Recap And Reviews Kdrama Misaeng: Episode 4

Recap and reviews korean drama Misaeng: Episode 4 -

It's D-Day for the interns because they finally give their presentations to be hoping official employees on their way past another hurdle. Only a select few will this round, though can happen, and there is a good chance Geu-rae strategy when selecting Seok-yul the "dog wall" as his partner has come back to bite him. But for the interns who only with "Effort" as its useful skill might come, there is no such thing as to dispense.


In a voiceover , Geu-rae says he he has now in which a person selling an item does not want, and down at street level, watch Chef Oh the car of the executive director past him. Then he stops and runs up to him and bowed low. He asks the director humbly disciplinary proceedings on Dong-Shik to fall as a favor, but instead of answering directly, the Executive Director orders continue his driver.

On the roof Geu-rae and Seok -yul cocoons are the news of the second part of their presentation. Geu-rae sees it as a different game strategy: it is about himself betrayed by your partner. If he decides to be a partner to buy piece, it is only his partner look good. But if he rashly reject the item, then it makes him look petty.

Seok-yul proves that he did not seemingly insignificant cares, though, as he warns him that no matter what Geu-rae trying to sell him, he will never buy it. Never .

All interns are busy working on their presentations and to stay late at the office, keep careful tabs on how each other is doing. Since each company archives or tries explored unique ways to find, to find out what, Geu-rae keeps an element of their partner would buy his partner motives safely.

Seok-yul had said that he was not holding anyone without local knowledge to be a superior, which means that he cares only about the on-site factory sites either or does not care about office Office work. But as Geu-rae at Dong-Shik of look back and empty desks Chief Oh, he realizes that the on-site work can only approval from his office.

boss Oh and Dong-Shik are in a restaurant, still casting any other shots of soju. Dong-shik eventually pinches courage boss Oh say that he could have just left it alone. He knows how much his boss hates asking for favor with the manager, and he was to be going only for a few months on probation. - It is not worth the threat of Chef Oh losing his own job

But boss Oh indicates that the error Dong-Shik was only a mistake. Dong-Shik should be concerned if it happens more than once, because then it means there is a lack of skill is.

Geu-rae office clears up, and when he comes across a blank contract form, he pretends that he is present at Seok-yul, him the factory work is a lot to complete in the office, and to for all products are made on site, he has before his signature and the signature of the senior management for approval. So his solution is to give the pen to require for sale in the factory to sign.

He sighs that this representation is not good, however, and is of Chief startled Oh consent when he comes back in the office. Chef Oh adds that Geu-rae sounds more desperate than convincing.

Geu-rae is convinced that the office work as factory work is just as important, but he struggles to come up with a way to defend his opinion. Chef Oh Recalls that if only the factories were important, then this office building is pointless - site work is completed in the office. Both divisions are also in the trading industry requires

As Chief Oh leaves, he gives nonchalant Geu-rae a bit more of his cryptic Yoda-isms. "Run as if you were your feet on fire when you are on the site, to the feet sweat, if you are in the office." The suddenly Geu-rae is an idea, and he studied under all desks in empty office, to have found pleased with what he needed for tomorrow's presentation.

The next morning he eats breakfast with Mom, who told him mockingly it is increasing its laundry service, since he will be unemployed tomorrow. When he complains that it sounds like they do not want not to pass him, she says that it is okay if it does not - because if he does, it would not for their publicly-assisted wash job into consideration , So she is not sure whether they should hope for him to fail or pass.

Aw, but Mama totally cares how later she keeps an eye on the clock and when he asks now presented, trying not to be too concerned, because they know that he is poor faced pressure in his baduk tournaments. collect

All interns outside the meeting room, their arms filled with boxes of their goods for sale their partners. Seok-yul is not in a friendly mood, as he tells disparaging Geu-rae good to please try and do. Geu-rae wishes him the same, but Seok-yul does not warn Geu-rae about him to be concerned.

They are led into the meeting room, where the tables are set up to accommodate a few dozen judges of the Executive Departments. Included in the jury are all department heads and as Chief Oh settles into his seat, Deputy Director SUN JI YOUNG ponders the woman beside him, ( Shin Eun-Jung ) that it reminded her of when she went their own interview by. to have

she takes special note of Young-yi, heard that many teams their wish, and confident boss Oh declared that it will come to his team " Because they recognize my devilish charm. " Pfft.

comes as the moderator, the mapping rules, Geu-rae noticed Seok-yul frantically in his pockets digging. Back at his desk, Seok-yul phone buzzes, and if Geu-rae asks if everything is okay, Seok-yul, he says forget to bring "it".

But it's too late to go back and get what it is, because the manager his opening speech has begun, pointed out that this would be the last day, he may again some of the interns looks , He recalls that the company is looking for progressive and positive-minded thinkers and wishes them all the best luck as they begin their presentations.

The first group is enthusiastic smiles in their attention-grabbing costumes and energetic choreography, a couple and giggles (and bitter internal sighs that she contrived a creative approach should) cause. But they are immediately closed by the Executive Director down, she recalled that this is an environment professional business, and assigns them to change and start over again in their suits.

During the presentations, do not let the board of executive judges not get past them, out shows every little misstep, out of the way, the PowerPoint presentation was created, internally holds the English words to a nervous abuse. to obtain the single interns consent are Seok-Ho (and his department heads practically beams in pride), Baek-ki (the smooth presentation makes logical sense, but boss Oh Recalls that it has no heart) and Young-yi (the confident answer any questions that throw the judges at her).

Since the presentations continue, Seok-yul phone holds its free desk buzzing, and finally someone calls one of the other workers in the office, only said that he is still in the middle of the audit. But we hear the message on his phone to the left, to ask if he remembered his herbal medications to take.

There is finally Seok-yul and Geu-rae's turn, and Seok-yul is visibly nervous when he takes the microphone. After a few shaky breaths, he begins haltingly presentation. Geu-rae desperate telepathically shout at Seok-yul to remember to breathe, see and not sound as if he reciting a script.

Finally Seok -yul stops and apologizes to go to ask for a minute to take his herbal anti-anxiety medications. The manager allows, but as it to the other interns would be unfair to give them more time, the clock is ticking hold. Suddenly Geu-rae to speak: "I'll do it!"

When he takes the microphone from Seok-yul, he thinks back to what his baduk teacher told him when he was younger: If you move to make one, you always have behind it have a purpose. But in a crisis, one sometimes has to unnecessarily release something. He had chosen Seok-yul to be his partner for his eloquence, but now he has this eloquence to pass in order to survive.

Geu-rae stutters his way through his presentation with simple layman terms instead of technical ones, and even he realizes that this time his efforts not enough. But Seok-yul thinks back to his father with his permanent fat blackened hands who worked all his life only in a factory to be discharged, and the subsequent taunts from his childhood colleagues, who ridiculed him a father that does not go the office every day.

Oh, and the reason his phone was much rang because his father and all the other men tried in the factory to make contact with him, wanted him wanting to its test well, because they knew he would be able to escape the blue-collar life. But they are also worried about his extreme stage fright.

One of the directors finally stops Geu-rae to blaming it repeat itself, and another asks if he ever has before one of the factories toured. He admits he did not, and some of the directors complain about how interns not like to have to leave their cozy office.

This awakens something deep in Seok-yul, and he takes the microphone from Geu- rae. He eloquently and passionately continues with the rest of the presentation, spiritual, his father says that he is not ashamed of him or his connection with the work.

When Geu-rae takes the nod of approval by the jury, he realizes that Seok-yul control has withdrawn - in the space of three minutes, Seok-yul the male version of Young-yi

During the break between the team presentation. and the individual, Director Sun says it's a shame, Geu-rae felt the presentation, since its written report is excellent. But boss Oh indicates, it's a wonder that Geu-rae even gone so far, and he admired the fact that he, as did give up. Director Sun adds cryptically that although we believe that the past holds for us, it is actually vice versa -. That's what she thinks when she sees boss Oh

Dong-Shik ask calls as Geu- rae does and Chief Oh basically describes him as the biggest idiot, ha. It is Young yi, who is to pay attention to. But Geu-rae is in the toilet wash his hands, as the boss comes, and as it goes, boss Oh is a farewell Yoda-ism take. "If you can not do anything else, at least stumble him, you can watch him fall. "

continue the individual presentations and new medical (and therefore no longer nervous) Seok-yul dismisses the embarrassing efforts his colleagues interns. The worst is perhaps bitter internal test Young-yi has a "memory", also known as a video montage one day to sell in her life at the office. Ugh, it must be so insulting to stand there for them just as it does, much to the amusement of everyone else. But she manages to keep her composure. It is not the "ace" for nothing ".

Finally, it is Seok-yul is and Geu-rae's turn, and Seok-yul a long series of tissue samples draws, he from his on-site has compiled -work. He offers it Geu-rae for sale, as well as a small notebook with his personal and detailed analysis of the problems of communication between the various departments in the factory.

Seok-yul expected cockily Geu-rae response as Geu-rae just stares at him. After he take some time to think about Geu-rae decides on the fabric pattern to happen, but it will take the book. His reasoning is, that he can get tissue samples themselves, but the analysis in the book will save a useful time, if they work with the factory.

but Seok-yul is not willing to give up easily, recalling that this substance has been tested personally by him, so that he could build a database of experts of knowledge, although the effort everything he in acquiring this knowledge earned him the nickname "pervert" and went "dog wall." he tried to defend his actions but Geu-rae concludes that in the end, he still inadequate butt admits grabbing.

, the directors make Geu-rae its final decision on the point to make, and he says that if he had to give so much effort in as Seok-yul has to understand the material, so that he sell it could, then, instead of buying it, he would choose to sell it with Seok-yul: "What do you say - will you sell it to me?" Cunning, Seok-yul says its answer depends on what will try Geu-rae to sell him.

Seok-yul is ready to fire automatically, which it is has Geu-rae to offer, but is speechless for a moment when Geu-rae his article shows off : a used slipper. Oh, so that, found under the desks he is (and it looks like he took every slippers from office, ha!). The one he happens to be holding shoe boss Oh, and the boss is sitting in astonishment when he sees it.

Geu-rae argument is that the slippers are the combat boots in the office, because the office workers trying to keep their outdoor shoes neat for meetings with clients, but do most of their work in their slippers - is hard work, slippers finally to the insole and the smell of sweat get worn

, the judges are impressed by Geu. -rae argument, but Seok-yul still refuses to buy it, passionately defending the factories where they wear steel-toed boots to protect their feet, if equipment falls on them. In his estimation, are the ones who real combat boots of the workplace.

But Geu-rae Recalls that the only way the goods on the made factory can even begin is to exist through the endless efforts of the office workers, the hours ensure that any individual number and word output in any document is correct - documents that will eventually produce the factories authorize the creation of specific elements


the words of his old baduk teacher, Geu-rae says Echoing that it is not as meaningless product something. Both the office and the factory are connected, and everyone is striving for the same goal. At the end of the two jobs are not so different after all. The directors are enthusiastic about Geu-rae speech and even Seok-yul are a genuine smile.

on with the talks, and thus at the end of his internship Geu -rae is back all orders his part ~~ POS = TRUNC juggling when he delivers chicken and waiting tables in a bar. once again, it goes against the current, home early morning return than any other, to their office jobs is passed. busy

In One International, Dong-Shik and Chief Oh are as ever, and Dong-Shik automatically asks Geu-rae to copy some documents before the memory they no longer have their intern. Aw. Chef Oh do not tell him Geu-rae to miss, because it will be Young-yi assigned her department is convinced.

It's actually a good chance that, because it will happen, Baek-ki and Seok-yul receive messages that they have passed the test. In his excitement, asks Seok-yul when Geu-rae has heard something, too, but adheres to send out a message.

Geu-rae is busy at his courier job to deliver documents from one office building to another, and it takes a moment to stop the Lobby and look before his cell phone pull and Mama calls ". I did it" he is now a two ~~ POS = TRUNC employees. Yessssss!

In the morning he dressed for the office, but this time it is made with a slip-on tie. Mom brings about the tie they have bought him to tell him that from now should a grown man knows how to tie a tie. She does it for him, all the time telling him to be his father on an adult rules, such as to be able to tie a tie, and always tidy shoes and a belt without holes. He must not only an adult act by his words, but how to behave by his actions.

In addition, ha, they do not know how to tie a tie, either. But Geu-rae takes to heart their advice and is confident in the office in his suit (with his tie properly by the local barber tied).

When they arrive in the lobby of One International Building, Baek- ki is not thrilled to find out that Geu-rae also made it through. But Seok-yul is pleased to see him, and Young-yi smiles her congratulations. Apparently Seok-Ho made it through, too! Yay! But he has already been assigned to another branch.

The four ex-interns meet with the manager, and how they all sit nervously in his office, he sees through his files on them and making a few comments about her impressive past performances. Hahaha, it's hilarious how poor jump Geu-rae every time attention keeps the CEO says "Yes" ( "GEU-rae") as he speaks to the other.

But when it actually Geu-rae's turn, the manager smiles easily and tells him to "work hard." the difference in treatment compared with Geu-rae not not go unnoticed by others, especially Baek-ki.

by HR filling out paperwork, the four finally get their ID cards and work assignments. Baek-ki tried to hide his disappointment, which is assigned to the team Young-yi he wanted, but Seok-yul is thrilled to be teams in the textile. And Geu-rae?

He is united with Sales Team 3, much to Dong-Shik joy and Chief Oh horror again. Geu-rae was told boss Oh had specifically asked him but boss Oh no chance to argue, because the manager holds through to confirm that the team looks happy.

Geu-rae returns to the roof and remembers his first day, when he found in his father's ill-fitting hand-me-down suit and Dong-Shik was how how inexperienced he was. Chef Oh later connects him moments, and the two men standing side by side, as they stare at the cityscape from.

boss Oh admits that he is not happy to have Geu- rae on his team back because they need someone who can handle a million different tasks and then complains he once again that he did not Young-yi. Nevertheless Geu-rae is now here, so he has to learn to survive. Because here, endurance is working, and to bear the resources that you find out how an entire life to live, by any means possible.

boss Oh says Geu-rae that in baduk so there is something like an incomplete life / state of being (mi-saeng) and a complete state (wan-saeng): "Here we are all still. not finished "

In an epilogue, Geu- rae comes outside the building one international office and slowly runs his finger on one of the metal columns of the building hold. He stops at "YES" to write down on a piece of paper and then laid opens it, it slips between the gaps of the column.


There is something about this drama that you is masterly in the shoes of the character to put in a position (slippers?) And with make every excruciating moment so clearly identified. Even though I was comfortably at home, sitting on my bed, I could still feel the rippling of a panic attack while Seok-yul first attempt to obtain observed through the presentation. I do not have to speak to me as stage fright or fear of public speaking, even for this brief seconds, my fear was palpable for him. Such was my fear when Geu-rae trying to cover for him. Each stalled word and awkward sentence made me under a blanket want to hide until the episode was over.

But this is a major reason why I love this show, as much as I (and not because I necessarily masochist). Despite what is an incredibly simple action on paper, I am constantly drawn, how deeply we are anchored in our characters lives, even the ones we do not really like the first.

before only an episode, I never thought that I tears over Seok-yul back story and then cheer sincerely for him when he was able to gain his confidence and composure. Yes, I still wanted that smug face of his discharge during the individual presentation, because I am from Geu-rae forever protect. But in the end, I am pleasantly surprised that this show has managed in such a short time to completely turn me my opinion.

Well, maybe not completely , because he seems to be the "Dog Wall" earned nickname. But now that we understand the motivation behind his swagger, are able, it seems like less of a threat obnoxious than before. I'm really happy and excited that Geu-rae has an ally and a peer in this society, and because they both come from unexpected backgrounds and have a lot to prove, I'm assuming that this is only the beginning of a beautiful bromance ,

Despite incessant protests Chef Ohs about Young-yi I want'm also excited that we get to keep 3 Trio together our sales team! Not that I ever had doubts - well, okay, maybe I have a small bit. Due to the gritty reality that is this show is based, I was concerned that it might be a long journey all reunite.

I have been since the first day, as his mentor on board boss Oh, and it is definitely so much that Geu-rae need (and want) to learn. But there are lessons to learn boss Oh, and it seems like Geu-rae might be perhaps that teacher for him. However, it is hilarious to have, try Chef Oh baduk than life lesson to use Geu-rae assuming nothing does not know about the game, I think it really is incredibly powerful. Baduk is the language Geu-rae known so long, and even if the boss is not aware of it, he's somehow been able to unlock the key to communicate with this child, which is still made out the basics of the corporate world.

I wonder if it is actually because Geu-rae as much of his childhood looking to spent his baduk teacher that he so tightly clinging to Chief Oh. Where the rest of the office provides a crumpled, overtired middle-aged man, who might not have been able, the ladder as fast as his colleagues upward Geu-rae sees another wise teacher, the one who taught him how to navigate in the game office life.

This is a man who has got where he is because he hard, maybe fought hard to . He is not the type to have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. As Geu-rae pointed out, he pours everything he has into his job, his slippers attrition. Yes, he is to make stubborn and prone to error, but he is willing to fight for what he believes is right. Most importantly, he is ready to fight for the integrity of his team - and himself humbled before the Executive Director, even if it goes against every fiber of his being

While I am content to let the show gradually unfold. any backgrounds in languid pace it is already set, I die I still curious to know what's the deal between boss Oh, and the manager. Obviously there are some antagonistic history, but I have a feeling that the assignment Geu-rae This division is not the punishment boss Oh seems to think it is. So, I am also curious about the connection between the manager and Geu-rae. The way he said: "Ah, so you Jang Geu-rae" seems to imply that this was the first time he actually hit knowingly Geu-rae.

This makes me wonder if Geu-rae contract temporary workers is still somehow a connection, or if he really deserved it with his presentation. I think he deserves it, because even if the team presentation was a near-failure at its end, he could completely dominate the individual part. Someone who is passionate and persuasive, and its location, sitting to make most of the executives and take, could not be so easily dismissed.

Although I am obviously not the one about the details of Geu-rae setting to be the only suspicious. I have not spoken about Baek-ki much, since he has been a relatively minor character who has flown mostly under the radar (despite being one of the top interns, and, you know, Kang Ha-neul). But I have a feeling we'll start to see what is behind this wonderful smile of his is real. My best guess is that cunning intelligence and ruthless ambition behind his handsome face lurks

To be fair, the trains are needed in the corporate world (he, intelligence and ambition to survive -. Although I am ensure that the pretty face helps, too), and I can feel for over looked ~~ POS = TRUNC despite doing everything "right" (goes to a good school every frustration on his end to understand, do well on his tests, with excellent presentations, the right connections). I do not know that I resentment Geu-rae would blame to feel able, because it assumes Geu-rae manages to give him these opportunities only in life with all the others, and not to have it with the right skills and requirements unlike baduk.

However, where two opponents face off, the corporate life is a common game that requires cooperation between all teams and departments. Just because a person is successful, does not mean another is therefore automatically the loser. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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