Recap And Reviews Kdrama Bring It On Ghost: Episode 7

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Bring It On Ghost: Episode 7 -

Our intrepid ghost hunt team has a new challenge ahead of them, something that they never met. It will take some other tactics to dispel this spirit, let them have as an invisible threat looms closer, take out everything and everyone who gets in your way. But in the meantime, they are still working on finding out Hyun-ji in the past, and some fresh evidence could provide an insight into how they lived and how they died.


Bong- pal goes to the pond running back when he hears that there are spirits in the water, but it's too late - Hyun-ji was pulled under. He dives in and see, they can fight under the surface, in the length pulled deeper and deeper into the water by the Spirit. He swims to her and kicks off the spirit of it, but the mind engages only his leg instead.

It wraps around him, and he lets go of Hyun-ji, but now she is unconscious and sinking further. Even underwater, Bong-pal smashes his head into the mind, it occurs with both feet, and it dissolves into a cloud of bubbles. Freed, he grabs Hyun-Ji, and bring them to the surface.

Add Bong-pal arms Hyun-ji shimmers and fades for a moment, but it soon solidifies and wakes. She begins to cry and cling to Bong-pal around his neck and he apologizes and whispers that it is now in order.

Back in town, a young girl named Eun-song cries when she sees her report card, in the ears of her mother angry words to her fell ranking ringing , She goes to the roof of their building and stands on the ledge, sobbing, and she hears a strange noise. She sees a ghost on them from a few meters to squint to see off, and she screams.

Hyun-ji is still asleep in the morning when Bong-mate is ready to leave for school. She dreams of a speeding vehicle, and lying in the street bleeding from a head wound. Someone had stopped and touched her face, her ticking clock seemed loud in the pouring rain. Then a hospital, crying woman, and bright lights - an operating theater

Bong-pal is worried when she says that they do not feel good, even offers to let her sleep in his bed, but Hyun ji says weakly on the couch they sleep is. He is met Seo-yeon on a project to work, but he tells her he can not, claiming today disease itself.

He wears Hyun-ji to sleep in his room, and wonders what you do for a sick mind ... of course, he cooks. He figures it must be really sick if they do not wake up to the idea of ​​eating, and all he can do is to sit and watch over them.

Going takes over her photos from her trip, In-ranking, where to it can be seen almost Hyun-ji. He is excited that he caught the "angel" in the film, but he is distracted by Chun-sang his new immersive video game. He asks where he got it, angry that he spent money on a game, if they still have to pay for their trip. Hee, they are an old married couple.

Monk Myung-Chul goes to the place where Bong-pal father have lived to see the hope of some evidence. His brief encounter with Hye-sung shook him, and he feels uncomfortable.

Hyun-ji wakes finally claims that she feels better now, and she smiles to see, been as worried Bong-mate for them. He gets adorably nervous when she asks why he. In the non-school, and asks her if ghosts really can get sick

She says she do, and may even get butterflies ... oops. She changes the subject and tells him that she remembers some new memories while she slept, someone standing over her, whose face she could not see, and crying woman.

Bong-pal father's place looks quite strange - his things are still there, like he never left, and his door is plastered with talismans. Myung-Chul, asks the owner if a young man really ever visited, and it confirmed, although they bad eyes you did not see him clearly.

She assumed he was Bong-pal father's son, and when she told him that his son was waiting in his room, he seemed worried. He ran away "on the mountain", and never returned. Myung-Chul heads to the nearby mountain and finds some strange characters including on a rock a lot of blood.

Meanwhile, Hyun-ji spirit friend Kyung-ja finally points Hye-sung and follows him back to his clinic.

Chun-sang decides that they need investors, and their first stop is at home rang grandmother's house. Ha. In-rang is firmly against the idea, but then grandma shows up and he's happy, she forced to act to see. Unfortunately, she thinks-Chun sang a pure idiot, and it is not nearly as happy to see him. He puts on his grandmother exorcism business idea, and she throws him out immediately.

Hyun-ji pouts when Bong-pal Seo-yeon lunch invitation accepted, but they break when they spotted Hye-sung, and follows rather him , It's sweet how Hyun-ji rotates and is now upset about Bong-pal order.

Hye-sung seems suspiciously interested in asking about Bong-pal as Seo-yeon catches him. You Wilts a little when she sees him still his old pen instead of using it gave him. The cops Hyun-joo investigate death they approach, but this time they want to talk Seo-yeon.

She tells the police that Hyun-joo, a class on the last day she skipped, she saw and she seemed really worried. She had run away suddenly and fell that pen that returned Seo-yeon to Hye-sung. Just then, noticed the suspicious police officer from a nearby balcony heard-Hye sung, and the vet nods to him.

Worried, Myung-Chul attempts Bong-pal father to call, but his calls go unanswered. We see the phone of a dead (or just unconscious?) Taken is, the man's hand, and now, Hye-sung has. It had been him that Bong-pal father hunted in the forest, demanding he tell them what he knows, looming over him.

Bong-pal spots Chun-sang and in rank, and keeps asking why they lately have not had any customers. Chun-sang, she says only peace (a strange frog-jump to do his point to illustrate) and In-ranking are Bong-pal at the pictures of their trip. He gos how Bong-pal and Seo-yeon make a cute couple, to Bong-pal leaves and Chun-sang smacks him.

Hyun-ji tried studying to beg off, but Bong-pal forces them into the library. She spends more time to appreciate his face as the study (one can blame the girl?), Until he starts staring at her, and while her quiz Hyun-ji looks at editing the travel photos.

mentioned you sad that she was also in these pictures, you just can not see them, but she shakes the melancholy. Then Kitty pulling ears and a mustache on Seo-yeon hee. She dresses in a picture of Bong-mate, with little hearts all around their heads.

She did not do better on their quizzes and Bong-mate wonders how she never improves, but I'm starting to think that it is him punking. I would not be looking behind her to silence, so to do to get more time alone with Bong-pal. She tells Bong-pal fuss to stop and try to reward them for good grades instead, and frustrated, he agrees to grant her a wish when it does it better in the next quiz.

robotically a pale girl on the way out of the library Hyun-ji recites equations noticed - it's the girl from before, Eun-song which the seen spirit on her roof. Despite their apparent stupor, her eyes cut just for a second to Hyun-ji, before they go back empty, and they return to their recitation. Hyun-ji numbers they imagined, but after they leave, the girl looked at her again. ~ shudder ~

Now that they study her something, Hyun-ji stays up late, determined, has to motivate them to make this wish of Bong-pal.

That night Eun-Song mother brings her a study snack, but it drops the tray in horror when she sees her daughter's room. Eun-Song is her school books to shreds methodically ribs, yet in this creepy empty extractor, and she told her mother in a dead, emotions voice. "Get out"

Chun-sang calls Bong-pal to a get suit shop "uniforms", think they are more jobs to land when they look sharper. Of course, Bong-pal thinks it's a stupid idea, but a call for an exorcism job has to give him, and the boy in her new snazzy duds head. You really look very nice (In-rang socks and cute little knees take me) and Hyun-ji asks Bong-mate for a uniform, too.

The found in Eun-song at home, where her mother was locked in her room and she screams to be let out. She had stabbed her mother in the arm the night before, and it has to act very out of character since. They spent the whole night to do her nails and put on elaborate make-up, and we see that in the mirror, she sees not itself, but the Spirit of your roof.

When her mother to take her makeup off, said Eun-song - or should I mind saying that about her - she pushes and says that "it" has suffered because of her mother. She grinned as her mother called her Eun-song, and whispered: ". Her daughter is already dead"

Mom found the girl in a club, snuggled in on a man and hit her. Non-Eun Song had just laughed maniacally, the transfer in frenzied screams, and she's only gotten worse since then despite trip to the hospital and even a shaman.

The crawl boy when the crazy laughter reminiscent of the bedroom, and a loud crash has it all jumping in alarm. Bong-pal comes with Hyun-ji right behind him to find in the room destroyed and blood on the walls. The girl is now in the corner of her fingernails, no longer anything to bite healthy nearby.

you suddenly goes quiet and looks directly at Hyun-ji, to recognize them from the library. She tells Bong-mate: "You came up with something strange" and goes back to bite her nails. Hyun-ji recognizes the girl also, and Bong-pal know immediately that she is possessed.

The girl rushes out Bong-pal legs under him to withdraw, and they can easily knock Hyun-ji attack also aside. She caresses Bong-pal face and asks why he is hanging out with Hyun-ji, itself offers instead and Hyun-ji uses the distraction to kick him.

The three gripper for a minute, and the girl she manages both to push away and escapes into the living room. They listen just long enough to laugh like crazy at her mother, then runs out of the apartment. She goes to the roof and stands on the ledge, and as they do about from one step, it stops to ask Hyun-ji's voice, what she does.

Hyun-ji speaks directly to the spirit Eun-Song to own, to ask if she really wants to kill their host. The mind says that's what Eun-song wants, and it helps just as Eun-song lacks the courage. She tells Hyun-ji their own affairs to worry, and begins to lean forward at the bar again.

Hyun-ji appears close enough to them to pull back on the roof, and she asks Eun-song awaken. But it is the Spirit who opens her eyes, and she repeated that Eun-Song is dead. They throttled Hyun-ji, kick them out when Bong-mate arrives, and is a damn good fight against the two above.

It creates Bong-mate to get in a stranglehold, but Eun-Song mother shows up and yells her daughter's name. the woman sees everything, her daughter, and she says apologetically that this is all her fault. She had thought she urged her daughter for their own good, but now they know is that she was wrong, and she tells them to stop it.

When she steps closer, cries of mind for them not to approach. Mom takes a few more steps and the mind begins to fall apart when Eun-Song pushes out violently. Eun-Song unconscious body flies backwards, departing from the spirit still clutching Bong-pal neck.

But now that it is not a living person so hard to hurt, Bong-pal is free to fight as he needs it. He punches her in the face so hard that it rotates in the air in the middle, and disappears.

Eun-sing jerks awake in her mother's arms, and immediately burst into tears. Her mother brushes aside hurt her excuses for her, again takes the blame, and the two women clutch each other while Hyun-ji looks.

When they go home, Hyun-ji tells Bong-pal that she thinks the woman she saw in her dream was her mother. She was just as Eun Song mother, frantic and worried, and Bong-pal smiling to hear that Hyun-ji their memories will always return. Hyun-ji is just only happy that knowing it somewhere, someone missed it.

That night Hyun-ji takes another quiz, for once it seemed to be taken seriously. Bong-pal congratulates break eighty percent her and earn her wish, and Hyun-ji says she wants to go to an amusement park. Bong-pal grins that it is a childish desire, but he does it for his exams tomorrow to take.

About at his clinic works late into the night-Hye sung, a butterfly of black paper carving. It's pretty, but still somehow scary.

The policeman Hyun-joo case, Detective Yang, calls the results on the autopsy. He asks if she could have happened broken neck when her body was thrown, but the coroner says it is not possible - the forensic evidence supports are broken while she was suffocated.

Yang partner brings him a CCTV video shows, Hyun-joo home at night walking she died, and a character can be seen approaching her. But the video stops there, and when it comes back on, both Hyun-joo and her attacker disappeared. Yang wonders how her attacker might have stopped the video, and have been strong enough to break her neck with his bare hands.

The dogs at Hye-sung all clinic begin to bark at once, and he goes to check on them. Kyung-ja jumps into his office to see, and she sees the butterfly paper carving on his desk. She hears a phone vibrate and opens a drawer, but what attracts their attention is an ID card hidden in the drawer - Hyun-ji school ID.

Hye-Sung comes back to his office and sees the open drawer and laughs to himself: "You in here pity.." Then he turns and looks directly into Kyung-ja. Whoa.

Bong-pal breaks to take his exams in the morning to make promising Hyun-ji, when he's done. She spends the day primping, and waits for the amusement park gates at their appointed time.

Seo-yeon stops Bong-mate on the way Hyun-ji to meet, but he says he has to be somewhere. He turns to go, but a motorcyclist and brings the corner too close and fell in Seo-yeon, and he rushes back to find that she is seriously injured. He rides with her to the hospital, while Hyun-ji for him to look forward to much after dark.


I think we can assume that Hye-sung is the Big Bad evil that Bong- killed pal mother, and almost his father safely. I think it's strange how the show still evidence reveals about him, as if we should be shocked - we were all on him the moment we that wicked tattoo looked. It feels like the drama awaits surprised to snatch us for air as we Bong-pal were shown him threatening father, when the truth is that we found all his association with Bong-pal family a few weeks ago. But that's really my only complaint about the show at this point, because otherwise it is still to hit the right note with me.

Much of this is due to absolute Kwon Yul killing (hurhur) this role, and each time he online I just feel a shiver run through me. I've seen him in several dramas, and he is one of those actors I wants more to like than I actually do, but I feel like the roles that he never really takes to play to its strengths. Apparently this is because its power not "nice but aloof second guide," but it is "thoroughly nasty possibly obsessive homicidal freak." I feel as if he could have a great career as a villain when he wanted to embrace it and run with it. I have not felt this fear of a baby-faced killer since namgoong min scared my socks.

I enjoy still the spirit-of-the-week format, and it is wise, as any spirit the team struggles reflected somehow or teaching them something about what they are opposite in their own lives. This is a good timing a possession (Bong-pal and Hyun-ji now know that you can not use the mind to fight, while it is still in the host body - they have to get the spirit before they can ban it) introduce as I'm pretty sure that Hye-sung is actually a real man who is possessed by the demon-thing already killed the Bong-pal mother. The notes, which were dropped last week seem to indicate that the real Hye-sung before existed - that he had accepted an external position, then turned suddenly at the last minute down and closed his successful practice in a less wealthy moving clinic and teaching, which just so happens to be with Bong-pal College. I am at this point, assuming that the demon took over his body at this point, to get closer to Bong-mate, and now he is learning with his professorial position more about Bong-pal himself. Although I'm still curious as to why he is so interested in Bong-pal ... it was his father, who appeared to him to hunt, and now he is out of the picture. Bong-mate just wants to "fix" lead the eye and a normal life and seem to see no interest and punish, to have the unit that killed his mother. So why is Hye-sung as intense for him?

I'm starting to definitely believe that Hyun-ji is no spirit in the sense that they seemed to be originally. Even the possession spirit called alien to her, and adds that in with all the other evidence that something about Hyun-ji is not "normal" in the ghostly sense. It is the only spirit that looks like a real live person to Bong-pal, that does not shine and come back as they appeared when they died. She is tired, which none of the ghosts seem to have struggled to have a problem with, and she remembers nothing about her life. Your rising memories of still being alive when rushed to the hospital seem more and more to support the theory that they just in a coma and not dead after all. And we can talk about this hand, touching her face, as she lay in the street? It is not to guess a piece that it probably is Hye-sung (or at least what to possess him in another body - I do not think he has been five years in Hye-sung of the body, because each on its change talks as if it is fairly new), mainly because he has her student card.

Hyun-ji jealousy about Seo-yeon is about to take a big leap in the intensity, and I feel that it is only partly about Bong-pal, and partly on the simple fact that Seo-yeon lives. It must be hard to be so young and the life you see passing by to see others do the things you have never done, and you can not attend. There is another reason why I hope that Hyun-ji is not really dead - I want to be so bad for them able to live again, and experience all that life has to offer a beautiful, bright young woman , She's a good person, and she deserves that.

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Tags: Bring It on Spirit, in Kim So-hyun, Kwon Yul, Taecyeon

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