Recap And Reviews Kdrama Secret Door: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama Secret Door: Episode 8 -

Are all the stop to break Prinz heart yet? Is that so much to ask?

... yes, you say? Okay, fine, so I know the story very premise the need to break the Prince's heart and break his trust in everyone near and dear to him. It's easy, maybe it is not need to be quite so tearing or frequently.

to be really (really, really) glass-half-full of it, today's result gives us a whole host of pathetic character development, and I found that even more gripping than the action part of the story, where the people are tortured and die, and left as evidence of greater mysteries. The investigation is linked increasingly confused and with complications, and that is exciting in its own right, but I? I am here for the characters, broken hearts and all.


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The Prince on the bad guys in Noron stock at closing, the shake Norons things internally their donkey in the case cover Sun operates all notes from. So while Westside boss shadow had previously been Prime Minister Kim go-to bombers, fell out of favor with the shadows and is now the target. Prime Minister Kim has found already to take on a new bomber, Blacklist and gives the order to kill the shade.

I might feel sorry for shadow (just a little bit) is used for and discarded in this way, with the exception that shadow this brought on by adherence this secret document and use it as blackmail / collateral. Prime Minister Kim are not to be like the crossed twice, and plans to use his secret illegitimate son, Kim Mu, as his murderer.

The Sorons are equally keen to get shade and the intention to bribe him for before the Norons to get it. (FYI, the document binds as a conspirator in the middle of the show, the Yeongjo and Norons, is maengui in the show ;. We just simply to keep the secret document called things, but when it becomes clear instead to use the word maengui, we will do so.) so, now it's to get a race first shadow, and he must know things move because the shadow takes extra precautions that maengui document to hide in a whistle.

It's a secret assassin Mu, the first gets to him, tapping him with an arrow on the neck. When Shadow wakes up, he is in preparation for bound, what looks to be a gruesome torture session. Mu asks for the secret document, and shadow wearing on him the pipe in itself, it does not give up. He starts to panic, the knife is considered Mu in his hand ...

I am relieved we have to torture do not see, but we come back after the first round is conducted. Mu takes carefully the blood that has been collected through a funnel contraption, then pouring it into a plant vase. Guh. So he's a neat freak sadist? Why the extra details make it so much more frightening? Mu asks again for the title, but then you hear outside noise.

Chul-joo slips within Shadow now silent house, Operating Instructions on Park Mun-su kill shadows and bring back the tube. He sees drops of blood on the floor, leading to the wall screen to him from the presence of the assassin that tip. He stabs through the screen, and although he missed getting a piece of Mu, bringing the fight to the outside.

as they fight it in the small room, Chul-joo snatches the tube of shadow, and Mu realizes what it must be. He slashes Shadow throat because he was no longer useful, and then our two fencers take the fight outside.

Hyegyeong not do very well with the sting to be abandoned by her husband in the middle of the night they were planned (by the government, no less) to sleep together. She takes it out on Sun head maid, whipping her legs with a switch and call for his whereabouts.

The court lady stoically punishment and says that they are the outlet which will be for the Princess anger, Hyegyeong just annoyed more. She insists that it (huh uh) not for their hurt feelings that it is in this way the implementation, but because Sun behavior is against the rules. It is to ignore the part where her on the line, because the staff of the Prince is not to punish her in this way, but that does not stop.

You get the feeling that Hyegyeong would actually understood hate it because they know that before icy decorum placing expending so much effort. It is not violate it's for the country in question! But the court lady either do not know where the sun is, or will not divulge, and so it goes on Hyegyeong whip.

sun comes next at Shadow home and finds the bloody corpse on the floor. His bloodstained appearance, the servant in turmoil, at least until he identifies and sends to fetch a man officials.

The chase between Chul-joo and Mu takes them through the city and into the woods, where they today and confront surprisingly, say that there is a long has been time. They were once friendly, and Mu says that it is a pity that he must kill a person he knew in the city. Not when Chul-joo has something to say about it, and they go at it with their swords.

Corrupt officer Byun and his men come in the shade of the house, but they are not the official Sun called, and he seems skeptical rightly their "We were just in the neighborhood," sorry. He turns them away, because the case is not within their jurisdiction, and they need to consider when the city mayor later the scene moments comes to take over.

The mayor is Soron, are the policemen Norons. So lets officer Byun about Prince constant interference poignant, and Ji-dam happened to hear that, because it has turned out some snooping to do their own.

Prime Minister Kim inner circle (well, really triangle) freaks out to hear that the Prince is involved and wonder how much he knows. King Yeongjo despite how Norons in the same conspiracy boat, jumps to the conclusion that they are trying to pull on him a round. But his officers believed the opposite, noting that the prince for Mayor Jo called, the leader Soron. He asks the horrendous thought: "Could the prince found out about the maengui?"

Yeongjo at the thought staggers, then asks if this means that the prince for the document searches.

Yes, but not-so. Sun is looking for the document, but in the present he does not know exactly what it is. He pores through house every book in Shadow, hoping the book was to find Heung-bok, when he died. It is no longer there.

There are some unusual things about Sun's behavior tonight that Mayor Jo up on how his trip takes in the city in the first place and his dismissal from the police. He asks Sun about it and if the prince wants something from him, and provides up to command.

For now selects Sun him (ackkkk) to trust, and calls the mayor a few trusted officials choose to work on this case. It is imperative that no one be allowed outside this small group to study nearby. He asks to be updated with the utmost secrecy. Unfortunately, the confidence is misplaced, and the second sun leaves, Mayor Jo gives the order to scour the house for suspicious books.

Ji-dam waiting to speak out to the sun, and he begins to leave their hiding it to curse in frustration. But she tells him she can know who killed Shadow (aka Pil-jae, the bodyguard of the prince. I know so many names!). She reported what she heard-the Park Mun-su orders for bombers admitted killing shadows and recover a pipe. It's hard to hear, and Sun is not ready to believe this by his teacher.

"It's not him," he says, arguing that this does not make him a genius. "If a teacher is the murder behind Kang Pil-jae, then that makes it. And that means behind all these murders that he killed Heuung-bok. There is no way, be that-why could he would do? "

Advisor Chae indicates that this mysterious and dangerous document that reason could provide. Obviously Park has purchased no murder to assert a pipe, so it is likely that the document is attached to it. Moreover, argues Chae, that the best way to suspicions about his teacher to clarify is to push forward and examine him. Despite feeling sick at heart, Sun sees his point.

With this new information put Chul-joo home base on suspicion they agree that Ji-dam no longer stay there, and Advisor Chae invites Ji-dam and her father to stay with him. Ha is, they each episode Hop House-to? That would be really fun, and true to the spirit of their moving and hiding, rather than just keep tucked away in a convenient place for unfindable the whole drama.

Sun particularly sad feels with each fault to her father and apologizes. He then checks for Ji-dam, which has remained calm, but their dismay, he understood well. He assures her that, when all is said and done, their faith in Park Mun-soo and Chul-Joo will be proved true: There is a poignant moment for "They will be the people who we choose to be trusted." the two idealists ... but why is the camera interface on eavesdropping spy?

Meanwhile, the Soron leaders who tried to buy the maengui document of Shadow / Pil-jae is left wondering why the meeting fell through. You need to know not about the death is not, and wonder if he decided to take the document to take otherwise to someone who wanted the title more. They realize that even so, the other party would not a simple deal-which have accepted if they wanted to kill him later, intended as the Sorons? Is there no one whose idea to solve the problems it means to kill?

It is interesting to work with all the different pieces of the puzzle to see, because they all have gaping holes in their information. Yeongjo can go, for example, the head the question of the involvement of the Prince and takes on a reassuring thought-Park, the Mun-su sent an assassin, which means that he got to Pil-jae before the prince did. So now, it is likely that Sun does not have the document.

Assassin Mu returns to Prime Minister Kim home empty-handed, but his father takes a surprisingly gentle approach and tells him that it is enough that he safely returned , He tells him not to worry and rest while Mu provides the comment that he knew how to restore the document.

Chul-joo reports Park Mun-su about the intruder who killed Pil-jae, and hands over the pipe. Park Mun-su takes it with great enthusiasm, but when he works with him, he noticed blood on the handle and realizes that Chul-joo was injured. He runs to look for him, but missed him.

Chul-joo has indeed a large bleeding wound in the side, and his gaze is blurred from the blood loss. His reflexes occur to avoid a flying dart getting stuck, but a second one finds its mark in the neck. He fights as Mu approaches to stay awake, but he falls unconscious in seconds.

sun rises in Park Mun-su office late at night, and instructs its consultants and the chamberlain to start search.

Park Mun-su concern takes him to the headquarters of the East Side Gang, where he even more worried grows upon hearing that Chul-joo has not yet returned. That's because he has been taken from Mu, and wakes to find himself chained. Mu tells him to rest up, because tomorrow is likely to be a tough day to be (... to put it mildly), and leaves him for the night.

The search of Pil-jae House turns a suspicious book, a memoir. We do not see what the mayor Soron in shock gaping, but it must be serious.

The search of Park Mun-su office appears nothing but Traveller Chae blames only eunuch Jang harder to search. For the gloomy advantage of the prince, his faithful eunuch says these efforts are wasted because parking can be innocent, and for the benefit of the Prince, consultant Chae tamps about his skepticism. And then he gets an idea about possible hidden safes in the room in order to result in a locked compartment in the wall.

both with hope and fear, Sun open the safe ... and there that borrowed mystery novel you have been looking for is stamped by, changed the Heung-bok. Smash! is the prince's heart when he realized his trusted teacher done some untrustworthy things.

Advisor Chae pushes him Park Mun-su to arrest immediately for trying evidence to hide connection with the investigation, but the eunuch sees Sun devastation and gives him the Not now, dude look , With difficulty, Sun asks for a moment of rest, to process this.

He walks alone back to his quarters, his heart heavy as he thinks back to his childhood played and maintaining the presence of his teacher therein. He remembers Advisor Chae him from Park suspect to be alert, and the park itself did not press him, someone to trust. In his empty chamber, he bursts into tears.

Sun head court lady hears the latest and feels for the emotional state of the prince to know how he had trusted Park Mun-su. When asked about their own state after the punishment of the Princess, she dismisses it sound, it is not significant in view of the situation of the Prince. Oh, I love them; she is like a surrogate mother, so quietly steadfast.

When she hears, then still another problem in manufacturing, she hurries trap Hyegyeong before reaching Sun quarters and asked them not not to disturb him tonight. Hyegyeong takes not friendly to the presumption, the court Lady kneeling on the floor and says that they cut off her legs needed if would have, but can not stand aside.

requires Hyegyeong a reason and Court Lady Choi begins its declaration by the Prince as a child describing raised from infanthood who weep much and had more laughs than Tears. They did not realize until later that he did not like to cry to see, he would hide and then cry secretly.

Hyegyeong really moved to tears, begin the prince alone crying now. But she argues that it is to be with him at times like this you place, and Court Lady Choi responds that she lifelong desire that such a day will come. "But today is not that day," she says, calling for the princess to allow him time to cry without interference. Oh, and now I am crying without interference.

The Princess is swayed at least by the words. Sun continues to cry in private. Small, small consolation.

Park Mun-su finds the document hidden in the tube, at the same time, the sun, opens the mystery novel and flips through the pages. If you fall his eye, he recalls Heung-bok letter to a hidden clue hinting and examined the site, as the rest is thicker. He considers it with a candle, and the light reveals the words between the lines hidden.

When these words literally come to light from the sun in his eyes, Park Mun-su reads the same thing to save the country on the original document, which begin with a cry, to identify these faithful servants of the nation, will pick up the call (describe the name Large unit with their secret society). It specifically describes the plan to enthrone a new king, and despite the pseudo-patriotic reasons for the move, this is clearly a treacherous document and very distressing. Sun is stunned.

Park Mun-su read your name in the document signed and sends him in a flashback of the day he had Yeongjo given a fan nicknamed, he had made for him Juk -pa to mean a ruler who would rule with justice. Yeongjo had sworn the name more than to appreciate its given, and it was that name he had written to the maengui. Uff. Is that hopeful or deeply ironic? Hopefully, or frightening?

Park Mun-su read that name and laughing with tears in her yes.

He then reports to Yeongjo that he found the document, and is embraced by the king's gratitude. But Park face is stony and impassive, and he says to the king: "I'm sorry, Your Highness I would not give it to you.."

And just like that, it's scary (always scary though one could argue he is ), to shake the Yeongjo back in anger. He asks if parking is to lay everything bare the whole nation, but Park responds that it all depends on what the king decides. He outlined the crimes committed thirty years ago by those who signed the document, and stated that they would have to take responsibility for them.

Yeongjo stutters fact and asks if that includes himself. Park replied: "If that's what you decide, that may be a way."

Yeongjo grabs his sword and waving it a steadfast Park Mun-su. he roars: "You're telling me to give the king the seat?" He wants to know what Park wants, and Park kneels and says that he just wants to right what's going on.

Then the king howling in laughter at the idea of ​​straightening out a wry story. He commands Park more to be honest, and asks, "If I am the past, then who is the future" Oh no, he's twisting a dangerous way down, he is not there? He suspects that Park wants to throw Yeongjo aside to make Sun the king.

Park Mun-su tells the king he will give him time to figure out how to straighten this crooked path. Yeongjo challenges: "What will you do if I do nothing?" Park answered the question with a question (annoying but effective): "What would you do if you were"

Yeongjo would not be lenient, for sure, from the deadly glare to judge it in the park shoots who begs him to make the wise choice. to leave as the park, he turns his sword rises, as if it there and then knock down, but Park adds a final word: At the moment, the king tried (or even possible) to harm Park, copies of maengui will be widely disseminated and wide.

Yeongjo is good and cornered, and he says he park it has become better. Park responds: "I owe you everything."

Park was remarkably composed during this exchange, but he returns to his office feeling drained. The same applies to the King, who turns on his throne and looks at them from pleading before they fall to the ground. His earlier words ring in my ears: "You tell me to renounce the throne you mean to push me aside, and the Crown Prince enthrone?" Yeongjo looks lost and weak. For the time being at least.

The Soron mayor hears the results of the autopsy and the coroner determines that Pil-jae tortured before they were killed. He is also a problem with the murder weapon alarmed.

Prime Minister Kim holds Park Mun-su to ask if he no interesting documents found last night. Park responds with a question (Stop any Yoda-ing!): "What do you think?" The Prime Minister just giggles that the real fight is about to begin, and that there be entertaining.

Morning Sun has calmed his emotions and to put his thoughts in order. be He asks for Park Mun-su brought him quietly

Yeongjo hears this and his paranoia is run in an all time high. whenever he hears Park and Sun mentioned, he jumps to the conclusion that they are against him must have discussed in the same breath.

This is far from the truth, and Sun sitting with Park down and easily begin by speaking his fondness for detective stories. His favorite author's first novel (about Park Mun-su, the inspector) was wildly unpopular, but this novel is different, he says and pulls a hidden in parks safely.

At the same time checks Yeongjo the report brought to him by the mayor, the fear is clearly important to him to say something. To his surprise, told Yeongjo to bypass him only to him about the law, and the mayor looks shocked. Oh! Is the murder weapon the dagger from Sun Room stolen?

Sun asks Park bluntly what he did with the book, and if the man sitting in front of him is the teacher-Prince-Regent or a criminal. Park says: "A criminal."

Sun asks what is his crime. Park says: "With my own hands, I left Shin Heung-bok's body into the well."

Well, it no longer receives damning than that. Sun handballs in a fist and shaking so much that he has to hold it in place with the other hand. Tears fill his eyes and he looks at his teacher with treason and Park can only rejoice.

And then, the mayor leading his team in the office to arrest the criminals here, he announces. Thus, turns his face and tells them to take Park, and Park rises dutifully to accept his punishment.

But the mayor replies that they are not here to arrest Park:

to know what is happening to son "Your Highness, you are under arrest for the murder of Kang Pil-jae." at this moment, Yeongjo musing that it forces no rule him die.


I loved this episode, and there was not a whole lot of character-centric scenes not move. I'm always drawn to Hyegyeong, for example, that my favorite character can arise pile, she's just so complex and interesting. I enjoy the show as representation of their plight, between her sense of pride and duty on the one hand, and their human emotions captured on the other side.

The great tragedy Hyegyeong that they do not recognize those need not be mutually exclusive things. They could abandon their diamond outer shell and his partner of Sun in the way that her heart of hearts wants, and yet you get the feeling that she thinks of these wishes to be impossible. If they were a little less angry, manic defensive they could be capable of the relationship they will have with her husband, but she has to disguise in such a furor something that could bridge the gap, she is active in her own way.

So they cling to their rules and decency, because that is their safety zone, and even if she feels emotionally, it contracts under these Rules either as their shield or her weapon. By smirky upstart concubine who do not know their place, Hyegyeong uses rules to make it. And if perhaps her husband romance can be found elsewhere, she uses these rules as a mechanism by which it lashes out. You are their excuse to keep tabs on him, and a comfortable one at that. I feel like a functional relationship of mutual respect coined if not could be by passion or romance, in the cards for them if they have a different, less militant tried angle. It is not as the perfect man is either, but he is at least acting to the way he feels; it is deliberately hiding behind her mixed messages. Too bad, because friends could certainly use something both.

But maybe I'm wrong and win every confidence else would be dangerous for them, because the political machinations are never left in court disregarded, even if you do good has intentions. This drama makes a stand-out job of pounding precarity portrayed court life, with backstabbers and plotter on every corner, and every innocent word in danger, twisted into something sinister is. Hyegyeong is, even in the best scenarios, extremely loyal to their birth family, and I feel that it would always put first. What it basically puts in contradiction with Sun

What kind of sun, I love what's happening on a narrative level, though I lament the emotional damage than they can to the poor Prince heaped. His faith is both naive and one of those brilliant qualities that I do not want to lose him, and it was terrible and wonderful to see him live this faith, tested and broken in all its up-close and gory details the. The thing is, he still does not know the full truth, and lie though Park Mun-su have him and the truth to obstruct, he is not guilty of the thing Sun thinks he did not kill Heung-bok, and he is part not the conspiracy. So there is hope for this belief this blow to survive, even if it may be a painful and difficult road. Perhaps out of prison, because on top of everything, now he , the direct target and who defend him , as he is the one stuck on the wrong side of the conspiracy? When he would not be alone enough

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tags: featured, Han Seok-kyu, Kim Yoo-jung, Lee Je-hoon, Park Eun-bin , secret door

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