Recap And Reviews Kdrama Triangle: Episode 2

Recap and reviews korean drama Triangle: Episode 2 -

Our daring hero solidifies its role live commercial as gambling addiction as he goes through hell and a little humiliation everything and hopefully win everything to bet mixed results. When we find out what tick Young-dal makes that the world lost three brothers grows kept apart steadily smaller and more intimate. More There is no doubt that it on a crash course for traveling together, even if telling me something that a tearful family reunion could not be further away.


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After Jung-hee and Dong-soo runs to the sight of Young-dal for his life in his skivvies to be treated, we find him and his girlfriend next to an open grave prepared especially for them roughened by her cuckolded husband.

It is the same man who was previously at young-dal the gaming table, and even though he knows the young scamp well, he is not to show him mercy. young-dal desperately begs to be spared his life, but always ends up in the kicked anyway grave.

Young-dal tried even keeps out of the hole to climb, as the bats begin to bury him alive, but is saved when his local detective friend shows up.

Even if it is covered in dirt and little clothing, Young-dal taken to Dong-soo meet the two men are introduced as strangers, and Dong-soo is in a nutshell. he wants to act Young-dal for him as an informant.

Young-dal immediate reaction is declining, he knows that if he was discovered by the loan sharks he were he is meant to spy, then stabbed at the end.

Dong-soo gives him added an uncomfortable smile as he adds a subtle threat that he may be much frightening than knives, but Young-dal is no choice to accept reluctantly.

As to be in his hometown back old and painful memories awakens, Dong-soo keeps his respects to be paid at the quarry, where he will once his father's ashes spread, along with his two baby brothers.

Meanwhile, Young-dal too busy feeling humiliated that pretty casino greeter, Jung-hee, looking at him in bright red boxer in the city run that buddy Jang-soo has noted with him in the sauna.

least Jang-soo good news-word while illegal love affair quickly by Young-dal, is his girlfriend, the only spread a bad reputation he scored.

However Jang-soo demeanor is serious when Young-dal asks him about Jung-hee, as it means his playboy friend in her interested. He warns Young-dal in no kind words to a finger on a good girl as she lay, especially since it is the sole breadwinner for her two younger brothers and grandmother because her parents are dead.

And Young- dal response to all the sad things is that he wants that they themselves more now, and vows to make his part of the month. Before Jang-soo, loses it completely, calms him Young-dal, that he was only joking. ( Orrrr was he?)

Speaking, Jung-hee tries Unni's prove as potential distributors to their work (a job which they had previously not good enough for), although not help it but wonder if her boyfriend white Young-dal.

she does, but she was no longer able to warn Jung-hee be off a complainer like him. Maybe they would listen to the way of advice, but it is clear that Young-dal is not because he makes a stop in the night from afar Jung-hee of work to watch.

Chairman invites go his self-proclaimed archenemy Dong-soo to a casual dinner in an attempt to call a ceasefire in the war between them going. Dong-soo accept drinks, but not chairman Go bullshit, as he goes into this long speech why he is a legitimate businessman and not criminals Dong-soo he thinks.


But when Dong-soo do not buy it and let it decide itself, Chairman: He Dong-soo has life a file on, his friends and colleagues, and what looks like evidence that his cop friends have underhand deals to accept been. Huh. Does this mean Dong-soo is too corrupt?

Young-dal has no luck trying to get lifted its ban on the fantasy casino, and frets, as he will fill the money back he stole when he can not live in a major casino.

Then shall take an idea, he can do so, to accept an offer Dong-soo to become his informant to get Dong-soo to raise his muscles use the ban. Finally, it can not Intel-Dong-soo wants if he can not mix with the bad guys.

Dong-soo promised to do what he can, while Young-dal pat fooled well on the back for a sucker. And at the end of the tactic works because Young-dal is again allowed in the casino.

Meanwhile, Jung-hee for renewal requests back to the payment to their overdue debts of Boss Yang, the small-time moneylenders the Young-dal and Jang- its soo employer happens.

he least granted her a small reprieve, that is, when Madame Jang finds. She thinks she can make beauty and financial vulnerability a buck from Jung-hee, she takes on Jung-hee's debt to about it to rule power.

in the casino, Young-dal loses its first round Baccarat. Because it's never a sure bet, it ignores Jang-soo Council and decides to go all in the next round, which means it's now or never ...

cut to: Young-dal and Jang-soo down the casino with their heads to leave. Oh, they lost? While Young-dal is disappointed and low on funds, it corresponds to the great General Lee Sun-sin, who beat the odds in the fight when its resources were few. Young-dal is planning to do the same.

Jung-hee tries its smallest brother Byung-Soo to rant against getting bad grades in school, if her plan backfires when Byung-Soo argues that he does not need advice from a sister who constantly the lowest ranked in their studies. Also true grandmother, hah.

dinner is interrupted when Madame Jang a surprise visit to pay exit for a chat a confused Jung-hee. It is there that Madame Jang demonstrates that fact to Jung-hee House (had what they give to Boss Yang as security) it is now.

And when Jung-hee not to pay its debts in the next week back, promises Madame Jang to take her home. Jung-hee turns hectic as there is no way, they spontaneously money can sprout next week, what if Madame Jang offers her a (and in banmal also): If Jung-hee comes for it to work, then it will forget about the money.

Jung-hee knows that Madame Jang underground casino is illegal, but the deal is too good to pass on. If she is a trader, is not only earning three times more than paid their old job, they get enough tips to pay off their debt in three months. Will she take the deal?

So it turns out Shin-hye not quite Dong-soo to tell the truth when asked by her husband, as we formally only because they find the pair separated meetings.

her husband, HYUN PIL-SANG ( Jang Dong-jik ), gives her a necklace of his recent business trip, and uncomfortable questions they are how much longer remain in relationship limbo, because they have been separated for two years, and he is tired to lie about it. He wants to reconcile them, but Shin-hye seems much more restrained.

Shin-hye then goes to visit her father, police chief Hwang, is also kept in the dark about the true state of their marriage. It seems to be difficult for them by him as secret, especially after having a few drinks and singing their praises on getting the police top criminal profiler not-to mention a good man to marry.

She throws her eyes downward uncomfortable every time her husband is mentioned, it all the more bittersweet when her drunken father makes asks if she can just do another thing: him a grandson give. AWW.

her father into bed, Shin-hye visits her old room, staring lovingly at a picture of her and Dong-soo as children After.

Dong-soo, now staring at the same screen and can sigh a longing, before he spends the rest of the night brooding.

We find Chairman for the Super in a riding club go elite, where he meets a frightened-looking politician who he to be elected once helped. Now he's trying to cash in on this favor, but Assemblyman Kim seems more interested depart on brush chairman as long as possible.

In an unexpected twist, Chairman Go meets with Shin-hye husband, a longtime business partner, whom he describes as Director Hyun. As chairman Go mentioned that company is not so big these days, Director Hyun told him about an imminent agreement between his group and what sounds like SeaWorld a luxury resort and casino on creating Yeonjongdo island.

The projected profit margin is in the billion and Chairman Go wants. Luckily (or not), Director Hyun is all too willing to help.

Jang-soo finds Young -dal a world championship poker tournament something Young-dal is doing as often as he can. He knows everything about the game and goes blue-eyed, as he describes how the event each year is transferred to the United States on television.

The best part? The jackpot is a ten million, which translates to an incredible amount of Korean Won. While Jang-soo could buy all of the things dreams that kind of money, adds Young-dal somberly: "It's not just the money you are an international star Aw that competition beginning is my dream...".

Also Jang-soo surprised that the large Heo Young-dal has a dream, that is a reaction, Young-dal seems to be tired of hearing. "Even if everyone in this town call me a criminal or a piece of junk, I have a dream of my own. You just wait and see, I'll be able to enter this competition and become the champion."

Shin -hye called the next day to look at a crime scene, and while the police seem to think that the dead inmate committed suicide by hanging himself, Shin-hye thinks it was murder and points out all logistical reasons why ,

News of the scene reached Dong soo team, although they have taken longer to complete with fun. Dong-soo is the only in their reindeer games not interested, and it's funny how Kang Jin and the guys are so accustomed Dong-soo things chucking that their escape reflex is angry with them now just instinctive.

boss Dong-soo brings Shin-hye to the office, and leads them in Dong-soo as part of the Forensic Crime Unit. But she keeps Dong-soo boss to go further in the introductions, as she explains that she knows Dong-soo good.

And if he asked how he and Shin-hye to know each other, Dong-soo says only that it is a story too long. Regardless of his boss tells him that his team for the recent murder case is necessary because the body was blown up by them a year ago only. (I could be wrong, but it seems as if this is / was the boss, the buried money Young-dal borrowed stole.)

Once they are alone, Dong-soo asks Shin-hye, what the internal affairs office to say to him, at the end, and is relieved when she confesses that she did not say anything to need him in psychiatric treatment ,

But she does not hesitate to remind him that he still needs treatment, and if he did not feel good, so that they do, they will find him a doctor who can. Plus, they are keeping it a secret from the office.

Madame Jang Young-dal calls to their casino against a mysteriously rich new player in a game of poker. The player is none other than Yoon Yang-ha, the youngest of the three brothers, and the fact that he always gain the house uncomfortable.

to only play things safe, Madame Jang decide the dealer at Yang-ha table to change exactly as Young-dal buys in the game. As fate would have it, the new traders from Jung-hee turned to be.

do not recognize the boy looks, but Jang-soo and Young-dal obviously recognize her. You also catches the interest of the unapproachable Yang-ha, can not help but smile as he studied her face.

While Dong-soo and his team eat smarmy ajumma Restaurant, one of his detectives reports new findings about their murder. Dong-soo informant in Sabuk, Young-dal, several visits to the victims in the prison paid

It has passed two hours has on the poker table, and Young-dal been very lucky. He wonders if he is to lose because of the Yang-ha skill, or because he was dropped by Jung-hee sudden emergence. Whatever the case, the honeymoon phase is now over between them. You messed done with this game of luck.

Young-dal more chips into the pot raises "race" Yang ha bet that earned from the younger man an arrogant laugh. Yang-ha can not hold it in more and corrects Young-dal at the table, because it already says "race" instead of "lifting" the entire game. Aww, how mean.

Poor Young-dal hiding his humiliation (especially against Jung-hee), bringing everyone's attention back to the game. Both he and Yang-ha each hold bets the other rise, now in a personal competition stuck, though Young-dal thinks he has the upper hand. Then again, he was wrong before.

When Yang-ha declines make more bets on, Young-dal assumes it's because he does not have a good hand and decides to go all in ... exactly in Yang-ha plays plan.

He calls Young-dal on its use, which means he is confident about his hand he was bluffing just that Young-dal would bet all his money. And although Yang ha pair does not cost too much amount, Young-dal is forced to fold. He was bluffing the whole time, and he lost.

Without money left Young-dal has to leave the casino. But his film noir interior monologue rolls on to say how he could feel Jung-hee's eyes on the back of his head, with his own humiliation.

Madame Jang pays Jung-hee for the night, but surprised it has new employees not originally paid for using a task in their job description-it separately because Yang-ha she wants to go for drinks with him. Assured Jung-hee, who is involved no prostitution, but the girl does not seem convinced.

Yang-ha ends in a very expensive car for them outside the casino waiting, but Jung-hee turned him down quickly by saying that it with the customer does not meet outside of work.

And then Yang-ha has to respect the unexpected by its decision when it is additional frivolous. He drives away just like that, to leave behind a slightly confused Jung-hee.

Jang-soo is fuh reaking about how they are going to replace the money they stole now that they've blown everything, responds to the Young-dal, that it can only take still more money to gain it all back. Oy Vey.

Young-dal local detective sidekick has been looking for him, asking about his prison visits with his big head, Do Ki-Chan. Mostly he wants to know if Young-dal saw no red flags that would have led Ki-chan suicide.

eyes Young-dal grow wide when he hears that he now money has to owe a ghost. He has a terrible job, his excitement to hide when he again and again asks if Do Ki-chan's really dead and not this kind of horror movie dead where they get back to the top , Haha.

He is thrilled when he says the message Jang-soo, because it means that all the money steal now not their's. Poor Young-dal is even easier, since it does not have to worry about paying back what he had not.

Jang-soo calls him out on too happy to be on her boss' death, a moral dilemma, the Young-dal except that no amount of sorrow as soon as he can with a piece Declaration expresses the dead to bring back. They also have to live life.

chooses to ignore the other warning Young-dal, is that the money did not belong to do Ki-chan, but a few men in the Philippines. But he is not worried, since he wanted to make sure men would never get anyway in Korea. He's right. What could ever go wrong?

At least it's only after they dig and take the money that a mysterious man comes to the ransacked website. Uh oh.

The boys then haul the huge bags of dough to their hiding place and lose the ability to abstain, if they get their hands on the invoices. "We are rich, Jang-soo!" Young-dal all but screams, as they put what must be millions and millions of dollars in the air. "We are rich!"


Awww. running around with all the geniuses drama country lately, it is easy from losing sight of the plight of the middle man, the kind that is not designed properly, can perform multi-generational deactivation of the status quo, because he is honest simply not wise enough.

And you know what? It's okay. It is refreshing to actually have a main character that is not all correct answers all the time has (or at all), which is reckless to the point of madness, and so focused on his dream that he refuses to seek, pause and think long enough so that he speak out yourself border. Young-dal makes it a point unsavory feelings to the benefit of the press, which makes him happier-even if he knows that he is deliberately fooling themselves or not is anyone's guess.

up to the moment when he stared eyed at a World Cup, I could not get a read on all Young-dal. Should he just young and wild? Totally careless and stupid? It's amazing how relatable someone is if you know what they want and Young-dal, like most of us want, just be known for something. He just happened to bring a dream that it requires an ability not to own appears. No big deal.

More than anything, but knowing my curiosity piqued, what exactly our three brothers apart to the point, tear, where they completely forgotten today. Young-dal and the even younger Yang-ha I can understand perhaps, but Dong-soo seems old enough to remember. Even when both parents died tragically, the brothers in different houses would not remember separately? It will be interesting to see how the trio developed relationships as strangers, because if they each inherited only a common feature, it would probably be mental instability. And in order maybe their extraordinary good looks. , But most of all the crazy

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