Hak-joo, woman NOH's warning ignored on her mind and enters into a police station. Meanwhile remains Sung-il alone in the freezer, and we now see Jung-do had told him to wait there until "this person" comes.

Ms. Noh received the fateful call from President Wang to tell her that he cut ties with Jung-do, and they should. Flustered for a moment, it is true, as Ji-yeon with a reporter is called. On the other hand, director Ahn is satisfied about this result.

The reporter asks what kind of exclusive, they called him here. Specify him closely, she smiles suddenly. There are a scam to catch him, she tells him. Noo, do not do it!

Jung-do come to the restaurant, met in the Chairman Wang Ahn. Mr. Kim refused him entry, but Jung-do trying to push in any way. Blocked by guards block, it is moved ever more, crying and pleading, "Chairman, you can not do this for me!"

Inside Ahn smiling smugly, as the chairman ignored him. Mr. Kim looks dispassionately at the Jung-do collapses from the blows of the guards.

Jae-sung has another carrot for the chairman Choi, and tells him that other for five million, so can he -do rid of Jung Sung-il and once and for all, and Mayor Chun control forever. Choi is skeptical, and Jae-Sung tells him that Ma Jin-seok has not given their names. But a word of Jae-sung, and he will, he squints.

caught by the bait, Choi finally agrees, but faffs to say, he will have it wired in a few days ago. But Jae-sung flatly anything but cold, refused money now . His hand forced Choi puts in a call to his boss loan shark to collect the amount and bring it to him.

The agent collects the money from various locations in the area and when it's done, Choi phones lawyer Park and finds out that Jin-seok has kept his silence, even though he was told he would go free, when he called the broker. The Chairman asked to be put on the phone to Jin-seok, and Jae-sung tells him that he has the money, so that he is now free to reveal anything. Jin-seok turns back with a grin lawyer Park, ready to name names. Oh Jin-seok, I believed in you!

Jae-sung Choi gloats that his bag is certainly difficult with all the money, and commanded Choi men to load it into his car. But Choi has the last word: "The money is something that I just for a while you give will come back to me?.." He warns Jae-sung to see his back, snorting Jae-sung does he goes.

Now we repeat the call made last episode Choi Mayor Chun and reveals that he is. Min-Shik of heard death not suicide after all was Chun rebounds in shock, and asked the president, where he is now.

Even walking down the street, Jung-do his car turns around after getting a call from someone. Meanwhile sets prosecutor Park with a team from the freezer to storm where Sung-il his lonely guard on. Jin-seok is free and assigns Jae-sung to meet, to share the money.

lawyer Park begins Sung-il unprepared. He explains that Jin-seok blurted her name as a leader of credit fraud, and asks Jung-do whereabouts. Worried, Sung-il says nothing and Park ordered his arrest.

He performed in cuffs, and it looks like arrived Jung-do is just in time to watch the scene. Still in his car, he looks from afar, shocked and tense when they remove him. He moves in the opposite direction.

Mayor Chun comes Chairman Choi office and asks anxiously how much he knows. Choi says that he knows that President Bang killed him covered it up while Chun. His demand is simple: he wants to be let back in Seowon city affairs. "And in your life," he concludes, smugly smiling.

Jung-do rushes to the basement of a building-ah, it's yes-wang cave. He rummages looking for something, and phones Yes-wang for help to locate something. to find it, he walks out again.

There is Sung-il's turn to be questioned, and prosecutors Park offers him to cut a deal if he abandons make Jung-. After a long pause, asks Sung-il, "prosecutor why you have vowed such loyalty to President Choi?" He says that they are paid out of taxes from the citizens in the public service, whose salaries come. You owe it to the public for their work's sake, not for the private benefit of a privileged few.

Park leaves out a frustrated sigh, pointing out that he is not able to be at the moment to every sermon. Sung-il is true, but seriously questions whether the prosecutor him all hear the same from.

Director Ahn a variety of methods to Chairman Wang proposes the means to transmit it. But the chairman is adamant it must be in cash, since other methods a trace. He calls in Mr. Kim and has him so generous an amount as he can immediately accumulate. Ahn is impressed, and the chairman bars: "That's how I do business!"

A beaten mayor Chun pleaded with the Chairman Choi release him, "I really want to be an outstanding mayor." He sinks to his knees, and Choi spared a look. "You're already a great mayor. There is no one better than you ... me," he says, and dismisses him.

Jae-sung comes to his meeting with Jin-seok empty handed. He scoffs at Jin-seok, because he has done all the work that he would keep all the money. Jin-seok face darkened, but Jae-sung threatens to spend a few notes and get Jin-seok again cleared.

Jin-seok tries coaxing now, but the ex-detective leans only in and tells him to live well. He leaves Jin-seok obscenities mutter behind him while he gutted all the way to his car. What comes around goes around?

Chairman Wang asks Ahn as he passed the project Maseokdong but Ahn assured him that Choi will not be an obstacle. Mr. Kim is just then to tell them that the money ready and Ahn are easily his car keys, looking more and more like the cat that got the cream. It checks whether the money is safely tucked in, before driving away.

At the tax office, Sung-hee gets a call from her father, who they answer hesitantly. He asks her what kind of mayor she thinks he is. He tells her how he thought it would be okay, your help just a little then hoping to accept again that he could do much more good if he could only be mayor.

In a defeated voice, he tells her that it is all a slippery slope. Concessions and favors added to unfair advantage, and now these things drag it downward. Sung-hee, the only answer is pained silence, and then he realizes that if he would have been a worthy mayor, would they have not helped the con team. "I'm sorry, Sung-hee-ya," he says, his eyes fully.

lawyer asks Park Sung-il if what he's just told him true. Sung-il confirmed it, and appeals to the prosecutor's office, to do its job as it should be done. "Right now, I'll give you a chance," he says, his eyes full of hope.

Director Ahn its successful advertising to Chairman Wang Chun mayor reported. But Chun shows that President Choi about found Min-Shik. Although he is amazed Ahn assures him that he can take care of it. But the mayor to ask cuts, how far they have to go. "Until the end," Ahn replied grimly, and tells him to forget Choi and focus on Wang.

The mayor tolerates tired. About to leave, Ahn turns back and says the mayor is to endure a little longer, "I have not yet succeeded, you Seowon city I imagine to show." But why that sounds more like a threat?

Chairman Wang back to Mrs. Noh, fairly satisfied, and asks when something will occur. Mrs. Noh tells him that it should be about now, and she gets Ji-yeon to turn on the TV. Meanwhile, everyone is in front of a TV screen, one way or another-the prosecutor, Mayor Chun, Chairman Choi, Mi-Joo and even Hak-joo and yes-wang. Oh God, the tension is killing me.

We see Jung-do somewhere to sit quietly in his car when waiting while, Jae-sung gets elsewhere from his. He jumps on the trunk, and his eyes wide ... because it is empty. Fully cleaned. Whaaat.

A special bulletin reported on the news that Seowon City Mayor illegal campaign accepted funds. It names Choi collected as recipients of cash funds from various illegal lending, and notes that he has $ 100 million tax arrears. Chairman Choi observed the report agog.

Jae-sung revolves around himself by police to find surrounded plainclothes who arrest him immediately. On television, the report that the money has been delivered to a broker. Camera footage shows Jae-sung to leave his car, while a second broker appears- WHAT? No really, what? It's Jung-do, pulled a hat down over his face.

In his car, Jung-do watch the report unfold ... with Jin-seok beside him. What! a little, Jung-do thanks to laugh him and says to give him no more trouble. Jin-seok he promises a different person, and the men as friends.

And now, the entire plan is finally applied, as we return to the council of war from the beginning of the episode. Jin-seok had learned that Jae-sung had met with the chairman Choi, and shape, it is to sell it for cash information. Mrs. Noh explained that the money would be have Choi moneylending activities to come. And while Jae-sung says the move with the money, Jung-do they set a trap.

The holes are filled in on, and we now learn that the item Jung-do of the cave Yes-wang took, was a kind of auto-hacking master Key. While Jae-sung had met with Jin-seok car keys on the table beside him-Jung-do, follow behind the unit. As soon as he clocked the correct frequency, it forwards and unlocks both cars, immediately transferred to be the boxes of cash from Jae-sung of the car. And then he's gone.

They will take the money to the Chairman Wang, Sung-il declared next that came from him, it will pretend and give it to Director Ahn from. Since Ahn already found out about their relationship, Jung-so she says will play it as the chairman switched sides. In this way, they concluded, the money will come from the illegal loan sharks go Choi, and then by Jae-sung as the first "brokers". A second agent will then transfer by Jae-sung to Chun campaign as an illegal donation.

Mi-Joo notes that each person in the chain Chairman Choi, brokers, Ahn and Mayor Chun-go down, and asks who the second mediator is. Jung-do answers easily that he bought someone who'll go to prison for it. There is an error in your plan, Jung-do.

Wrapping up, he Mrs Noh has the reporter in order to follow with a camera, and Mi-Joo to report to the police. Mrs. Noh sees him pushy and asks if Chairman Wang ordered it and you get the feeling she knows his real plan. "No. It's my decision," he tells her with a smile.

We return to the prosecutor Park interview with Sung-il. Park suggests that without insider testimony, they have nothing. Sung-il has to Jung-do as an insider. Impassioned, he says Park, "If the guy did not fight so that we would never be able to overcome these villains."

Mi-Joo watches in shock as the news footage clearly shows Jung-do as the second broker. At the hospital, Hak-joo and yes-wang him also recognize, and perhaps Mrs. Noh has not guessed yet, because, as everyone how shocked looks different.

Sung-il has a last call for the prosecutor: "Who needs officials as we look for their sake and against whom we must fight Please see the man again, whose side the law is on really."

Park can go on these words his head as he watches the report. Nodding slightly to himself, he picks up the phone and orders Sung-il's release.

Jung-do go to the police station, and smiles as he and Sung -il cross paths. Sadly, Sung-il apologizing, but Jung-do brush it off. He is sorry for not keeping his part of their promise, but recalls Sung-il, he would "not be so fired." His composure momentarily falters, but he collects. "Then let us go our own way," he Sung-il says.

But just before he passes on, Jung-do asks Sung-il for one last favor: His father will come out in a year, but there is no one to meet him. he will go, of course, Sung-il says. "Thank you ... Hyung" Jung-do says, half smiling, half-ready to cry. his cap pulling up again, he disappears inside, and Sung-il wipes his eyes. There's something in my eye, too.

Mayor Chun receives a moving call from President Choi. Chun offers him three options: You can shift the blame on Ahn, Choi can save themselves by the mayor with the truth about Min-Shik destroy death, or they can both go down together. Choi did not like the first or third options. Chun says that he does not agree, and hangs up. Choi barking at his secretary Advocate Park to get to the line, but he does not take their calls.

lawyer Park comes Jung-do into question, of his confession begins immediately. He took money Chairman Choi Jae-sung, and handed them Mayor Chun, he says.

Sung-il Mayor Chun takes now to see that it's over. Chun air to forfeit, and to leave as Sung-il, Chun stops him. He admits that Min-Shik was assassinated by President Bang, and besides, he had covered it up. But to his shock, Sung-il knows already, all discovered in President Choi during his investigation.

He admits that he wanted to pulverize him, but first he had to finish what Min-Shik began-what Chun himself had tried to do at that time. He wants Chun could go back to how he used to, "At that time hyungnim that you were really great."

Sung-hee, her father calls answer to his question. Quietly, she says that as mayor, he was, as her mother had described him as a man: well-intentioned, but never there for them. She begs him not to be in this way to the citizens. When she hangs up, both their faces wet with tears.

With renewed determination, Chun held a press conference the next day appeals, and shows that it is true that he had received illegal campaign donations. He goes to the full extent of his and Choi wrongdoing in the past eight years to disclose.

He says he came to realize that his conscience gives up and outside the law is not the way the people were to be happy. He promises to take responsibility for his misconduct and cooperate with the investigation. He also draws from the mayoral election, and has a deep bow of apology. Director Ahn watches the show in his car, convulsing with silent laughter-sobs.

The last request the night before the mayor had asked Sung-hee Chairman Choi residue to collect $ 100 million. Your team achieve Choi office where he persistently ignored their arrival. They announced their search and seizure, have confirmed the true extent of its assets. he likes to hang out in and finds the old man bitterly as the operation begins, the screen fades black.

sometime later, Sung-il Choi visiting the poor neighborhood paid. With a shy smile, he speaks formally Chois $ 100 million tax arrears as paid in full: "Although it took a while." Haha.

Am Rathaus, Sung-il now enjoys the respect of his peers-as Department Head of Two . Oh yes! He drifts toward TV, where a news report gives a rain of cash on a university that had suffered recently by the Director of the corruption, along with a rumor that the Director fraud had recently fallen victim Properties. Sung-il grins, but not as wide as Sung-hee to see, does him smiling.

Across town, Mrs. Noh and Ji-yeon also enjoy the report. nor (now recovered) with voltage at the screen to see the seat in the freezer, Mi-Joo, Hak-joo and yes-wang, grinning in elation.


It's dinner time in prison and Jae-sung spots Jung-do his food chomping down , Jung-do ends up starts to head out. Eyes narrowed viciously, Jae-sung extracts a Shiv tucked in his waistband. Just as he is to topple for Jung-do, a hand grabs him, and he disarmed ... by Sung-il? What? He proposes the face Jae-sung and says: ". I am Park Woong-Chul, you idiot" Oh my God, you really are?

Jung-do, mouth still full of apple, blinking at his rescuer in shock: "Sung-il hyung" Woong-chul asks: "You know me?" the guards at him yell caused trouble, and he mumbles that he is soon meant to come. But then he turns to look directly into the camera, stressed eyebrow.


BEST CAMEO MAIN, GUYS. BESSTTTT. For those who have not seen it, was that a special appearance by Ma Dong-seok character in Bad Guys , the (result from 1) is the total opposite of friendly papa bear. AWW, seriously, my heart was so ready, without pain that epilogue.

I am grateful that we were not left with the kind of half-resolved ending this OCN as shows torment us with (for subsequent seasons, which may never happen, but you never give up! You know, who you are, shows. ). Everything about this final-both parties-was just perfect, in what was a lovingly crafted send-off for a written fantastic show. The care is evident not only in how our characters close arcs, but also how it remained true to its general spirit and concept. The weary world there was a painted, where the seeds of hope were buried deep introspection and effort required to detect, not only to the parts of the characters, but also with us. It demonstrates to me what has always set K-dramas, apart from the herd, even (or perhaps especially) in Genre dramas, with this reflective quality that gives us thrillers with heart and comedy capers with a core of fear. These are the things that bring a show of forgetful to indelible.

If not. For the epilogue, would my heart bleed for Jung-do, like the loneliest person in the world looked as if he went to the police station His cocky veneer has the tragedy of his bow always masked, and its origin bears a strong resemblance with Liar Game Ha Woo-jin. But it is clear for some time that he, mildly affected a far softer target and form strong loyalties. It is these bonds that give him motive, and finally govern everything he does.

The question of the subject has the heart of the show to unlock, always entire central conceit built which to dissect the mechanics of what people tick. This is the battlefield of the twist and counter-twist (and against countertwisting) arise, and this knowledge is by far the most powerful weapon, not only for second-guessing people, but to control it.

In a way, Jung-do making methods Chairman Choi look raw because its much more subtlety and require a sophisticated understanding of human nature. Unlike Choi, interest of Jung-do is not the people directly in the control, but their natural behavior to his advantage in the use. With a few changes, of course. Choi could win in a battle of brute force, but in a game of vanishingly complex movements, that's all Jung-do.


performed the emotional power of this episode in Jung-do choice to sacrifice himself, and it is not playing the terrible seriousness of his gambit. Her whole plan was essentially a big game, and they knew it. But if there's anything we've learned from Sung-il and Jung-do, it's that victory demands a price. So escapes, discovered as mayor Chun, when he realizes that the only way to keep Choi end of him, is to go with it. His trajectory Episode strange reflects Jung-do is, perhaps, because they both want to finish Choi domination. But that Chun was a part of the problem somewhat, it is him took all the time to see.

From the first breath of the show, asked whether ends justify means, and I think the Mayor is ultimately one of the most fascinating characters to answer that. Something of a demi-villain at one point, he was the mayor, who was poor, because he wanted to be good. The irony is that just about everyone spends the majority of the show to break the law for a good cause and otherwise but Chun's unique position holding significantly (political) takes power in one hand, and potentially inexhaustible resources in the other. It is a heady combination of circumstances.

Another proof of the integrity of Police Unit universe, how well it carries multiple, simultaneous interpretations. It is particularly well illustrated in the team reunion in the last few episodes. In this last con, where they gain nothing, they would not be so big risks without better motives. Thus Jung-they manipulate? Something. Does Grandpa move them? Something. But ultimately, it is their own feelings and belief that they can go the distance, not pragmatism. Was Hak-joo return to the fold in the interests of the team? Absolutely, among others. I enjoy as it suggests that loyalty or perhaps betrayal-is the more powerful currency among thieves. There is a level of immateriality to the fact that someone like Choi will never understand. And if Jin-seok is not living, the evidence for laughs, I do not know what is.

The final scene before the epilogue strikes a chord both humor and hope, as you realize that they do not return to their old habits, but go in entirely new ways. I would be disappointed if Sung-il let his conning behind. This reduces it to little more than a plot point, when the reality is the sign that they have suffered a years crucible, it has fundamentally changed. But if I had to make a complaint, it would be that the female characters were underused, although it is slightly offset, how well they are written. Sung-hee, Mi-Joo and Mrs. Noh prove consistently intelligent and resourceful, and treated as an accessory for travel never a hero (or anti-hero).

It is a particular pleasure for a show in the observation that in indulges his cleverness, but its true soul lies in how much life have the characters: All the action in the world means nothing if we do the people do not care. But in the past few weeks we have seen our team in the absence, adjustment and makes the saves unlikely. We watched patiently bide their time and we struggled for it. And that's the best kind of show. Long after you forget the details, you still remember how it made you feel. And the show? It made me feel to lose all.

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