Recap And Reviews Kdrama Joseon Gunman: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama Joseon Gunman: Episode 8 -

The identity of our game goes hero is tested, to keep his cover and risk they rotate at each bubbles, a loved one, determined to save to prove that he protect both at the same time. What he can, of course, if I have something to say. I know, I know, I want to have my cake and eat it too, but this is certainly not asking too much if your husband is a fast, fierce and clever superhero, right? He even got the secret cave and everything! And grows with the hodgepodge of loyal followers, he will soon have a Scooby Gang, to go with it.


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Yeon-ha strokes in her brother's arms, while Yoon-kang wrestles with his shock. But he sees Choi Won-shin through the cracked open door and know that he will be observed, and therefore pushes Yeon-ha angry again.

She does not understand why he would be so cold and grabs his arm. Yoon- kang rebounds and pushes over, to leave the room, but Yeon-ha grabs him in a back-hug and pleads why he behaves in this way. So he has the determination applies, then spins around and kicks it into full face. Gasp.

She falls to the ground, stunned. Yoon-kang in Japanese growls "Joseon full err is!"

is not the way Choi Won-shin expected, but he deceives ignorance when Yoon-kang his anger on him turns for such behavior possible. Choi tried to smooth the situation, but Yoon-kang (or actions) sallow and leaves the party.

Even with Yoon-kang violent denial, Choi's way or not convinced. He asks Yeon-ha, if it is sure that was her brother, and tears in her eyes, she nods. So the suspicion remains alive, although he muses that Yoon-kang would be very hard to take his sister like that. So either they are really false or Yoon-kang back a much stronger enemy.

Yoon-kang makes it back home and physically roles. Wracked with tears, he sobs, "Yeon-ha, sorry."

He has to pull it together, but when he called to deal with the situation: Soo-in was caught red-handed, stealing some of their explosives. They tried to make that sound less awful, but he did not. Yoon-kang decrees that from today, it is no longer to do with Choi shops. What's more, he tells Soo-in, to say, to Choi.

Choi Won-shin party winds, and particularly lusting guest leaves with a blank in Yeon-ha direction. Ick ick ick. For now, everything he does, thank God, is still far from over.

Hye-won had stormed from Yoon-kang experienced and pulls Yeon-ha aside after asking. Yeon-ha says she mistook the visitor for her brother, asking not to be sent away. Hye-won assures her that they will be punished on the not, but stiffened when she hears a name Yeon-ha Namenstag she often heard from Soo-in. If Yeon-ha is her brother's name, confirmed it.

Yoon-kang understands that Yeon-ha was a trap of his hatred for Choi spores even more. This means Yeon-ha is not safe in this household, and he is determined to save her that night, not to act rashly despite insistence Sang-chu and blows the risk of its total coverage. Yoon-kang not be deterred, and vows to save his sister and then punish Choi Won-shin.


Gojong unexpected visit of Mr. Kim, who is concerned about Gojong recent move expressed. The conversation is very polite, but laced emphasized barbed everywhere as Mr. Kim, the need to change to make the transition slowly and gradually, and Gojong countered that at the present time, the progress in the absence of the nation will be devastating to ,

Gojong makes his position clear, saying that in the past a gunman acting on someone ' s orders had someone loyal killed him, "And I accused that fidelity of betrayal and killed him once more. I determined then that I did not again become someone dolls "

Mr. Kim has his answer. Gojong is not down again. Moreover disclose his words that he suspects, Mr. Kim to designate the Kaehwa bombings. Mr. Kim decides just a bit to watch longer, to see if Gojong bluffing or serious and has Choi Won-shin on the low side for the moment.

Ho Kyung finally confesses the truth of his paternity interpreter Jung, who is stunned to realize that he is the son of one of the leaders of their opposition. But he's also a fair man who recognizes the value of Ho Kyung, for what it is, and thanks to trust him with the truth for him. Ho Kyung requests to be the one, Soo-in to tell the truth, and interpreter Jung agrees not to say anything.

Soo-in can not stand the thought of mining deal for Hye-won ruin and tried once more Yoon-kang to beg your indulgence. He rejects their pleas at first, but continued supplication carry him down a bit, and finally he agrees tomorrow to run demonstration. He is skeptical that it'll succeed, but it goes away in the relief even to have a chance to try.

That night, Yoon-kang steps in his secret costume change batcave (It's a swinging bookcase and get everything!) And break arms on his rescue mission before. Choi Won-shin house is heavily guarded, but he takes guards one by one and making his way toward the slave quarters.

Yoon-kang fights onto the patio, but it will be surrounded by fencing. He has his gun, but it's just a gun against a dozen swords, and the battle is not in the good way. Especially when bombers Sung-gil taking a sniping position on the roof, just seconds away from a clear shot at Yoon-kang take.

In this situation, Hye-won, the ices to see the fight in progress. Sung-gil back because his shot, and Choi Won-shin comes onto the scene with more men. Quick, Yoon-kang pivots about his gun and aims straight at Hye-won, the tension another notch on ratchet.

Alarmed Choi Won-shin warns him not to hurt her, but Hye-won speaks, saying that she does not think the shooter to kill them. Undercharging, it offers the shooter to show at the door, and leads with Yoon-kang gun on the back of her head trained, while dozens of swords on their backs are pointed. It is a very volatile situation, but it remains during royal.

Hye-won their husbands told to stay back as she opens the door and leads Yoon-kang outside, at which point they asked what company he has children. Yoon-kang lowers only his gun and runs away, and then he turns back and offers her a silent bow of thanks.

Hye-won asks her father what's going on, and he apologizes for putting through the shock. They agreed that it was to mention a day full of shocks, Yeon-ha arrival in their household. Choi Won-shin has a plausible sounding explanation on the ready and said that Soo-in fixation with finding her led him to ask around, but he did not say, Soo-in yet because of the demonstration is on the edge.

In addition, there is a chance that they need, can use the Yeon-ha card, in which case they have to reveal not found. He explains that one of the guests today a preference for Yeon-ha ... and he happens to have an explosives specialist in his service. Oh gee, that's not narratively comfortable. So if Soo-in demonstration not, it may have to act Yeon-ha for the expert.

Hye-won, the idea repugnant and exclaims notes that they can do 't. My father did not like the idea of ​​not, too, but is fully prepared to carry it out.

The next day, all derived from an open field to test the explosives. Along the way, Choi Won-shin Yoon-kang tells his midnight visit to the gunman, and Yoon-kang pretends that this news to him and asks if there is someone with a grudge against him.

Choi Yoon-kang mentioned as a possibility, and says bluntly that even if the young man had not died, he would not last a day in Joseon as the son of a traitor. "He could not live, even though he to conceal his identity. I am for his return-and this time waits, he will not be able to get away in order to survive and run," says Choi.

Yoon-kang responds just as pointedly: "You should be careful yourself, lest you wind up hurt." He aims a finger-gun to Choi, saying that weapons can be carried out in a second.

Soo-in preparing the bomb by it is a shallow hole, then lit the fuse and then for the best hopes. She tightens in anticipation and covering his ears, and each audience holds its breath, hoping to wait for the explosion. It is not, and Yoon-kang grins.

to check Soo-in steps closer to the bomb, like a cloud of smoke billowing begins there. Yoon-kang sees the danger and rushes before in order to unwrap of harm's way, and they fall to the ground just as the bomb a shower of sparks sends upwards.

Ultimately, the test is a failure without an actual explosion, and Yoon-kang explained from the deal. Soo-in excuse, but Hye-won acknowledges that she had asked the impossible and thanks her for trying. It adds that Soo-in should Hanjo thank for them to save later right now.

Soo-in indicates that the bomb did not go off, but Hye-won answers, "it could have. He risked for you."

Gojong appointed several of his men to positions within the new office, to the consternation of his Sugu rivals. Minister Kim is particularly annoyed, and his cronies glower as the other fraction of them reaches the court. And then detects Minister Kim a face in the crowd-his son. Ho Kyung bows his head, and Minister Kim leads him still.

He called Ho Kyung for a meeting in private, asking what he thought the hell upon entering the courtyard. Ho Kyung replied that he was only given a chance to work in the direction of his dreams, and took it. Minister Kim bellows in anger that he would make a mockery of his father: "Do you want people pointing their fingers to see, to say that this father raised his son wrong?"

Poor Ho-Kyung, who is both hurt and angry: "is what you are afraid you are so afraid that it will be in that? ? I am your son, "he asks, what happened with the warm and caring father, who had raised his mother from the lowest class status commoners who treats his illegitimate son as legitimate and informed him his studies:" What has changed "

Minister Kim stutters only in anger. Ho Kyung continues: "I did not know that an illegitimate son, you could do so much fear you have risen to the position of senior government ministers Whose criticism you have received anxiety."

Ho Kyung insured his father that he breathe a word to anyone: "So even as I am a shameful son, you are not a father, I am proud."

Yeon-ha Lord lecherous' budget is sent, and Hye-won do anything, but can say that it is sad. Choi Won-shin visited Yoon-kang, tell him that he has a new specialist found and can bring it immediately. Yoon-kang says it already too late, but Choi suppressed, promising additional reward is worth the wait to become.

When Choi leaves, Yoon-kang sees his entourage him with a bevy of gifts for Lecherous Lord armed follow from ... and Yeon-ha. She glances back and sees him looking at her, and Yoon-kang watches with his heart in knots, as it is hurried along.

Men Lecherous pleased to welcome its new slave, which is set aside with the statement that it "will be set not meant to work." Note, Note. Yeon-ha hears this and understands their fate, and cries out for her brother.

This is something of a two-for-one deal for Choi Won-shin, because he gets the promised technician and also another chance to catch the gunmen because he pretty sure Yoon-kang today will act evening, to save the girl.

The guard presence that night jazzed as Yoon-kang at the house arrives and sees a circumference of heavily armed guards. His foot slips and sends a tile noisily crashes down, but fortunately a cat on hand to take the blame for failure.

Soo-in pores frustrated over her hand that their demonstration failed. Your naughty maid never fails me to crack and pointed out that it was always only a great fireworks, and that is what they produced in the demonstration. Soo-in to value fades, not the memory.

Ho-Kyung takes her stewing about the problem, and they decide that the only way to know what went wrong, to consult a real expert. He is happy driven by curiosity to the return of the old of seeing a Soo-in, which had been so long absent.

see that he minority Yoon-kang is far withdraws, press instead of his fortune. The presence of armed men at Lord Lecherous Home confirmed Choi Won-shin participation. Now it is a way to find the line of defense to his sister out.

The slave-mi starts Kanemaru a few phrases in Korean teaches because he, he would like to understand is decided what is going around him. Yay, I want to see this character, more used, especially since the actor is fluent in Korean and is fully capable of doing more. Yoon-kang welcomes the lessons and jokes that he will not be able to talk more about Kanemaru behind his back.

Sang-chu is less happy, however, and draws Je-mi aside her scolding for teaching. He can not say that with Kanemaru actually an obstacle would understand, and Je-mi enjoys the work so reluctant caused Sang-chu. "Just a little, but!" he commands. "An expression for a day!"

Soo-in is relieved that Hye-won has a new specialist found, and that their project can continue. Hye-won has not the heart to tell her what she knows about Yeon-ha, although she sighs to her father that Soo-in to find out one day, and when the time comes, they will probably cut ties with Hye- won.

Choi Won-shin says only, that is inevitable: you win some, lose some. Hye-won does not share its rejection, warning: "But you can call me lose even Forgot what type of child I was I was a slave.?."

the memory of Choi bother trying to end the conversation. Hye-won added in a hard voice, "I was raped by my owner, and beaten by my lover, who accuses me to seduce him." Choi she cries to stop. She continues: "You should not Yeon-ha off so skillfully before the daughter, who suffered the same."

by Yoon-kang instructions, Jung-hoon requests assigned affairs handling reflect the Japanese. This allows them to be without arousing suspicion justice, so that if it falls, by putting on a police-related pretext that he and Yoon-kang discuss Yeon-ha situation.

It turns out that Mr. Lecherous is actually Minister Lecherous (Minister of Justice, to boot), and it is important enough that his upcoming birthday his people everywhere send gifts.

Jung-hoon is ready and rescue Yeon-ha to jump right then and there, but he lacks the intelligence to achieve this, Yoon-kang told his friend unrelated to. He warned especially not to warn him, Soo-in-it would not do anything else when they feel bad.

Choi Won-shin leads Yoon-kang to his new explosives expert and provides a demonstration on the spot. Yoon-kang agrees to the contract tomorrow and leads the expert to the warehouse of materials.


Soo-in taken to put in it into his head ready to find out what went wrong with their attempt and monitors the activity of a route through its spyglass.

Yoon-kang said the failed demonstration for the expert, who says that if a particular ingredient would not be enough, it would not even cause sparks, only smoke. This gives Yoon-kang an idea, and as he steps outside to ponder, he gets hit in the eye with the reflection of Soo-in Spyglass. He sees. Glittering in the distance, while Soo-in it is taken with a view to complete blocks and is only happy when he moves out of the way

They observed the experts mixed the chemicals and sees that his relationship is different to count along as he draws the different powders. Suddenly their view is obscured, and a face appeared in her line of sight. Yoon-kang, of course

Kleinlaut, Soo-in admits that she was seized with curiosity, and that their personality is usually as follows :. "When I read this book, I'm going about this a curious. When I see a picture, I will curious about the real thing. And if I have the real thing, I have to tear it."

apologizes it again, and I thank him for in the demonstration in step. And somewhere in this declaration, the view of changes Yoon-kang face and takes a serious bent. Now he asks you for a favor, it offers the possibility to learn about explosives right in return.

The application is to create a brew that produces only smoke, which is something you can easily do. He needs to keep it a secret, and he must do it immediately. And so, Soo-in blends the powders and produces the smoke bombs.

Sang-chu his place in the line of birthday gift-giver outside Mr Lecherous' home, which gives him the ability to put the bomb and then escape in the ensuing chaos takes.

Yeon-ha is tidy and good for the big night dressed, and Lord Lecherous strives to get the party started. He joins her that night, making small talk, which leads about her father to him to ask. He realizes Park Jin-Han name, and when she says firmly that he was not guilty of a crime, the Lord recognizes that free to say that his only crime was to trust the king. And then it's time to stop talking, and he gets grabby.

Yeon-ha resists, and in her panic she slaps him across the face, leaving a scratch. Furious, he raises a hand to strike her as screams from outside sound. It opens its doors to a wall of smoke and Yeon-ha seizes the moment to dart out.

The property is in an uproar, with servants shout "fire!" Visibility near zero, and thus Yoon-kang arrival at the gates and on the roof goes unseen.

Yeon-ha crawls out along the perimeter looking for a way, holds to be taken only by Lord Lecherous that is enough offended raping get right to the killing to skip. He pushes her to the ground and raises to beat his sword, and Yeon-ha prays "Oraboni!"

A shot rings out. Mr. Lecherous falls, take the bullet in the chest. And goodbye.

A masked Yoon-kang jumping for Yeon-ha, the crouching at his feet, for fear that they will be next. But he calls her name and lowers his mask in front of her tight in an embrace grabbed screaming his apology.

The way I on I scream escaped first-hug later , Yoon-kang looks through the thinning smoke upwards and discovered a sniper on the roof. With only a fraction of a second to spare, he throws the two out of the way is fired as surplus, it is missing by inches.

Yoon-kang turns around, cocks his gun, and takes his shot.


Yeon-ha is stored, yay! I am for the characters happy, of course, because that is what we have buildings and it is such a point of desperation for Yoon-kang. And let's face it, when our hero wants something, I want to have him there, because otherwise it hurts him. But above all, I am happy because the story forward should move now, and this episode made me feel that Yeon-ha story could have been resolved yesterday.

I understand why you would provide the big emotional payoff on a Thursday episode choose so it's not a blatant error. But if you have to choose a side, it is always better to get a plot point before your audience knows that it wants it, than it is to get after. That's what happens when your audience is always both savvy and less patient when we know where we want to, we already want it to be. So the best tempo stories are beating us generally to the punch, and that keeps us on our toes. All this is just my way of saying: We knew that Yeon-ha were we would be saved so happy when it happened, but as in the absence of game-changer or phrases, then it's best that we get there earlier later. Otherwise, it feels a bit like someone a mathematical problem-you figure out must observe in order to go through the whole process and not skip steps, but I do not necessarily want to see all these steps.

that minor gripe aside, there is still a largely satisfying moment for me and I still totally crying because you could feel the feeling in the air. And I think it's a clever bit was to frustrate several days Yoon-kang before Deck devised the smoke it makes him resourceful, and just a good fighter.

There veiled continue his identity because he can slide with a legitimate reason. I find it amusing that everyone is essentially convinced that Yoon-kang and Hanjo the same person (and also the shooter), but made by the lack of evidence to naught. Because if you attack a household and steal just a slave, it is pretty obvious why ... and yet, while a sliver of a chance that Hanjo is his own person, you do not want to shoot yourself in the foot.

A development that make them happy having me was the inclusion of Soo-in in the smoke bomb plan, for a few different reasons. First, the fireworks seemed like it could be used a disposable bit for mood setting and beautiful scenery on the first (no complaints about that, incidentally), but then it was as a way to keep their integral part of the action which I appreciate it. And now makes them accomplices in Yoon-kang of handling, both in good and bad way bad because it could both get in hot water, but good that they behave for one thing they would like to support anyway.

Plus, it gives her more confirmation that Hanjo Yoon-kang is because I believe the message of the smoke bombs bin will eventually reach. (Well, I expect it to be news of the fire, but they will find out.) While Soo-in naivety for those of us who can be frustrating, which they want to be a little sharper, I think it is the possibility is clueing that Yoon-kang has a legitimate reason to hide his identity, and it has its own idea was to hold. Really, the only people she's shared with them are Hye-won and Jung-hoon, so I do not think she was a chatterbox, but I want them to play to the vest this in more detail.

I continue to be impressed with Hye-won

, and was by the news of her surprise past, not only because it gives her extra dimension, but because they almost doesn ' t have to even. I mean that as a compliment that she is a character that looks like a fully thoughtful person feels only in the power, and the way she holds and reveals the smallest of the emotions in the smallest, fleeting moments. But the slave background is a bit of a stunner.

We are still left to speculate on the why and how, as far as I that we had not expected the speech of her can say is; so if it is Choi Won-shin biological daughter, how did this time of their lives come to pass? And if it is adopted, what it was that created such a strong bond between father and daughter? The paternal protector is what keeps Choi interesting for me, and gives him vulnerability if he could have been a cold-blooded killing machine, so I'm curious to learn more about their past.

I will not go so far as to say that I prefer as a romantic interest Hye-won, because I'm going with the story as it is presented to me programmed and I do quite like Soo -in the. I feel like she is being held to some unrealistic expectations, but mostly I think the story could stand to move it more to the center, to be active as reactive more. And to get the ideas flowing, let me propose that the first thing that they can respond to more kisses. If that is too greedy, I'll take hugs, too. Well, some unintended skinship, and that's my final offer.

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tags: featured, Joseon Gunman, Lee Jun-ki, Nam Sang-mi

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