Recap And Reviews Kdrama Triangle: Episode 14

Recap and reviews korean drama Triangle: Episode 14 -

Triangle not attack your optics week comes possibly the most striking show to week, but there is something to be said for the way it build on itself again and again to be more than we expected, lower than what for we had hoped for, and in spite of achingly human. Young-dal Watching only one way in the past, forge this as close-yet-so-far point to get no return, is a pleasure from the outset that hour to end, even if his magic therapy Fee steps to help in one, too often for my taste. Although I think that's what you get with free memory regression sessions that take in coffee shops.


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Dong-soo watches intently as Young-dal, his hypnotic state, recalls the events of that fateful night Dong-soo left his two little brothers Young-dal cries when he goes deeper and deeper into his memories. "I'm afraid ..."

Shin-hye has the to end session but Young-dal accumulates enough to continue. the flashback he enters is our first look into what happened after Dong-soo left because so far we have had only Dong-soo view.

Young-dal speaks of a black car and his little brother takes away man. when he experienced the memories and emotions of that night, he cries that he should take his dongsaeng ... but he could not do as his hyung told him, and failed in his duty.

There is honest young young-dal seen heartbreaking sobs as he carries the car his brother hunts before it falls at all. "I was not even able to protect my little brother," Young-dal continue in the present, guilt washing over him in waves of pain.

"I'm sorry, I did wrong," apologized, Young- dal, eyes closed still solid. "I am sorry." Reliving his thought process even as a child, he says loudly, as he did not know what he would say to his Hyung when he returned because he could not keep his promise. "And I'm so scared," he repeated.

Dong-soo looks like his own heart is breaking because the realization that this is his long-lost brother has it now could be beat, right? He does not seem, although the process of hypnosis to understand because Shin-hye to bring it to him Young-dal again has to explain consciousness.

Young-dal looks tired and overwhelmed as Dong-soo asks him if he remembers his brothers name or even his own before he was Heo Young-dal , But Young-dal can not remember, and Shin-hye cuts to send him rest home the short interrogation.

Dong-soo later admits to Shin-hye that Young-dal history gave him chills, because it is so eerily similar to his own past. When asked if he thinks Young-dal, that his brother might be, Dong-soo admits that the thought had crossed my mind.

But knowing Young-dal as a person and how much he suffered, Dong-soo admits that he would be ashamed to call brother now Young-dal. Shin-hye remains confident that they can solve this mystery by finding out where Young-dal held memories, and Dong-soo seems at the idea intrigued that a second hypnotherapy with Young-dal could reveal more details.

Jung-hee Young-dal a visit later in the night with what a sweet rice drink, but Young-dal calls it gamju , which she calls is paid only another word for the drink that he happened to love. He can not remember where he ever though picked up the concept itself. (I wonder if he remembers more of his past for his hypnosis?)

And aw, Young-dal tells Jung-hee, that he wants them to learn how to make some grandmas favorite recipes. .. so they can do for him. Omo. He is definitely talk about their future that despite Jung-hee smile warns they joke that he will be forward.

He says Jung-hee about his hypnotherapy and what he remembers, and it is pathetic that he feels so free to trust in her. Though he doubted he ever his brothers with his spotty memories find Jung-hee remains optimistic and encouraging. I love this couple legitimate.

, After Chairman Yoon to take into account for him by Dong-soo to worry once and for all, Chairman Go the services of a dismisses assassin favor of his subordinates with SOO-chang, get rid of to get Dong-soo, without killing him.

At least chairman Go enough sense has to know that, would be if Dong-soo turned up dead, he is the first name on the suspect list. But as for what he wants to do instead, only he knows.

Detective Gook stops by Boss Yang to find the office to play it Go-Stop with Madame Jang and her favorite, he is not only there to blast them gambling he ask about Young-dal, because he has been too quiet since he was released and that usually means that it is not good to.

No one has a clear answer, although the idea is enough to put Madame Jang on high alert. Boss Yang is the only one who defended by claiming that Young-dal that it has caused no new problems, because he tries to live honestly.

Boss Min expresses her doubts about Elder Ahn entrusted Young-dal with such a large company (in terms of its contract with Daejung), but Elder Ahn stirs not in its decision. Although he owes Young-dal his life, he is not the young man to bring in from mood because he had not done it so far in the money lending business if he did.

He puts his trust in Young-dal, because Young-dal know how to play big, Elder Ahn claims is a skill that can not be learned. Young-dal was born with this ability, even though Young-dal is not known, it is even.

Dong-soo flashes back when Young-dal his great plan revealed to him, and I love how Young -dal was initially reluctant because he knew Dong-soo would call him crazy. But at the Dong-soo encouragement explains Young-dal his plans Daejung casino take.

And ha, the first thing that came out of Dong-soo mouth was: "Crazy bastard." Young-dal: "You see what I told you I knew you'd call me a crazy bastard?." And although he did not give any details about Dong-soo, he seemed confident that the acquisition hidden due to its card was possible, also known as Elder Ahn.

the two meet in the present, with Young-dal find entertainment in Dong-soo impatience to learn what is his hole card. They continue as quarreling brothers, without knowing that they Soo-chang we followed you that go reported their actions to the chairman.

to remain relevant to his search, director Hyun's Chairman a little ammo go in to pit better against Yang-ha to tell it from him that Yang-ha was actually adopted. And director Hyun hopes that Yang-ha in lowering, is his father recognize his "son" is unfit to be an heir and instead turn it responsible.

Young-dal his hole card to Dong-soo unveiled by him Elder Ahn introduction, the Dong-soo Shin-hye recite facts about how a Wikipedia article.

Although Dong-soo not quite understand how Young-dal reminds got the support of such a wealthy man, he at discounted when Young-dal shows that Elder condition Ahn was money for lending Daejung that he to be able to send to the casino would one of his own people.

And this person is Dong-soo. First Dong-soo argues that it should be Young-dal, but the young man laughs at him that he could not get away from Yang-ha space if he never stepped foot in a school. Dong-soo has an education, and he spent learning his term on playing, so he is the right man for the job.

Young-dal explained his reasons for including Dong-soo to Elder Ahn to say of him, as Chairman Yoon had Chairman Dong-soo kill go father, he is out for revenge.

Elder Ahn concern is that Dong-soo could interfere with blood lust with their plans, but Young-dal is probably his opinion, as he claims, that would have Dong-soo done old that, but Dong-soo is a new man after his stint in prison.

So Elder Ahn Young-dal takes his word and true in Dong-soo to leave, although Boss Min not so sure why is not Young-dal only do the work yourself? Young-dal tells her that no player leaves the game, he is good to play the game as it wishes to, poor, and Dong-soo is better suited to infiltrate the casino when he is.

Speaking of which, we find Yang-ha and Chairman Yoon the unknown person Elder Ahn wants to place discussion in their casino, with Yang ha confident that he will be able to control who it is.

The lecture then turns to how Chairman Yoon plans of Dong-soo, to get rid of and even though Yang ha worried that his adoptive father sits in a precarious position by doing chairman go to work, , Chairman Yoon has a bigger plan in mind. He will use this opportunity to take both go and Chairman Dong-soo down.

Yang-ha does not need to hear in order to know what is going on (although I'm not quite sure what's going on), at least until his father made him trying to get to go with a rich chairman and his marriage legitimate daughter on a golfing trip.

And perhaps for the first time ever , a chaebol heir tells his chaebol father that he did not go on a matchmaking date because he likes someone else ... only the sky; coming crash. Chairman Yoon not even freak out if anything he seems slightly confused. by tracking down the former director of Dong-soo orphanage Granted, he does not know who the girl is still.

Shin-hye has succeeded as a detective, what Dong-soo could never do during his years. However, Dong-soo seems less enthusiastic about it than he with Young-dal plan on following through is.

All Jung-hee fellow dealers are pissed when they find out, go to Jung-hee is not only an all-inclusive trip to Las Vegas courtesy of company, but that it goes with Yang-ha.

you confront them about this fact, and although Jung-hee confused (they did not get the memo, if they did), she is still fighting back against the onslaught of bitchy girls who proclaim from that everything she heard from her and Yang-ha is not true.

of female managers Director Hyun is / was having an affair with reports directly to him about Yang-ha dealing, and is the one to tell him that Yang-ha is not only dating a dealer , but a dealer who was born a poor mines daughter. Ah ha.

Determined to stop the rumor mill at the source, Jung-hee, the marketing director responsible for the spread of the initial discussion faced, only to be told that she heard about the journey of the pair of Yang-ha directly itself.

so it goes directly to Yang-ha, and while it initially, she smiles to see his face falls when a formal tone and distance, as it maintains tells him that everyone is talking about them with the trip to Las Vegas to take him and when his condition it. primarily for recording, they would not prefer to go

not appeased it is when Yang-ha tells them they can then go alone, and refuses to travel all together. But she is not heartless, so if Yang ha her pleads to set and hear him just a second out, it does.

He begins with this isn 't how he wanted this speak , but he knew that this was his only chance, as Jung hee would see him outside of work, to refuse. "I'll tell right now. I had planned to go with you to Las Vegas, so I could propose to you" Omo. What?

"Because I already know have feelings for someone else, I am well aware that you do not accept my proposal," Yang-ha on. "But I was afraid that if I waited longer, I might lose you forever ... so I decided I have to do it now. I'm not about the feelings I feel more for you. I vow to take the feelings you have for Young-dal for me. No matter what happens. "

Jang-soo and Jailbreak take Jung-hee shy Casino buddy Jun-ho for a fun night at Madame Jang casino as a way to thank him for being their informants. But her good mood sours quickly when Madame Jang Lakai showing towards someone who ask for Young-dal, is already ...

... And the man sitting at the table, is not out of the prison other than Manbong Hyungnim waaaay, sooner than they expected to be he. Its presence is bad news Bear Young-dal owes him another lot cash.

Young-dal meets Manbong the casino after his Hispanic friends tell him the news, and sips his fear down his worst nightmare to see around a free man on foot. So of course he has no choice but to say yes when Manbong asks if he is willing to risk his life for him on the line. (Did not he have a year, though?)

While Chairman Go get rid of the same refrain over repeated Dong-soo, Jung-hee goes home to ponder the very strange proposal Yang-ha gave her only.

Along with Jailbreak, Jang-soo has decided Manbong without ever tells Young-dal to worry Problem of Young-dal. Da Boss Min and Top Dog are on Team Young-Dal (and they are higher on the totem pole than ganster Manbong), Jang-soo touting Manbong prevent them to collect his debts.

although Manbong claims that Young-dal a bet with him for his life , Boss Min happened, what little much they made together could have made as completely unimportant if the making prepares compared luck ~~ POS = TRUNC Young-dal. And Boss Min is to ensure that Manbong is not in the Young-dal way. Walking Boss Min!

Young-dal said Dong-soo that he put into place at Daejung next few weeks and start going best of all is the view of Yang-ha's face when he sees him as Yang-ha no idea what's coming.

But Dong-soo today continued his buzzkill pants, he asks Young-dal, why is this plan so excited and what he wants to get out of it. "I know that I do this for revenge, but what is your purpose?" He does not believe that Yang-ha Young-dal is put in prison enough one, I suppose, and wonders if Young-dal his hidden card used too early.

Young-dal only answer is awkward laughing, that authorization if Dong-soo says so, he does not know how to respond. "What is your dream" Dong-soo asks abruptly, so that Young-dal to openly admit that his dream constantly has changed lately: first he wanted to be the world champion in Texas Hold'em. But now ...

"Now is my dream to marry this girl, I know and live happily ever with her." Awww. "and to my older brother and the little brother I see lost. Something like that." Gah. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

Dong-soo fears that Young-dal could be innocent and pure-hearted as his dreams that would make him ill-equipped to go against the evil they have to make sure. He tried to protect Young-dal, but Young-dal will not be protected. He is a player by nature, and he is not, not , pass a gamble to this large.

While Yang-ha about continued making not worry who it is that Elder Ahn plans to send them and why he has been on Young-dal by Detective Gook review. He's really crazy that Young-dal is so low laying, because he. For the opportunity just is itching to fight him

Director Hyun takes it upon himself to confront Jung-hee about her relationship with Yang-ha, to be polite and immediately shut down, like Jung-hee asserts that nothing is between the two of them. So much for this asset.

Official with all the drama tired around Yang-ha, Jung-hee, the casino job to take it sets offered in Seoul. It provides grandmother and bring their brethren to when she gets settled in, but Grandma does not want to move. They would rather Jung-hee take only her brothers with her.

Poor Young-dal tried (and not to) to educate yourself by reading books when reading Jung hee texts to ask him how he feel would, when they moved to Seoul for work.


confused at first Young-dal, since he did not even know about the job offer before he realizes that he can not let Sabuk with her when he got his own job to do. He tried to get her to stop texting and just talk to him, but she turns him down, they need some alone time to think.

Shin-hye wants Young-dal recover his lost memories to help, and apparently the best place to do that is a café. I can not even muster the energy to be surprised with it. Of course they would keep a therapy session in public. What could may wrong with this idea.

has instead of hypnotherapy time to do all Shin-hye, is asking Young-dal think really hard about his past to remember. He closes his eyes and immediately remembers the night his older brother with startling clarity completion left with names and all.

"Dong-woo," he says, as soon as he opens his eyes. "My little brother ... name is Dong-woo." He knows his own Dong-Chul was because that's what his hyung called him.

Shin-hye hears these names and know immediately that Young-dal Dong-soo's brother because "his brothers Dong-soo listing off reminiscent names. Although Young-dal can not remember his Hyung name, takes Shin-hye him with her to the orphanage where Dong-soo came. where they know he came now.

We find Dong-soo meeting with Detective Tak in the city, and it looks like Chairman Go set that scarred assassin to take care of all Dong-soo. (For a knife allegedly to be a man, you would think he did not look would like he Butterfinger when it comes to handling sharp objects near his face.)

at the orphanage, Young-dal is flooded with memories of his younger self and his two brothers. he asks as Shin-hye knew to bring him here. "Young-dal ... I mean, Dong-Chul ... name your Hyung is Jang Dong-soo."

Young-dal responded with disbelief. Does she Detective Jang? She nods, and reiterates that the Dong-soo, he really knows is his Hyung. Young-dal hears this and goes speechless as tears roll down his cheeks.

It takes Dong-soo, while the phone to answer because he's too busy vows revenge for his father to take, but he finally takes on when Young-dal calls. He can not get signal in the restaurant and goes outside to the call to take ... oh no. Do not do it! The Scarred Man is out there!

Drunk, but happy, Dong-soo does not catch the serious tone of the in Young-dal voice and invites him for a drink from ...

... Only for Scarred man to stab him in the stomach, turn the knife, and leave it on the street bleeding. Damn, show!

Young-dal knows something is terribly gone wrong when he hears, Dong-soo in pain and terrified cries of the people groan nearby. He screams and yells into the phone, but gets no response.


Of course. course Dong-soo would right then stabbed right when it mattered most for him what Young-dal had to say to hear. Right if a reunion was within reach. I can not make the guilt Triangle for a good use of dramatic timing, but if the dramatic timing were a person, I would punch it completely in the face now.

When I saw the assassin stalking Dong-soo, my first thought was that I missed the moment Chairman Go somewhere must've decision. Towards the beginning of the hour, spelled Chairman Go his argument out why he could not have Dong-soo killed, and although I find his character despicable and a bit of a snooze, I had to hand it to him, he is absolutely true that he kill the first person to Dong-soo would be suspected.

so but we think that he had another plan, even if it led us to believe that he had a different plan, perhaps stinging and incapacitate Dong-soo it was all along. At least we know Dong-soo, will live, the episode number, taking into account, as long as he is not struck with amnesia, I am ready to take on this new development of the plot in motion. But if at this point next week Dong-soo is either amnesia or in a coma, then I will get the whole bone with this show.

Apart from that, I love the way Young-dal and Jung-hee ahead, if only because their love line is so sweet and grounded. It is not his first love or unrequited love vying for his attention, she's just an average girl with good taste. The fact that he turns into a different and much shy person around them is beyond adorable no matter how often it happens, and simple things like him trying to educate themselves, or continue from a happy marriage dream it Young-dal, a very lovable character to make, because in spite of all his faults and shortcomings to root easily.

For this reason, it is easy for Jung-hee to anchor by association, because it is to prove himself as a free-thinking individual longer even when I was initially prepared to give for their credit. It is not the unfortunate heroine in some high school drama (you know who you are) to two men dragged always, because she has made her choice and is quite capable of standing for themselves, if necessary. Come to think of it, my appreciation for their quiet yet no-nonsense attitude has really grown lately, especially with the all crap they that put has not even asked with her. I wish I felt more sympathy for Yang-ha but I know it really.

I could not have been with Young-dal Birthright satisfied, even if I closed my eyes, spit, and three times every time, Shin-hye shoot a scene ruined. There I could so many overwrought ways to play the scene in which Young-dal brings his past in harmony and the fact that Dong-soo is his long-lost brother, but instead we got a nice realistic and moving portrayal of Jaejoong, really come into his own as an actor in the course of this series. Do not take away the promise of a family and happiness of him Triangle . Leaving Young-dal alone

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tags: featured, the Shi-wan, Jaejoong, Lee Beom-soo, triangle

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