Recap And Reviews Kdrama Full sun: Episode 15

Recap and reviews korean drama Full sun: Episode 15 -

I'm back for Full Sun 's final week (albeit late), and this show does not even have the slightest after everyone knows the truth. In fact, should that us one more reason to be on our toes and maybe even a little scared, especially when our hero is armed and in general. And while he is busy trying to otherwise get forgiveness of all, I'm afraid that he is going to forget the most important person, he needs forgiveness. Even

Note: Thank you all again for the immense patience in the past week, which is pretty sucky was. Let me say that real life should never reflect tragedy in drama country, but it was both fast and furious, and I am eternally grateful for the time to recover. With that in mind, Full Sun saw a slight increase in ratings in this episode with 2.6%.


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And then Young-won and Se-Ro break


kisses! Apart (not enough kisses, boo). Instead Se -ro-seizure, go investigators to speak to her, and Young-won makes them away before with Se-ro-chase.

He, forgetting her everything, asks that between them and remember happened to him as it is man who ran away from her, even if it is for its own sake.

Young-won collects to move her stuff back, and as a woman Baek blames transgressions to expose her father, she replies that it didn 't stop by her stepmother her Woo-jin to tell death. and now that she knows the truth, they think that they would forgive and forget that easily?

corrects Young-joon when he says that it will be hard just to her when she goes up against Papa Han, even if in this family, they can all other left each of them can not let them, so she asks, instead they cast them aside.

Se-ro as their avowed enemy they named Papa Han wickedness to protect, though, how easily it could have been that he did to hurt with the truth. He still loved her, no matter how terrible it has acted to him, and now she goes down at him Papa Han help bring.

It is no longer a member of this family, Young-Won notes sadly. All she has is from here on Se-Ro-out, even if he did not, so she asks that her family outside rather than wait and pushes through the crowd of reporters denied.

message from Papa Han list of his shady business hits the airwaves, as Se-ro congressman decides the original documents to the over. Kang-jae has however already expected this step and sends Third Wheel Lackey to end.

Only that move comes back to bite them, because the envelope Hong runs away with a bait, and we see supply Se-ro the actual envelope congressman to. But then Hong is taken hostage and Se-Ro agrees to an audience with Kang-jae, though, he suddenly gripped by a raging headache. Damn that growing medical concern!

Papi Han hands are tied, it shall delete any and all evidence the defensive approach and orders. These include some files still in its secret vault hidden, and he is worried about the incriminating files Secretary Ahn with made that are still outdoors.

as Hong hurls biting words of Kang-jaen for forces with their enemy accession, a flashback takes us back as young Kang-jae was one of Papa's threats locked in his name. The memory still stings in Kang-jae spirit, and reflects it, "If the world is fair?"

But Hong scoffs and says that he did not not say in Papas accidental Se-Ro about Kang-jae participation, as he played with Se-ro and hid the truth. Of course, Se-Ro all this overheard now as he approaches Kang-jae office, and Kang-jae just buries his head.

Se-Ro can hardly believe it when he calls the steps inside, but Kang-jae, only the envelope. Both men engage each other with their fronts, and it's Kang-jae who throws the first blow. It serves no purpose to avoid the truth now, and Kang-jae surrounded elaborate on the details Papas death.

They were the ones who viewed Belle la Messe diamonds five years steel declared before Kang-jae, but Papa ran with their prey and he died before his eyes. Filled with anger, raises Se-Ro a blow and wants to know why he was kept in the dark. "Why did not you tell? You saw me every day, pretending to be the best Hyung in the world!"

Kang-jae throws it from him and stuffed the gun from his desk drawer in seconds ro-hand and invited him to shoot him in the heart. "They want to kill me, right? Shoot me." But Se-ro can not bring himself and hesitation Kang-jae parallels Se-Ro, as no matter how angry he was, he could not kill either Dad.

When Se-ro conflict expression, Kang-jae, it speaks for him just like how Se-ro thrown unjustly into prison, Kang-jae also served time for Dad's name when he only 15 years old.

Dad had told him it was a simple job, but Kang-jae was arrested and went to jail. That was the first step on the slippery slope of his miserable fate, and Kang-jae honestly thought Dad would make it to him one day, and his death.

Struck with utter disbelief, Se-Ro drops the weapon. And Kang-jae breathed sarcastically: "Should I have gotten revenge, as you have?", Before pushing past him.

Se-Ro chasing him down the stairs, yelling when Kang-jae him naive enough now thinking to believe this story. Kang-jae drags outside him continue his story, saying that the stolen diamonds then hands that ended in Se-Ro way Dad ends makes people not screwing him unlike Papa Han.

Those lofty ideas of revenge, reconciliation, forgiveness and love are all crap, Kang-jae argues because his own life to live the easiest route to take is , He invites Se-Ro to try and stop him, but he will take it to the end.

These words tear at Se-ro heart and Se-Ro depends desperately on Kang-jae of hope that it is all a lie. But Kang-jae pushes him away, and tears in her eyes lashes back as Dad screwed him until his death. "Your father was my Han Tae-oh," he finished

And Kang-jae makes one last wish: .., is that Se-Ro lost

Kang-jae heads over Jae-in to see and forcibly kisses her, an act that earned him a hard slap in the face. She replies that he said, it is nothing to him now, and that he no longer need them. And as if these next words were intended for himself, Kang-jae answered haltingly: "I thought ... you might be lonely and alone ... that you have been waiting for me been."

Jae-in turns her head in denial when he leans back in. His voice broke, Kang-jae says everything he has her needs, but she says he has changed too much and now he makes them nervous. Even though they love him now they were not.

are hard words, and Kang-jae asks if they even do not trust him more. But the answer is no. "I do not know who you are anymore."

After mulling over Kang-jae of spiteful words, Se-ro heads back to collect the office laughing the streets like a delusional fool dropped gun, goes then. But then pulsates back his head in pain, and he collapses on the street.

His vision blurred, Se-Ro thinks before she fainted slipping, "Young-won, why are you and I so similar? Maybe that's why I could not help but love them."

When Se-ro is in the hospital, he discovers the police seizure of his report calling in. he rushes out just before Young-Won arrives. Relying on their recent car accident, asks Young-Won by Se-Ro-state and learns of severe bleeding in his brain.

Young-won a voicemail leaves, say Se-ro that he needed medical treatment. You can delete his name and it will have to bear the brunt of the consequences, so she asks to meet.

It is not long before the police with a search warrant at Daddy Han office come knocking. Elsewhere Hong protested furiously at Se-ro proposal to go separate ways when they make that so close Papa Han are paid his dues.

Se-Ro does not pull Hong & Hama downwards want with him he will find a way to clear his name on his own. Se-Ro says he will take a trip to his hometown, but his outfit today looks mighty similar to what he wore at the beginning of the show.

, it is touching to see that Hong does not want his hyung to send away to ask if there was anything that Kang-jae said yesterday doing evening. Se-Ro advises Hong go of his anger leaving his family fall surrounds before it completely consumes him. No matter how angry Hong could be in the world, Se-Ro does not want to see, to drop him like that. Aw man, it breaks my heart Se-Ro act protection Hyung to see how.

Hong says that sounds like a farewell, and Se-Ro told to take Young-won with him. He asks if he should say, Young-won over this battle of noble idiocy, but Se-Ro simply smiled at him back and shakes his head.

Young-won calls Jae -in out in the hope that they might know where Se-ro's, especially with its growing medical concern. But Jae-in does not know where he is either.

When asked why Young-Won refers keeps Se-Ro as Lee Eun-soo, she replies that it hurts them too much Se-Ro to call by his first name. Then Jae-in, tells the other half of the Se-ro story. How he came to see his father in Thailand to die just for Dad and crushed framed him for murder and his dreams

Jae -in considers to leave that Se-ro page is what is best for him does not Young-won think that their existence makes it hard enough to Se-ro? My goodness.

Aw, Se-Ro to his word holds grandmother in the countryside to see, although he did not approach. Young-Won falls by Se-Ro old home, leafing through a photo album. A photo of a happy Se-Ro with grandma remember his words, as well as a criminal son might have once lived as an ordinary boy.

Se-ro Papi Han outside the family home and confronted are the Chairman a last chance to ask for forgiveness. But Papa Han laughs in his face and did not say Se-Ro to forgive him. The current suffering fades Chairman compared to what Se-Ro has undergone, but Se-ro times when Papa Han confuse belittles its low conman father with the wrong people.

to have beaten

Se-ro themselves and they live in different worlds, argued Papa Han. Although the chairman admits that he forces as Se-ro Hand regrets he will not apologize for it. He adds that he has better killed Se-Ro as Woo-jin.

So Se-Ro raises his arm the gun at Papa to show Han face. "I could kill you. I will kill you," he explains. Although Papa Han would be given all wrongdoing, he has ruined not only Se-Ro life, but Young-Won as well.

He encouraged admit Papa Han that he was wrong, in the interests of his daughter. "What would change?" Daddy Han asks. "I have long lived the way I used to regret." He would rather die now than to deny this choice.

Se-ro calls Papa Han a vicious and miserable man who abandoned his humanity. Lowering his weapon, Se-Ro explained that the only reason he now looking for an excuse, is that Young-won can breathe a little easier

He is the chairman of a final warning. Do not drive Young- won to become like him day.

Kang-jae calls late at Papa Han warn to take, not Se-ro because he has a gun. But Papa Han sighs that nothing happens, and Kang-jae calls Hong to tell him that Se-ro dispute.

So Hong calls Young-won, as she is busy tidying Se-ro and Grandma's place (and the images of them together are adorable and sweet) to tell her that Se-ro is armed with a pistol, and he is nowhere to be found.

she takes the car and drives to the mansion in Gangwon, wrought with concern from. Your search is intercut with the show opening sequence. trudge Se-Ro through the deep snow, walking toward the center of a wide-open field

His repeated story holds more weight: how he could turn back to when he was young, running from the police with his father; or when he first saw her smile; or on the day everything went wrong.

But now we see Young-won by the same field running, flooding memories with Se-Ro back to her. Run, run, run! And then we see, Se-Ro to raise the gun to his head, as he repeated: "If I had as a young Se-Ro lived"

And at this moment, Young-Won called his name over and over again: "..! Se-ro Jung Se-ro Jung Se-ro"

Se-ro turns back, the gun still on his head. Oh God, do not pull the trigger in front of her! Young-Won breathes love "Se-Ro-yah."

He is stunned as Young-won runs against him ... and then he drops the gun. Thank god. Once Young-won catches him, she hits him on the cheek. Well, someone had to do it, and I for one am glad that she did.

Se-Ro takes Young-won punches when he falls to his knees and weeps. He can only nod confirmed as Young-won, that he is and that he did not kill Woo-jin Jung Se-Ro. It requires that he himself-say Se-Ro for Woo-jin murder has been attached, is not it?

Se-Ro a affirmatory answer ekes.

Young-won continues: "You came to look for me because you were revenge angry and wanted Is that correct.?" Se-Ro says yes. He admits that he was wrong lied that he was the one who killed Woo-jin.

"Why did you deceive me?" Young schrillt fought. "Why did you lie to me ?!" Se-Ro can sob in response only and it falls to apologetically to his knees.

Se-Ro she pulls into a hug, apologized over and over again. "You love me," Young-won confirmed. "Is that true?" Se-Ro says that he was back in the wrong.

hold each other's faces for a few moments until Se-Ro pulls in for a kiss.


I know that I have said, in this drama that quite often, but damn. It is an hour that takes us to the beginning, and the boy it was one hell of a journey to get to this point. For once, I am grateful that the police such fools when to arrest for a crime, our hero, he is not committed and therefore to devote the show an hour to an emotionally charged episode, focusing learning on the time after each , the truth.

In this sense Full Sun benefit from such a strong cast hosting, especially when it comes as Kang-jae a conflict character. We have to finally learn the seeds of its bitterness, and while a similar experience suffer unduly as Se-Ro was to be caught nothing new in drama country is we have Jo Jin Woong to us to sell the emotional depth how this experience influenced his moral character. I still do not understand how on a plate to Papa Han Se-Ro-serving (at least as it stands now) will help Kang-jae own tormented soul, especially because we have seen how Kang-jae care be still for seconds ro. Nevertheless, there is some comfort as he. The call from the other by Se-Ro

to warn on the other hand, there's Papa Han, who holds no remorse for his actions. It is not necessarily the best villain we have come across in drama land, and there was a time that I thought that he actually had cracked when Secretary Ahn betray him. Instead, he is as ever leveled, namely powerless now without his secret extortion documents to save him, I shared almost in Se-Ro disbelief at how Papa Han would keep his pride and not apologize for his actions.

It could be that passionate persistence in Papa Han, which makes me all Se-ro, the more. Our hero desperately want to get rid of all that led up to this point, the done very person to be wrongly admit it wrong. And I think it's really, when I say that what is more important than to gain for lying Young-won forgiveness and to pretend for Se-Ro is to forgive yourself.

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tags: featured, full sun, Han Ji-hye , Jo Jin-Woong Kim Yuri, song Jong-ho, Yoon Kye- sang

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