Sometimes I wonder, whether that would show served by upping the conflict and anxiety quotient, but then cuteness as it reminds me that the conversation does not always make a dramatic push-pull movement required, and that smaller triumphs can be just as satisfying as the climatic grandiose, those to see.
It is probably safe to say that mainstream Korean audience as more drama to do in their dramas (if we're going reviews away), but I hope not producers not stop more slice-of-life do shows because it is absolutely a market for calming, cute, soft (not melo!) stories of friendship and the search for himself.
Song of the Day
Chopin Etude Op. 25, No. 11, "Winter Wind" [ Download ]
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Fighting nerves, Nae-il stumbles onto the stage and sits down at the piano for their First-round performance. looking for Yoo-jin in the audience calmed down, and he thinks thoughts encouraging their way, as they start of their competition.
, it is a good start, and Yoo- jin relaxed, while the judges begin nod in agreement and notes that they are so far the best teachers do happy is to recognize that Nae-il extended their own sense in the performance. "Good," he thinks "like playing easy . "[
also observed a teacher Yoon of the master class, which remains all-stony face. Yoon-hoo, on the other side, not worried looks, as he combines in the audience.
Nae-il playing hard through the end, and more than anything I love that she looks delighted with himself. do teachers breaks into applause and Yoo-jin joins in and thought, "Good job, Seol Nae-il." It's like she can hear the thoughts as she beckoned him back, and Yoon-hoo noticed their silent communication with a dip in his mood.
We hear that the teacher Yoon at Yoon-hoo came desire, but it shares no longer him to expect her-Nae-il is not more than the girl who ran from their master class. Yoon-hoo stated that he was afraid the teacher would their prejudice closing her ears to Nae-il's play in the final round blank (which it is to judge), so he wanted them to be heard before to Nae-il ,
as they await the results, Nae-il fidgets nervously, at the same time confident that their performance was good and worried that it was not good enough. do teachers is just as nervous, but advises her guard never let you down, even if she feels safe because arrogance makes a musician too lax.
Yoo-jin gets Nae-il's text as it approaches the sample, and although it is just as anxious to know how they did it as soon as he read that they passed the first round, he says confidently: "of course you did."
to votetime for the Rising Stars on soloist. The orchestra is still divided in the middle to bottom, so that when Il-lac Monde whole Shi-won, muttering his friends, "Traitor." Oh, can not a man have even an eye, without any political to be about?
Yoo-jin count the votes, and his frown makes us on gimmicks. Both sides have schemed to prevent the other side, "win": The S-members split their votes, so no A could accumulate members enough to win, and the A-members for someone who they voted could manipulate into giving up. Il-lac
Il-lac is stunned Yoo-jin pronounce him the winner and protests, ask to hear if it was a mistake. Despite knowing otherwise, Yoo-jin says bluntly: "I will choose to believe that any chosen in the interests of the orchestra I'm confident that there was no other intention.."
The A-members suggest that Il-lac elect a new soloist, since he is not for them, and Il-lac, is happy to agree, -gewonnen Shi naming. But it's Yoo-jin, who cuts him and everyone remembered that they agreed to hold before the vote, so that they keep their promises. He calls the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto as their performance piece (the Il-lac audition selection was), and the glare of A in detuning. Hey, it is not Yoo-jin blame your stupid idea backfired.
Even so, Il-lac suggests that Yoo-jin to open a new vote or think it over, hesitant to ask if Yoo-jin is angry that he was named the soloist. Yoo-jin answers yes, what Il-lac currently clarify more woebegone before that it is because the A-members have no respect for Il-lac. They knew he afraid would ruin the concert for all and would take out of the race.
Instead of undermining their expectations, Yoo-jin told Il-lac three hours of instruction to prepare all day, "so that the guys can not say a word about you."
Oh, I love Yoo-jin still trust in his friends. Il-lac stutters a bit, the Yoo-jin him too much like, but he has obviously touched and encouraged by the show of faith.
When Yoo-jin comes home, Nae -il there to surprise him (ineffective because he is not surprised to find there), and asks him to praise, to do so today. He only answers: "They will do an even better job in the future", which is not quite praise but almost even more effective, as it to treat their success for granted.
trim bean sprouts together as they chat about the solo selection, and he admits to what extent the enemy to be surprised; he believed, had the members of the orchestra more than their would think in combat. She asks if he was disappointed in his limbs, and he admits that he was.
The way I think they beat me as a cozy old couple, Nae-il comments on them. She sighs that it is nice to have trustful Yoo-jin to her, at which point he throws a sapling and barks them away to practice. Apparently the only way to enjoy to get Yoo-jin domesticity, is to deceive him into it.
Nae-il worry about their second round song selection, they will be hoping to be able, a composer to play them with "friendly" feel. This proves to be such a thing as to be a struggle, as teachers do the approved list of pieces runs, all of which are unfamiliar to Nae-il. So far it has only played things they liked that the gaping holes in their repertoire, now declared a clear source of frustration for teachers Thu
But there is a piece on the list, which it has previously played , a Chopin etude ( "winter Wind"). She looks more scared at the thought, but they give it a try to play it from memory. Her fingers fly over the keys, when her mind flashes back to the last time they played it: She is a child had been, and the display of their talent her teacher had excited them to evolve. But it is not a happy memory ...
Observed she thinks now, do teachers how Nae-il is not "just good" -it's amazing unnervingly well. Yoo-jin, it can be heard outside the room from the door of the office where Yoon-hoo connects only to ask him why piano Nae-il is to be now part of the world.
Yoon-hoo sighs, he wanted to show her game to another, but wants to hide it as a treasure, because it makes him uneasy-like nevus il own thoughts on Yoo-jin conducting
He assumes that Yoo-jin feels the same, but returns a different answer. it to Nae-il is to decide what to do with itself, because it is not an object. He says it without judgment, but I still want a bit to say Booyah .
And then, Yoon-hoo informed Yoo-jin that he is in the conducting department the application, and to boot with Streseman recommendation. So if Yoo-jin is called to see the Maestro, he wonders why he was not told about it, only be reminded that it is not something that he should find a big deal. The Maestro has bigger plans for Yoo-jin, to travel with the idea together, to Europe, which he. Already with Dean Mina
Yoo-jin has deleted is taken surprised by the proposal, but Streseman asked directly if he will not go into it foreign-plant the Rising Stars conductively hold, even after he graduates? He points out that Nae-il is to study in Europe, if it provides for the first time in the competition, and asks if it had something to do with Yoo-jin, encouraged them to compete. And if so, it is not really go with her? I do not suppose any of this message is to Yoo-jin, who seems like he realized his motives, but it is hard to shrink when it as is so clearly stated.
Il-lac feels depressed about the way the orchestra went to vote, but Shi-won assured him that he deserves this solo and can do a good job. She is sweet in the support (almost?) Girlfriend role, though in this case it may be even more useful to throw their support for him as leader, and she tells him to do a good job.
Strengthened, Il-lac promises to do well enough that the other be saying a word against him not be able to put a finger to her lips set in a silencing gesture ... and then he sneaks these finger to his own lips in a Sneak-kissy move. Lol. One of these days, you will have the guts for a real kiss work! At least you'd better.
But his confidence is not there in orchestral rehearsal, where his intonation is everything, and it moves and sounds like a mess is missing. His opponents, while his friends look grin in custody. Yoo-jin corrected him gently, but it is clearly dismayed by Il-Lac playing subpar. Although everyone about his face is beautiful, the feeling of the Il-lac clearly vulnerable.
Nae-il you practice furious competition piece, haunted by the memory of her teachers hard lessons with the same etude. You must force yourself aside to expel the bad thoughts, and remembers coming to the first place to concentrate, so they accompany Yoo-jin to Europe.
Streseman observed from the hallway as Nae-il passes through their bad memories, then approaches with concern. He asks how she feels, noting that her feelings come out loud and clear in their game, and that her face looks harder than the bitter winter wind through the song caused.
Nae-il apologized for letting other thoughts while she is practicing, but Streseman advises her to use her feelings, all in watering their game. She has nothing to worry about at the piano, he says-and as soon as it leaves everything out, she can return freely to their normal, happy self. The words seem to have an impact on Nae-il, who do not avoid her feelings, promises confront.
Yoo-jin passes violin lessons with Il-lac, which are hoped for not so, and takes in Il-lac playing on a recent change to. Il-lac admits purposely withdraw because he has his feelings always carried away fear, only to have Yoo-jin to assure him that he should not lose this ability. As long as he does not go overboard, he should be able to get lost in the performance.
The Council renewed Il-lac enthusiasm with Yoo- jin green light him to give back to himself. He resumes playback, and already the results are improved.
Nae-il waiting outside that night excited at the distance waving at an approaching figure, until she realizes too late that Yoon-hoo, not Yoo-jin. He noted her disappointment, and cooled their appearance and reached his scarf around his neck draped. Nae-il shrinking involuntarily back, however, and adds that his constant teasing makes it appear that he likes.
He asks whether it would be such a bad thing, but Nae-il replies that he does not like them, can. She apologizes so that Yoon-hoo to sigh that he rushed things.
He joins to announce later that Nae-il rejected him Yoo-jin in the cafeteria. Yoo-jin's first reaction is to smile; his second is that Yoon-hoo to ask why to tell him this. Yoon-hoo declares that he has no one to tell, and that the band would not take his side anyway. Yoo-jin assumes that he does not have many friends, is the way to take things up. Spoken like an expert in the matter.
Yoon-hoo assumptions that Yoo-jin, that knows from experience, and suggests a ceasefire, only to Nae-il wins their competition. Yoo-jin replies that he does not fight with Yoon-hoo, but his face takes on a certain conflict look when Yoon-hoo stated its intention to follow Nae-il to study abroad music. Is not Yoo-jin going to go?
It is certainly not that he does not want, and the idea takes on a different look back at his childhood aircraft accident.
The Rising Stars hear that they'll Orchestra entry in a competition at the University, and scoff at the idea of using Il-lac solo to go against formidable rivals, especially one led by a conductor that was taught in Germany. The news has all resolved their game on.
round 2 of the piano competition arrives, and asking Nae-il lyrics Yoo-jin to play it to her to see to make sure. It is not quite "friends" with this composer, she says, but she is familiar with it and promises to work hard.
you will need, because the competition heats up and a certain pianist named Ka -RAM, pulling each release as a beat. To make matters worse, there is a known face in the crowd: Nae-il childhood teacher
Nae-il does not wait for an answer text of Yoo-jin but. you get as currently get stuck in traffic trying to their performance in the period. He ends by taxi ditching and to walk, with the arrival as they will begin.
Yoon-hoo is not surprised to see that the teacher Yoon is back today, and when she asks why he did not specifically request their presence here, he replies that he knew she definitely came. Ha.
Nae-il is wearing a long face, and all the puzzles on her obvious severe mood. She looks downright furious when she plays the Etude-hard, almost frantically and the judges shake their heads that it plays too fast. It is far from the perfect performance it with their textbook Haydn showed in Round 1
Yoo-jin know it's do a gritty performance and teacher, says grimly that it's all over. Nae-il is so excited with it after that they will be of the bath does not come out, desperate that she ruined everything.
Yoon-hoo says optimistic that Nae-il put in a good-performance is not only the competition happened to meet. On the other hand, barks do teachers that a player to create the competition rules to be followed when they come to a competition. You have to play to win the game the game.
Nevertheless, they huddle around the bulletin board hopefully, when the results are published, and are excited to see that Nae-il of the list, after all done. Teacher rejoices do, and keeps a hand for a high five to the left is hilarious hanging.
We see in retrospect that the teacher Yoon had played a crucial role in swaying the jury in Nae-il favor. They had agreed that she had talent, but was willing to drop them in any case; had ignored the competition rules and played too much in their own way.
And so had teacher Yoon pointed out that they would like to see more play of Nae-il, who had a personal appeal. The other judges had the same curiosity was about what she would play next, and decided to promote it.
Yoo-jin calls Nae-il with the good news, her a text message, if it refuses the message to answer the calls of shame, they think had failed. The good news attracts them, and they start at Yoo-jin in a fierce attack Hug (I love that Yoo-jin is regularly attacked with hugs, and he obviously does not it does not interfere).
do teacher saves Yoo-jin from the embrace and drags Nae-il for the finals to prepare away. Meanwhile, the student is expected to win, Ka-ram, also goes into the final, and it turns out that she is a student of Nae-il mean old teacher.
Nae-il's name distinctive enough to the teacher to catch the eye, and if Ka-ram asks about her, sniffing the teacher that while Nae-il is very talented, no one is to be feared, because they can not treat competitions.
Be that as it may, Nae-il confidence meter is back to full when teachers do on the selection for the finals is. She is not familiar with the plays, so he chooses Liszt's "La Campanella" for them, and they get to work.
continue orchestra rehearsals and Il-lac, to the relief of all his friends. In fact, it is the arrogant trumpeter yelling in the middle of a run and Yoo-jin makes it a point to tell everyone to implement additional individual practice. (Cutely when he says he is out not to defect maker, Su-min points the finger immediately trumpet direction, have no problem.)
Despite progress, Il-lac has second thoughts and to worry about Yoo-jin of an error during the concert. He come hems and rose hips before his point, asking if it is possible to swap and soloists have Shi-won instead play the concert.
Yoo-jin denies flatly the requirement to ask what has happened to Il-lac of the renewed drive. He assured Il-lac that he will perform well if he continues the practice, the door closing argument further.
Nae-il acts by their competition piece, to think through the interpretation as it plays, and do teacher is surprised. Not only on their progress, but the fact that they all got here on their own, because he did not this all taught. "How can such a person there?" he asks himself. do
teacher calls Yoo-jin to ask his help that must have to do with Nae-il absorption in practice. Yoo-jin finds in the studio until late at night their game until they literally conks the piano out, fall asleep on the keys.
He carries her house on her back, and she sleepily asks him to come to Europe with her. Yoo-jin replied that it would be nice if he could, and when she promises to make it so, he thanks her for the idea.
Then, if she promises to work hard so as not to be embarrassed in front of him, Yoo-jin replies that she does not have to win first place. He says she was right in front, as she talked about freely and play with joy, because they in their play to be happy is to be happy for her listeners. Nae-il commented that he has changed a lot, but adds that she still wants to take first place.
Soon it is the day of the finals, and Mini Min-hee and Mama's head over to cheer Nae-il. Nae-il is in good spirits as she prepares backstage ... until they face will be localized in the hallway with her old teacher. Ack.
The teacher had just so condescending expected over Nae-il have already left and essentially sniffs that Nae-il since they are wasting their time student channel Aries is this contest participate.
The match has Nae-il deeply insecure, and worse, the story is Ka-RAM to play the same piece of Liszt it is selected. Other competitors express that they happy that they do not get the same song, so they can not be compared unfavorably.
Nae-il is planned, she and the old nerves follow resurface, as they go for their turn outside dependent. Choking back to their panic, Nae-il is upwards and screw in the other direction.
It runs through the back door and through the lobby, stopping only when their escape route is blocked by a new arrival. Yoo-jin.
You know, I wanted to cut almost the episode before ran Nae-il in Yoo jin, although the fear because the feeling gave me leave, would the moment she walked in I Yoo-jin like all felt his right in the world would. This is the power of their relationship, I feel the question is not even whether they will win, but whether they can perform alone, (and let this happen, the results, as they can).
I do not really want Yoo-jin presence to be a sort of magical talisman for Nae-il, so I think there is a line that should be observed here, as he leads Nae-il along her conquer trauma. The show has to respect done a pretty good job, that their musical paths independently to be taken nice thing is that the paths are parallel and complementary, but they are not the same way, so it is not a big concern for me. But I have the idea in this episode that I just Yoo-jin wanted to be there to make it better, and then took me to brief, because not actually what I want for nevus il , Avoid the message we "codependency is romantic", shall we?
What I like to be on Yoo-jin there is for Nae-il that rather than calm them enough so that it goes out and kicks ass, the message more along the lines of is "Be yourself that is enough for me. " And of course the beauty of that is that Nae-il pure even the best anyway called worthy, if true, to display their talent and freed from demons and evil teachers and rigid rule makers.
It's nice to see this recognition with the other friends in Yoo-jin, occur; Il-lac flash uncertainty was a well-placed counterpart to Nae-il conflict, they are experiencing similar crises of confidence shows. A really nice side effect of Yoo-jin so to be a acclaimed musical talent is that it makes it so effective when his friends "Flagging strengthen trust. Sure, it's nice if your buddy (or your doting father) tells you how good you are, but if Yoo-jin? well, you can not argue with him, because he never los easy to lie to you feel better. if he tells you you are up to the task, well, believe it and work extra hard to ensure that its assessment was not misjudged.
I suspect that we rethink over the next Yoo-jin trauma that feels like a natural next step, and a I'm curious to see, since it is the turn to the front, to put one foot. (I LOVE Yoo-jin, but he is in danger of being too perfect, and I always hero-or find any character, really -interessanter if they work through things.) He has to support done much in recent episodes and now I want to see each reciprocate (again). In a big picture sense, the movement of this show sometimes feels like a three-legged (or perhaps many-legged) race marked by cooperation and steady progress, with everyone looking for each other and keep each other when someone takes a tumble. The steps may be clumsy at times, and I can to accelerate the pace, but in the end I am warmed by the camaraderie and collective growth.
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