Recap And Reviews Kdrama Emergency pair: Episode 15

Recap and reviews korean drama Emergency pair: Episode 15 -

Secrets are dug right and left, and many hurt feelings go back in time to the left. Our hero begins to realize that he must accept that he does not always get what he wants, while our heroine will be only accepted who she is, over and all. But ingrained habits are hard to break, like all our doctors are finding out; it shall be forgiven for miscommunication and misunderstanding to take a lot of work on each part.


When Chang-min be song sings, Jin-hee recalls happy times, past and present.

Chun-soo and Ji-hye go to her place for wine and conversation. She asks if he was shocked that Jin-hee revealed that she is divorced, but he plays it cool and denies that he is interested in. Ji-hye reminds him that he has always submitted divorcees as irresponsible. Chun-soo says again that he and Jin-hee are just boss and intern, but his eyes betrayed his feelings as they hurtle through space.

Ji-hye asks if Chun-soo will try to contact his parents. Their theory is that he will not be able to fall in love and marry until he heals this wound from his childhood. I say listen to the lady; she is pretty smart about these things.

Chun-soo told her that his mother remarried and lives in the States, and his father is a photographer in Africa, so it makes no sense to try to contact them. Ji-hye he proposes for his father looking, but Chun-soo not see the point, for a man in a search that is too busy always been, for his own child.

Ji-hye tried one more time, Chun-soo said that she hopes to have a family someday. He says only that he was not close enough to get someone to get married, so he will only live and take care of patients. He says it makes him her feel bad, but she just laughs softly at him and called him a homme fatale .

The interns stagger from the Noraebang in states of sobriety varies, and left the couple first. Jin-hee and Ah-Reum suggest that Chang-min sure that the very drunk Yong-Gyu gets home safely, so that the boys take a taxi. Jin-hee goes home alone, and very close to Chang-min call but decides against it.

In the taxi asks Yong-Gyu when Chang-min thinks of Jin-hee. He wants to know if Chang-min is the fact in order that she is divorced, but Chang-min just sighs that he is divorced, also. Yong-Gyu's still upset about his medication errors, and laments that he just be a doctor should stop because it is too painful.

Morning Jin-hee finds her mother to take her to hospital employees mountains of food packaging for them. When Jin-hee, she says, that all not to take to work, to talk about the boss starts Mom with a smile. She waxes poetic about how he is so kind and responsible and stable, their ulterior motives obvious.

Meanwhile, Chang-min for the work in its vast empty apartment is ready, but every room he enters only reminds him of the one day Jin- hee was there. He gets a call from his uncle and asked him to see him today to come into his office.

Young-ae shows her husband Sang-Hyuk a positive pregnancy test, and it is of course much more excited than she is. She is worried that it will cause her internship and residence. Yong-Gyu she overheard discussing them, and the two men try to comfort, Young-ae as they frustrated bangs his head on the table.

Later Jin-hee noticed that Young-ae not even think, and asks if she feels fine. Young-ae tells her that she is pregnant, and shouting that they should have waited to marry after her internship. Jin-hee says that she understands what it is to want to be married sooner rather than later. She advises Young-ae the boss to say as soon as possible, because things like X-rays can be harmful to a pregnant woman.

Jin-hee finds Chun-soo in his office to give him a report on their patients. He asks testily when she was all right home last night, but then quickly corrected to wonder if they all got home okay . She asks if he was shocked to hear that she is divorced, but he is all business when he says that he has to be shocked no reason.

But it obviously does not affect him, because he says that the divorce happened to say, when people can not take responsibility for the choices they handle meet and hurt, and that he did not like to hear that they had done. Jin-hee asks if he is disappointed in her, and he admits that he is. Ouch. Chun-soo tells her that she can not be that way in the hospital because irresponsible people can harm or even kill.

Jin-hee asks him one last thing - when a woman becomes pregnant during her internship, she does not have to stop? Chun-soo eyes grow huge as he stammers: "Yes W-w-why is someone pregnant.?!" Jin-hee says no, nobody is pregnant, and high-tails it out of his office. That does not look guilty, haha.

Jin-hee goes to lunch and Chang-min consciously chooses another table and sits down next to her with his back. Later, they go to each other in the hall, and he does with the eyes, but does not speak to her.

Ah-reum noticed all the embarrassment and begins to put the pieces together, between things that they both have said in the past, and the way they are acting now. It starts Chang-min to ask if Jin-hee and he were married, but they are interrupted because his mother has just arrived at the hospital.

Jin hee mother, Kwang-soo, and baby-Guk not show in the hospital for checkup Guk and to provide the food that Jin-hee that bring to work every morning.

Jin-hee runs almost in Chang-min mother in the waiting room, but it manages without being seen to sneak away. It runs in Chang-min, literally, and warns him that his mother is here, but he that he knows already Grumps. She's here to tell him about the family reunion a wedding date with Ah-reum family setting (this again? Seriously?), But he just tired reminds them that he is not interested, and starts to leave. Mom reminded him that he his birthday, and gives him seaweed soup.

A nurse ushers Mom and Kwang-soo in Chun-soo office, and they fall out of the food as a "thank you" for good care of baby Guk take and Jin-hee. Chun-soo takes the food with a smile, but Mama is not finished and asks him if he is still single. He confirmed awkward, and Mama is thrilled.

Chang-min mother overheard doctors to discuss some test results of a patient of Jin-hee. They confirmed at the nurses' station that Jin-hee is not working yet here, and let's just say that they are not happy. She storms into Chun-soo office, but Jin-hee mother is still there, and the two shocked women come face to face for the first time in years.

you snipe back and forth with "What are you doing here?" "My child works here, what you here? For a few minutes!", And the funniest part of this scene is Kwang-soo and baby-Guk, who like most confused Wimbledon viewers worldwide. Kwang-soo finally speaks, and Jin-hee mother rounded up to him about this situation to know and tell her not.

Chang-min mother wants to know if Jin-hee is still working here after they are fired, they had insisted. The fast-burning is news to Jin-hee mother and she starts screaming. Chang-min's mother insulted her by saying she obviously has to bring food to her daughter missing to make up as a doctor, and she's fightin words - Jin-hee mother invites Chang-min's mother outside duke this out. HA.

A nurse says Jin-hee, that her mother is here, the overheard Chang-min. Another nurse says Chang-min that his mother is in the manager's office, and the horror of the situation dawns on both simultaneously.

They both burst into the office, where both women screaming baby Guk cries, and the poor chef tried to stay out of the way. Jin-hee mother has a near collapse, as she sets eyes on Chang-min, and I can not help, it's funny how he gives her a deep bow in the middle of the chaos to me. Asks Jin-hee, what "this jerk" here does what his mother takes offense, and we are right back "Let's go outside!"

manage the two mothers pull literally kicking and screaming out of the office and down the hall, where they pass through a totally confused Ji-hye. Asks Chun-soo, what's going on and he shakes his head in a daze.

The mothers still in the waiting room screaming argument, while Chang-min and Jin-hee try her to calm her. Chang-min mother screaming that Jin-hee ruined her son's life before, and now she has to seduce him again. This upsets Jin-hee mother so excuse Chang-min steps to her. His mother began to beat him apologetically, and he simply lifts and throws them while they fight him like a wildcat. Baby Guk begins to cry, Jin-hee mother begins to cry, and Jin-hee asks all go home.

Chang-min's mother lays down in another part of the hospital and she meets him again, whining about how he and his father are both for their make problems responsible. Chang-min asks what his father has to do with him, and she tells him that Papa with Jin-hee has been since her divorce in contact.

Chun-soo sits in his office and goes on forever, the Chang-min confronts him about his feelings for Jin-hee. Jin-Hee comes back apologizing for the mothers brawl in his office. He tells her that he knows that Chang-min is her ex-husband, and she says that she would tell him, but he counters cold that there is no reason for them to do that. He takes a call and goes, without another word.

Yong-Gyu is obviously nervous and unsure as he tries, a patient complains of chest pain to investigate. The nurse noticed shook his hand, and his obvious distress also discourages the patient. Yong-Gyu may not have the courage to work even up to the patient to touch, and asks the nurse to call another doctor.

Ah-reum still finds him in the hall shaking and sweating, and asks him what's wrong. He tells her that if he tried to listen to the patient's chest that he could not hear anything, as if his ears were blocked. Ah-reum wants to get Chun-soo, but he keeps it, for fear it internally affect his evaluation.

Jin-hee sees Chang-min in the break room with his thermos with seaweed soup fiddling, and remembers his birthday. She sighs, if she had known all this would happen, she would have said her mother with Chang-min earlier about the work. He apologizes to her and she just says softly, "Now you understand why we should never go out to work, is not it?"

The cat is out of the bag, and the nurses discuss the scandalous news that Oh Chang-min and Oh Jin-hee are a divorced couple. The nurse who is on Chang-min already damning with particular distress and starts to cry.

Chun-soo says Ji-hye that Jin-hee has three strikes against it: she is divorced, Oh Chang-min, her ex, and now about the pregnancy she speaks. Fortunately Young-ae asks to speak to the boss, to tell him about her pregnancy.

Yong-Gyu admits that he has not yet confessed that his nerves are prevented him not see patients. A doctor comes in and confronts angrily ask him about for a holiday if they are not enough people in the emergency room have, as it is. The other doctor says maybe he's just in a crisis and need to rest, giving him a hard pinch on the mouth deserves. Young-ae whispers to herself that she will kill her if she asks for the baby for leisure.

Chun-soo and Jin-hee a gallbladder patients are checked, and Ji-hye orders an operating room to be readied. Near Chang-min studied, an elderly woman, who complained of stomach pains and problems, and asks the nurse to bring the boss. He finds Jin-hee in the nurses' station to arrange for an operating room. He and Jin-hee argue about whose patient has its operation first because only one can be performed at a time.

Chun-soo finds the two of them in a stalemate and notes that Chang-min is the patient in greater need and should go first. He uses it as a teaching moment, and explains why they then blame for the fight over them.

After moving Chang-min and Jin-hee leave together, and she admits that she was not thinking about his patient and was only on the patient focuses ago their. Chang-min suspected that they do not listen to him, because she does not trust him, but she refused it.

Chang-min meets his uncle in his office, telling him it's time to cash the promise he made, saved as Uncle Jin-hee job. He says Chang-min to go with Ah-reum Father and Chang-min for dinner, only sighs, stuck to he met.

When Chang-min home runs, Ah-reum calls him. He starts talking in an apologetic tone, but she wants to speak first, to save their pride. She tells him that it does not this do not want to either, but they will go for their parents out of respect. She leaves it to him if he wants to show or not.

Chang-min mother and uncle in the restaurant noticed coming at the same time as Ah-reum and their parents, and Ah-reum Chang-min's empty chair. Chang-min mother apologizes for her son to call - he tells her that he's coming to dinner, but nothing about him other than his presence to be expected

asks where his father is, but none of them can. reach him by phone. Chang-min does hold, Dad obtained assistant, who says he once went the ecological field but has not been back. She finds an envelope of medicine from a hospital on dad's desk and says Chang-min that his father recently collapsed again and was hospitalized.

Chang-min calls Jin-hee, to see if she's heard from his father now, but she has not spoken to him a few days ago with him since her visit. Chang-min goes to the hospital, where his father was treated, and speaks with his doctor. The doctor tells him that has developed in addition to his diabetes, Dad severe cardiac disease. An operation at this stage is not possible, and they can only try to control them with medication. Do you leave the medication that Dad on his desk? Oh no.

Jin-hee shows Chang-min father office and immediately zeroes on the package of drugs on his desk in. A call to the phone in the office and Jin-hee Reply , then calls quickly Chang-min, to tell him that his father collapsed while he was working on the shore.

EMTs wear Chang-min's father in his office and put him on a stretcher, but they say Jin-hee, that he go to the hospital, refuses. She grabs the stethoscope, which she gave him, and notes that they are not breathing sounds heard on one side of his chest. Chang-min reached and makes a brief examination, and says that Jin-hee presumption of pneumothorax is wrong - he has hemothorax (blunt injuries cause rupture of membranes in the chest cavity, can allow the blood to fill and reduce lung function).

They work together to quickly perform first aid, and Dad wakes up enough to gasp at that to see Chang-min and Jin-hee together makes him happy. Chang-min wants to take him to the hospital now, but Dad says he does not want to die in an ambulance. This freaks out Chang-min, but Jin-hee stops him and tells him it's too late to save his father to the hospital in time.

Chang-min shouts: "Then we should him here just watch die!" Jin-hee asks Dad what he wants them to do, and Chang-min insists he stop the bleeding. Dad gives him to try permission.

Chang-min draws some blood from the pinched portion with a syringe, which confirmed that hemothorax. But before he can do something to ease the pressure, Dad breathing will relieve worked and frightening, then stops.


Okay, I might be just a little cry, or perhaps again be the same a lot.

I'm okay; whoa, what a dramatic scene to finish this week episodes. Poor Chang-min, faced with possibly losing his father on his birthday of all days. I really hope his father pulls but because let's face it, he is the only thing Mom think of completely with this marriage-to-Ah-reum obsession go around the curve.

Let's talk about Mom for a minute. I'm losing my patience seriously (okay, truth I lost it a few episodes ago) with its interference and complete rejection everyone to hear at all. I can type, if I just right tilt my head, understand their position, that once he decided his own spouse before and it was a disaster, so this time she wants to decide who he marries. She's still batcrap crazy, but I can see how it would come to this conclusion, given the cultural acceptance of arranged marriage. It is very wrong on multiple levels, but I think it comes from a place of her son want to have a good marriage and think that when it can not happen, maybe you can.

But good grief woman, he is a divorced man in his thirties, and he told you over and over that he is not interested in an arranged marriage, he is not interested in Ah-reum specifically, and from back and let him take his own decisions. Although she thinks she knows better, he is not a chaebol, which must make a business relationship or a young person who does not know how difficult can be the marriage. Leave him in peace!

Interestingly, I hate her character in this drama a lot less than I hated her character in her other dramas because at least here she has no real power to do to make her son, as she says. It is more like a really annoying yappy dog ​​who wants to learn just at each stop barking. I do fear that they will be any possibility have to be decisions in the manner of Chang-min lives; there really is not much they can do to him if he sets foot. Her only asset was the threat of the medical school to refuse, and he is now complete. But it has been shown that, if it can not affect him, they chose him partner will make life hell, so I'm still waiting to do something for Chang-min, to set a clear and inviolable boundary. Not even necessarily in relation to Jin-hee, but only about something .

and Chief, what we do with you? I really love him as a character; I think he is an honest man, a great doctor and a good and fair teachers. I understand his bitterness towards people, the story of his family are given divorced, even though a part of me wants to remind him that not everyone gets divorced from selfishness and irresponsibility. But he took a very worrying steps backwards attitude, in this episode. I'm worried that he set in his ways that he is not against the divorced, to be on a lifelong prejudices.

A character I became really impressed by is Ah-reum. Thank you show for us, do not give the standard spoiled-rich-girl second guide, but to give us a mature and interesting young woman. Ah-reum is surprisingly kind to Yong-Gyu, as she gently lets him after his confession down. She spoke openly and honestly when she found herself interested, instead of playing in Chang-min games, and did not find any immature behavior show when he told her he was interested in someone else. She does not keep his mother's behavior towards him as they do ridiculous things like the unpleasant surprise dinner a few episodes back arrange, and she let him off the hook when he did not want to come to the PTA meeting. I like them more and more as the show goes on, and I find myself they are hoping Yong-Gyu a chance because the guy could use a break right now.

I am also happy, Chang-min finally respected Jin-hee wishes and give her room to see if she asked for it. He even manage to do it without being angry or sulking or throwing its weight around in frustration, as usual. I feel like their words to him resulted in 14 finally hit home - not to him, she wants to pursue, point. He is the CEO of of acting to do with a minimum, which is itself the real growth. There were a few moments in which he has responded in an injured or angry way, but not because he feel rejected as a result of their behavior at that moment and. An example is when their patient required surgery urgently disagree and he noticed that she did not trust him; clearly he was upset, but he did not blow out of proportion. Baby steps, but at least he tries.

Now my concern is this: at what point Jin-hee will launch an effort toward change to make? Not even necessarily towards Chang-min, but in my opinion it seems to have little to do, to confront their own decisions in their marriage and separation, so that they can be a better person and partner (if selected). She has admitted that she has partially at fault, and that's great - but unlike Chang-min, I have yet to see how they do what really about them. You seem to still prefer to avoid the problem, rather than honest and grow.

We know that the last few episodes, and I'm starting to get confused, where the show takes us. If it is a family reconciliation, there is still so much that our main characters have to do to make me, as a viewer to believe that it will work. I (and I think many of the viewers) is not to put a happy ever after type ends when many of the real-like obstacles accept not directed like in a real. I like all these characters and I want our lines to be all of them happy, in whatever form that takes the luck. I'm worried that it had solved only to the wire always down, and we still do not have the core issues, or really even hardly recognized. It feels like we have around the same problems for weeks circling things without much forward movement or progress in fixing, and I'm always nervous that we with a rushed and unsatisfactory resolution at the end. Let's all cross our fingers that the authors have a plan and we take this long road down and for a reason winding.

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tags: Choi Jin-Hyuk, emergency pair, featured, song Ji-hyo

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