Recap And Reviews Kdrama Ho-gu Love: Episode 10

Recap and reviews korean drama Ho-gu Love: Episode 10 -

The Baby finally, Kang-chul penetrates the room, and I could not be happier, although Ho-gu perhaps the happiest of all. It's a happy baby that these three is on him all day to fondly, but looking at the world's most beautiful baby, the would not You would fondly? Let us not forget that he will soon, although it is believed, is - what is best for all, because then they can go in their normal lives. Because that is what everyone really wants, is not it? , Well, everyone beside Ho-gu, of course


Tenth Foolish Act: "Let us take good care , our navel. "

Kang-chul pins Ho-gu on the wall and tells him that he is going to finally get through this. Rawr. Do-hee pound on the locked door, with Kang Chul-called to her instead of Ho-gu to speak, but Kang-chul is desperate to finally get an answer and to end the confusion: just who exactly does Ho- gu like? Is it do-hee? Ho-gu admits that he, in fact, as Do-hee.

Stunned Kang Chul-staggers back and wondered how that's even possible. Ho-gu he does not know, should have these feelings, either - particular because Kang-chul. Nevertheless, he still like Do-hee. With a pained expression, Kang Chul asks softly: "Do you like Do-hee ... more than I?"

Outside Do-hee is ready to break the door, but Kang-chul suddenly appears. He strips off her when she asks to speak with him privately, and she follows him to his car to ask him what he and Ho-gu talked about. In his room, reached Ho-gu for the baby rattle Kang-chul left behind, and then takes the four-leaf clover, which fell to the ground.

Kang-chul to go try away from Do-hee, her he would waste his time not with this no more, but there is no dramatic escape for him to say because his car is blocked in. on the window of a van he get pounds to move into their guys - uh-oh, it looks like they reporters on a stake-out

The reporter pretending surprise at running in Do-hee, who furtively draws its "cladding" are (. aka her pair oversized glasses) and affably greeted him and pretended like these also be surprised at their meeting. He agrees pleasant must be fate, but zeros on the baby she is holding.

you is that it is a friend's baby, and when the reporter "jokingly" asks if it is their actual instead they denied it smoothly. He asks what is the name of the baby, and it increased for a moment. Kang Chul-watches in concern, knowing that it has not yet been called. But she quickly calmed the reporter that he has a name - she sees one of Ho-gu of the stray kitten he named, and used the name of the kitten for inspiration. "His name is Geum-dong."

In order to confirm that they are truthful, Ho-gu comes running, shouting: "Geum-dong" He collects the baby, telling Do-hee can leave now, and then the hands "Geum dong "to his" father ", Kang-chul. he literally shoves Kang-chul and the baby in Kang-chul car as he babbles the reporter about how they now have to worry about the baby.

he drives off with Kang-chul and the baby, and Kang-chul is as concerned as I about Ho-gu horrible driving skills on. But a nervous Ho-gu calmed Kang-chul, what he does, have his license, in fact. When he on the wipers instead of the turn signal switch, he adds that this he is only the second time behind the wheel since he took the driving test.

Somehow the guys it's safe to Kang Chul-make car park. Kang-chul is surprised to learn that the reporters were to do-hee for a while, and that's why she went to Ho-gu house. If Do-hee calls, Kang Chul-snatches the phone from Ho-gu, wanted to know why she has to wandering when reporters are stalking. And what the hell is that awful smell?

That would be a poopy diaper and Ho-gu bears the baby in Kang-chul apartment so he can change it. But Mr. Neat-Freak Kang Chul-tried on the setting, always keep the baby down on one of the furniture concerned about the cottage to its original bed Ho-gu. Offended that Kang-chul more concerned about poop than the welfare of the baby, Ho-gu breeze and sets about changing the diaper on Kang Chul-bed (much to Kang Chul-horror) is.

Coach relieved to find out that the reporters have learned nothing. They must also not have to worry much longer hidden - he found a few that do-hee baby will take, but you want him to pick up today. She is surprised at how suddenly it is, but for coaches, it is not fast enough.

come to Kang Chul-apartment where Ho-gu is happy cuddle with the baby and irritated Kang-chul is busy changing his soiled bedding. Coach is impressed with the apartment, and Kang-chul pride swells when Ho-gu happy explains that Kang-chul is a successful lawyer -. And the father of Do-hee Baby

Them fightin of words and Rebound Kang-chul of the lapels when he shouts at him, him blame for this mess. Kang Chul-tries to explain that he is not the father, and Do-hee to intervene the steps, shouting even when coach that Kang-chul is not the father. Ho-gu occurs with the baby back on the sofa, so that they can observe with a satisfied look on his face.

Ho-gu family drama on television watches, and the lines are had used eerily close to those that Ho-Kyung Kang-chul earlier , She cringes when she realizes how desperate she sounded. Mom scoffs that the drama is boring - they always make the girl a single mother who has to raise a child. Hey, now. They are not all boring.

But Mom already switched to the message where it. A report on the Do-hee Mom noticed that they, the Dad looks exactly like Ho-gu girlfriend surprised because she is so beautiful and Ho-gu is, well, Ho-gu. Ho Kyung is more surprised that Ho-gu has a girlfriend in the first place.

Coach and Ho-gu glower at Kang Chul-hee as Th fixes to the scarring coach gave him during their Tussel. Kang Chul-sneaks in his seat down as Do-hee screams at them, to remind them that they've said they he is not the father. Coach does not care, though - after the baby is picked up by his adoptive parents, coach is to ask Kang-chul, anyway

Ho-gu is a little shocked that baby to see, tonight will leave .. Kang-chul does not understand why the adoptive parents to come to his apartment, of all places, but Coach said it is the only place that since Do-hee is still working in secret. Fine, then - but you can only sit where Kang-chul allows them to sit, and they are not to be touched by his trophies. Trainer:. "That just makes me want to touch them even more"

Ho Kyung sneaks into Ho-gu rooms and rifles through his things. She finds the box, the Ho-gu keeps his precious momentos from that night in Yeosu, as well as the baby rattle Kang-chul left behind.

Am Studio, Chung-jae tries to butter up Tae-hee to who the father of Do-hee of the baby to find out, but Tae-hee declares that he does not know. The proposal, the Ho-gu could be the father, is immediately dismissed, but at this moment they receive a message from Ho Kyung, they demand explain why you-hee now is dating Ho-gu.

Kang chul tries on his normal life to go, but his new house guest its flow are disturbing. He will coach on the sofa outstretched, idly playing a video game on his cell phone, and Ho-gu on the bed with the baby. As he remembers Ho-gu that he did not give Ho-gu permission on the bed to be sulking Ho-gu that the bed is too small to lie down for him with Geum-dong. His lip wobbles, as he says, it is the last time he'll get to see the baby, and Kang-chul clutches at his sudden palpitations.

he Annoyed allows Ho-gu to stay on the bed when it is not does not change more poopy diapers on him. As he heads into the toilet to calm his heart pounding, he is scared in his bathtub curled Do-hee to find. She says sadly him that she wishes she could give a proper bath her child before it is adopted.

Kang-chul tries to ignore it, but once sad Puppy Face Ho-gu seem to make the same request, he has standing no chance against them. He says she can give the baby a bath - pee just about him in the tub do not be. Kang-chul tries distracted with his work, but he still held his heart when he Ho-gu answer to his "Do you like Do-hee more than I?", To question Remembers.

Ho-gu couldn 't answer because how can he know that? It is impossible to compare, have feelings for each other people - it is for each individual differently. Once again, people will continue their cross-talk, as Kang-chul thinks Ho-gu means he loves both Do-hee and Kang-chul, but Ho-gu thinks Kang-chul is to ask if he likes Do-hee chul Kang over she likes.

When Kang-chul tells him that it is abnormal (as in, it's for a man to him abnormally with a man to be the same love and woman), Ho-gu admits that he knows that it is strange that he is squeezing between them (as in, it interferes in what he assumes the relationship between Kang-chul and do-hee). But even so, he has to do it so he can see the baby. Kang-chul: "A man, a woman, and now a baby". He throws the four-leaf clover on the ground, he tells Ho-gu longer be a part of this confusing mess denied

shaking off the memory of this conversation, Kang-chul focused again on his work. Meanwhile, Do-hee and Ho-gu give a bath the baby. EEEP, that's a huge bath with a lot of water in it for such a small baby.

wash the baby gently, make sure that the remaining piece of the umbilical cord to interfere with or to him. Do-hee sighs sad that they not be able to see it fall off before the baby leaves. Kang Chul-peeking in to fill on his way to his espresso, but the next thing he knows he has to help the child to bathe, also.

Ho Kyung lays out the evidence that Do-hee was the girl Ho-gu had continued to deny strongly an escapade with and Tae-hee, that they are together. When she asks if the thing running with her brother because Kang-chul in Sande, Tae-hee gasps that she figured it out (and Chung-jae just want to know who is Kang-chul, ha!). You downs another shot of soju when she sees what Kang-chul, Do-hee, and her brother up.

Even the cutest baby ever washing, that's what. Ho-gu and Do-hee are very pleased when the tiny piece of umbilical cord falls off the baby's belly button as Kang Chul washes, but Kang-chul freaks out and tries to put them back, worried that the baby without belly be for the rest of his life button.

Do-hee and Ho-gu declare that it has adopted fall, and she takes it from him, carefully wrapping up in a towel so that Geum -dong the new parents can keep it. They dress the baby on Kang Chul-bed, pointed to declare that they can not add the baby powder, so it is not a mess.

But Kang-chul is now wrapped around the finger, and despite his initial protests, he insists, they put it on. It will only change the sheets anyway, so it does not matter if they are a mess. Yes, because the sheets a couple of times to change the day is exactly what you do, right? The nice house moment is soon interrupted when coach says Do-hee, CEO Park wants to see them.

She leaves the child with Ho-gu, and he coos over Geum-dong as Kang Chul-pretending not show interest. But Kang-chul watches as Ho-gu shows Geum-dong the "belly button" that fell. He explains that when you cry and laugh, it will fall, and if it falls, the navel must be thoroughly disinfected. Ho-gu starts to cry because he will not be near to disinfect it for Geum-dong - instead, his adoptive parents will be the ones to take care of it. It rings and Ho-gu goes to answer it, it's Do-hee think the return of their encounter. Instead, it's coach with the adoptive parents.

Do-hee's still in her meeting with CEO Park and the rest of the Board of Directors, to cancel it Do-hee contract and replace it with Sung-shil, her rival. But CEO Park is a tough cookie, and asks someone to convince them why it is a good idea to get rid of Do-hee. If someone brings the rumor about the baby she asks bluntly Do-hee, if they have a child.

pause for a moment, Do-hee you look straight in the eye and calmly responds: ". No" that's enough evidence for CEO Park, and blames everyone for rumors of the word of their athletes to believe. She tells cooly the board that if it turns out, the rumor is true she would resign as CEO.

Do-hee with CEO Park meets privately in her office to apologize humbly to put them in a difficult situation, and offer to take full responsibility. But that's not what CEO Park wanted to discuss with her, and Do-hee told desperately her that they are four times to work so hard and make it to the Olympics and win the gold medal.

As CEO Park gives her a hug, Do-hee starts to cry. "Do not you want to know what I've been up to?" But CEO Park tells her that it does not matter what she was doing - she is now back. That's all that counts.

coach explained to the adoptive parents that the baby's mother is believed one of Korea's best universities and accidentally pregnant with her boyfriend, who is studying for the civil service examination. Well sure. In private, explains coach that he just Do-hee identity as mother a secret, and make the baby seem more attractive, to keep trying by intelligent biological parents. If they find out that Geum-dong is a boy, the adoptive parents are not so sure they want him because they had a girl expected.

Ho gu sends do an urgent text-hee, to tell her back to rush. He has got a bad feeling about the parents, but coach sends him away to get a teddy bear so is the baby something they have to remind of itself. It runs in only Do-hee arrived at the apartment, and it's too late -. The adoptive parents have already left with Geum-dong

Do-hee struggles her face to keep neutral, as she agrees with coach that it was best to leave the Geum-dong, before going back - it's easier, in this way. Ho-gu spots something in the trash and digging them out before rushing back out the door. It runs through the streets, looking everywhere for Geum-dong, while coaches, Do-hee and Kang Chul-sit still in the apartment, which each lost in their own thoughts.

tries to make coach as it went to the meeting, and Do-hee tells him she again begins with the training tomorrow. Ho-gu versa just as she is rattling the regime violently coach they need to put on. Ho-gu worried yet about Geum-dong, because he trusts the adoptive parents, and Do-hee asks cooly if he wants Geum-dong to bring back - it's easiest to have a baby adopted when he was still a newborn, you knowledge, . Ho-gu, it does not say that, but do-hee stands and turns to him.

increases your voice in emotion, she asks what will happen if they bring him back and can not find someone to adopt him. Who cares about him? If Ho-gu decide to sacrifice their lives and their dreams, so he save Geum-dong?

But Ho-gu screams that she. Behind the belly button to the left He bursts into tears and explained that he gave them to take careful care, because it belongs to Geum-dong but you threw it away. He shows it Do-hee, and she turns around slowly and falls back down on the sofa.

Ho-gu falls to the ground, crying. Do-hee quietly crying, her face averted. The happy times they shared during the Geum-dong bath now only a memory.


Oooof. As stinging as these last few minutes, all I can think about is how big this episode was. I feel like the writer must be my comments to read because all this had I want from this show - namely a sweet baby who totally screwed up Kang-chul, the perfect apartment, Do-hee always a chance, their lives again live and pursue their dreams of gold, and all live as one big happy family under one roof. Then there is the surprise bonus of interesting CEO Park. I'm pretty sure that she knows what really gone on, and while I can not get a certain sense of exactly what their motives are in terms of Do-hee (Do-hee is just a commodity to you? Or there is a genuine affection), I'm super happy that the show another interesting female character added

also:?., which is the weakling now, is not it? At first I was a little confused, as the standard "My name is" voice-over at the beginning sounded like it said "Byun Ho-gu", but now it makes sense. Because he is a hogu - a fool and a weakling, especially when Ho-gu starts to pout and Do-hee gives him the big ol 'dog eyes. The two have flogged him.

And I could not be happier, because it means I get Nanny Ho-gu and his BFF Do-hee, as they tease and torment Kang -chul takes and every care Geum-dong of adorable baby (which is actually a big ol 'softie is). It's just a matter of time until Detective Ho Kyung connects them also. Of course, that means that Ho-gu and Kang Chul-must finally realize that they have talks on two completely different topics all the time. I'm curious to see how the others will take it as soon as Ho-gu realizes that Kang-chul in love with "him" and Kang Chul realizes that Ho-gu is in love with Do-hee. But at the moment, I am happy to see that Kang Chul-pristine walls begin to crumble.

I just wish that we could extend "every living together under one roof" somewhat longer Trope. My heart ached at the end of the episode when the shot on the empty pan concentrates. The loss of Geum-dong is not only about the loss of Do-hee of flesh and blood - it is also about the joy and camaraderie and sense of family. I do not think Kang Chul-apartment has ever experienced such a laugh and filthiness, so I can only imagine that for once, it's like a real feeling actually started "home". You can separate your links with the family as you can disconnect a cord, and as you grow, it will fall away, gradually forgotten. But the scar remains and marks you as a human being.

Yes, I want above all is for all these characters to see each other their home and their humanity. And to Baby Geum-dong back, as soon as possible, because as much as Ho-gu can annoy me with its disturbing way, then he is not alone with "these two are bad news" mood when it comes to the adoptive parents , might But if in the meantime, we get an episode or two Do-hee, find out what it means to pursue a lifelong dream of winning a gold medal, if a part of you also wish you room for the lost "gold bronze" make ( "Geum-dong") Baby, I'm happy for his return to service.

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tags: Choi Woo-Shik, in Ho-Gu love, UEE

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