Recap And Reviews Kdrama A New Leaf: Episode 1

Recap and reviews korean drama A New Leaf: Episode 1 -

Oh, I love me some Kim Myung-min. Our new Wednesday-Thursday drama A New Leaf , gives us a certain legal measures in the workplace and a surprisingly comic collision of two characters. It's a pretty straight forward consequence, since most of the sequence of discharges and building the characters, but the potential - for hijinks, disputes and romance - is definitely there. I look forward to our leads the attempts to separate the workplace and personal life because in drama country, we know that such a separation does not exist.


It's a rainy day , and a lot of older workers have gathered to demand compensation from the workers Yamada Steel Company. Some hold funeral pictures of those who have died while working here.

The reporter, the situation outside the courthouse describes, saying that the defendants lost in the first trial and the second trial expected. In this sense, a car rolls into: Our lawyers have arrived.

In court, our lawyer - KIM SEOK-JU ( Kim Myung-min .) - Speaking first, with the claim that defend Yamada Steel Company that they have not used forced labor

the opposing attorney is and gives us more background on the case. During the war in 1945, the workers were put in dangerous mining conditions with meager amounts of food. When released from Japan, they were not paid properly, so they workers injured now.

Lawyer Kim is on a different defense, stating that only those orders was the country after during the war, Yamada and can not be expected to offer a compensation. He secures his statement on with solid examples of Japanese law to disturb the audience, but to get a nod of approval for its customers.

Cut to the CEO of the firm, CHA YEONG- WOO ( Kim Sang-joong ), who for his company an excellent control record and reputation is interviewed. He speaks with pride about the long history of the company and expertise in foreign relations.

Back in court, Kim Seok-ju makes its final declaration, but an indignant former worker interrupts him, demanding justice for his few surviving older workers. But Seok-ju not blink an eye and wins the case for its Japanese customer

After the trial Seok-ju of customers thanks him, and he replies. "We can not stop a lawsuit Instead we can win . "Yup, he's our kaltherzig courtroom Hai.

The company, Seok-ju enters an elevator full of people. He gets an update on another case and quizzes the young men on the possible reasons for the price reduction of the company in the transaction

Two of the employees propose viable options, but the third just provides the obvious -. That the transaction not occur without an agreement on prices. Then Seok-ju tells him basically that an associate can not get stack of money paid a partner to waste time.

When she left the elevator, Seok-ju says his assistant, the third employee to send to another team. He is not the first employee to fail, and the wizard gives him a fair warning: you are not dealing with attorney Kim Seok-ju in the elevator, if you are not confident and ready with answers,

its trailing employee no time and orders to examine any part of the opponent's company finances through the office Walking, Seok-ju waste. The employees go through stacks of papers begin, but their labor power is obviously lacking.

to the other cases not neglect to focus on this one case, but fortunately to push the efficiency new interns in the future. Any guesses about the interns?

In his office, CEO Cha Yeong-woo is on the phone with one of its chaebol customers and refused to represent him in his sexual assault case. But this customer brings in big money, so that he finally met.

The team leader in the office warns our CEO from case to step down - if they can not prove his innocence, they are better off to leave the case. But Cha Yeong-woo thinks otherwise

He says that innocence does not mean "not guilty". it means that the debt has not been proven. It begins with the opposing counsel team to analyze and notes that the case unusually fast progress.

Now ( Park Min-young), which finds its place for our heroine, LEE JI YOON at a wedding. She wonders why she was placed on the groom's side host, but meets discovers soon enough when she sits the man beside her.

Ji-Yoon friend they placed there so that they can take it with JEON Ji-won ( Jin Yi-han ), and she faints on its attractiveness. Have not we all? Then he moves some romantic words from the book quote, it considers Love Potion called. are more faint.

imagine, and Ji-won noted other books Ji-Yoon, advise in law school is. get Ji-Yoon about on their romance, but gets a call, after which they leave reluctantly, still in admiration.

run as Ji-Yoon and her boyfriend excited in the room of the bride, we see Seok-ju at the wedding on the phone with the son of the chaebol, which is involved in the sexual assault case. He needs to be his lawyer Seok-ju, because the other side is not looking to settle with money.

After calling Seok-ju makes eye contact with the bride (played by Lee Ju-yeon ), which begins to flip and kicks all out of the room. Worried, Ji-Yoon provides a painkiller them and then through the door as a lookout the bride sends them.

The relationship is unclear, but the bride, Mi-ri, it does not say that it can go on with the wedding with him and asks Ji-Yoon him out by any means necessary.

after a quick look of regret, it leads on to Seok-ju table. Ji-Yoon offers him a glass of wine and tried to make friendly small talk, but he refuses and will leave.

Then, in the most obvious way possible, they spill the wine on his pants and grabs him to scrub it. Watching from afar, the bride puts her painkillers in one of the wine glasses and asks the waiter to Ji-Yoon to send it over.

thinking it is for them, Ji-Yoon drinking wine in a shot and puts on Seok-ju to grab, looking thoroughly uncomfortable and confused. The effects of the drink in passage, and they go out of the hall with him - grab, fall, and stumble. It's pretty funny.

Back in the Registry, Yeong-woo will be informed on the opposite prosecutors in their new sexual assault case Lee Sun-hee always. Apparently she and the detective were quick to act on this case, so that Yeong-woo and his team take a step back.

Looks like Ji-Yoon made it home, and thanks along with a text honeymoon image of Mi-ri she wakes up. Then she hears someone in her kitchen and carefully going to find out Seok-ju, to fix a drink.

Tell demanded why he is in their house, and he told her casually that he assumed that he was invited over. She begins to reject his claim, but the memories of the wedding flood over them.

The wine, the poignant and the stumbling, but it gets worse. You get a cab and pulls him into the car with her. The realization of all this, Ji-Yoon begins to explain their actions, but Seok-ju, it seems to have already found out.

The bride froze when she saw him, so they sent someone apparently to accompany him from the wedding. He wondered why Ji-Yoon was the one to "seduce" him as her figure, but now he knows why. She is desperate, and it worked.

Ji-Yoon takes offense to it and is under the impression that something was happening. It states laws regarding sexual assault, but Seok-ju seem very nonchalant about the whole situation, consent for their contact information at their request.

After he leaves, Ji-Yoon is the surveillance cameras for all evidence to consider determined to use it to sue. But there is only more shots of her all depend on him and drag him inside. Meanwhile Seok-ju is again at the company at dawn, his workaholic self.

The next morning, Ji-Yoon, bright-eyed and ready to go, come to no other than the Cha Yeong-woo Law Firm as a trainee. As a friendly gesture, the top-of-the-class trainees are fixed on the basis, where later in the night is a problem.

Seok-ju is to take from his older cousin and updates to Mi-ri. He tells her that he went to the wedding to check for yourself if Mi-ri is married and cheating officially done with her husband.

It seems certain, but he still asks if she should trust her husband again. Seok-ju says that the decision to her, but he is pessimistic about it -. People not easy to change

When she asks about his father in the hospital, Seok-ju remains silent, and she scolds him not visit him. When he goes to get back to work, she reminds him of his mother's memorial service.

CEO Yeong-woo has to do with another case, this time about a candidate Minister of Justice, whose faulty management reports were published. He has published a public apology, but he will need the help of the company.

Seok-ju needed to continue working on his case and calls on all trainees for additional hands by the company to search records. He goes through Ji-Yoon, but neither release today.

Yeong-woo his hands full got to the sexual assault case. Based on the aggressiveness of the law, he concludes that they have the upper hand with some solid evidence.

He gets a call from the client chaebol Park Ki-Chul, who asks to bring him to the justice minister candidate Kang Eun-chan for dinner. At their meeting, Ki-Chul hands to kill him a suspicious envelope, possibly evidence two birds with one stone.

Back in the company, Ji-Yoon is coming back from the bathroom when it detects a voice - Seok-ju. He is the incentive, interns and said that whoever finds the critical detail, they will need to be placed in his team.

Ji-Yoon is shocked and drops to the bottom of her bag to pick up. You can look at the other way to hide her face and tells the intern manager and Seok-ju that they are doing their best to.

Scared, Ji-Yoon Mi-ri texts asking for their future through Seok-ju. Mi-ri says that he will have a meticulous and ruthless bastard who best on your side, but the worst as an enemy. Sounds right. She looks concerned, but given the reputation of the company, Ji-Yoon decides endure.

at dinner "customers we see that the envelope contained images of opposing Attorney General candidate with a young boy - probably his illegitimate child

. Ki-Chul deals that send these pictures to the press, the tax scandal Kang Eun-chan is cover up and give him the justice minister position. In return, Eun-chan is a few threads pull Ki-Chul son release.

Ki-Chul then requests Seok-ju as her lawyer about the case to have. Yeong-woo suggests other attorneys who specialize in criminal matters, but Ki-Chul son will Seok-ju, and he plans his son to destroy further give him what he wants.

Ji-Yoon still working after hours, ask about a poor couple help to read about a case for a better contract for their store. When she gets to leave the elevator, she hears Seok-ju and quickly press the button to close the door. The door closes just in time, and she breathed in relief.

Ji-Yoon is called, forcing him and his wife, 24-hour in the case, and talking to the manager about the unfair contract for convenience store. He gets a nosebleed, showing how tired he is, and it promises to seek a solution.

The next morning, Seok-ju looks through a results of the internal with the agreement, saying that the intern found a critical point for their case in the files. He says the manager this internally to call in his office.

This is internally Ji-Yoon, and when she gets the call, she looks mortified only at the thought of the confrontation. So it stands as long as possible and try to avoid it.

Seok-ju can not wait much longer for Ji-Yoon and heads over to a client meeting. He is interrupted by Yeong-woo, who in his office calls him him to assign the sexual assault case. Seok-ju, says he does not have the experience in criminal matters, but Yeong-woo says he has to follow the client's requests. He pressed for time, but he will be given an experienced team and the necessary evidence.

In the session for the convenience store case Seok-ju customers briefs on the latest findings and calls Ji-Yoon on speakers for a more detailed explanation of the franchise agreements. He asks her to explain the contract in the English language, and it does this very well with both her accent and content.

got the point across, he keeps it, but Ji-Yoon has something to tell Seok-ju. You do not know that she is on speaker and tells him that they must return his watch - the watch he left the dawn in her home after the wedding.

Seok-ju realizes who he's talking and hanging fast to call. His team and employees laughs suppressed around him and to give him strange looks, and they are at the end of the session. He storms out to find internally, he cried, and Ji-Yoon discloses hesitantly.

but talk seem stuck to a misunderstanding. Seok-ju has nothing to apologize for, but Ji-Yoon is still under the impression that the one-night stand has happened. They would prefer that he did not pay attention to it and adds that stand for their diligent work, is not their fault.

Seok-ju, he says no time has their self-praise and asks to hear for his watch. But she could not bring what more frustrated him. He tells her him his expensive watch and get to get out of sight.

He starts to leave, but turns back to Ji-Yoon to say that they will work in his team starting today. personal questions and problems to separate the workplace, he will keep his word. She's on the team

Seok-ju is the next order business. The sexual assault case. He sits down with Ki-Chul Son down to discuss the details and prepare for court. Based on his descriptions, it is quite clear that he attacked his ex-girlfriend and not to obtain their consent.

The former is an actress, he promoted for years and after for the millionth time again busting, she refused to sleep with him clearly. When she tried to escape, he broke the phone and hit her. I think it would be fair to call him a title scum.

Watching the news, Yeong-woo finds out that his company for Kang Eun-chan Justice Department's position under control, and calls Seok-ju to his office. The knowledge about the complications and misunderstandings for the company threatens he plans to continue on excursion Eun-chan and asks Seok-ju with the case of the Minister Help exclusion.

Yeong-woo then calls Eun-chan in his office and tells him that while the client is important, the company can not go under because a client. In the interest of the company, he simply Eun-chan asks his position to withdraw.

Seok-ju gathers his team and commands them all and find all the evidence - surveillance footage, the financial data of the actress, phone records, hospital records - to use against them. He knows his opposing counsel Lee Sun-hee the scent of blood like, he will give it to her.

Yeong-woo observed the meetings through the door and predicts a dirty fight. He wishes Seok-ju luck and walks out the door.


Oh man, I can already see the conflict. I was pleasantly surprised by the contrast between the two lines surprised and it makes me even more excited for their interactions. Kim Myung-min does deadpan as good, and Park Min-jung definitely there with their facial expressions. Her face can say to watch so many things at once, and it's pretty funny. That being said, this drama is not open funny in any way. We definitely get a lot more legal action than I expected, so the storylines more intertwined with the complexity of the law. I was surprised at the themes that in those cases were covered - the Japanese occupation, sexual assault - both are very controversial and sensitive issues. But they are as important as they are controversial, and I hope we will be able to get to see more of these important issues. I see a lot of legal terminology and procedures waiting to happen. But I can handle it, as long as we get some great courtroom scenes and moral conflicts to justice.

Based on our first encounters with our characters, I can say firmly that our CEO Cha Yeong-woo has a high tolerance for corruption. His only catch is his self-interest, we by his decision looked to sacrifice his clients for reasons of his own company. He seems to have no problem to do anything as long as it does not adversely affect his kingdom. Bad Papa instincts are back, but this time in the form of Big Law Firm CEO. Seok-ju seems quite similar to him, but I do not think we've seen enough of his own morality, that to judge only. He is the best at what he does, and all that matters is that he wins. It is mechanically and completely heartless, and I'm interested to see his transformation when he goes through his amnesia phase.

And Ji-Yoon. I like them! At least until now. I was afraid they would be rebellious intern who wears her heart on her sleeve, but acts to make unthinkingly actual impact. You know, the typical frustrating drama heroine country. But she actually has the smarts to support their altruistic tendencies, making them a much more effective character. I'm glad their actions more relevance to the overall case, because I have seen too many heroines travel stories in some ridiculous side that are annoying and frankly, a waste of time.

Overall, I think the first episode was a little underwhelming, but I'm looking for something more action and deeper conflicts of hope as we move forward, because we are dealing with a large amount of actors for the ride. It would be great to see more character development, because we have our characters enough to know for this amnesia element to achieve its intended effect. And I would appreciate it, to observe more and more interactions with our lines, because they were very pleasant and fun together. But I criticize because I know that there is more potential. Just give me more, show. I know you had it in you.

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tags: a New leaf, in the first episodes, Kim Myung-min, Kim Sang-joong, park min-young

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