Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Mind: Episode 13

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Mind: Episode 13 -

tears help us to heal , Once shed, we feel the burden of our sorrow lift and the possibility of happiness to become noticeable. Our hero was fascinated by tears for a very long time, but has never seen the relief they bring. If an agonizing truth of the past is revealed, as he struggled with a painful decision in the present, Young-oh finds out just how much misery can bear his cold heart.



years ago after Dr. Lee Young-oh little remarked Oh Young-bae, that something about the CT scan was he had read earlier. In shock, he realizes that Young-oh the report had been switched with another child accidentally, and that Dr. Lee had the boy completed the operation without any damage to his frontal lobe.

Young-bae rushes to an event held at the hospital to talk to his colleagues and to correct his mistakes. Here he comes for his selflessness in healing and acceptance of an orphaned child of the other doctors, Dr. Lee held to find. This is also soon on the heels of Professor Dr. Lee to have lost, and in bitterness, Young-bae hid the report and spends drinking the evening.

The haze of alcohol, young bae tries to shame Dr. Lee to their colleagues of insinuating that he had a darker reason for the introduction of the child. But Dr. Lee's high credibility makes only look Young-bae as a jealous competitor a smear campaign tries.

Later, in the residential building of the hospital, followed by Young-bae Dr. Lee to an empty balcony and faced attempts him to conceal his misconduct with false generosity.

Dr. Lee insists that he did the best he could within the OR, and will continue to do his best for Young-oh. He even smiles a little, pointing out that no one Young-bae thought when he tried to tell the truth. In anger and frustration, Young-bae charges Dr. Lee, stepping out of the way, what Oh Young-bae overturning the balcony above and falling several storeys deep.

Dr. Lee immediately runs down the steps to the garden, but keeps in shock when he sees Young-oh are on the way, ragged breaths watching on the floor drawing Young-bae. He drives Young-oh to the nearest phone booth in the hospital to put on the case in an appeal. When he comes out of the booth, Young-oh looks in his new father and asks: ".? Father, you are a physician Why did not you help him" Dr. Lee stared at him in silence, unable to answer.

In the presence of Young-oh Dr. Lee asks What emotions he should after the discovery, to express that he is his father's greatest mistakes. Dr. Lee looking, totally tortured, can only say that he is trying his best to create a perfect world for Young-oh. Young-oh replies that he created to prove the perfect world that he tried his best for his son. He points to the ruined wall of emotions and says: ". Your perfect world has now collapsed"

Young-oh goes back to the hospital and asks a mortality conference in relation to the death of his patient, who had a sarcoma on his back. All doctors are at a loss why he would do so. They crowd together, to speculate and start asking if Young-oh perhaps aimed one of them. Your tense mood is finally broken early sneeze of Dr. Hwang.

When the conference starts and Young-oh begins to speak, Dr. Lee comes in and asks to facilitate the discussion. He asks Young-oh, why he chose such a dangerous operation on the patient to perform, and Young-oh replies that it was his only chance for survival. Then Dr. Lee asks him why he stopped the CPR and Young-oh thinking back to the moment, to his patients pleaded with him to stop.

silence his son watching, Dr. Lee tells him that everyone is aware of the hospital that Young-oh tried his best to save the man. While doctors are searching for answers always, he says, sometimes the only answer is that they tried their best. Dr. Lee finished the conference there, and if all the leaves, young oh asks his father if he knows why he really finishes the CPR that day.

Young-oh explains that he stopped because he could not feel what felt his patient, and was afraid that he would force the man alive to live out of a selfish desire to save his life. Young-oh, he says it did, because it is not normal that Dr. Lee's "best efforts" normality printed by him. With deep anger in his eyes, he tells his father that he can not forgive his "efforts." "There is no such exemption in this world," he says. "Especially in a hospital."

When Young-oh goes out of the conference, he meets his patient wife, now a young widow. She tells him that she did not want the operation, and the Young-oh stubbornness caused her husband to suffer in pain until he died. She gives him her husband's phone and tells him that it her husband's last message keeps about how he really felt.

In his office Young-oh looks for a long time on the phone, recalls the last moments of people, but do not play the recording. As he heads out, he finds waiting Min-jae. She asks if she can start all over again. She says that if it was not a violation, but damage caused by childhood trauma, it may eventually be worked with and healed.

Min-jae says Young-oh, that he has to help him. Young-oh sees the earnest plea in the eye and tells her friendly that regardless of the cause, the result is to be the same. be brought to many patients in danger, he says, because that is who he is.

That night, as Young-oh goes home, him pursue his patients last moments. He struggles with his feelings until he is no longer made and parks around the car of the man listening message. Recorded in his last days, the patient is struggling to draw breath, he says Young-oh, he was the first person to hear what was in his heart.

Young-oh an unfamiliar lump feels in his throat when he say the man watching him, that he was not alone, because Young-oh next it was. Apparently at peace with his death, the man assured him that Young-oh, kept his promise to him. When the man thanked him for everything, Young-oh tries to delete the sudden dryness in the throat and ends abruptly the video.

But if he puts the phone away and looks up, his eyes brim over and tears pouring down his face. He sits behind the wheel of his car and sits down with his feelings, openly crying.

Young-oh lands on Jin-sung street as the garbage out. Jin-sung sees him and turns away, but Young-oh goes to her and she turns to him. If it were not for them, he says he did not try to save these patients. If it was not for her, he tells her, he had lived in peace, as he had in all these years, grateful that he was alone. If it were not for them, he yells, he would not feel hope, just because a few tears.

He takes a sung by the shoulders Jin-stunned and tells her that he despises more than anyone else in the world, and wants her out of his life disappear . He turns around and walks away, but Jin-sung runs and hugs him. Pressing her face into his back, she admits that no matter what he says, she hears only "I love you." She apologizes that she can not leave him alone as he wants, and draws them to keep him. Slowly his hopelessness lifting, Young-oh folds his hands and Jin-sung is smiling in his back.

The next day, Young-oh opens a gift box as a bomb is to be expected. He freezes when he studied the content, but then remembers the rest of the man's message. Therein the patient expressed his hope that Young-oh may be present and would embrace his son for him. Young-oh sighs in defeat. The next thing we know, Young-oh holds the baby during his christening ceremony, while a felt hat, giant shadow rocking, and a cheerful green shirt with a smiley face on it. Haha. Well played, man.

Jin-sung leans back in the bank, pointing out that the outfit is a bit out of place. But with the smiling young mother next to him, Young-oh says he is not embarrassed, because he is a psychopath and has no emotions.

Later that day, they go on a date together together. Young-oh trying furtively to grasp her hand, but always missing when Jin-sung discussed animatedly their many lunch options. Jin-sung believes that he for a long time to not want to go in his atypical outfit so that she changes her mind again and proposes a fast-food joint.

Finally, frustrated with their ignorance, he tells her that he does not embarrass his shirt, and asks her why she did not just say that she wants to go to a hotel. Jin-sung stutters embarrassed, but quickly realizes that Young-oh means a buffet lunch, where they can eat anything they want. This time Jin-sung takes his hand as they go, and she tells him again that everything he says sounds like "I love you" to her.

When Young-oh rotates in hospital in his lucky green shirt on, he caused a great sensation. Residents Yang stumbles over himself and asks a stunned nurse Jang why they instead Young-oh are they embarrassed the feel. The doctors freeze when they go him in the hallway and notice that Young-oh is traumatized.

Young-bae meets with Assistant Manager and Director Chae Kang and demands that patients be included lung disease in the studies. If Suk-Joo finds out that Young-bae is to inherit the priority of their research, he asks the assistant coach who are devoutly that transplants responded for lung not made from live owners, it is imperative that they in the studies are included.

Suk-Joo is skeptical about his motives and points out that money and power are his motivators, and that the greed of the Assistant Manager had driven to kill chief director Shin. Assistant Manager Chae there with a smile and told Suk-Joo that he would get rid of anyone who comes in his way.

Suk-Joo his cell extracts that their conversation was recording, and says that this should be evidence in court enough. As the deputy manager jumps to his feet in anger, Suk-Joo reminds him that if he is to be a good doctor, decided he had to be a good person to.

Young-bae meets Dr. Lee and tells him that he had several opportunities to prevent what happened: Dr. Lee should Young-oh taken to another doctor, he should not be mocked Young-bae who, when he tried to correct his mistake, and he would never have Young-bae was left after it.

Dr. Lee replied that he had just lost everything, and if he had not operated on Young-oh, he could have been his son there for the last moments. He says Young-bae, if he had not made that mistake, he would have not lived with the guilt and abused his adopted son. He tells him that he dedicated his life to regenerative medicine, no surgeon would with the burden of living he wore. Refusing to give Young-bae any excuse for the past, Dr. Lee is going away.

Dr. Lee Shi-hyun is a challenge for resident Yang and promises to eat with him, if he solves their puzzle. She gives him three cases and asks him to find out what they have in common. Thought it is a medical licensing exam question goes inhabitants Yang's five doctors a.k.a the "Power Rangers" and asks for her help to solve it.

You decide to start on their bet and form two teams to see who can solve the problem first. neither team can unfortunately puzzles, and they are all quite surprised that a medical license question that is difficult. Call in Young-oh, the carefully studied the scans.

The Power Rangers and Resident Yang waiting with keen anticipation, but Young-oh just turns around and says that he does not know it. Hah. Moreover, since the cases patients are not in their hospital, Young-oh says he does not know why he has to solve the mystery. Residents Yang asks Young-oh, to explain how much he wants to go with Shi-hyun, and this applies a chord with him. Young-oh says Yang that he must to win the bet, and focuses on the scans with new interest.

Jin-sung out Suk -joo to discuss the hospital their test results. Suk-Joo tells her that while her heart is fine, has developed their lungs pulmonary fibrosis. Jin-sung's in a daze and meets Young-oh on the way.

She hides her worries and tells him she only wanted to see him. He smiles happily at that, asking her something else to call him as "Dr. Lee Young-oh" or "ajushhi." He goes to the main entrance, but, as he says goodbye and turns around, Jin-sung collapses behind him.

Young-oh it. In the emergency room rushes where Suk-Joo comes and takes over their treatment Young-oh place from Suk-Joo about their condition, saying that if the antibiotics and antiviral agents fail to cure them, they must be placed on the lung transplant waiting list.

Suk-Joo research colleague Gi-ho explains these options Jin-sung later, the acute notes that the waiting list is not a treatment, but a way to tell her to wait for their luck to find them. Gi-ho, it offers the possibility of clinical trials in regenerative medicine to participate, but we do not see how they react.

If Suk-Joo hears about is his concern to Gi-ho, obvious who recognizes that Suk-Joo has doubts about their medicine. It is especially shocked that Suk-Joo went ahead and treatment for all their study patients administered, although not to be safe.

Young-oh searches library shelves for books on lung transplants. The Power Rangers find him there, and think that he is with her puzzle on the wrong path, they tell him that they have the connection between the three patients found. All of them have had heart valve surgery in the past. to expand Young-oh eyes with knowledge and he pushes them aside inhabitants Yang hunt to go, sending him to Shi-hyun.

Shi-hyun agrees talk privately about the cases and tells him that they were all patients in this hospital. When she noticed that she had developed all a rare disease after surgery and questioned it, she was taken, the event and its details from the clinic records removed.

She was uncertain about who was involved, but everyone in the hospital wanted to know, so an inquiry could be launched. It has therefore asked the cases as a mystery. Young-oh she asks whether the three cases had endocarditis and cerebral aneurysms. It is clear from that point that Young-oh's flashbacks to his first operation in Hyunsung with motorcyclists.

Jin-sung asks Suk-Joo has, if he can her that regenerative medicine for them would assure sure. She tells him that she doubted him and hated him, but Suk-Joo is the only one who can answer them. She tells him that she wants to live.

When Young-oh discovers that the mystery cases were all participants in the third stage of Hyunsung regenerative medicine studies, Suk-Joo Gi-ho calls for confirm that they are Jin-sung begin their treatment. Jin-sung has a disservice, and takes place are on ECMO. The doctors discuss that because of her weak heart, they would not be on it long.

Young-oh awaken studies through the night on lung transplants, as he waits for Jin-sung. When Jin-sung regains consciousness, she tells him that she decided to receive the treatment. She wonders why Young-oh do not ask them if they trust or doubt Suk-Joo, but Young-oh tells her that as long as she keeps her promise him alone, never leave, it is all he needs ,

Young-oh meets Suk-Joo in the storage room and speaks his name with contempt. He looks at Suk-Joo name tag as he wants to demolish it and punches him in the face. He grabs Suk-Joo collar and tells him that he will never let Jin-sung are treated with its experimental medicine.

Suk-Joo shouts at him that he was the reason Jin-sung the risk, so they can live. Young-oh told Suk-Joo of the three cases that the third phase of clinical trials to prove an error was, and asks him if he still thinks regenerative medicine for Jin-sung is safe.

Suk joo goes to Assistant Manager Chae and asks him if he removes the patient records of which intentionally, the infection developed through their medicine from the studies, so that they could be approved faster. Assistant Manager Chae asks if he will reinstate him, and points out that Suk-Joo was the one to tell the world that the third stage was a success.

He remembers Suk-Joo, that if he tries to uncover the truth, it is only with revoked end his license. Suk-Joo hears with his fists clenched as Assistant Manager Chae decides that Jin-sung will be their for lung disease treatment first candidate.

Young-oh asking the Power Rangers dangerous to do something. If they protest that they are trying to solve for some beer and chicken, the riddle, he calls each of them by their first name, build a personal connection. When he becomes Dr. Yoo, the man helping a his own name. Hehe. Young-oh tells them to finish what they started, and they all just visible, than his words, to unite them in a larger purpose.

An unconscious Jin-sung is removed in surgery and Suk-Joo is above it. A moment later, Young-oh is applied on wheels in and beside her. In a flashback, we see that Young-oh, had proposed an alternative to Suk-Joo: lung transplant from a living patient. In the presence of Suk-Joo asks him if he is sure he wants to go with it.

Young-oh says that it is a method which is illegal and dangerous for the donor, but has a high success rate, the rescue of the patient. He says it makes his favorite type of surgery. Overlooking Jin-sung with his heart in his eyes Young-oh says Suk-Joo to start the operation.


I loved with all my heart this show, disbelief shushing willingly suspending and my ethical scruples away , I was ready to go any direction, the currents of the show took me, among all, because the sand displacement were characters that were absolutely solid. Needless to say, the result of cuts gutted me. And with the choppy editing the last episode, I was fear of death that the powers-that-be managed had to ruin one of the best shows on television right now. But Beautiful Mind recovered with episode 13. So many storylines has been sewn up, while each essential character just give enough time on the screen to tell us how they end. to go with another episode, and the old resilient pace restored, I have no qualms about the finals more.

Suk-Joo absence from history had recently has concerned me that be the plot line would be sacrificed on the altar of expediency. But his sudden re-entry, I am satisfied with the direction they decided to take with him. It was not expected that Suk-Joo would still looking for evidence of the Chief Director Shin murder. He had given up on exposing the failures of regenerative medicine, but not out the truth about his mentor's death. Suk-Joo has not magically turned back into a saint, but he was just enough saved to keep his tarnished wings and functional Halo. I guess the story it never. In a traditional second lead His fear was never that Jin-sung did not love him. If he ever gave a thought, Suk-Joo would know very well that he lost their affection and respect for its decisions. Instead, use the show as it was a counterpoint to Young-oh. If Young-oh made decisions from the head, Suk-Joo decisions came from the heart. As Young-oh began to understand his own heart, closed Suk-Joo his empathy in the service off "greater good."

For this reason, Suk-Joo a poignant and decisive character I have enjoyed watching remains. Well, here it is hoped that the evidence against Assistant Manager Chae uses before that devil minion a way thinks of him first hurt.

I've been a little disappointed in Jin Sung Company descent love category interest. It is amazing how one who Young-oh come to life, but I wish her career as a detective newbie was not entirely dismissed so summarily after the show half spend their character through their work to establish. However, since the heart of the story, Jin-sung has brought me great joy. Their age gap was Young-oh treating her in a fatherly light have easily poured, but instead Jin-sung innate calm and good sense often made them like the more mature a seem.

From the beginning, Jin-sung has not delivered Young-oh is seriously boisterous, so it is hardly was surprising that, when Young-oh rages at her, she sees the pain behind his words and gives him the comfort he needed. I do not remember the last time that I saw such a good balance in a drama. When Jin-sung was more than they could handle, Young-oh was the one to calm them down. He brought them back with his clear, sober thinking grasp. But now, Jin-sung is by the favor to be the one who sees more clearly. I never expected their chemistry throughout this charming. You made me smile, when they were together the screen, and I'll take to miss screenshots of them today with a grin.

Young-oh guilt over the death of his patient in the depths of his emotional investment was proportional to the recovery of the man. His painful uncertainty about his decision, the CPR was to stop human Young-oh was at this show. He asked the same questions that every other doctor would ask: Did he do the right thing? Was this what his patient really wanted? The promise he made to his patients, was not something he has ever done in his previous life. This was the new, self-confident Young-oh, have to do with his own emotional awakening. And if he does not keep his word, affected for the first time, the defeat his heart more than his pride.

Over many episodes we have Young-oh watched his feelings unlock slowly and let the pain of empathy in his world. And so, finally, today, feel his tears as they really deserve. I understand that Young-oh's probably scared. His hopes were deceived too often. He does not want to take the tears as evidence that he can feel for others. But we - who grow it from a cold, remote man saw the light of all the other questions on this less cold and remote, a man who is to set learning the need for other, before it - know that the greatest proof of his empathy lies in its deep desire not only happiness, but also the pain, the "normal" person living in every sense.

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tags: Beautiful Mind, episode 13, in Jang Hyuk, Park Se-young Park So-dam, Yoon Hyun-min

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