Now that our resident private investigators have some cases got under his belt, mystery today cuts goes to the heart of our best dressed and loyal ex-cop turned detective. As we dig into the past, we know more about Gu-Hyung in one hour than we ever did so far about San in this series. But then again, there is not much present on the vampire show its forces, to know every other week, on.
What lies ahead of our team is a thriller that revolves a complex web of friendship, love and guilt. Almost everyone is a possible suspect, and the truth not always be as simple as a confession.
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EPISODE 6: "The Girl I Killed"
Per their agreement, San meets with Yo-na bottom of the Han river, where their cronies waiting to attack. She looks on while San some men take down before being beaten to submission.
it acknowledges that San must be very , it is curious about them, by whom it is what happens with his friends but no fun if these answers come easily, and the purpose of today's meeting is to make it clear that is he not a problem for them. "you'll soon find out who is the master and who is the Hound."
We cut to a dark and empty high School, save for a classroom lit by candles San circles around the small group gathered explained there and that the offender is in their midst Gyeo wool looks troubled when he reveals the name:. .. Gu-hyung Huh
we a rewind? earlier time as Gu-hyung roars Gyeo-wool on his desk at the high school reunion invitation peeking. It is a known break when she apologized, and he adds, research that he anyway to see his former classmates is not interested.
He claims to have been insanely popular with the ladies then to comparing Jang Dong to Megastar -Gewehr. He admits that it was an environment go to So-jung, in short, a pretty classmate recalls call him.
San finds Gu-Hyung sitting outside looking at a group photo with high school friends made. the close-knit group stayed together through middle school and high school, since it was a small town. The pretty girl he mentioned earlier is LEE SOO-yeon, and if San asks if they still keep in touch, he answered grimly: "no."
Just then, another former classmate comes to look for him. Her name is Kim Ji-Yeon, who works in broadcasting. She is impressed by how Gu-Hyung has its own private detective agency, and here he is talking in this particular meeting to participate, as it may be their last before the school will be demolished next year downwards.
In his argument, he is a high school dropout, Ji-yeon argued that they still together, spent their formative years. She also has a favor to ask him what we do not get to hear.
Whatever it is that leads to Gu-Hyung drinking his weight in Soju while Detective Park and San look (as usual, eat San or do not drink ). He is on the verge of sharing why he became a cop would love primarily-a story Detective Park, knowing to-front changes his mind and a coward.
It is only when Gu-Hyung takes a dusty volume from a strain do at home, we begin to know why: offset his friends in front of the camera and state that they believe it was suicide the many signs given by depression and suicidal thoughts they saw and heard. But teenage Gu-Hyung is the only one who does not say much of anything.
The next thing we know, Gu-Hyung has changed his mind and the band heads to his high school down. You are warmly welcomed by his former teacher and led to the classroom where his old friends and wait to see more than thrilled him.
The catch friends, and they all have a good laugh over Gu-Hyung of self-proclamation that he was very popular in high school. His friends are impressed when Gyeo wool tells them that Gu-Hyung is a great detective.
No meeting is without food and water, and the group raised its beer cans over candlelight once night falls. Ji-yeon vaguely remembers one night years ago when they were drinking at school together. Gu-Hyung pipes under on appeal, that it all night drinking landed because it was too dark for stargazing.
This story makes other friends uncomfortable shifting in their seats, and Ji-yeon smiles as she was her teacher in attendance that night. The mood grows darker when Gyeo wool asks when Lee Soo-yeon to join them, and Gu-Hyung apologizes.
Gu-Hyung sitting on a school bench outside where he carved Soo-yeon name. She had called to him before he was done. Back in the present, he tells San that they all gathered on this night to see a comet pass, but much like tonight, it was pitch black out.
"What happened [to Lee Soo-yeon] that night?" San asks. Gu-Hyung hangs his head before answering: ". She died that night"
The camera that night with Soo-yeon corpse to reimagine lying on the ground nearby. Once they return to the classroom, the friends are reluctant to play the same game that they played this evening. These were to write down tasks in a shoebox, and the person with the star map a could select and dare people to complete the task
A look into the past, that the tasks were innocent at first -. In a kiss the cheek or a film on the forehead. Ji-yeon insists to play old time's sake and looks up to Gu-Hyung for support. the table scanning brings back old memories, and he agrees to play.
San and Gyeo wool also participate, and everyone laughs when Gu-Hyung of NOH HEE SOOK be beat. She decides instead to hit him, and he takes it like a champ. San and Gyeo wool are kissing in the next round tasked to which Gyeo wool punishment later by finishing a bottle of soju.
A bit selects Gu-hyung gets the star map, but his face darkens on the piece of paper that he chooses. The others are just as surprised and San read aloud: ". No 3 kill No. 5." We see that the group read from the same deadly task of 20 years and Ji-yeon refusing to let anyone to leave the classroom.
She is determined to find out who killed Soo-yeon and expose the truth about her death in her upcoming show. It is disclosed in this moment Gu-Hyung that tonight to learn what exactly happened that night their last chance.
A classmate IN MI-RA feels particularly betrayed, to wonder if that's why Gu-Hyung brought in his team then. San and Gyeo wool answer that they know very little about the case; it marks only together for the reunion.
Mi-ra screaming that it was an accident, but then Ji-yeon says not not explain the number card that was near Soo -yeon body was found. Another flashback shows that the group had agreed to take a break, and Ji-yeon had noticed that Soo-yeon had not returned from the bathroom.
A sudden scream rips through the air by a thud followed. The running friends and gasp Soo-yeon body on the floor to see. Your teacher is the last they join, and a 5-card peeking through Soo-yeon pocket.
San finally read through the records stating that Soo-yeon fell from the roof to her death. But the thing is, she was not present when the maps were drawn. Gu-Hyung admits that his friends did not tell the whole story of the police, because the events of the death was so absurd results. Plus, it did not look good to have a drink on the school grounds from students.
When asked why the police there was a suicide, Gu-Hyung says someone declares that Soo-yeon has been pressed about a guy. If San asks if he still those who think that 3 card had their killer, Gu-Hyung says anyone who thinks that.
San says he should just who then the card had suffered, but Gu-Hyung says aren things' t so easy ... because the person who had the 3 Card did not commit the murder. "How do you know?" San asks. Gu-Hyung replied: "Because I had the 3 card."
Back in the classroom, Ji-Yeon is offended when the friends think that Gu-Hyung might have Soo-yeon killed. Why else would he have dropped out of school? Mi-ra exclaims that Ji-yeon once shared in this opinion, which Ji-yeon yells back that they are all young and scared at the time.
Mi-ra does not believe that Ji-yeon had any sympathy for their dead friend when she was, in fact, jealous of Soo-yeon beauty. She throws Hee-Sook of over Soo-yeon gossiping, and is worked, when she said she had every reason to hate and Soo-yeon.
Gyeo Wool interrupts before the women at each other's throats and asks who was the last person who saw that night Soo-yeon. None of them really can not remember, but when San and Gu-Hyung bring the group back, Mi-ra thinks it could Gu-Hyung were.
San takes the lead on the case, to the scene in the first few minutes of the episode, he will bring us back as name Gu-hyung as the culprit , It is like saying that it is also possible that everyone would hope that it was the high school dropout. It shows that Gu-Hyung had the 3 map, but he believes that his partner is not the killer.
He suggests that they reimagine 20 years before that night. The present merges with the past as Mi-ra and use Hee-Sook down together in the dark hall again. Hee-sook had unsettled the weak Mi-ra with ghost stories, then clap the girls the rest of the way to the supply room.
They whisper as Soo-yeon said with her teacher Mr. Ji to be involved (hm, we have hardly seen him all night, too). It seems Hee-sook had feelings for Gu-Hyung, and she noticed that he likes Soo-yeon.
Although Mi-ja Soo-yeon called a flirtation, the idea excites Hee-sook, who says she thinks sometimes push Soo-yeon from a roof. Mi-ra shares that sentiment. What they do not say.
Mi-ra confirmed that it was at 23.00, and the friends had agreed to keep playing based on the teacher's orders until midnight. Then, Gu-Hyung and Soo-yeon, the nurse's office were instructed to travel. It Soo-yeon had asked if he liked someone, smiling, that she did.
Gu-Hyung said he knew then corrected himself by saying he thought. Her face falls-he will have the rumors then heard. She calls him to have for trying, stopped playing dumb when she and Mr. Ji were romantically involved. In order, Gu-Hyung, he does not say rumors not believe that easily, and she is grateful to have someone who believes.
When a field of medicine falls to the ground, bend it and Soo-yeon to clean mess up. Her hand touched his, and she pulls it back in surprise. Your face to be customs, she tells him that the rumors between her and Mr. Ji are not true ... because she likes someone else.
Although Gu-Hyung not remember when they returned, Mi-ra can safely say that they returned before 11.30. She took their medication at the time, and when she stepped outside briefly for a glass of water, she had a male voice call Soo-yeon name.
The past shows that Gu-Hyung was first returned, then stepped outside and called her name. One girl had run away from him and walked past Mi-ra in the hallway. A tipsy Ji-yeon and Hee-Sook were suspicious that Gu-Hyung was gone so long, and Mi-ra enabled the group a little later.
San He now says a general picture in his head has, and disclosed in a further pause, Gu-hyung that he knows the Soo-yeon really liked , It was Gu-Hyung, as Soo-yeon with her hand on his places. That's why he like such a coward feels to leave school without learning the truth about her death.
In the classroom, Ji-yeon in tears confesses that she rumors for dissemination, the Soo-yeon was responsible and Mr. Ji were an item. She says she did it out of jealousy, because everyone liked the more beautiful and intelligent Soo-yeon, and she feels so bad about it now.
Gu-Hyung had come help Soo-yeon's when she was bullied at school, as if he took her to the hospital after their foot cut on a shard of glass in her shoe. While she had the courage to reveal her feelings, he feared the possible ridicule he would be obtained if that ever became known
San says he hopes Gu-Hyung would forgive his younger self. "I am sure that Soo would like that too -yeon."
San checks with Gyeo wool, the question is whether their skills are really useful here. It is not a therapist, a person to understand the psyche, but she has said that it is the more suspicion simply, the easier people are out.
Once everyone regrouped, asks San, where everyone was when they made the game took some twenty years ago. The male classmate PARK JAE-wook, he says for a smoke on the back of the building was, Hee-Sook went to get some water, and Gu-Hyung was in the bathroom. Mira, she says, Ji-yeon left in the class, but her eyes seem more panicked, right?
San asks where Soo-yeon could have been then, and Gu-Hyung imagines its next meeting to him before they all head to the roof. San said that Soo-yeon was here, standing on the ledge, while drawing the other their latest round of cards.
It was here that she fell to her death and was found with the 5 card on their person. He invites all to look at the cards. Ji-yeon her checked both in the past and present, stating 3.
The same is true for Jae-wook and all other. With the exception of Mi-ra, that is. San explains how Mi-ra pulled their act: She had used sleight of hand, the set of cards to those to turn prepares the star chart and rose to their advantage, the group of drunken state. This enabled her to act like if they came already prepared list of the box.
San suspected, was a bit off, as Gu-Hyung told him that he had the three cards he found it strange that everyone remained firmly lips about the incident and told the police that it was suicide ,
If San says a brilliant performance, Mi-ra laugh was embarrassed and says there is no evidence that points to them as killers. And what about the 5 card? San replies flat, "I said simply were a great actress. I did not say you were the killer." Oooh, burn .
He says someone else had the 5 cards, someone who her time was awaited. The killer needed someone to help and this is where Mi-ra came. She had pretended to take her medication to take, if they are remained Soo-yeon in the hallway and whispered to her up to the roof.
Mi-ra screams in San further can explain to cry that everyone but you and Ji-yeon would be suspect because they were not in school. She yells that it is not true, and that's when her teacher, Mr. Ji finally back.
Everyone returns to the classroom where Mr. Ji shows that yes, he killed Soo-yeon that night. He had the maps prepared, the students made drink and play the game, and he had named Soo-yeon on the roof.
We have not explicitly see it, but it is proposed that Mr. Ji slid over her, but we see him stowed carefully in her pocket the 5 cards. Gu-Hyung turns around and kicks the man over and over again and cried: "?! Why Why?"
Gu-Hyung finally brings to stop , tears running down his cheeks. turned His back, he asks Mr. Ji, why he did it ... and Ji-yeon says she knows why. Soo-yeon had confronted her about the rumors and showed her, she was like very wrong
And then Ji-yeon had seen it with my own eyes. Mr. Ji undressing Mi-ra. She had scared like back and ran away, so Soo-yeon to meet behind eyes, with a fuming Mr. Ji.
Thus Gyeo wool beating down Mr Ji records state that he left his former school for a similar scandal. Mr. Ji says Soo-yeon never revealed who was with her that day, and San Chimes that that's why the teacher set up an elaborate deathtrap that another person to frighten.
Jae-wook eventually it loses when Mr. Ji said he a second time could bear ruined his teacher reputation, and Hee-sook and Ji-yeon collapse in tears.
It's morning by the time everyone leaves the building. Although the statute of limitations has long existed, Ji-yeon is still set, bury this case, for use in their show-ruining her career pales in comparison to the years of guilt in her heart.
She thanked Gu-Hyung for his help and the other friends farewell. Looking down at the unfinished carving on the bench, Gu-Hyung says this game was again idea of Ji-yeon. He puts on his head, as everything ended with a sad resolution.
San returns to the car so Gu-Hyung can have a moment of consolation. He looks up beside him Soo-yeon sitting on the bench, imagining in her school uniform smiling. It rises as a dream Soo-yeon a tear shed
as the car drives away, we hear San narrate. "Learning a hidden truth is a painful thing. Sometimes it is possible that it is better for us to believe, to live what we now know is true ... because nothing good from learning the truth can come. even then, why do we still want to know the truth? "
San receives a text from an unknown sender, as he yo-na house is important to tell him to meet them at 11am on Saturday.
Meanwhile, I have weekly check-ins by Yo-na find almost comical, because aside from the story dangling carrot over Yoo-jin and Tae-woo (remember?), this shall not that much of a threat for the San or the other private members. In fact it is quite hands dealt away with the cases of P. I. team every week, and it's easy to forget that it exists in this drama verse.
I would consider more of a threat, if they bothered with casework from week to week, but like many other plot points, it shows as practical for the entire plot, wound usually after a fall , And now that we are at the half, then I can say with some certainty that Vampire Detective could have a much easier to show if it is arc had been a straight procedural crime without a parent vampire. Most of the time a supernatural ability is not a prerequisite to the cases to solve with our team, is facing in so long as San smart enough to get the necessary information. Now when San is actually wise to crack the case, that is.
Speaking of which, I am relieved that an upturn in the quality of our cases in the past two weeks. Even with some flaws, the design much more tension, while the many layers of revealing what led to Soo-yeon's death that night. It was add a complex note how and why several people had reason Soo-yeon to love until death, although it was a little obvious, as Mr. Ji, a large part of the sequence was missing. Still, I was at the pace of the teacher-student relationship surprised by the rumors reveal that throughout the disclosure to the school for them to learn, was responsible for ensuring that they are not you would ... but then were actually with someone else.
It is a tragedy that Soo-yeon, the school had a hard enough time ultimately died, she knew. It's strange, seemed to have that Mi-ra and Mr. Ji disappeared once San cracked the case, and it bothers me that Mr. Ji can never be incriminated for killing Soo-yeon, because the limitation period has expired. [1945009[
, it is also fairly pat that the instigators, Ji-yeon, the truth of Soo-yeon death of the seemingly noble intention is known that it could ruin their own careers, to which I ask how do Soo -yeon family feel about the program? As San said the truth can learn often be painful and the program can easily open emotional wounds that have healed in time. Not all truth leads to freedom, but can weigh even heavier on the heart.
Which brings me to Gu-Hyung, I love most, because he is played by Oh Jung-se . For a character who could have easily quips every week with his breezed, its delicious cuisine, and its flirtatious interactions with Se-ra, we learned more about him in this case alone than all the weeks we spent with San. We saw his vulnerability as the unfolded case, the guilt he felt about the flight, and the new load he has to endure now that he knows what has happened to Soo-yeon and why.
This chapter might be its history, but it is his story that I want to know more, and what the police left him as San did. Finally, I would really enjoy to watch every week Gu-Hyung and Gyeo wool relationship blossom. Their bickering over every little thing makes me giggle, and the hints of jealousy Gyeo wool part makes me wonder if it harbors some feelings for Gu-Hyung. And who can you-he was to blame and, devilishly charming with the ladies, after all.
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