Recap And Reviews Kdrama School King of Savvy: Episode 16

Recap and reviews korean drama School King of Savvy: Episode 16 -

Hyung- seok finally comes the episode to his senses, if we all had it not quite as taken a heartbreaking tragedy want to make happen. Gramps' death casts a shadow on the show and Min-seok of the family, and the challenge is to figure out how to make life more without favorite cheerful guardian angel of all. It is not an easy task, but Min-seok has all his friends with him - that he knew, but also that he made without noticing. If true wealth by the value of your friends is measured, the people laugh with you, cry with you and cheer you on, then Min-seok is rich indeed.


Min-seok and his father of its obligations in Gramps' funeral perform, although Hyung-seok is nowhere to be found. They pay their respects and welcome people who have come to always honor the memory of the sweetest grandfather.

Soo-young reminded Min-seok to care and make sure that he eats by himself. She offers him to enter the hockey puck, which they receive from Gramps, but Min-seok does not want to accept the gift, which was originally meant for Pretty Unni. "Since I him in my heart, it's okay," he says.

The retail team coming to pay their respects. You fumble a bit, not sure how to act around her former director, but despite the initial awkwardness they are laid on its side. Team leader Kim burst into tears and pulls Min-seok in a crushing hug, while assistant manager Yoon Min-seok calls "Director." "What you looking at?" Asked he asks his colleagues. "Once a director, always director." Stop, to tear me to make retail team!

Dad chases after Hyung-Seok, whom he saw come, during the ceremony. In a prior bank says not to feel guilty Dad Hyung-Seok Gramps. he waited Hyung-Seok to see before he died, and be able to see him must have made him happy. Dad then shares that he heard about Hyung-Seok plan for revenge and urges him to let them go.

Hyung-Seok reached his apartment after the funeral. Within his jacket is the chocolate bar that Gramps gave him. he remembers how Gramps urged him to live well, and covered his face as he cries.

min-seok house is now with painful memories filled, as everywhere he looks he sees Gramps play, or eat, or it will be a good day. min-seok takes his frustrations out on a punching bag before it collapses on the deck. There he discovered a stash of junk food that Gramps stuck under. "So that was your treasure chest" Min-seok gasp as the tears begin to flow. "I'm going to eat everything about it!" He promises.

The Comfo Management, minus President Yoo, desperately trying to find a way to find out to recover after their losses. You do more fights than strategizing, but it does not matter, because a messenger to tell them is that, as decided by a miracle, Pavo, return their funds. Aw, Hyung-Seok - there is hope for you yet

The news spread quickly, first to the retail team and then to Min-seok and his friends worried !. Min-seok tried to call his brother to get only an email that Hyung-Seok to Germany goes back. The email can Min-seok know that his hyung has given up on revenge, and that Hyung-Seok regrets not staying with the family, if he had the chance.

Min-seok race to the airport, but it is also late to say something to Hyung-seok. Hyung-Seok leaves as abruptly as he arrived, only his boarding pass in his little brother waving as he disappears. "It is a gross jerk to the end," Min-seok reflected, but he breaks even as he waves goodbye to a tentative half-smile out.

President Yoo resting in the hospital when Jin-woo visited him. He is glad to hear that Hyung-Seok changed his mind, but he has no intention to return to Comfo. Dad urges Jin-woo protect the company continue, but Jin-woo only worked at Comfo his father to see and hopefully to repair his family. President Yoo apologized and even promises to go see Jin-woo his ex-wife when he is released. In return, he has only to ask a favor Jin-woo.

Next we see Jin-woo at Min-seok house, come envelope in his hand. He tried to give money to Min-seok, but Min-seok will not accept it. He says Jin-woo to use it for a good cause, then apologizes for so rudely to Jin-woo to talk when he was working as Hyung-Seok. "I'll call you from now on Hyung," he says, humiliates off and his hand. Jin-woo is glad to take his hand, even admits that he was not all that mature up.

Jin-woo drives away, but calls Min-seok, before he is out of sight. "Can I borrow your girlfriend one last time?" He asks cheekily. Then he puts on, Min-seok reduce again to stuttering frustration: "That- damn- dog-!" Aw ... never change, you two!

Jin-woo meets with Soo-jung later that evening. He thanked her for everything, asking for one last hug on good terms to separate. "I do not often smile," he says, "but since I met you, I smiled more and more." He asks her playfully to keep this meeting secret from the slightly envious Min-seok, then she bids goodbye.

The next morning, Min-seok gets a wake-up call from Soo-young, to train it at the time, says. You start the rehabilitation of the day, with Min-seok exchange between shoulder exercises and test Soo-jung is no-skinship rule. At one point, Min-seok twirls his resistance band, puts an arm around Soo-young, then turns back out and starts pumping out reps, as if powered by the brief embrace with energy. Cuteness overload.

Min-seok rehabilitation continues at Hockey practice and in the hospital as well. Soon enough, the doctor tells him that his efforts have paid off - he will be able to compete in the last game

Min-seok breakfast Papa eats! Not, his excitement to include in a position on the game. He promises Dad to give the trophy if he wins, but his father wants him to be only cautiously.

As the teams prepare to start the game, Yoo-ah are you "Lee Min-seok fighting" Poster Soo-jung to keep. Then should the show, but the retail team! They have come to assist their director. Team leader Kim is dressed fur-lined coat for the cold, but poorly Director Han has a short-sleeve dress shirt, it just does not cut.

After a pep talk from coach with the reminder that it is another day more and more games, but never start the game, and it is neck-and-neck all the way through. With seconds left Min-seok breaks out for one last shot, though it requires a violent displacement that looks like it takes a toll on his shoulder. It scores to beat the buzzer and to win the game, then tears off his helmet and shouting triumphantly. As the euphoria wears off, however, his hand rising to his shoulder and his face screws up in pain.

The final blow completely tore the rotator cuff of the Min-seok, which means that this is really the end of his athletic career. But when he says Soo-jung, he believes it now without regret upwards may be because he fought until the end. He lightens the mood with some pun, a phrase, such as child shorten often do, in a way that does not understand Soo-young. They countered with a made-up expression of their own, a shortened form of "Noona will feed and take care of you, so do not worry."

Min-seok kisses Soo-young cheek as Duk-hwan and Tae-seok arrive. The boys cover their eyes and cower, although if Soo-young she begins it with the still to be rushed "Chupa Chupa." They join Min-seok on the bench and tease him about all skinship, the Min-seok brags bid farewell to the place where he spent so many happy hours, as the high schooler he is that he and his girlfriend kiss ever.

Min-seok visiting the Hockey Hall pays. He is not sure where to go from here, but he is not backing away from him. "Thanks," he says loudly: "I am freakin grateful goodbye.."

Back to Comfo, Soo-young is the new girl some valuable tips on how the labeling of paper cups and nagging the rest of the team use them. It shows the correct toner refilling process, to douse the administration itself and to the vain new girl in toner. Then they would be brought to the new director of the office. The upholstered chair rotates, revealing ... former team leader Kim! He has been transported and deal a swanky new nameplate and a ridiculous white glove it.

Director Kim asks oh so casually by Min-seok, but he can not contain his excitement when he hears that Min-seok has been hard to study for exams. "The fake!", He exclaims. He wants Min-Seok to buy a meal, but Soo-young informed him bashfully that Min-seok will be busy.

Cut to Min-seok classroom, in which the results of the tests have finally come out. Min-seok proudly announces its score of 56, which is ... exactly the same as his last examination. He explains his astonished friends that last time he time to his 56 came a 56 got only number 3 for each question of choice, but this out of his own hard work. You are absolutely right, Min-seok - it is not a failed exam, there is a glass that is 56% full

Min-seok awaiting Soo-jung to work out, so they can eat together. We`re sorry, keeps busy work Soo-young, Min-seok for a couple of hours to entertain. He treats the farm as his personal playground and traumatized a few pigeons, but Soo-young has still not showing.

finally as she calls later that night, Min-seok has gone to an internet cafe. He is that he is in the library, then hilarious attempts to cover the phone when an employee brings his Ramyun.

are derailed

thought of his upcoming date, but when Min-seok gets a call from his Hyung. Hyung-Seok suggests that the rest of the family to come live with him in Germany. Min-seok have more opportunities for school, and Dad is less lonely. Min-seok is still low, as Soo-jung finally met him stop by the bus in thought.


spoil your plans for a romantic dinner when they run in Soo-jung's hometown friend and her boyfriend. Dinner is absolutely bursting an impromptu reunion with clumsiness. The friend is a successful businessman, team leader, in fact, while Min-seok is introduced as "student" and he accepts Soo-Young's friend at school.

Min-seok pride and the other guy is he not let her accept to deal with, so he has to go Halfsies ... only to discover that he did not really enough to cover money to it. Soo-young has to save to do a creeping credit card handover Min-seok humiliated by being.

Soo-young and Min-seok way home after the disastrous double date and Soo-young tries Min cheer -seok by. Fun friend her friend Min-seok joins in the derision in, but his smile is just a little too loud for them to be his smile too wide real.

Sure enough, Min-seok comes to share his friends how he really feels. He told them the story, and added that he thought that he would die from embarrassment.

They reflect that it's hard to believe he was once a great shot director with a company card. They are not exactly making him feel better with her to screw up, so Min-seok leaves to find a sympathetic ear.

The ear just happens to belong to Jin-woo, as Min-seok outside pointing upwards his former rival apartment with chicken and cola. "Chicken and Coke, Chi-co. It's the best," he says, while Jin-woo snorts that every one knows actually, drinking beer with chicken.

Jin-woo can say that Min-seok has something on his mind and tells him to spill it. He listens patiently to Min-seok loin, and although he can not help but keep in a playful insult or two, he says Min-seok, that it is hard that age to be, and he should try his best. Min-seok gags on cheesy Council, but he looks happier than he previously

Min-seok reaches for the last drumstick as Jin-woo calls him on it. "You've already had a drumstick, didn 't you? "you have a chicken tug-of-war to min-seok shamelessly calls Jin-woo" hyung "and yet polite" hyungnim "said he, need to eat more, because he is still growing. His puppy dog ​​eyes are too much for Jin-woo, who gives up the legs to his incorrigible dongsaeng.

Min-seok picks at his food while eating breakfast with Dad. Dad birthday is coming up, but he does not seem to celebrate special, it is something to think about. He says Min-seok prepare anything, but I think we all can count on Min-seok to do what he can to cheer Dad on his birthday.

On this day at work, Soo-young a concern gets exciting call from her mother. You must bungee jump businessman to sell because some debts that have piled up. The whole thing is too much for Soo-jung to come up with on your own. It asks for the terms of a business loan, only to learn that you have to have an employee for at least five years to qualify been.

Soo-jung is still worried and distracted when she eats with Min-seok. You while speaking texts her mother, though she did not tell him what she thinks. He invites the next day to his father's birthday party, even though he is not to go overboard with the gifts warns. He gives his "permission" to buy a cake, then stutters that anything would make him feel burdened. "The steak!" he breaks out: "I'll pay you back definitely for the steak!"

Dad a lot of food for the birthday party prepares. He says Min-seok clean up a little, though most guests over many times before. He says that it is different because this is the first time, Min-seok is bringing a girls over.

Soo-jung is preparing frantically for the birthday dinner, only to receive a call from her uncle. Her mother rushed to his house and began to demand money. Soo-young immediately rushes out of the house, so excited that she leaves her home phone.

Duk-hwan and Tae-seok come with a huge plushie toy for dad who welcomes the crook with a big smile. Min-seok, she says Dad a should have found quite ajumma instead to embrace, and then the boy cry over the fixed, prepare the Dad. All that's left is to come for Soo-young, before the party started.

But that is the problem. The food is getting cold while waiting for Soo-jung, to Dad she urges to begin. Tae-seok, she says, the cake should start ... but Soo-jung would bring the cake. Duk-hwan covers the awkward moment by pretending that the hotplate is a cake, and the boys sing Happy Birthday to Dad.

Meanwhile, Soo-young accompanied her mother to her home. Mom talks about how Soo-jung uncle should give them the money that they need, and it's all to do Soo-young to get her mother to go to calm down and sleep.

Soo-jung finally remembered the birthday party and meets Min-seok in the park, where he faced, extremely excited. Soo-jung seems as if it is to tell him what happened when she says that her mother came into the city, but then she cuts off and just apologized. That's not enough for Min-seok, who want to know why they could not even spare the time to call him. It is not only the fact that they do not show to the party, have - that's just the spark that all of its uncertainty sets out that has built up. Min-seok demands to know if they are looking at him because he is a high schooler. Soo-young stammers that he got it wrong, but Min-seok just goes away.


I admit that died after Gramps I was in general and this show in particular towards life feeling bitter. I understand that something had to be done to show the error of his ways Hyung-Seok, but Gramps die! Not cool, Savvy . Serious. But it has happened, which means that we all have to find a way to live. And that was exactly what this episode was about - moving on, the Min-seok shook to its core in the wake of a tragedy.

Even if Hyung-Seok abandons his revenge, things can not go back to the way they were. Min-seok is no longer a director, and none of his relationships are as they once were. But many of them was stronger than ever, as we found out when the retail team for funeral 'psyched Gramps and Min-seok final hockey game.

And life went on. New tragedies emerged as Min-seok, the more serious injuries after his last match. But the past, so that Min-seok with the less exciting but equally important question of what comes next. He was a sports star and a director - at the same time, no less - and now he has to not to deal more to be either of these things. I was glad that the show packed schedule revenge Hyung-Seok is so fast because the realistic challenges that Min-seok faces is saved even after Comfo as the rivalry between brothers were just as compelling. The result was low-key and seemingly less high stakes as the previous ones, but it felt like a breath of fresh air, even though it had its share of sorrow.

Speaking of a breath of fresh air, the friendship between Min-seok and Jin-woo is just perfect. Now, some might say that Min-seok has his other friends, so that he does not need, Jin-woo, as much as Jin-woo needs. But as we all know, Duk-hwan and Tae-seok have the emotional maturity of a pair of beagles. Cute, faithful Beagles who his back, but who are certainly not giving capable Min-seok advice on the obstacles involved in dating a much older, self-sufficient woman.

Jin-woo has not just stunningly give advice either ( "Just do your best?" - Really Jin-woo, that's all you have), but his willingness to listen and sympathize was exactly what Min -seok needed. There is also the fact that Jin-woo has been during his own life through some pretty tough times, which means that it can give the perspective Min-seok that the younger boy is missing. In fact, Jin-woo turning is actually the perfect Hyung at a time, Min-seok not a might need more.

I can recap this not with a clear conscience to end without talking about the drumstick tug-of war. First of all, it was a sweet bromantic moment with some snappy one-liners. When Jin-woo shot Min-seok argument with an incredulous "Who does not like clubs?" I had to interrupt the show my nose soda to finish from snorting (Nothing beats a recap and Cola, by the way - a re -co!). But I would with this show are overall happier if this moment with mallets encapsulate not perfect, as the triangle of love played.

In a way, Soo-young, the legs was, was not that it? Jin-woo originally saw that it was important to Min-seok, so he made reached out for her. And the culmination of his character arc was that he learned to let it go. Well, I love the way Jin-woo ended up - I think that he has gone through a lot of suffering and become stronger at the end. But I would have liked a lot more if Jin-woo had not Soo-jung treated like a drum stick, even if each does as lobes. In Shakespeare Othello, Emilia says that "men are all but stomachs, and we all are, but the food," but I'd like to think people have come a long way in four centuries. Let's hope Jin-woo the next girl he meets treated lot better than he treated Soo-jung.

The last part of the episode was a little disappointing. After Min-seok had a point at the end: Was it really so hard for Soo-young to remember their phone and send a text Min-Seok? It seems unrealistic that Soo-young would have forgotten her cell phone , and she said to him when her uncle called her! At this moment struck me as sloppy writing, although I am a die-hard fan of the team for this drama to write.

course was the phone incident was merely the straw that broke the camel's back. Min-seok accused Soo-young looks at him, because he is a high schooler, and despite the Min-seok of immaturity, I think he has a point. Soo-young has a habit of lying made to Min-seok "for his own good." Sometimes she seemed to protect him, to try and keep him from blowing up, but something like the debt that is not really her mother a fault secret you are from your partner can hold. There are times when you do not want to burden others, but there are also times when you share the problems you should face, especially if they affect the people love.

When Soo-jung felt that Min-seok would say just cause to worry him in any way, then maybe she him no confidence in the way that lovers should in an equal relationship, to trust each other. You can also buy a point, as Min-seok is underage, unemployed, and not likely to get in a position to help her family out of its current difficulties. But when two people in a relationship can not communicate their problems or share, no matter how much they like each other, perhaps really need to do for a while at some distance.

But it is the kind of distance that separates South Korea and Germany, as Hyung-Seok offer seems to suspect? We have to wait until the finale to find out!

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tags: functional, high school king of Savvy, Lee Hana, Lee Soo Hyuk, Seo In-gook

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