Recap And Reviews Kdrama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 8

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 8 -

has this villain always been clever and manipulative, and this episode shows you exactly how to get them to a desperate victim vulnerabilities preys what she wants. Everyone knows it's evil, but if they are only a sweet taste of what it has to offer, all resistance crumbles and it is hard not to succumb to the temptation. It's almost like she's the devil. Meanwhile, our good guys have to fight with their personal goals, so you wonder if they have any chance against Hong-joo who readily quantifiable plans.


FIG Jun's sleep Watching, Seo-ri haltingly leans forward in a movement to stroke his face. She thinks that it is packaged differently and withdraws, when suddenly, June her arm and opens his eyes - looks like he's not asleep after all was. Eyes glistening, he asks her: "You're Persimmon, is not it?"

Seo-ri, but retains its cold attitude and tells June that he someone else is mistaken for it. Unimpressed asks June her what happened, and even offers to help her, but it cuts sharply to remind him that he is not in a position to help others. She tells him that she wants him to document only until the end of Mauigeumseo, and with that he relented and apologized for otherwise confused her with someone.

Seo-ri in Cheongbing temple to their candlelit alcove rushes back and once it has made Jun's view, she finally lets her emotions come to the surface. She remembers that fateful night five years ago when evil shaman Hong-joo had told her that everyone she loves, and anyone who loves them will die.

Just then, Yo-gwang interrupts to announce their thoughts that June has finished the contents of transcribing Mauigeumseo. Yo-gwang asks Seo-ri for the Oblivion potion forget to make June that he was here at all, and it is not like the bottle over.

Shortly thereafter falls June by the niche and submit the finished wordlessly Mauigeumseo behind Seo-ri. He follows Yo-gwang from Cheongbing temple and Seo-ri leave watches.

Yo-gwang and June for a rest, while passing through the forest, and if June continues to appreciate the view, Yo gwang pours quickly the Oblivion potion in his water bag. He has towards the "water" Jun, who politely that it Yo-gwang first drink. Surprised by the unexpected June politeness, Yo-gwang insists that wild June first drink and practically forces the water bag in Jun's hands.

Once in June opens the water bag, though, he gets a whiff of the potion and recognize the scent. He asks Yo-gwang if this is what Seo-ri wants, and declares that he knows what the potion is because all the contents are of the Mauigeumseo in his head. Yo-gwang looking away, the question does not want to answer.

In a flashback, we see that in June many had confirmed that Seo-ri Yeon-hee was as if he had discovered dragons in their little niche. In the present, in June looks into the distance, where Seo-ri of the dragon flying over the temple. He asks Yo-gwang Seo-ri to say that he drank it, and continues to drink the potion at once.

Yo-gwang returns to Cheongbing temple and asks Seo-ri when she feels regret over June but Seo-ri replied only that they Cheongbing temple will now be quiet is finally glad and that it does not really important because they'll never see him again anyway. Yo-gwang she knows it does not mean, however, now can rest the issue.

Am Schloss, the king thinks with his Hong -joo back meetings that had restored to her position as head of the palace Shaman Council will be asked. An uneasy expression crossed his face.

Elsewhere in the palace the Queen Mother finds out that the spy had planted them in the king's entourage missing. The eunuch tells her that the king seems to have failed to recognize that there is a mole, but that only confuses the queen widow more and she wonders who else would you spy down. Suddenly a servant rushes some shocking message to the king has decided to reconstruct the Shaman Council.

Am Hof, the king defended as a way to his decision to restore peace in the country. Ministers argue for him to reconsider his decision to remind him that the Queen Mother is the one who abolished the Shaman Council primarily, but the king replied only that he is the king of this country, not the queen widow.

He calls to Hong-joo to enter, and she passes to the Minister with a grin on her face. The King announces that she will be the head of the shaman Council, and covered the Minister immediately to his knees and begged him to revoke his order. Hong-joo laughs just to himself and notes that she enjoys her greeting.

knowing Outside the court, Poong-yeon running in Hong-joo and demanded what they did to the king. She replies that she simply asked disease are made in return again for shamans Council for healing of the king, and the king to know was ill is all a part of their job description. Poong-yeon warns them that he would kill her if she ever harm the king, but the threat does not affect Hong-joo -. They mocked him only in response


June sees the dismembered corpse in the town square dangling and realizes that it has to be assumed him. He hides his face behind his hat quickly and says goodbye. He goes to his mother's grave, and it is ascertained amazed that she has been defiled by signs call the mother of a murderer. He tears the characters and trembling with rage, and runs back to the city

In the gambling den June playing with his face hidden, so no one recognizes him -. Not even Soon-deuk, which is back to her old tricks, behind June and signaled his cards to the other players. June, tricking slightly again and wins the jackpot, but Soon-deuk surprise dumps it. The money in their hands before leaving The other players see them accusingly, and she chases after June for clarification.

June revealed her and Soon-deuk immediately grabs his collar, wanted to know why he killed her friend gisaeng Man-wol. He asks Soon-deuk to do him a favor, and argued that he never kill Man-wol, when she was the only friend he could talk. Soon-deuk recognizes that June was falsely accused, but still refuses to help him, no longer want to be associated with the red cape.

June, it has twice the amount he gave her only when they succeed, and asks her to find only a few people for him. First, Soon-deuk looks unconvinced, but Jun's seriously call for help to move, and she agrees.

are sent on a litter on gisaeng house, a drunken requirements Heo Ok home. On the way home, the foot support trade places with four masked men (one of them is June) and Soon-deuk comes from hiding the foot support for their help to pay. is awakened

Ok from his sleep by noises outside and opens the door to see what the problem is, only to realize creaking that litter a precariously placed rocky shore cliff. He panics and cries for help, as the litter starts to slide down if Jun, still in his masked disguise, jumps in to save him.

traumatized by the near-death incident, Ok thanks his rescuer and whines annoying that the foot support do not know with whom they are messed up. In a nonchalant tone June asks sarcastically loud that would dare touch the captain of the royal guard.

Jun pulls off his mask and Ok backs away in shock, stuttering as he tries to form an intelligible sentence. Commented June that it seems like Ok has seen a ghost, and says that he is just here to accompany Ok, well as spirit. June says Ok, that he would always be there on Ok to check the safety when such sounds more of a threat than an offer of protection. June warns Ok, that he will do everything he can to clear his own name, and goes away, so Ok screaming behind him in anger.

Am Schloss, the Dowager Queen kneels outside the chambers of the king on a straw mat, asking him to reconsider, reminding him that Hong-joo only bring evil to the Palace. Despite the concern of her servants, she refuses to the king to give her in getting up, and demands that all the premises to leave.

in the chambers of the king, Hong-joo brings her glass the black liquor and sets the king in a trance. She murmurs a spell, and begins when the king convulsing, it leads the spirit in his body.

Outside the queen widow exhausted cries continue to dispense for him Hong-joo. She raises her head, only stunned stare, as they come Hong-joo down the stairs from the royal chambers watches. The Queen Mother is stunned that Hong-joo the audacity would return to the palace after what she did the Crown Prince to her son, but Hong-joo replies that she is to correct their mistakes again.

The king lumbers out of his room overslept, and the Dowager Queen crashes on before him to kneel, to reiterate that Hong-joo not return to the palace. The king seems to slow his senses again and when he sees the queen widow, his eyes widen in recognition. Stooping, he calls "mother" and claiming to be her son, Prince Sunhoe. First, the queen widow of King thinks plays a cruel joke on her, but if he breaks down in tears, she asks hesitantly if he really is the crown prince.

The King's face turns into Prince Sunhoe's and the dowager queen cups his face with his hands, overwhelmed that her son is back. She throws her arms around him, crying and Hong-joo is in the background, grinning knowingly.

In the middle of their tearful reunion, the king suddenly let go of her, and she responds as the Dowager Queen solemnly. The royal widow withdraws in shock, and the king asks if she's okay, just fall on the floor in a faint and collapse. When the servants of the king away, Hong-joo take steps behind the Queen Mother and promises to return her son to her.

in the king's room, now the Dowager Queen fully their tune changes to ask the king for the rebuilding of the shaman Council. The King is suspicious at this turn of events, and calls for the Queen Mother why she changed her mind. She replies only that the will of the king should be the will of the palace, and is to leave.

When she demanded to know if she is familiar with Hong-joo, and the queen widow denies it makes its way from the king. It adds that the king should be cautious and warns him: ". If you are blinded by despair, you will lose a lot of things" In Anger Seething, the king a book on the floor lining, but the Queen Dowager ignored him and the Dowager Queen meets with Hong-joo goes from

outside the room, and reminds them of their promise. If the queen widow allows Hong-joo return to the palace, then Hong-joo has the queen widow take help Prince Sunhoe.

The queen widow questions when Hong-joo that currently her son, and Hong-joo says really bring, Prince Sunhoe has a soul, but no body. The dowager queen balks at the plan of the body of the king to use, for Prince Sunhoe soul, but Hong-joo she recalled that the throne originally belonged to Prince anyway Sunhoe. Since the Queen Mother smiles uncomfortably, Hong-joo goes away to know that she had wrapped the queen widow around the finger is.

Hong-joo flashing back if the previous king, Myeongjong been on his deathbed, and his aides had asked him to choose an heir. We see that Hong-joo had the former king to control movements of their cave, and made it so that the current king, Seonjo, would be elected. That is, Hong-joo had specifically chosen the current king, because his body was a good fit for Prince Sunhoe soul.

After Hong-joo, Taoist masters Hyun-seo returns to his native revived. He hides quickly when he hears people approaching and overheard his wife the maid to say that they do not know when he would come back, so they need to keep "it" safe.

Hyun-seo sneaks into his office and opens a box on the shelf, take out a torn piece of paper. It has a drawing of an icon as the tree brand on Jun sees chest, and a flashback reminds us that Hyun-seo had torn this last page from the Mauigeumseo.

Am Schloss, Hong-joo goes back to her shaman Hall, and notes that everything is back to its start back.

When the water mill, investigated June scene where gisaeng Man-wol was killed. He kneels in the footsteps of Man-wol blood to see is still there, and suddenly looks up. Behind the creaking gate doors red coat moves over June and unsheathes his sword. June tried to deflect the blow, but red coat cut him down mercilessly

June stammers: "Man-wol," and then we see that this is just a figment of imagination June -. He depicts what happened to the man-wol the night she died. Appalled by how Man-wol was killed, he wonders aloud, "Red Cloak ... Who are you exactly?"

In Cheongbing Temple, Seo-ri by a copy of the Mauigeumseo flips and smiles when she realizes that June cute doodles time first at the corners of each page hit her like a flip-book had added. You Hugged laid the book, and elsewhere in the forest June fast asleep in a cave.

Poong-yeon and Sol-gae are back to investigate red coat and Poong -yeon explained sol-gae that people are still at risk if the real red coat on the loose, and the only thing he can do now for the king is to catch the true culprit. Sol-gae asks Poong-yeon, if he really everything will be fine, and we see what it means when the scene cuts to Poong-yeon on gisaeng house and looked mighty uncomfortable as the gisaengs tease him coquettishly.

He is more about Man-wol to find out, but the gisaengs refuse to tell him anything until he drinks his cup of wine. Poong-yeon insists that he not drink alcohol and gisaengs almost force the throat until Sol-gae the cup comes to his rescue and downs in one shot. She tells the gisaengs fooling to stop and throws the cup on the table with a loud clatter, speak their luster scaring the gisaengs in.

A gisaeng (the who was the first man-wol transformation) to see, explains that man-wol was pretty ugly, and no one ever for them except June is asked gisaeng shocked that he Red turned out, cape and Poong-yeon pushes for his further information - has strange thing happen to Man-wol before she died? The gisaeng remembers how Man-wol was nice to visit after the Hundred Years tree, and sighs bad they. Directly after death

its own investigation Conducting sneaks June in Man-wol room to look for evidence. Suddenly he hears discuss Poong-yeon and Sol-gae, like all red cape victims are connected to the Hundred Years' tree, and is forced to find a way to think, to escape.

Poong-yeon, the door opens to see -WOL rooms and coughing in embarrassment, a gisaeng dressing for man. Poong-yeon apologizes for the error, and Jun rushes past him the Hanbok hidden wearing his face of women, but not before Poong-yeon Notes black boots June

makes as June his way out, stop the other gisaengs to welcome him to them for failing, can catch up what for Poong-yeon and Sol-gae. Sensing something strange about him, Poong-yeon stops June in his tracks and clamps a hand on his shoulder. June grimaces and tries to resist, he began has to know. But he is forced to show his face, and rotates at the moment June he pushes Poong-yeon in the gisaengs and makes a run for it.

Especially if June thinks he. In the clear, Poong-yeon grabs him from behind and presses it against a wall He peels back in June for the scar to see clothes that should be on the shoulder on red coat, but Jun's shoulder is undimmed. Nevertheless Poong-yeon not let go and told June that it must be thoroughly investigated because it could still be an accomplice.

After hearing that in June, trying to get free of Poong-yeon encirclement, but Poong-yeon keeps its grip. Poong-yeon demands to know where his golden bell is, and Jun replied that he has no idea what he's talking.

Taking advantage of a distracted Poong-yeon June pushes him away and runs away, only to be stopped by Sol-gae. Poong-yeon binds June together hands for good measure and June is brought to the prison cell, where he asks his case to Poong-yeon. Poong-yeon, however, do not flicker and easy answers that they find out the truth during the interrogation tomorrow.

in the temple, Yo-gwang sent into panic mode when he sees that the talismanic shields start again burst into flames. He hears Seo-ri calling for him and he hastily block to see her the vanishing talismans. Seo-ri tells him that she is ready to make the potions again, asking him to bring them the desired tags from the tree centenarians.

Yo-gwang makes his way back into the now abandoned Taoist temple. He flips frantically through books, to avoid a process looking from burning away the talismans. Just as he is all begin to think a lost cause, he put the symbol on the metal plate, which had to defend the Taoists once against the black spirits used.

He recognizes it as the same symbol, the June had on his chest. After digging through more books, he learns that June is a human talismanic shield. He groans in frustration that he made in June drinking the Oblivion potion, but now he knows that in June her only hope is hidden for storage Seo-ri.

In the forest, Hyun-seo is making its way towards Cheongbing temple and stares at the large posted at the entrance talismanic shield.

June with its castle fumbles in prison, but it's nothing. He asks jokingly if he should call a shaman be unlucky to get rid of, but suddenly one of the guards unlocked his cell. It's Yo-gwang which is dressed with a talisman, and he rushes to deliver in June. Yo-gwang bustles through an explanation of everything that has happened with Seo-ri in the temple to curse because they insisted that they give June the Oblivion potion.

Meanwhile relies on the great talisman his hand Hyun-seo, and a ripple of effects caused - the great talisman burns, the candle in Cheongbing Temple flicker, and the smaller talismans around the temple burst into flames.

Inside the niche Cheongbing Temple, Seo-ri takes from a bowl with potion, and in flashback we see that they hesitated after production of the Oblivion potion for June would have. You 'd to empty back, the contents of the bottle, instead of Oblivion potion with water before it turned over to Yo-gwang gift. When they the remnants of Oblivion potion studied now, the whole temple suddenly begins to tremble, as if there is an earthquake.

In the shaman hall in the palace, says Hong-joo of the shamans, they feel the Princess spiritual presence.

to hold back in the temple, Seo-ri looks in alarm around and tried falling apart, the square. Suddenly, she is overwhelmed by the usual screeching noise of the black shadow spirit and she holds her head in horror. We see that her curse brand has returned under her ear. Meanwhile Poong-yeon is walking with Sol-gae, when he hears the scream, and faints.

Hong-joo of the shaman rushing through the forest and Hyun-seo comes out of hiding to watch them carefully.

At the entrance of the temple Cheongbing, Yo -gwang listen Seo-ri screams and rushes inside. Seo-ri around wildly as the spirit it lifts into the air and flail rotates her hair white. You suddenly goes limp and starts falling to the ground; although Yo-gwang catch forward you go, it's the poor June that it lands in.

The earthquake within Cheongbing Temple stops abruptly, and Seo-ri wakes briefly seen on June. He manages a smile and says: "We'll meet again", before she falls into his arms in a swoon. Seo-ri hair turns black back and the dark spirits appear to leave them.


Although I very not sold by the romantic chemistry between Seo-ri and June, I think , they have a wonderful relationship as friends and I'm so excited that they finally willing to work together. With Seo-ri constant detention and confession of June, which was one-wol his only friend, it is clear that both of them are quite lonely character, and that very loneliness really helps to understand each other in a way that other simply not.

I love that Seo-ri familiar enough in June to change the Oblivion potion with water, because they have an understanding of Jun's personality, the Yo-gwang it did not have, and I love that in June only knew how to cheer her up and show that he remembered her as he scribbled these drawings in Mauigeumseo. He's just so thoughtful and sweet, and also how many episodes it has since we've seen Seo-ri adorable smile?

I want to urgently Poong-yeon with the trio a team, but I'm worried that his commitment is to serve the king (the slow Hong-joo puppet is always) put him at odds with his love for Yeon-hee / Seo-ri. Poong-yeon acts as an interesting foil for the king - Poong-yeon is morally upright and a stickler for the rules while the king is ready more to do the public and certain things to deceive for personal gain - but I'm curious to know what would Poong-yeon do when he is confronted with a conflict, where he participated more personally.

the notes on the potion bottles Considering and centenarians tree, I am beginning to think that the Missed things for Seo-ri or Yo-gwang to framed as a red coat setting once in June his name , If Poong-yeon was thinking that Seo-ri became involved with a red cape, what would he do? Would he continue to keep to the rules, or he wanted to find some room in his book for Seo-ri?

When the king the rules for personal gain breaks, I actually find his argument quite understandable - it is the truth hidden about the red coat, to keep the public satisfied (perhaps not the best way to get things do as Poong-yeon had sympathize pointed out, but I can), and he is to restore Hong-joo to her position, thinking he can save his own life. If Poong-yeon were placed in a similar position, as he could be with Seo-ri, what would be his approach?

With that being said, it is interesting to see how our alliances all over the place at this point. Seo-ri, Yo-gwang and June working together against Hong-joo; Poong-yeon is both Jun and Hong-joo at the moment carefully; the Queen Mother and the King are among Hong-joo control, even if they do not recognize it; and we have no idea which side Hyun-seo is, or whether it has been contaminated by the shadow spirit. So many characters are still so aligned ambiguous, and here is an example where the saying: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend", does not apply (yet?).

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tags: Episode 8, in Kim Sae-ron, Lee Sung jae mirror witch, Yeom Jung-ah, Yoon Shi-Yoon

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