Recap And Reviews Kdrama Sly and Single Again: Episode 11

Recap and reviews korean drama Sly and Single Again: Episode 11 -

Jung-woo and Seung-hyun their game intensify - literally - to try and win Ae-ra heart, but they seem more anxious to take their career than any Liebesgeständnis seriously. Yeo-jin begins finally to be honest about their feelings and intentions, and everyone gets a chance to share their true thoughts and experiencing a little character growth. Well, almost everyone. Because sometimes it's just easier to plan with an act of terror, than admit how you really feel.


Jung-woo and Seung meet -Hyun before family restaurant Na, where they confront each other about Ae-ra. Seung-hyun admits that, although he knows Jung-woo ex-wife he still loves her and she will pursue. Jung-woo protests that Seung-hyun can not, but when questioned, why not, the only real reason why he can come up with is that he with someone with whom he used to be in a relationship with Seung-hyun uncomfortable is. Seung-hyun conceded then in the request, which he won in the last Judo Match and calls Jung-woo to follow cool about him Ae-ra.

Before Jung-woo can react, leave Ae-ra and her mother go to the restaurant Jjimjilbang to send the two men scurrying to hide behind the car. The women do not notice the people as they pass, and as Jung-woo is breathing a sigh of relief, he noticed the wrapped painting Seung-hyun brought Ae-ra for her birthday to give. When he asks what it is, Seung-hyun cheekily replied: "My heart". But Jung-woo literally steals the painting and runs away, with Seung-hyun in hot pursuit.

Jung-woo holds his breath and tears the cover open to catch the painting Seung-hyun to reveal had to work on it and Ae-ra. If Seung-hyun finally catches up with him, he blames his Hyung about the childish antics, but Jung-woo replies that Seung-hyun's just infatuated and not really know his own heart. As he recalls Seung-hyun, who is not yet aware of Ae-ra how close he and Seung-hyun are Seung-hyun asks their friendship a secret for keeping little longer, just enough time for them to him as a start, to see man (and not just a friendly colleague). To his credit, he acknowledges that Ae-ra is the one who will make the decision in the end, anyway.

confronted In return Seung-hyun Jung-woo about Yeo-jin. Although Jung-woo not return her feelings, Seung-hyun tells him he will not hate him -. He just wants Jung-woo to make its position clear, so that his sister does not violate

Ae-ra and her mother go to bed are done, and Mom rehash their confrontation with Jung woo and pointed out that even if the marriage and the love ends, the friendship and loyalty of living together means Jung-feel bad that he should everything behind debts left woo. Ae-ra apologizes for how much her mother suffered in their behalf

Mom tear makes in the eyes confession that she had tried to raise her daughter to have a chance at a better life - , Especially not in glued the same dynamics are to take care of a man who, as it has had to do with Ae-ra father. Ae-ra "?.. Is marriage something you are forced to do marriage and divorce are decisions I will take responsibility", since it was her choice to marry and then divorce, it's not Mom's fault that they all had these odd jobs work. What is pretty sweet of her.

The next day, a nervous Soo-Cheol with meets Jung-woo for a job interview at Dontalk. Jung-woo chides him first as unfair alimony he Soo-Cheol gave to give to Ae-ra before admission it was his ex-brother-in-law for the confidence in the first place his own fault. Jung-woo but then he says will try to see if there is a job for Soo-Cheol opening somewhere -. But also makes Soo-Cheol promise this meeting a secret from Ae-ra to keep

According listen song-hee and Manager Kam Ae-ra describe as a "sacrificial lamb" for responsible for the new high-profile project is set (which is likely to fail), Seung-hyun she takes out for a sweet treat. Ae-ra wants her dessert to take back to the office, because she has so much to do, but Seung-Hyun tells her slowly to each one by one to do. Ae-ra says she can not because they want to finish their projects quickly, stopping briefly before adding, "so I can stop."

However Seung hyun figures their intent to ask if it is to leave only to avoid him (which it denies), faced with the question whether it is because they do not like the CEO. Ae-ra, she says it was a joke, and also the reasoning is not important -. You will stop, no matter what

Seung-hyun surprised her by saying that he is going to continue to work, and if they (in a nice parallel) asks if it is because of her, he replies immediately, that it is ". I work to see" Ae-ra scoffs, asking him why he likes them. Seung-hyun: "?. Do I need a reason I like you because I just do"

Sighing Ae-ra goes in life lecture mode, it to say that he has to stop and that if it continues, it will become a burden for them. Seung-hyun latches the word, saying that if it is inconvenient, it means to look after it started, and if it helps him as to think they "guardian angel." He is there to prevent them from being too sad or depressed.

on the way to return to the office, Ae-ra and Seung-hyun in the garage just in time, Soo-Cheol farewell Jung-woo, and as Ae-ra demanded to know what they to see, brother will do it, Jung-woo takes a chance to Seung-hyun to sneak and give him grief for him with Ae-ra is out. Your verbal pissing contest turns into an honest-to-goodness bet, though, when Seung-Hyun says that when Jung-woo loses, he has to recognize Seung-hyun and Ae-ra relationship as real.

Cut from the men in the park, jackets and said it successively ... not simply go to a chicken leg battle. Pffft.

Seung-hyun seems better balanced of the two, but Jung-woo gets Soo-Cheol, the totally biased referees to agree that Seung-hyun lost on a technicality. Seung-hyun is on a challenge to see who can do the most pull-ups. When the two men again tried over argue Jung-woo, to win by a smaller mechanization, Ae-ra finally in the steps and declared the official winner Jung-woo.


cheer Jung-woo victory when it detects that, although he won the competition, Ae-ra is returns to the office with Seung-hyun. Seung-hyun retrieves their bet, it is now saying pointless because "Ae-ra the heart is what really counts." (And Soo-Cheol leans in to say, Jung-woo, that despite his victory: "It feels like you lost, didn 't it" Hee)

Later Yeo-jin straight to the point gets with her brother: "you like Ae-ra, not true," he happily admits that he does, and while she wants the best for him, she warns him about unrequited love, to be cautious: "In. love, who is the one who loves most the weaker "at the mention of the word" weak ", she rubs her knee prosthesis and Seung- hyun takes her hand gently in his. The siblings share a really sweet moment, as they say to each other, they just want to happy to see only the other.

Jung-woo used the abandoned cell phone charms as a pretext Ae-ra to visit while she works late. Although he hopes that clear for some kind of reaction, they quietly thanks to him, returning to their work. When he is on the way out of the office dawdle, it gets suddenly panicking because her computer crashed and the report she has worked off! Oh no

But Jung-woo is not an IT genius for nothin ', and he immediately takes a barrage of computer code entered - and stuffed a chocolate cake in the mouth of the ra-Ae they close up of the concern. But it does get it and Ae-ra thanks him on his skill in amazement - brag only for him to start, how great he is. Ha!

When he sees what she was working, he mocked the amateur style of their business proposal (and also questions why the team leader would leave such an important project to an inexperienced intern). Although he explains how they can improve it, he only ends up there just for them to rewrite. She asks if he done this before, and he says he has done it thousands of times (probably with respect to all the times he tried to convince people to invest in his ideas, when they were still married) ,

Ae-ra offers him dinner as a thank you, but he refuses, saying it would look bad if the CEO can buy an intern to buy a meal. But he agrees easily take a coffee.

on the roof with her coffee, Jung-woo apologizes for the debt he incurred and that they worked to pay off. Ae-ra insists that he should not feel bad - she is the one who does not say about them in the first place, have him because she thought he was still broke. But she also said, not him, because they do not again want to see him:

Jung-woo: ". You must have taken it amiss"
Ae-ra: ". Resent No, I married you because I choose I decided it was my price to pay"
Jung-woo: ". Did not regret it"
Ae-ra?. "I thought you was successful, and even if you do, because it repay all these debts, nothing would have changed for me because the. money would not have been possible our hope to revive that have disappeared Yes -. I think we were supposed to be only up to this point "

Suddenly it starts to rain, the two-piece down the stairs to Jung. -Woo Flat to dry. Ae-ra shrug (shooting him daggers with her eyes when he gets too close to a little of the breast) Jung-woo, the overzealous efforts with the towel. Despite his protests that it should dry off, and even to give her his coat, she chooses to take one of his umbrellas and leave.

happy looks The next day, he looking with Seung-hyun, which annoys him, and he decides to have Dontalk go through one of their annual "terrorist drill" (like a fire drill). As he lies in wait in the lobby, keeping an eye out for Ae-ra (the behind him goes unnoticed, ha), go out of the alarms, and all out of the building begins to rustle. Ae-ra's collection provides equipment room, and as it is down the hall rushed down, Jung-woo grabs her and pulls her into the boiler room "for security."

Ae-ra has no idea that this is just a drill, and clings to him when he is sentimental about their early days of courtship - until announcement the listen that the drill is over and everyone can return to their offices. Think he did everything, leaving just a joke for them in a huff (and gives him a well-deserved kick in his shins).

clutching his stomach, Jung-woo rides in the elevator with Secretary Gil, who asks if his stress-induced ulcers is returned. "Is it because of Ae-ra?" Jung-woo gives him the evil eye, but Secretary Gil knows he quite has (because he is always right), and reflects that the CEO must have feelings for Ae-ra again because the body can 't hide what the heart feels. (Then, if song-hee in the elevator is leaving by the CEO, secretary Gil suddenly has a stress-induced ulcers of his own. Ha!)

Manager Kam notes that Jung-woo is in pain. When he says that the pain of the CEO is naturally a cause for the employees to worry about the light bulb goes on over Jung-woo . head he plays from his pain as he is in a Shakespearean death scene, knowing that manager Kam to spread the word like wildfire over the CEO of the ulcer -. And it definitely reach back to Ae-ra

when he hopes that she shows up to his apartment, he laments over the phone secretary Gil that they should show more concern, their indifference to his previous hospitalization as a point of complaint citing. Secretary Gil tells him that it is indeed Ae-ra, the spent with him all night in the hospital, not Yeo-jin.

Just then the doorbell rings and Jung-woo hurries to answer it, only managers discover Kam -., In spite of his efforts can not porridge cook

with some subtle guidance of Jung-woo, head Kam calls Ae-ra (who, as usual, working late) and demands that she help him better, to feel the CEO for the good of society. But as she waits to finish him the broth (which I suppose made them), Seung-Hyun comes with fancy abalone porridge.

When the men continue their pissing contest (and Jung-woo literally clings to Seung- hyun to keep him next Ae-ra of sitting), is the object of their conquest more focused on the fact that Seung-Hyun Jung-woo called "hyung" instead of CEO. The boys hurriedly cover for the slip by laughter that the CEO feels so friendly that Seung-hyun felt as a Hyung figure was.

But it is quickly distracted when Min-jung calls to let them know about a fire at home, and young-woo, falls in his care, instead should banmal formal jondemal the CEO be with. That freaks her out for a moment, because she thinks that Seung-hyun do not know about their past relationship.

The way she goes, Yeo-jin enters the apartment, and there is an uncomfortable four-way stand-off to Seung-hyun grabs Ae-ra and leave them to go check on her apartment.

When Ae-ra discovers that her apartment almost was burned by her brother with her candle business Min-jung to help trouble, it is prepared to him to kill. But Min-jung defended him, saying he is the one who put out the fire. The realization that women have no place to stay until her home is fixed, Seung-hyun has his studio.

As he sets about getting ready for its guests, Ae-ra about Min-young-tips are the phone to speak as to the landlord about repairs and looks around the studio. (I'm not sure if it the candles all purchased or if they somehow saved from the fire, but I think Seung-hyun is an important factor for success in Min-young candle shop.) You saw the paintings that he was about to give her for her birthday.

Jung-woo apartment, Yeo-jin tells him that she knows that Ae-ra his ex is -Ehefrau. When he begins to say to not try to apologize earlier, she interrupts him and said that she liked the fact that he hid it deliberately from her. If he had not hidden, they would despair that he had only seen her as a colleague and not a woman.

Jung-woo admits that he aware, she likes him, and as he is about to say to her, how he feels (or not feeling), she interrupts him and asked him, to wait before he says something: ". It feels unfair that I never had the chance, they approach a woman"

[1945010Inzwischen], outside of his studio, Seung-hyun hugs Ae-ra (not awkward embrace again this time!), he wanted it in his feelings has not been alone.


I this episode really enjoyed - the pace was quick and fun, and the serious moments of honesty were well placed, helpful on the property, and (most importantly), really moving. If only as the show in the first half, I could have a lot sooner addictive.

Ae-ra mother has redeemed me by confessing she'd had the Ae-ra hoped will not be stuck in a similar marriage, only to have their support, which like another dead-beat man seemed who had all kinds of crazy business ideas to make money that would never succeed. So it's not just that Ae-ra failed in their marriage, but Mom failed in ensuring that their daughter as she was not at the end.

While I still struggle, Yeo-jin as much as I appreciate doing at the beginning of the show, I have this moment between her love and Seung-hyun when they checked in with each other. Of course, they have a "Are you sure it is not life someone else in Ae-ra?" Slides have only so we can be reminded that she had intentions of Jung-woo. But to see how the two really care about each other and really want each other happy to be me, really helped to see them as brothers and sisters who have been through so much together. Maybe I really enjoyed only the fact that the families now feel like family really (except for the fathers, but that's a story for another day to ignore).

Honestly, I even wanted to anchor for Kook mates (just a little!), Because even though I know that they there are apart to keep our lines even longer even, I grow to appropriate their mark , they want to succeed. Yes, Yeo-jin, who is still on the border of annoying and useless, but I think I liked this episode because it was much less of it. But it's just wish her the best when I know that she is headed for heartbreak. Or perhaps is already there, as Yeo-jin seems to feel how Jung-woo to answer.

Even though I know, Seung-hyun is the second line, and he is not with Ae-ra at the end, I still think he ridiculously adorable is. After being a little worried that he had become the stereotypical stalker that no means is not rejected, I am glad that his stamina is pretty low-key and understandable. Yes, he is young and has to learn a lot about love (life and!), But it is also true to say who he is and is not afraid to be honest about his feelings - which is much more than I for can tell, other results in this show. One of the things that will have been attractive optimism unyielding (despite what life seems to throw at him), and while I we take care of some serious heartache want to go, I really hope that the show makes him optimistic remain at least somewhat This episode something also soothes me that he. Ae-ra opinion and limits

respected, because it pointed out again and again that despite what efforts put he and Jung-woo in the fight over her, finally she was to be election (and if I his character am wrong read only after it "right" opportunity to show it, he has not only a colleague, I think he is willing to accept their decision, even if it it is not.)

and I am more and more fall in love with Ae-ra! I really love the fact that she sees through Jung-woo ridiculous tricks, and is even willing to be polite (and indulgent!) Over their past. Considering how easy it was swayed by her temperament and emotions at the beginning of the show has been its character through some serious growth - but it is still by and by Ae-ra. I feel like the show is finally to give her some purpose, and it is not just a man to find their role or identity. She enjoys her work and despite their inexperience, it's actually good. Which is why I continue to be concerned that we will eventually Yeo-jin the way decide to get rid of Ae-ra is their careers to destroy.

Of course, this episode has its problems: namely, the childish way Jung-woo trying to keep Seung-hyun of Ae-ra. Stealing the painting and with chicken fights are one thing (and I am willing to accept as a part of the fun of a rom-com), but to have the decision of a terrorist drills for the entire office, and then let Ae-ra convinced they could be in actual danger? Not cool, dude; not to cool. Especially when it came right after the really awesome conversation on the roof

Jung-woo seems Character growth is almost the opposite of Ae-ra. While she again chooses from small escapades of revenge to step and act more like an adult, he regress to ridiculous pranks, just because he is not willing to admit his feelings and as an adult act. I love that Seung-hyun called him at the beginning of the episode, saying that he as a teacher needs to stop acting, if he can not even figure out his own heart - and if Seung-hyun, the student knows exactly what he wants is and willing to work for them in a straightforward manner

But I'm willing to accept that Ae-ra and Jung-woo can reconcile -. provided they Moments like their honest discussions have on the roof (where those were when they had their original fighting? There they have saved the pain of divorce!), and if they work side by side a goal to complete together.

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tags: featured, Joo Sang-wook, Lee min-jung, Sly and Single again

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