Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 14

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 14 -

Gong Shim finally some walls break as Dan-tae's will lose it at a distance to keep. You can only fight what the heart wants so long, and some things are worth waiting for, even if you are not sure why you wait.

Meanwhile our two heroes both closer to the truth, finding they have, but they have to decide what to do with the secrets to uncover them: put them, or bury it even deeper.


Gong Shim and Dan-tae after back together the mural on the sashimi restaurant ride successfully. Gong Shim can not contain her smile as she remembers this morning Dan-tae asleep in the corner of the room waking. She had managed to get him to bed put and spent a moment, gazing down at him. She had even stopped short his hand while he slept, though she had piled quickly when he stirred from her touch.

Dan-tae also this morning thinking back, although in his view, we see that he was actually awake when Gong Shim touched his hand. After she left, he smiled and clenched his hand, which she held.

Dan-tae and Gong Shim come back home and spend a moment, another tease song and dance performances in the restaurant. Their playful antics seen from Jun-su, who is the top down on the roof overlooking it.

Gong Shim and Dan-tae part ways and he runs Jun-su to find waiting outside his room. The boys go in but Dan-tae, realizing he has nothing to drink, leaving Jun-su alone while he runs to his favorite convenience store to get refreshments.

Jun-su uses his absence overlooking Dan-tae family photos, recalling the night when Dan-tae's father arrived on the roof. He wonders why, if that was really Dan-tae's father, a circled date on the calendar is marked: "Father, Hyuan Memorial Park" (where cremated ashes are stored).

at the time, Dan-tae returns, Jun-su sitting innocently on the floor. Jun-su asks casually, after his family to ask why Dan-tae lives alone and where his family now. Dan-tae is smooth, that his father lives in the Philippines overseas. Jun-su says nothing, but Dan-tae noticed him looking at the calendar, where his father memorial day is marked.

Jun-su asks cautious about Dan-tae looking for Jun-Pyo; he wants to know if Dan-tae still that whoever thinks his bag really took kidnappers of his cousin's. As Dan-tae it confirms Jun-su proposes subtly, that whoever could stand to the Board members sent with the case in connection the spam message, because the message mentions the same gardens where the badge was found.


Dan-tae looks quite uncomfortable with all points connecting Jun-su, and says gently, that he would not know, because he is not a member of the board and thus never the message. Both boys seem to go on eggshells because they "agree" that the text message must have had nothing to do with the missing badges.

The voltage is interrupted when Jun-su accidentally spilled his drink. He runs to the bathroom to clean and spies Dan-tae toothbrush. To think that he could use it to run a DNA test on him, he reached towards him, but flinches his hand as Dan-tae, the door opens to him a towel at hand.

Butterfly Tattoo uncle and Jun-sus meet to discuss mother who recently sent the note to her at the meeting point, warning them to leave. Uncle speculated that perhaps the blackmailer sent there because they were thought the police arrive, but Jun-sus mother still thinks that Dan-tae had something to do with it.

None of them can figure out and the stress begins at Jun-sus bear mother. She wants Dan-tae to get rid of regardless of whether he knows something, as his presence makes them nervous. Uncle promises that he would deal soon with Dan-tae.

in his room that night, Jun-su thinks about how Dan-tae said he had never received the spam message, but he would still be known at Yangpyeong Arboretum on this day.

Dan-tae from his room appeared to find the next morning Gong Shim from watering their plants. She rushes to greet him, wincing in pain and admit that they are likely to long painted the other day and now her upper body is sore.

After she leaves, Dan-tae head down to the convenience store. He tells faithful Gu-nam, the soon Gong Shim come down holding her neck and looking for medical patches. Dan-tae hands over a brown bag and has Gun-nam, give it to her, without telling her who it is from, it is to say medicine for muscle pain.

shows On his way Dan-tae to work sees a poster for an art exhibition, the works of French cartoonist Jean-Jacques Sempé. Daughter all Gong Shim drawings, Dan-tae, muttering that they see this exhibition, would love.

Meanwhile, our little artists, in fact, head down to the convenience store in search of pain relief for their aching muscles. Gu-nam murmurs, the Dan-tae was right and immediately the brown bag he pulls for Gong Shim left.

Gong Shim spills happy the contents on the counter, but her face falls when she realized that all of the products are already in use. Hah! Dan-tae was easily her he had all the supplies in his own medicine cabinet, he has not.

Gu-nam stutters out that someone left things behind, but it is truly independent, to be good. Something trepidatious applies Gong Shim one of the ointments and exclaims happy that it helps. She grins and shoveled the rest of the products as Gu-nam sighs.

It looks like Dan-tae is not the only Gong Shim admirer who noticed the art exhibition flyer. Jun-su sitting at his desk and takes the show a pair of tickets and smiled as he thinks back when Gong Shim signed their octopus drawing for him.

Jun-su calls Gong Shim at dinner with the family that night. Gong Mi ceases her sister in conversation as Jun-su asks if he can Gong Shim later meeting because he has something that he wants to give them (tickets art exhibition). Unfortunately Gong Shim has her job to go part-time, so they agree to meet again.

Soon after hanging up, Gong Mi corners Gong Shim asking her in her room from Jun-su, and why they still leave encounter with him after the Star Group. They tried to pry further into why Jun-su wanted to meet with her, but Gong Shim has to leave for work and does not go into detail.

to his secretary desk Stationed, Dan-tae receives a call from the grandmother. Both use to come to the house of their super-quiet spy votes than Granny Dan-tae says. She has kept all the same, since he was a little boy and wants him to come over to see if he remembered something from his childhood there.

Dan-tae go over the house, and while looking around the yard, has made a flashback when he was young. He remembers playing and his mother picking him affectionately on the two of them laughing together as the balloons were released into the sky with a bunch of balloons.

The memory is so real that Dan-tae reached reflexively out trying to catch the balloons when they float away, tears streaming down his face.

Dan-tae and Grandma have tea together and Dan-tae told her about his memory, to describe them in detail and to elicit tears of joy from the grandmother. She is grateful that he was able to remember his mother's smiling face, and encouraged him that he will remember soon, the day he was abducted to.

On the way out, Dan-tae meets President Seok mother and strikes a smile, charming her immediately. Jun-su mother joins the pair, although it would evaporate with her eyes what about Dan-tae, if they could. Dan-tae informing both that he work for the grandmother on a project, so it will be a lot around the house.

The next day, Dan-tae grins when he sees on the ticket for the art exhibition that he bought for Gong Shim. It leaves them with Gu-nam with the same instructions as the medicine bag and said she will know who it is from.

Imagining received their reactions to the news, Dan-tae awesomely ridiculous in a day dream where a Girly and aeygo breathing version thanks gong Shim to-cool-for-school Dan-tae for their gift. Not sure whether to laugh or face palm. Perhaps a bit of both.

When Gong Shim returns from the market, Gu-nam gives her the card and said that "someone" they fell off. Gong Shim is excited and begins to wonder who she. Left, then remembers how Jun-su wanted to give her something the other night and accepts these were his doing

June -su is busy little more to do breed thought when his bag missing and Uncle they have taken.

Speaking of Uncle accepts Jun-su bag from its hiding place in his office. He riffles through to find Jun-su presentation for his new business idea, and scoffs that there is more to Jun-su as he lets on.

A knock on the door has Uncle desperate the bag in his garbage can pushing. He covers them with a newspaper as well as President Seok comes uncle of her lunch to remember plans. Take the two, so that Jun-su bag in the garbage.

Jun-su runs in his father and uncle on the way to lunch. He rejects the invitation to join them and looks at how they are going to fall the happy smile of his face. He goes straight to Uncle office and uses the opportunity for his lost bag search. He pushes himself to, but come with empty hands, the bag not to know is in the trash only inches from his feet.

Dan-tae brushing his teeth in the office bathroom when Jun-su comes. He noticed that Jun-su does not look good, but Jun-su countered that he rigid toothbrush in order, at Dan-tae. The two walking back to Dan tea desk together, and while Dan-tae jokes with him, Jun-su determines which drawer Dan-tae his toothbrush sets in.

Dan-tae is called by his friends on the cleaning staff. They are all in a panic, because one of them Uncle bins emptied and have not noticed, Jun-sus bag was only later in him; they now worry that the beautiful new bag was thrown away by mistake.

The doormen are nervous against Uncle return it, they ask Dan-tae, if he would mind. With a push button and a smile, he agrees.

Dan-tae takes Jun-su bag over Uncle office, but on the way there he meets not unlike Jun-su, who blanches see missing bag of Dan-tae fingertips dangle.

Dan-tae does the bag, marveling how is nice and new. Going nonchalant, Jun-su's true, ask all the time if Dan-tae knows the truth and only plays with him. Jun-su eyes widen when Dan-tae shows that the bag was found in the trash uncle and that he will return it.

, seeing the possibility Jun-su volunteers return the case for Dan-tae. Dan-tae agrees and hands to the bag again. To its original owner

uncle returns from lunch and panics when he finds the bag is missing. He called the building management, but only when he asks who cleaned his room, Jun-su arrives bag is missing in his hand and a dark look on his face.

Jun-su cuts immediately excuses uncle by revealing that he was the one who sent the note to his mother in the Arboretum, it warns to flee. He warns uncle, if he had been a second later, it would have been spotted by Dan-tae.

Jun-su it sets for uncle, as Dan-tae had to find been hired by Grandma Jun-pyo and that if Uncle and Jun-su mother was had caught in the garden, they were labeled as kidnappers would , Uncle staggers still asks as Jun-su, he was responsible for Jun-Pyo kidnapping, in fact, threatening to go to the police if he does not get an honest answer. After a moment, breathing uncle: "Yes, you're right."

uncle told Jun-su the whole story: He fell into debt 26 years ago and he never hurting Jun-pyo meant. Uncle shouting that he really, he really meant it, to give back safely after the family sent money, but the friend he with Jun-Pyo lost (Dan-tae's father) entrusted the boy.

Jun-su asks if his mother knew about everything but uncle says she saw him Jun-Pyo just take and silent. Jun-su wants to know if Uncle really does not know what has happened to Jun-Pyo. Uncle claims that he tried to find the child for 26 years, but he still has no idea.

Looks like the world around him is falling down, Jun-su decides to keep the secret. He promises that, while he will never forgive the two of them, he had to protect his mother. He makes uncle swear never to tell his mother that he knows the truth.

Dan-tae visited again grandma and goes through a box of his old toys, the grandmother on the saved years. Unfortunately nothing sparks a memory, but neither is hope. Grandmother pushes to visit father in hospital to wish Dan-tae, people want to thank the almost raised her grandson.

On the way out, Dan-tae runs in President Seok mother who is muttering about a speeding ticket that Jun-su near the Yangpyeong got Arboretum. The name evokes Dan-tae interest.

Dan-tae makes friends with President Seok mother come to her as she plays a game on her cell phone and offers the real thing to play with her. She runs away to obtain the cards, and while she's gone, Dan-tae sneaks glances at the speeding ticket on Jun-su desk, which confirms that he was at the Yangpyeong arboretum at the time of the meeting.

meet this evening Gong Shim and Jun-su at a cafe. Jun-su is to show just about them, the tickets for the art exhibition when Gong Shim attracts Tickets Dan-tae gave her, thanked Jun-su for the gift. Jun-su's face falls, but it is not correct her assumption.

Jun-su and Gong Shim the art exhibition together and Gong Shim honestly participate excitement finally gets a real smile from Jun-su. [1945009Danach]

, they drive by and Dan-tae spot by to drink on a bench. Gong Shim wants to go, the three of them hanging, but Jun-su stops her, realizing that the device upwards. He admits that the tickets not by him were actually her, showing that he had bought, but had to be no chance of her.

[1945010hatte] Jun-su admits that he really take Gong Shim had the show wanted, so he went with the lie along. He tells her the tickets were probably of Dan-tae and Gong asks Shim for the chance to speak to apologize to him alone.

Gong Shim leaves and Jun-su is decidedly over Dan-tae. He says plainly that he took only Gong Shim on the art exhibition. He is honest and direct, as he confesses to Dan-tae that he believe blank Gong Shim that Dan-tae were the cards from him and he lied because he was mad that Dan-tae beat him to ask her, out.

Jun-su adds that he knows he was wrong, but not do not regret his actions because he has strong feelings for Gong Shim. Dan-tae she takes all in, then gently apologizes and leaves.

Gong Shim waiting for Dan-tae, when he goes home. She tells him that she went to the exhibition with Jun-su, but when Dan-tae responds with a simple "I heard," she loses her temper. She is upset that he never to go with him personally, asked what is what led to this misunderstanding.

Gong Shim suspected that it was Dan-tae, who for them at the convenience store, the pain medicine left and doesn 't understand it. If he does not like them, then he should stop doing these things, and let them bring her feelings for him, because it is hard for them to go back and forth.

Dan-tae and can not last. Reaching out, he grabs her wrist and pulls her in and hugged her close. In a soft voice, he says,

Dan-tae: "I'm sorry I'm sorry for the hard to do it for you for not.. . able to say anything, I'm sorry Just for you so much to do in the situation, I'm sorry, Gong shim sshi "

Gong Shim melting at his words - .. How we all do

the next morning Gong Shim for Dan-tae on his way ready to work. She runs up to him and says she him only three things will ask: Did he have an incurable disease? Has his first love back and that's why he can not accept her feelings? Or he has a bad credit record and now has to sell body parts, to pay it back? PFFT. It looks like someone is watching too many dramas.

Dan-tae all their questions answered with a puzzled "Huh?" Until finally he wonders what the hell she's talking. Satisfied that none of those who Gong Shim, she says, that has itself decided, although he did not say why he did not accept their feelings, as long as one of these three is not, then does not care for him waiting to solve it.


Dan-tae to smile as Gong Shim warns him that, even though they'll be waiting, it does not mean that he won them over; her personality is a little been curbing her since she wanted him to be like them, but that does not mean that it easily! Dan-tae grins and says he understands.

Cool and confident Gong Shim commands Dan-tae bye ... then her own feet and stumble over it propagates in a face-plant.

Dan-tae rushes to help her, but a humiliated Gong Shim squeaks in dismay and runs away. Dan-tae her looks flee, a great, carefree smile on his face.

Dan-tae will bring to the Arboretum his father personal belongings. As he waits in the office, he shows the employee to ask a picture of Jun-su, if they have seen him ever

None of the staff recognize him until another gardener comes. The man Jun-su paid the note to give to his mother. The man recognizes Jun-su immediately, describing how the young man had asked him to deliver a note to a woman on the bench, what to give him a big tip for them.

Dan-tae thanked the man, but his face freezes when he realizes that Jun-su has been lying all the time.

Meanwhile Jun-su returns to Dan-tae desk and calls the toothbrush that he 'd watched him lay there. He takes the toothbrush in a lab and puts to test for them his grandmother DNA, against him under an assumed name (they from previous tests on file).

deep to the company Return, Jun-su for the waiting elevator, in thought. The doors open to reveal Ping Dan-tae already in the elevator. Jun-su looks upwards and the two men lock eyes.


come on guys, no more dirty looks - let us embrace from .. . You're welcome?

Alright, so Jun-su did the opposite of what we all had hoped: the choice to bury the truth, to protect his mother, rather than to reveal anything. It's disappointing, but I have not given up on him! Looking at it from his point of view, which is all Jun-su knows that his mother and uncle knew / planned kidnapping of his cousin. If we take Uncle sob story at face value, then meant that he never hurt-Jun Pyo, he was desperate, and he created an impossible situation, which he could not foresee where the boy was lost. It is wrong and inexcusable, but now the truth would hurt more than to keep the lie.

Note that Jun-su still has no idea that his uncle Dan-tae attacked father, or that the man has a shady personality that he has not yet been revealed to his nephew. If he now tell everyone the truth, would probably grandmother feed his entire family out of the house (if not in prison), they would lose everything and still have no idea where the long lost cousin was anyway. And remember, Jun-su believes the Dan-tae Jun-Pyo could be, so if he were to find the "missing" Cousin, then perhaps the tragedy of the family could have a happy ending. However

This is only my glass-half-full theory, since, as we have more and more, Jun-su a darker side hidden well behind see have a smiling mask , It is more than a little likely that Jun-su Dan-tae suspects to know his own identity and to slow cook up a kind of revenge plan against Jun-su family all this time. In this case, Jun-su is actively working harder to hide the truth. He can even turn a blind eye to turn something that is revealed later, all in an attempt to protect his family - nothing wrong especially his mother when he was a real mama's boy (that, unless the mother is an elitist chaebol to manipulate with a tendency her son).

I think it all depends June su true motivation to find out, in detecting Dan-tae identity. If he seeks to find his long lost cousin and to reunite his family, or trying a threat to this new secret to determine he has decided to keep? Honestly, it could go either way. Hopefully, the friendship between the two cousins ​​is not completely lost and Dan-tae may remind him of the puppy eyes, kind we chaebol loved so well.

Although, much as I really want bromance bring Dan-tae and Jun-su, the back, I appreciate to see that although the boys are looking for the same truths, they are on very different paths. Dan-tae had a rather dark sense, similar to the way was heading that Jun-su is currently until he reveals his identity to grandma. Now confide with someone and are dependent on, we have seen a return of goofy Dan-tae. He still has his serious moments, but he is not seem so hopeless that try to do everything alone. Not only that, but it enables Gong Shim closer and the positive influence it has him obviously. Sometimes all it takes is one person in your corner and suddenly the weight of the world does not seem so difficult.

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tags: Beautiful Gong Shim, episode 14, in Minah, namgoong min, Ohn Joo-wan

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