Recap And Reviews Kdrama School King of Savvy: Episode 7

Recap and reviews korean drama School King of Savvy: Episode 7 -

The pheromone levels are high because we see many feelings in this episode - some of them real, fake, and some in between. Despite the despicable nature of certain characters, we have reasons for the care given and sympathize with them. We remember that everyone has their own fights, makes mistakes, and feels pain. That being said, we've got some great goodies in this episode got the recognition and some hearty laughs demand. This show is not forego an on giggles.



For his last question, min-seok draws Soo-jung in a hug and count 10 seconds: 10, 9, 8 ... After the countdown, he opens his eyes and lets them go, saying that he thought of it with a smile , He says, in passing, that he will see it tomorrow at work and expires while Soo-jung looks like confused as ever.

Back home, Yoo-ah looks at a picture of Min-seok and calls him badly to scream for. She wanted him just to buy food, but you understand his reaction - he will have a hard time juggling school, hockey and work. She decides that she'll protect him.

Soo-young comes on her face with a puzzled look back home. Yoo-ah asks if she has been discharged, but Soo-jung she pulls into a hug, 10 seconds counted down as Min-seok. You can not figure out how this could have solved everything for him, and Yoo-ah asks if she drinks were again. She has a different assumption about the question that he tried to get answered: "Omo, it's my bra size?" Ha

While Yoo-ah sleeping, Soo-jung doing her stretches and thinks more .. It has an realizing and thinking maybe ... but we do not know what that is.

Meanwhile, Min-seok takes a punching bag out his fear, kicks and punches until he collapses from exhaustion.

In class the next morning, the teacher spots "Min-seok" Sleeping and challenges him. His friends rush a story about how Min-seok injured to get down to practice and has fallen into a deep sleep. The teacher walks up to them, but they block dummy and promise to bring Min-seok nurse later. You're off the hook for now, but that was a close call.

Soo-young and Min-seok run into each other in front of the company building, and she confronts him. With their implementation She explained in a roundabout way, said that she feels and understands that he has been exposed to certain environments abroad no aversion to them. He has no idea what it says, so they worked. You should have realized this when Min-seok showed interest in Jin-woo; he was thinking of her as his rival. Haha, close, but not quite.

you enter the building and Min-Seok clears softly their adoption. Yup, she thinks he's gay. He startled, so Soo-jung makes another guess. Did he like? (Bingo!) Min-seok does not respond immediately, so they assumed right of it, and says that she can not work as his secretary, if that is the case. He rejects their claim quickly, explaining that he wanted to earlier in her a way to find out, to sign up for the storage and retrieval that embracing a normal greeting in Germany back.

to prove his point, he goes over to a retail teammates and greeted her with a hug. When they come into the office, he gives each a "good morning hug" as well - even the delivery man. Team leader Kim mocked him but looks embarrassed when Min-seok can hang him without embrace.

The ladies compliment Min-seok manners and compare it to the Assistant Park. Sang-hee jumps in to defend him, but wizard Park looks a bit of their defense horrified. Soo-jung sitting with this new understanding to her desk. She has never been to Germany, they did not know, hugs were so commonplace.

While playing computer games, Min-seok gets a call from his friends, who tell him about their encounter with the teacher. They are proud of their quick-witted response, and remind him early for their hockey game.

team leader Kim goes into his office and says Min-seok to hurry for the meeting. Min-seok announces that he will leave for his game early, and team leader Kim responds with complaints. But as soon as he opens the door, Min-seok plays his role and gets him called him again to be too late. Team leader Kim looks like he is going to cry and complained that Min-seok is so frustrating.

At the meeting, team leader Kim explains their weekend workshop tour with the project team. Assistant Park complains about another stolen weekend while Min-seok stays calm with his eyes on Soo-jung. He notes that it is blowing directly due to fan her sleeves is pulling it down behind her, so he interrupts the conversation by suggesting that they turn from the fan. He explains that he has bronchial problems, so the team decides to turn it off. Team leader Kim shines through the interruption but irritated continue to declare their workshop trip, remember not to be late.

Jin-woo visited his mother in the rehabilitation center, and it looks very pleased to see him. She is crocheting a blanket and stated that they would like to finish it for Jin-woo upcoming birthday. She worries that Jin-woo face looks slimmer, but he assures her that it's good for him. The reunion is short as it is pulled aside by a nurse for their regular consultation. She wants to stay with Jin-woo more, so he says he'll be waiting for them.

He observed reluctant to leave and thinks back to his childhood. In a flashback, we see why Jin-woo mother ended up in rehab. Jin-woo father angrily breaking objects in the house and throws his mother aside. Young Jin-woo watches this scene and his pants wets, clearly frightened.

The nurse explains Jin-woo, that this condition now his mother is better than usual. On most other days, she wakes up at night to ask for alcohol and would throw all the food that they ate.

Back at work, Jin-woo meets his father in the elevator. He invites him to dinner that Sunday, but his father angrily rejects him. Jin-woo mentions his mother deteriorated state, but President Yoo interrupts him and reminds him that they are at work. He also adds that he has nothing to do with this woman more and goes out of the elevator.

Jin-woo looks uncertain intercepts breath. He is about to take his pills, but slips it into his pocket when Soo-jung approaches him. She realizes that he does not look good, and sure enough, he was pale and sweating. He says he just a little feverish and heads home away from home.

Listening to his somber classical music, Jin-woo is recovering from some wine to sip. He gets a message from Soo-jung, who is left by his door some porridge. He finds the porridge on his door hanging and crashes, to catch them.

When Jin-woo catches outside Soo-jung, he invites her, but she refuses. She insists that he can rest and go in a car. The car goes off the alarm, so she grabs him from behind another car to hide before the owner takes over.

If the owner goes away, Soo-young sighs and Jin-woo looks amused. He says that they did not need to hide; she had just explained the situation to the owner. She laughs in knowledge and noted that Jin-woo stepped on dog feces.

He was disgusted by his shoe looks and throws him out of his foot. laughs Soo-jung and runs to collect the shoe. She says she can rub only the tail, but Jin-woo gags and tells her the shoe off throw. She continues to rub the tail, and Jin-woo hilarious jumps back into the building on one foot.

Soo-young finished shoe in Jin-woo bathroom cleaning and proudly presents the clean boot to Jin-woo, who still looks disgusted a little. He insists that they stay for tea, and she agrees happily. noticed on the table, it is a company addressed birthday card for Jin-woo, asking him about it. Jin-woo says that his birthday on Sunday has it but not planned, Soo-Young offers him dinner after their workshop trip to make.

She claims to be a pretty good cook, and tells him she'll make seaweed soup for his birthday. He agrees, and she looks happy. After Soo-jung leaves, takes Jin-woo porridge made it, but it comes from the thermos into pieces. Good cooking, right?

Prepare the hockey guys for their game and Yoo-ah goes into their locker room without care for their loose shirt and trousers without condition. She studied her husband, but he's in the bathroom. On the ground, they found Min-seok skates that look old and shabby. Coach finally exits her a stalker call, but it seems more upset about the skates than anything else.

After their victory, coach the whole hockey team for dinner treats a. He tells them to keep the energy for their weekend practices, but Min-seok know that he can not make. The company's workshop this weekend. And the rest of the team roars in agreement and pounds her spoon on the table like a bunch of Neanderthals Thinking quickly, he shouts a request, the coach Weekend cancel practice in honor of their victory. Coach is right, and the team break forth into singing. The trio celebrates embrace with a group.

Min-seok drops to help through the purifier with the work Dad. Dad noticed the BBQ smell and gets a traitor Min-Seok for eating meat without him and Grandpa. He asks how the game went, and Min-seok says confident that they won, obviously, because he played. Min-seok is then that coach goes overboard with the team on a nightly weekend training ride go.

Dad do not believe him and thinks Min-seok go elsewhere. Min-seok overreacts: "?. Wow, how can you do Wow, you do not believe your son Wow" Dad changes the subject to his Hyung, ask Min-seok, when he was with him still in contact. Min-seok lies back and says Hyung was too busy moving and will later send them his new address. Dad seems frustrated with Hyung-Seok behavior and Min-seok leaves and Hyung said really anyway never called.

When Min-seok comes home Opa on phone calls Hyung-Seok name. Min-seok rushes over and grabs the phone, only to get a dead line. He asks Grandpa if Hyung actually called, but Grandpa shakes his head. Grandpa says he misses Hyung-Seok and asks when he comes back. Hundred Nights? Min-seok looks sad and doubtful, but he smiles and nods that Hyung by then should again.


excited by this news, Grandpa starts to count to one hundred, and Min-seok heads to his room. He looks awfully lonely sitting on his bed, hung his head, while Opa counts in the background.

Yoo-ah lying on her bed with a creative laptop drying rack contraption. It is the review of prices for new skates that happen to be way over their budget, and falls into a dilemma.

to order on their way to the team meeting, Soo-young stations with a bakery a cake for Jin-woo. It is the last to arrive, and Min-seok hides a small smile as he sees it. They are all aboard the bus, but team leader Kim Min-seok takes to drive away in a separate car. He does not have Min-seok trust be on this bus without supervision. Intelligent its part, but that intersects Bus gimmicks. Darn.

Duk-hwan and Tae-seok through the streets, free from the pains of practice this weekend. Planning a three-course day - movie, dinner and karaoke - and enthusiastic about going down the road, if they notice Yoo-ah gift flyer promoting lipsticks.

go to ask about what she does, but she tells them she works is diligent and shoos them away. Duk-hwan pulls Tae-seok aside and makes the connection to help the Yoo-ah has Min-seok, work because they lied to her about his struggling family circumstances. So the next thing we know, bail out Yoo-ah with the passengers who bring in a bunch of ladies to check her lipstick. I think that can help male, young, tall and handsome factors, if your target audience is women.

The retail team a break at a rest stop taking, and Soo-young gets up from her nap taking a bath break. On her way, she spots back two children who seem to be lost. She approaches them and helps them to find her mother, and in the meantime, the rest of the team has gathered back on the bus. To think that Soo-jung is still sleeping under her jacket, the team leaves without them. The children find their mother, but Soo-jung ends at the rest area on stranded.

Only if everyone in the workshop of the construction site are then demonstrated a lack Soo-jung. Your bag and everything are on the bus, but she's nowhere to be seen. When he heard this, has Jin-woo into the service area and Min-seok tags along as Soo-Young in his team to drive back. Or because he likes them.

Min-seok asks Jin-woo, what he thinks about Soo-jung now that he has got to know them. Jin-woo says mind his own business and commented that Min-seok has to be quite carefree, poking his nose into someone else's business. He replies that he actually really busy today and proposes that it continue its journey without further interactions.

But that is easier said than done, especially between these two. Min-seok rolled down the window, but Jin-woo it rolls back up because the air conditioning is turned on. Min-seok it rolls back down and said that he wants to bring the fresh air, but Jin-woo rolling on, because he is his car. And so an intense struggle window occurs.

When President Yoo in the workshop place arrives, everyone greeted him with a smile and laughter. They are waiting only settling down and for the rest of the group, so he suggests that they play some jokgu. They are all happy and agree to play a game called "President Yoo always wins jokgu."

At the service area, Soo-jung looking for anyone who preceded in her direction. A mysterious man offers to take them, even if it refuses a bit out of the way, but Soo-young and still looking for a woman in their direction.

come just in time the two rivals to collect Soo-jung. Min-seok called past her, but she crashes instead of Jin-woo. You have a conversation without Min-seok, the very bothered and envious glances. Min-seok steps between them and roars Soo-jung an inconvenience for cause. When she the car, Min-seok told to get Soo-jung in the back seat, because he has to Jin-woo to talk while Jin-woo insists that Soo-young to take the front. The back and forth continues until Soo-young to take the decision in the front.

to sit Except she drives. She has two boys sit comfortably in the back to entertain while it moves to the place. Min-seok brushes his hand on Jin-woo's hand so that it wipes out the cooties on Jin-woo shirt. They bicker and push each other like little boys, while Soo-jung smiles to himself. Hehe.

jokgu After a game, the servile staff praise President Yoo for his masterful skills. They are tired of the game, but President Yoo suggests (orders) to. On a walk He offers a prize, and reluctant to follow the tired staff.

Yoo-ah receives payment from her job, and her two helpers have to buy food. She smells something fishy and assigns them to spill the beans. "Which one of you like me?" There is no way that they would help them at work and provide food for no reason to buy. Although they initially refuse to believe is Duk-hwan that Tae-seok has secretly been like her.

This message to Tae-seok but Duk-hwan pinches him to go along with it. Yoo-ah corners him and tells him to get over it before Min-seok finds. Or but. Tae-seok shrugs at Yoo-ahs slightest hand gesture, but breathing with relief when she just goes away. Oh, the sacrifices they make on behalf of the friendship.

The whole workshop group finally meets and they share a meal. It's a party with barbecue, drinks and singing. Retail Team Member Ji Dae-han singing begins a slow song on his guitar, but is interrupted by assistant park that brings the life of the party. On the side, Go Yoon-ju goes to Dae-han and tells him to play; they will listen. A small sides workplace romance action going.

Min-seok is in the groove and joins the dance party. Soo-jung has been on view all the time Jin-woo, but he does not notice and leaves the table to pick up a call. It is from his friend who has updates about Hyung-Seok.

Jin-woo outside sitting watching the company dinner, thinking back to Min-seok behavior. The fun, friendly and easygoing nature is not something that his friend described - a perfectionist and a little distant. His friend also confirmed that Hyung-Seok was in Germany two weeks ago, which is not possible because he was already working at Comfo time. Jin-woo wonders what is going on and what he can not catch on.

Soo-jung interrupts his thoughts and invites him back to the party. But Jin-woo declines and invites them to take a walk with him. Invited, Soo-jung hides her broad smile and agrees. Min-seok finally noticed that Soo-jung is gone and sees that she's gone walking with Jin-woo.

As Soo-jung is rubbing her arms against the cold, Jin-woo provides for them a jacket to grab. He runs, and Min-seok makes his entrance. He orders his secretary to buy him to accompany Ramen for their group, but they tried to sink. Min-seok she scolds for making him this dark night street walk alone, forcing them to come together.

When Jin-woo comes back, Soo-jung is gone, but she sends him a text that they'll be back. He looks around and noticed that Min-seok is gone.

During their migration, Soo-jung complains that she does not want ramen, but Min-seok told her to go with him only. He begins to ask her if she has come to these places, when she was but Soo-young is diverted from cricket noises. She has bad memories of the bows and bends only at the thought. Min-seok tries to turn the conversation to the question back to dating when she's dated younger guys but she is again distracted by the noise. Finally are Min-seok and joins their conversation about the nasty bugs.

He pretends to see the error and opens his arms wide, so Soo-jung to jump into him. He is pleased by this scenario and put jokes to her that he is going to find the error in her pocket one day. Min-seok screams mistake again with his arms wide open, and Soo-young jumps into his arms. He weeps bow a few times with his arms ready, but Soo-jung does not seem more confident. Still, who called the boy error seems satisfied.

The next morning, the workshop teams on the bus to head back. Min-seok throwing another seat, want to take the bus, but team leader Kim pulls him away. Meanwhile, Jin-woo and Soo-Young Plan your Meet-up for when they come back.

When they come into the company back, Min-seok asks Soo-jung to hang, but she refuses, saying that she is very good friend birthday today. He takes this excuse and goes while Soo-young sneaks away in Jin-woo car.

On Min-seok on foot, President Yoo his car stops and offers to give him a ride. Min-seok gladly accepted. They talk about the workshop, and Min-seok asks President Yoo why he comes to work on weekends. Has his family said anything? President Yoo says that he does not have much family to accompany, because they are busy on their own all. "At one point, the work was more comfortable than at home." Min-seok finds these words admirable, although there is a touch of sadness to them.

As Min-seok deposed President Yoo recognizes someone on a bicycle. He is to examine, but do not get a good look.

The bicycle man is dad who calls to Min-seok, when he is walking. They greet each other with a "Hey dad!" And "Hey son!" As the adorable family they are. As the irresponsible son depends Min-seok his duffel bag on Papa and go out on a run. Dad comments on his young blood, returning from training weekend, but still want to train.

Soo-young chefs a birthday party for Jin-woo, and he thanks her accompany him. He notes that your clock keeps checking and asks her what she is waiting. She claims that she is not waiting for something, and asks him what gift he would like to receive. Jin-woo, says he does not need a gift, but asks for a favor: Min-seok report all business emails to him

Here, Soo-young hesitates. and says that they can not do for him. She works for Min-seok, so it would not be right to do such a thing. A bit offended, Jin-woo asks about their relationship. Even if was Soo-jung fired Min-seok went to great lengths to hire them back, and it seems pretty well loyal. What's with that?

Soo-young finally figures it out. This was the reason why Jin-woo her treated so well. Having recognized this, she starts to leave, but Jin-woo is not done. He says that she has no choice in this matter; his application is a command. He can easily shoot again. Disappointed and embarrassed, she goes out, and Jin-woo looks a bit disappointed.

As if the show for Jin-woo is assholery form tried to give us a brooding shower scene. Yup, means that abs. When he is out of the shower (with untied bathrobe), he gets a call from Min-seok, who asked about the next meeting.

The call from the doorbell is broken, and it is none other than Soo -Young. It is close to tears as she explained that she had been a fool, without standing their ground and to leave something to say. Jin-woo looks shocked that she's back, and Min-seok hears her voice from the other side of the line.

complains to have squandered it two years crushing on a guy like him. "You can shoot me again, if you want. Yoo Jin-woo, life is not so. You're a son of a bitch without courtesy." Applause for our brave Soo-jung.

the whole conversation heard, Min-seok roars on the other side of the line, but Jin-woo not hear him. He tried calling Soo-young, but she did not pick up. He runs around the neighborhood looking for her.

Jin-woo gets the cake, which was Soo-jung waiting by her along with a birthday card to tell him to smile. But he does not look too happy, but to spend another birthday.

After a long search, Min-seok spots eventually Soo-jung. He runs down the stairs to confront them, but the tears still running down her face. You think back to all the warnings, the Min-seok gave her about Jin-woo and asks him why he did not just say that Jin-woo fired her.

Min-seok said that he wondered that. "Why was not able I just tell you? But now, I think I know why. That's my answer."

Then he falls for the kiss in.


[1945010Woah], I do not know if I had expected so early, but we have a good structure in order to get it. Min-seok confirmed his feelings with, the 10 second hug at the beginning and ending with a bang, or more like a smooch from. I'm sure that some of its actions have to do with his raging hormones, but that's not all. He is honest with his feelings and does not have the patience to be as smart as Jin-woo. In part, he seems to care for Soo-jung seriously, but we still have to see if this is just puppy love or something more serious.

Min-seok approach affection for Soo-jung to show seems so childish. He is doing what boys do girls if they like them: give them a hard time. The pairing is funny, but adorable, and their banter is quite entertaining. But Min-seok seems to pay attention not to fight in the most efficient manner, and in contrast to Jin-woo approach. Not that Jin-woo manipulation is appealing in any way, but I can not be the only one that saw him break his solemn facade a little. He treats his feelings - true or not - with more maturity, and that's where I see the gap. Is he serious enough, or he will have to get on his high school itself to compete with the big boys?

Jin-woo had a great result. I do not know if I've seen Lee Soo-Hyuk in a role like this, but I am glad that he is a little more range on display. He shows the right amount of subtlety for his character, so just enough that we did not hate the manipulative asshole. We saw Jin-woo weakness - unstable family relationships - but we get a better view this time. We see the happiness and sorrow in his face when he visited his mother, a victim of his father's anger. It is shocking to see him try to mend his relationship with his father, only to be flatly rejected and fall into fear. He tried to invite his father for a birthday dinner, but their relationship seems to be almost a lost cause. I say almost, because President Yoo realizes what he has become; he simply does not see the point in restitution.

By Soo-young fill in this gap with a simple birthday dinner, I think Jin-woo was really grateful. In this sense, I would definitely recommend the potential between these two. They balance each other out differently from how Soo-young and Min-seok keep the balance, but it worked. I'm not rooting for them exactly as I am sure we will have more reasons to anchor for both sides, but I would say that it is still too early in the game. There is still plenty of time for the tables to turn, possibly more than once. And that means more bickering and jealousy between our boys who seem so promising after this episode. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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