I wasn 't be disappointed! And how ridiculous I was excited for Joseon Gunman was , certainly says a lot, does not it? I had expectations, they were unreasonably high, and they were filled.
The show is similar to (given the obvious comparison, the PD-connection) The Princess Man , but I think that only in the best way. The stories are separated and completely on their own merits and are in different periods of history, driven by different political climate and character set motivations. But when you finish The Princess Man and were looking for a show to be interactions the same blend of action, camera, intrigue, romance and nice relationship, Joseon Gunman quite delivers. Ahhhh This is a fun ride to be
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opening titles inform us about the current state of Joseon, which is domination in the third year of Gojong, us in 1876. placement (Gojong was achieved king in the past decade, but his father, as his regent acted to Gojong adulthood.)
There is a turbulent time, with conflict brewing between the two leading political groups, the Sugu Group (conservative) and the Kaehwa (enlightenment) on the Kaehwa side support Gojong intelligence policy during this time of change ,. Joseon became known as a hermit kingdom through the nineteenth century , sharp, to isolate themselves from foreign influences. in the years leading up to this point in history, rejected Joseon Western overtures had trade lines open, which led to military clashes with the American and French forces. While newer ideology advocated a more open policy, it had yet to take root.
to increasing tensions between Sugu and Kaehwa adding, recently Gojong have Kaehwa followers started to fall one by one victim of a mysterious figure, a brand new type of gun toting.
The head of the royal guard, PARK JIN-HAN ( Choi Jae-sung ), its officers sets the gunman nab, and they with his head in the direction of a rally in the meeting. A Kaehwa leader delivers an impassioned speech to a crowd of attentive scholars on the future of Joseon and the need for the climb. Guards Station is expected with a bow and arrow at the ready, all the signs of trouble from the mysterious sniper.
In the distance, the gunman positioned itself at a good vantage point and loads his gun, the ball sliding into the chamber. Clack! Park Jin-Han hears and decreases in this direction. The shooter raises his rifle and taking aim. Bang!
The ball finds its mark of Kaehwa leader goes down. The amount scattered in panic, and he dies.
Its mission is completed, the sniper to be turning to leave, only in the arm by a flying arrow sliced. Park Jin-Han pursued as the Armed whizzing through the forest, and then through a field of reeds. Park is an experienced shooter, but the hunt is moving fast and only miss left his arrows hardly their tracks.
The hunting breaks as the gunman crouching his rifle and Park Jin-Han scanned to load the box. Then, when the sniper screws up, are the men, pistol against arch. They fire simultaneously.
The ball initially hardly lands Park head missing. A second later, the arrow grazes the Bamboo Hut gunman.
Park Jin-Han switch to his sword and rushes to the gunman to reload the breaks. Before he can come to him, interrupting the arrival of the rest of the royal guard and sends the sniper scampering away.
Am Schloss, KING Gojong ( Lee Min-woo ) turns to his farm, on the chain of assassinations outraged: He has lost three scientists in the past month, handpicked, all of them see through his enlightenment policy. He holds one of his ministers responsible for KIM Byung-JE ( Ahn Seok-hwan ), who was responsible for the investigation.
If you could not tell from the erratic views of Minister Kim, the fact that he is part of Sugu Group tells us that he found on the page the enemy. He will pay the King lip service, saying that they'll work their hardest to resolve the matter. in anger over the lack of respect Trembling directed his way Gojong warns of dire consequences if the assassin found and dug up their funders.
Gojong followers dwindle, and only one remains Kaehwa scholar. Worse, he has gone (or hide). Gojong Instructs its loyal guard Park Jin-Han, to find him and ensure his safety.
Park Jin-Han promises and sends his men in the city of gunman investigate. He pauses at the gates of a gisaeng device, a drinking party whose attention watching on a young nobleman at its center is fixed.
It is our hero PARK YOON- KANG ( Lee Jun-ki ), brandishing a sword and ensures gisaeng that he will cut the petals of the flower she is holding in her teeth, without damaging them. He is confident and playful; it is not decided.
Yoon-kang stirs up the beat of a drum, slashes with his sword, then sheathed the sword safely. The gisaeng looks around, making sure that it is still alive, confused because the flowers are still intact. Then the tape is on her top falls before, and the rear windows open out. Everyone bursts out laughing, appreciate Yoon-kang of grandstanding.
Yoon-kang basks in the attention, but sees the royal guard at the edge of space, facing him severely. Oops. Hello, Dad.
Park Jin-Han Yoon-kang pulls side to blame him for his sword skills thusly use. Yoon-kang dismisses his father with glib words, but there's voltage below the surface.Yoon-kang words have a bite when he told his father from him not to worry and concentrate catch the sniper who him the whole month has had in a tizzy.
in a shop of the dealer, we meet JUNG SOO-IN ( Nam Sang-mi ), which is currently in the getup of a male dressed scholar when she (Hye-bin Jeon ) a small pistol by the shopkeeper, CHOI Hye-Won is given. They are obviously close friends, and while Hye-won does not know what has been with her disguise Soo-in, she feels that it is dangerous, and urges them to be safe.
Soo-in hurry out, keep nervous her pack tightly, and bam! She pushes right into Yoon-kang, drop the gun at her feet. She has not noticed, and derives after him to shoot a glare for his rudeness.
Yoon-kang spots the weapon only as Soo-in is implemented is gone, and his smile is a suspicious glance. Soo-in darts forward and throws himself on the gun, but curious Yoon-kang easy strolls away. At the moment, it derives, he turns back to watch them. to have
Soo-in heads to a bookstore heard this last remaining scholar, Oh Kyung frequented a place of the king. Soo-in leaves a note to him to be handed over.
She walks nervously and almost Aries in Yoon-kang again, although he deliberately her in his way this time. You want to free only from him, but he is too curious to let it go and keeps questions to ask their anger. He reveals easily that he followed her, wondering what she's up with this weapon.
Yoon-kang concludes that it is too low, be the killer on the loose, but accepts Soo-in works with him. They protested, and when he tries to leave her to stop, she punches him in the face.
He tried to pursue, but is involved in a fight that is dragged him to the police station. The misunderstanding is cleared, and he let go, through his friendship with the officer aided, HAN JUNG-hoon ( Lee Dong-UTI ). Officer Jung-hoon advises Yoon-kang to drop his idea to find out of this heavily armed scholar, because he does not want to be drawn into the gunman business.
Soo-in still comes home to the raw punk peppered they had the misfortune to run in. It turns back to the noble young lady she is most of the time, while her maid she scolds secretly to stop because it make her a nervous wreck.
The maid found the gun and blames Soo-in to accept the gift, even if it was from her friend. Soo-in answers that it might be useful because it every time she goes in search of scholar Oh Kyung-it feels like the assassin is on the edge follows them.
The girl asks you to give to her, asking: "What's so wonderful with this book?" Soo-in, the objected that to say that the book was her left from her teacher, and she has to give, as promised on.
time for bad guys. Politicians and aristocrats of Sugu Group for a tense meeting. Minister Kim is present during the process are led by Sugu leader Kim Jwa-jung. He is also the head of the powerful Andong Kim clan, and just about the Reign strongest opposition.
Kim Jwa-young told his bickering followers do not act rashly they-are best off, biding their time and allows Gojong to the conclusion to come on your own. Once he sees next Oh Kyung is taken out, the wind was knocked out of the sails receive the king.
Minister Kim provides a further concern regarding the narrow official King Park Jin-Han, the downward doggedly tracked the gunman hired them. Kim Jwa-young gives green light of any interference to worry that arise.
The sniper returns to his murderers' headquarters in a deep cave and reports to his boss, CHOI WON-shin ( Yoo Oh-sung ). Choi Won-shin has another sniper to handle the next murder, the Park is Jin-Han-target. Oh Kyung murder follow.
The Central Park Jin-Han a special delivery of a receiving state-of-the-art-gun, similar to the shooter used. It comes from America and is more efficient, faster and less complicated than the weapons to use past there is no weapon in this nation that can defeat them. Sobering news. Park are advised to avoid active paths with the gunman to his own safety cross, but something tells me the park is not the type to retire.
At home, Yoon-kang sits with his younger sister YEON- HA to the just be worried about her father away for ten days from home. Yoon-kang says halbbitter that this is nothing, and that her father once did not come home ten months under both missed their births-he was too busy with his work.
Yoon-kang a small wooden owl whittling finished, Yeon-ha like a big pot when you are looking for more laughs. She asks him a stretched out to make his wings, a prospect he finds daunting. Oh, they are sweet.
Up on a nearby roof, our second assassin lurks as Park Jin-Han arrives home. Yeon-ha jumps to greet him and Dad she bends to embrace, so that when the sniper fire in Park Jin-han head, misses the ball. Suddenly alert, instructs his children Park inwards and jumps on his horse on the track shape in the distance retire.
But Yoon-kang is not to sit at home and when in running with sword in hand. The sniper hiding in the market, the management of the park to escape Jin-Han announcement when he goes past him. But it's Yoon-kang, facing him from the other side, looking ready for the challenge.
The sniper takes aim, but Yoon-kang performs a series of fantasy, quickly twisting maneuvers. By the time the ball is passed, he is already elsewhere. His sword collided several times with the gun in close proximity, between running and whirling. Man, he's fast. Do not drive faster than a bullet, but definitely faster than the brain they fire.
At the end Yoon-kang sends the gunman crashing to the ground. is somehow overwhelmed despite vastly sword hit pistol. That's when his father comes to his horse along the loading process and the sniper darts away. Yoon-kang can only withdraw when his father rides after him.
The rest of the station joins the hunt, but you lose the way in a residential area. Park sharp eyes observe the tile, which is askew and demanded entry into the house.
This house belongs leader Choi Won-shin-whose daughter is our young merchant friend Hye-Won bombers. Choi Won-shin is not to let this guards barge into his house, but Hye-won steps and makes it possible to say that they are not interested in harboring a criminal. She orders her servant to open the house and allow the search. Her father does not seem happy, but not to stop it.
The search appeared nothing, and Park Jin-Han has his men to carry out empty-handed. Hye-won urges her father not to get excited, and he agrees to please her; he seems a loving father at least.
Choi Won-shin has indeed the assassin port which has hidden under a flap. Choi is to have landed displeased with parking radar and warns his men not to come back to his home. Seems like the two snipers are on thin ice with the boss.
Deeming his house unsafe, Park Jin-Han grabs his children to deliver them into the household of a friend. The man is an official State interpreters, JUNG HEE-Ryung ( Eom Hyo-sub ) to save the Park Jin-han Company for his life during one of his trips and is therefore happy to welcome the children in his home.
You are late joined by the daughter of the house ... which is, of course, none other than Soo-in. Yoon-kang does not seem to recognize (though he gets a little googly eyes), but Soo-in has smoothed a knee-jerk reaction of horror that must be from their parents.
she mutters that he reminded her of a young man she knew. (Mother: "How would the young men to know are?!") Her father only says that Yoon-kang she was so beautiful been frightened be
Her maid, on the other hand, oohs in Soo-of acidified on the handsome young man, the expression. Particularly at the part where the girl says he probably gets a lot of female attention. The maid clocked her bad temper and asks mischievously: "Or is it that he was not very interested in her?" Heh.
Soo-in mother she pulls aside her scolding for their rudeness. She agrees meek, but leaves the room angrily complained: "Am I some gisaeng Want to flirt me?"
Which, of course, Yoon-kang overheard from the court and said he views a easy taking. Soo-in is likely that he is not allowed in this area (the ladies quarters), and he is fishing for excuses to explain his presence when it is obvious that he is curious about the pretty lady. Aw. I love how he is thrown out of her obviously hostile behavior.
Yoon-kang apologized overheard in her conversation with her mother, who only makes her huffier, to its list of offenses addition interception. He apologized a few times and goes with bruised feelings.
Yeon-ha worry for her father's safety, although Yoon-kang her dad Status remembered as best fencers of their time. Even if the enemy has a gun, it is not only the weapon that gives you an advantage; You estimate your skills in to use a situation and find the way to win. We have already seen that it is quite efficient.
Yoon-kang derives from his officer friend Jung-hoon, to meet and almost crossed paths with Soo-in on the way to her scholar robe. She sees him first, luckily, and ducks out of sight, without being detected.
Soo-in returns to the bookstore, where the owner confirmed that Oh Kyung has not been through. He offers her the rumor that Oh Kyung was discovered in Banchon, and she darts from now on this circuit.
Once there, Soo-in seen by someone who could of Oh Kyung be and follows him through the streets. You lose the track, but that's when he pulls them aside threatening and asks who she is. He does not believe that they friendly until it snaps on the name of their teacher Hyun for breath and identifies himself as Mr. Jung daughter.
Soo-in explained about the book to her left and invites him to pick it up. Oh Kyung asks them tomorrow to be him instead of justice, a place and time. It promises to be there when the curfew ringing bell.
That night, Yoon-kang with his friend Jung-hoon dined, to tell him of his new life. Jung-hoon asks if there are any pretty young daughters around, and Yoon-kang sighs that it is a daughter, but she has a foul temper. Jung-hoon: "But it is rather"
Yoon-kang admits that she quite pretty, but repeated the point about their bad character. Jung-hoon: "People always change their mind about how they feel about a person's character." Yoon-kang: "And the face?" Jung-hoon: "That does not change." P wa. You are lovely.
Merchant bombers Choi Won-shin reports to his superior, the surprise to no one, nothing but Sugu floor leader, Kim Jwa-jung. Choi Won-shin apologizes for errors Park Jin-Han killing and vows to do it right the next time, but Kim Jwa-young switches to the order. Kill Oh Kyung next. Park seems too much to handle for them.
He also mentions that the teacher Hyun left on supposedly a book behind. Find the well.
This is the book Soo-in guards so precious, and informs a flashback, how she came to have it. Now we see that Hyun Bin, head of Kaehwa Group, the speaker, who was shot at the top of the episode was. He asks Soo-in the book Oh Kyung to pass after it reads like Oh Kyung to serve the king. He speaks in the tones of a man who suspected his time to its end, and Soo-in approaches not urging him to go on this rally. But he tells her that it's okay, now that he has the book and followers continue his work.
quit At the time, Yoon-kang and Jung-hoon to drink and home-Soo in preparing its secret rendezvous with Oh Kyung. As Yoon-kang on the side door from sliding around, he sees Soo-in walking distance from the house. First, he does not think much of it, but the gun incident recalls, he starts after it is executed to know that some danger may be on foot.
news Oh Kyung sighting reached the palace guards. Park Jin-Han passes immediately to find him, with the intention to protect him.
There are a royal guard already keeping an eye on Oh Kyung, but he is easily overpowered from behind. Oh no, it's the assassin.
Soo-in on the way to accomplishment Oh Kyung if Yoon-kang occurs in its way to block their way. He asks where the sniper is, and it asserts that it is wrong. But that is hardly convincing, and he swings his sword convinced it is a bad guy on it.
Soo-in fumbles for her gun and levels at him. His eyes widen.
asks you to contact him aside, insisting that she is not in league with the villain. He asks: "Then what about the gun?" He orders to let her drop the gun and follow him to the police calm when she wants to live. If she is really innocent, they have nothing to lose.
ticking time feeling grows more and more desperate, Soo-in stated that she has her reasons. She begs him to let her go on.
At the same time, the actual sniper target targeting Oh Kyung. Ready ... aim ...
Yoon-kang refuses to step aside to give them to the number of three up. You will obviously not to use their weapon, but can and tries to warn Yoon-kang that he can block any weapon. "With a measly sword" and that tipping his pride
Only a sword, is not it? "I can," he vows.
He raises his sword and charges. Prostrate, she presses the trigger. Bang!
What a relief to have a show, be as good as I it wanted to be, and let me with a warm, satisfied feeling. I love the characters, I love their interactions, and I am with his solid pace and skillfully balanced threads that make the drama to manage the flow of the show, both swept suspenseful and funny, action-packed and Romantic load.
The occupation has an obvious draw for this show always has been, but I'm sure we've all seen Clunkers yet presented our favorite stars. The real action is the most important element, and the only thing we had the blind faith have, because I made the pre-launch promotional materials that could see the other things-Direction, Camera, atmosphere, drama, music was in good , Hands. So I'm really happy to find a narrative that feels rich and textured, and is perhaps given less frequently sageuks that much later in the Joseon Dynasty. Not quite modern, but close enough to mark to the edge a different set of thresholds.
We are at a place where there is rumbling for a more progressive, future-oriented foreign policy, avoids isolationist policies of the past, and that means huge sea change for the current regime. I suppose you can not give all the conservatives for resisting the blame what they see as a dangerous radical thinking, because too often this kind of bad drastic measures dire consequences if it could have handled.
Not that they are justified in only killing people who do not agree with them, but I think that "people with power want to keep their power" is a universal type of motivation.
Character-wise, I just love the clash between Soo-in and Yoon-kang, even if it is rather the moment-sided. She has completely reason to snub given him as he misunderstands their character and manhandles her a little, but because he has no idea of their thoughts, it is nice to be seen him treat befuddlement. It's all But ... I just think you're pretty. What did I do to you?
Nam Sang-mi as wins if they claim to be bubbly and spirited, is allowed, so really this character works for me. (It's such a waste when it has been flat characters that are sad all the time.) It is formed and privileged, and her family is consistent with the Enlightenment movement, so I can see how, despite their seeds protected sown will grow for them in their character, who make the most of their feelings of justice and idealism.
Yoon-kang is the longer. Conflicted character, with the thorny father-son relationship and the frivolous fashion and the carefree attitude How amazing it will be if it turns into a serious adult, driven by actual issues of importance? I know gonna break my heart, because it will have some guilt with regard to his relationship to do with Dad for him, but that is so rich things to me that it is a good kind of pain. And if there is something that I hope Lee Jun-ki with, it is the
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