Recap And Reviews Kdrama Marriage is not dating: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama Marriage is not dating: Episode 8 -

The fake engagement meant to change starting from a little white lie to help each Ki-tae and Jang-mi something they wanted to check into a monster, which grows above their ability. Jang-mi begins to realize especially that this thing out of your hand when it (and you suddenly excited new mother-in-law) are beginning to take over her life. The line between what is real and what they do so, is getting dangerously blurred, and soon going to have Jang-mi and Ki-tae, either to clean up and take their punishment, or admit that maybe they do not have these fake commitment want to stay longer forgery.

EPISODE 8: "Marry me if you can"

curtains part, and a luminous Jang-mi is in a beautiful frothy confection of a wedding dress, as Ki-tae mother approvingly at her smile. Jang-mi thinks: "This person called my name like a flower" ( Jang-mi means "Rose"). Ki-tae mother says her name softly, and it resonates in Jang-mi Spirit.

A few days ago, Ki-tae Mom deep cleans her refrigerator and thinks about Ki-tae scream that Jang-mi can not be left alone. Grandmother asks if she feels all right, and Mama says she thinks she lost and the Ki-tae is serious marry Jang-mi. Grandmother asks what they will do, and Mama assumes that the marriage will happen.

A ringing phone wakes Jang-mi and she answers groggily to awaken only once, when she realizes that she is answered Ki-tae phone, and it is his mother calling. Mama says that they must be at Ki-tae house where they answered his phone, and that they come here and. Now. Time to panic.

Ki-tae and Yeo-Reum spooning on the couch and awww , spoon Ki-tae smiles! Jang-mi dread, she nestled to see, and pokes awake boys. Ki-tae pushes Yeo-Reum on the ground and nestled in horror, but Yeo-Reum seems only a little surprised, he thought with Jang-mi was spooning.

We see that last night when they Ki-tae on the couch looked together, he had Jang-mi worn to bed. You must be a heavy sleeper be because he just threw them on the bed, but went back to cover them with the ceiling. Sweet.

Yeo-Reum raises Ki-tae of being jealous, but Ki-tae insists he was just chivalrous nature of women use to leave his bed. Yeo-Reum fusses him for no longer take care of himself when he is sick, but Jang-mi breaks the bromantic moment to tell them that Ki-tae mother is here. There is a mad scramble as everyone running in a circle, and finally Ki-tae pushes Yeo-Reum in his bedroom is just like Mom in. She says that they must be living together, the Ki-tae runs, a pat of Jang earn -mi.

Mom remembers the chaos of last night, and their sharp eyes do not miss the fact that it explains three glasses on the table, the Ki-tae nimble is because a glass was dirty. Mom then the bedroom wants to see, and fortunately, Yeo-Reum hear you come to hide behind the bed in time.

Mom here is what means the need to see "newlyweds" as checks out the bedding and mattress. Ki-tae says Jang-mi treated everything, but Mama says she wants to do it for them. She returns Jang-mi the phone with an apology for yesterday and said that they decided to stop suspicious has to be.

She calls Jang-mi informally by its name for the first time, and Jang-mi hear it in this strange echo sound from the first scene. She says, "Jang-mi, Gong Ki-tae ... marry", and proposes to meet this weekend for the family formally. Shocked faces all around.

Later, mom and aunt to speak Mi-jung in the car where Mom Mi-Jung ensures that it deadly serious about Ki-tae and Jang-mi is getting married. She says there is no need to rule on it, when marry, but to do their best for marriage. quips Mi-young that they can best be scary, and Mama says the scary thing will be when they actually get married.

Jang-mi is commented in shock and Yeo-Reum that Mom blessing sounded him more like a curse. Jang-mi says Ki-tae something to do worry about their parents when the families meet, and he just sighs that he understands. He does not want to hurt their parents, either.

Later Ki-tae calls Jang-mi mother her for thanking samgetang and she mentions that his mother plan her already called meeting of the parents. Ki-tae says unpleasant that he wants to talk to her about it, and she offers him to meet in his office.

Yeo-Reum sitting with Ki-tae and thanked him for the things now ends with Jang-mi. A prickly Ki-tae asks what it has to do with him, and Yeo-Reum says that now he can date them open. Ki-tae bristles even more, and Yeo-Reum seems to take pleasure in detail every couple-y things that he plans to get with Jang-mi and watch Ki-tae do nervous. In fact, he calls Jang-mi in front Ki-tae, to ask her to a movie this weekend, as they will be by then free.

When Jang-mi Mom meets with Ki-tae, he tried valiantly to tell her the truth, but can not get the words, fearing to hurt her parents because they already have been so good to him. Jang-mi frets at work and wondered what happened, because her mother has not called, and Hyun-hee approaches to wonder how to go the wedding plans.

Jang-mi not really know what to say, and Hyun-hee interpret her hesitation as not happy to want to appear in front of her, because her love life is not going well. Jang-mi feels bad and starts Hyun-hee to tell the truth, but is interrupted by a text from her mother.

She finds Ki-tae in his office and demanded to know what he did to her mother. He grins that he did not do anything, and she waves her phone in his face, which he displays the text of their mother, they say now surgery has and will have at home a ride. Ki-tae says with satisfaction that it has just done a little teeeeny eye surgery on her, no big deal.

Jang-mi laments that he does surgery when she promised to solve the fake engagement, and Ki-tae is all innocence, claiming that never said. He says they only need to block the family reunion. Haha, he is to keep the fake engagement plan to keep molting Yeo-Reum?

Jang-mi finds her mother recovers her blindfolded, and when Ki -Tae decreases the bandages, it is all the compliments while Jang-mi just gapes in terror. Mamas eyes are injured and swollen, and Ki-ae says not to worry, it will all be healed in a week. He pretends consternation when Mom suggests that the family reunion this weekend.

Mom is worried that as this will go to the meeting result, Ki-tae family to judge them, and Jang-mi, she says'll take care of it. Mom does not make mention swear that she had plastic surgery, but Jang-mi, she says more sense than having.

But their big plan is Ki-tae of the mother to say that her mother had hemorrhoid surgery. Because that is less embarrassing as plastic surgery? Asks Ki-tae mother the Date Family Reunion to push back, and Mom agrees, although she looks suspicious.

She calls Jang-mi mother directly and expresses concern about their operation, so Jang-mi tell mom fuss that Jang-mi should not. She says Ki-tae of the mother, that they show no pain, just a little swollen and relocate the people, not realizing that Ki-tae mother thinks she talks about her butt.

Ki-tae Mom has come to visit, Jang-mi's mother assured that she does not need that part of her body to see. It expresses a passive-aggressive "concern" that it must have offended Jang-mi family somehow as they pushed back the meeting and now rejected their visit. She says Jang-mi Mom does not have on her daughter's wedding, and it works - Jang-mi mother to family reunion true this weekend.

Ki-tae entire family sitting in restaurant stone faced, and Ki-tae is running late and flustered, has not been informed that the meeting was still on until the last minute. Finally, family Jang-mi arrives, and everyone frowns Jang-mi mother in a pair of huge sunglasses to see. only with their facial expressions

The families exchange formalities while Jang-mi and Ki-tae have this hysterical silent conversation: "What's going on" "The is all your fault! " "What have I done?! That can not be true." "Nothing we can do about it now!" HAHAHA.

Ki-tae mother of servers bring a donut cushion for Jang-mi mother who is confused but sitting to be polite. Grandmother has gently out that the sunglasses make people uncomfortable, and Jang-mi Mom honestly admits that she has had eye surgery. Asks Jang-mi, what she told them, and when she realizes what kind of operation, each the impression that she has had, she jumps up and throws the donut pillow and assured all that that end their perfect is fine. It's funny how everyone giggles, even grandma.

all eat in awkward silence, and Jang-mi has to contain her eyerolls when Ki-tae's father the doting husband plays to load his wife drive for them. Jang-mi father stuffs only his own face, leaving her mother to no avail with their chopsticks harpoon, as they see their own food not good with the sunglasses.

Ki-tae Mom finally brings the wedding, say that they have hoped in two months, and Ki-tae and Jang-mi each throw another panic looks. Ki-tae Mom says Jang-mi parents not to worry, that she would take care of everything, as Ki-tae already a house with mostly new things. She says that they take Jang-mi, to do everything that needs to be done.

Ki-tae family drives home alone until Grandma can not hold in more and dissolves in giggles adorable, aunt breaks Mi-young, and even Dad grins how ridiculous was the meeting. Buzzkill Mom says it's not funny was to her, and grandma says that Mom has a hard way to go. Mi-jung is sympathetic with Jang-mi, who suffers a level of bearing them is never known.

Jang-mi family comes home and her parents fighting immediately begin over whether to let it pay a good idea, Ki-tae mother for everything. They accuse each other rude and naughty, and Jang-mi goes to her room for some rest. She gets a text from Ki-tae asked her to come out, and he gives her a timid gift for their parents. Awww.

Ki-tae asks if her family is OK (Jang-mi: "It would be strange if it would be ok.") And Ki- tae apologized. He offers her mother wrinkle care to always know what the mood lightens. But then Jang-mi gets a call from Ki-tae mother whose voice echoes in this uncanny way back when she says the name of Jang-mi.

go shopping the next day, Jang-mi and Ki-tae mother for bedding, looking Jang-mi, as they get more of a root canal would be now. Their attempts to deny Mom generosity, with perseverance satisfied that they will do just something nice for them, so they are forced to accept.

Soon Jang-mi can not turn (or even go to the bathroom!) Without Mom them in this too sweet echoing voice, and finds himself manipulated sent to a new bed and a television as wedding gifts for Ki -Tae family members into account. Jang-mi thinks that if Ki-tae mother says to obey her name in that tone, she is forced to.

It is the last straw, though, when Jang-mi finds himself in the doctor's office with her feet in stirrups. WHAT. She flounces out in the waiting room (not in drape, hee) protest their loss of dignity. Mom sighs that Jang-mi mother never brought to her gynecologist and submit the plan: it is to have a child as soon as possible after the wedding, then two more, that all in the next five years. Jang-mi protests again, but Mom just insulted their commitment to family and sails with a smile from.

Yeo-Reum waiting in a restaurant for Jang-mi, but it is their own arguments used against them and had been dragged to an acupuncturist. Yeo-Reum tried to reach them for hours, but she is not allowed to answer their phone, and he eventually sacrificing his table with other customers. When they freely and closes interrupts him, the restaurant is closed, but he keeps cheerily a bag of takeout with a smile.

go to Ki-tae eating place where Jang-mi is confronted on all furniture and household items that have been delivered. They desperately that his mother must have magical powers because detect by the time that they, what happens, she agreed everything she wants. She asks him to pay her back for the wedding gifts she bought, and a stunned Ki-tae says Yeo-Reum that she wants, needs him to get married for real.

The good-natured Yeo-Reum invites Ki-tae, to eat with them, but it backfired on him when Ki-tae and Jang-mi binding while planning how to deal with his mother. If Ki-tae steps away, Yeo-Reum expresses his jealousy and they plan a joke, a date for the next day, they will run away together. It's Ki-tae's turn to be jealous if he comes back and the two lovebirds are all smiles.

The next morning, Yeo-Reum unpacked a picnic with food from the restaurant, and when the cook Hoon-dong to say threatens he says only that in order, then he will only tell him what taken the chef. Oh, and he takes a few days off. Naughty.

Jang-mi meets Yeo-Reum on her bicycle, but Ki-tae is right there has to her in broad daylight for dating fuss, adopted when they employed him. Yeo-Reum hands off the picnic and going to get on his bicycle, and Ki-tae takes his chance - he pretends to see his mother and hop on Jang-mi bike, she screams to get, and flees. HAHA, he has only hijack their picnic? Poor Yeo-Reum can not even follow because Hoon-dong grabs to talk to him.

Hoon-dong faced Yeo-Reum ask about Jang-mi, how long he confusing it is to hold. Yeo-Reum asks if he still have feelings for Jang-mi, but Hoon-dong says he is especially concerned about his best friend. Yeo-Reum smiles that Hoon-dong is the only one who does not know what's going on, and tells him to talk to Ki-tae go. Hoon-dong thinks he tries with Ki-tae on his friendship with horn and Yeo-Reum only laughs.

Ki-tae bicycles, as far as he can, Jang-mi complain all the time, until he finally runs out of steam on a steep hill. They end up in a park, and she scolds him that her personal life has been ruined because of him, and now he is her true love to sabotage life. He latches onto this - has Yeo-Reum ask officially time? She says love like that is not childish, and Ki-tae asks if she kissed.

She admits that they have, and Ki-tae accused as soon move to be easy. Jang-mi is to be criticized by the guy she does everything for, says tired him that she knows that his mother is not a restaurant, and takes the bicycle and leaves him there. Serves him right.

Only when Jang-mi comes back in the restaurant, there is Mom waiting for her. It asks for Ki-tae, who is in the gym to ignore his phone. Mom takes Jang-mi to a Bridal Shop, and Jang-mi can not help but be swept away by the beautiful clothes. Mom has already chosen a dress and literally pushes Jang-mi in the dressing room.

Jang-mi gets all Wade eyes as they dress the on, tried and has to remember that no matter how excellent is the dress, she has to stay sharp. She tells Mom that it bored and finds a short-short wedding dress and said she wants to show off her great legs. It stands on Mom's insistence that the dress is not suitable, and have a look-off.

Se-ah finds Ki-tae in the gym and apologizes for trying to cheat him, but he refuses even to look at her. Se-ah says that he seems confused about who loves him, and who is fake, who finally gets his attention. She says she wants to make, and invites him on a trip to the beach, once again only that one step push too far. Ki-tae says only that he hates crowds and leaves, accidentally leaving behind his phone.

Jang-mi tries on the skimpy dress to find out that when she insists Ki-tae Mom will drop the whole wedding business. But it is again thwarted when she proposes a hilarious pose in dress, but falters when she sees that Ki-tae mother called they to buy mother with them for wedding gowns. The mothers compliment Jang-mi natural beauty, but Ki-tae Mom ruined it by saying that their taste is "cheesy".

Jang-mi mom takes offense at Ki-tae mother comments that Jang-mi no have taste because she's never nice things, but it keeps the tongue, if they make sure Jang- offers mi has nice things from now on. She gets Jang-mi's mother on her side, by buying the best brand wedding dress. You know, I hate how manipulative this lady is, but I have to be good for it to their props.

Jang-mi tried calling Ki-tae back for a rescue and Se-ah finds his cell phone where he left it in the gym. She answers, and Jang-mi is desperate enough to tell her where she is. Next Yeo-Reum texts Jang-mi, to remind them that they should run away together. When he traced her phone to the clothes shop, figures he got Ki-tae Mom back of her.

Se-ah meets Ki-tae on his car, his phone returns and to tell him that Jang-mi takes him, offers him to take you where it is. Ki-tae looks very carefully, but Se-ah assures him that she wants to be on his side, and the memory card holds out the photos of Jang-mi and Yeo-Reum.

Jang-mi tries on another unusual wedding dress, but Ki-tae mother only says it is chubbier than they intended and should not wear revealing clothes. A modest dress has the mothers worrying about the high price. Jang-mi thinks of herself that she had fantasies about her wedding dress like any other girl - she would not have minded if it were a simple dress, but just wanted it to stand in front of their love and be told, she's pretty.

Another dress has the mothers in sync now, and Ki-tae Mom tells suck in her stomach, tilt the chin down, criticize their attitude and, without a word about how absolutely stunning, she sees in the beautiful dress. Each time, Ki-tae mother says her name is to break closer to the sickeningly sweet tone, Jang-mi, until finally she no longer runs it. The triumphant grin on Ki-tae Mom's face is frightening.

Jang-mi in the street flee as Ki-tae and Se-ah arrive in clothes shop. Ki-tae found unexpectedly face to face with Jang-mi look like a bride absolute vision, and it is frozen to the spot, unable to move or speak. If he has not yet fallen for Jang-mi, he is now out of the picture.

Jang-mi is not as affected as she stares at Ki- tae with an expression of both, they get him into this mess, and asks accused him for help. Se-ah gets out of the car and sees the fond expression on Ki-tae face as Yeo-Reum drives (with "borrowed" Hoon-dong car). Behind Jang-mi, join the mothers and call to her.

Ki-tae finally breaks out of his stricken state and tells Jang-mi: "Wait, I come to you." But it is not enough. She's had all she can handle being torn between him and his mother - she's having Yeo-Reum gets in the car and accelerate them away. Jang-mi sits in stony-faced silence until a simple, "You look pretty," Yeo-Reum sending it over the edge and into large, billowing sobs. There are the right words, but by the wrong person, and she's crying her frustration and pain as Yeo-Reum from she continues.

Ki-tae ye continue in the run to watch with another man, perhaps only now realize how much he cares about Jang-mi, and how much he allows her to be hurt.


Oh, the final scene so well hurt. I've been waiting for us to get to this point where Jang-mi, it no longer, and eventually breaks. I think it is high time that everyone, including Jang-mi himself, realizes that she has been trying so hard to please everyone else, with really nothing in it for themselves, that it begins to hurt deeply.

Jang-mi's greatest strength, but their biggest weakness also, is their willingness to their will to sacrifice their own, to make others happy. She is a really good person that people want to be happy, but she has not yet mature enough to figure out that there is a limit - if it does not have to worry about themselves, they will not be able, for other to do. It is time for them to stand up and say, "This is what I need, and that's what I want, and these things are important." And it is quite capable to do that. Your problem is not that they lack a backbone - far from it - it is that they are constantly selected to put the needs of others before her own. She makes the choice, but it is going to have to figure out that there are other acceptable choices.

And no need for them, that more than Ki-tae do. Yes, he begins to care for them, and I think he is already more than half in love with her. But he does not stop at her, and no wonder, because they did not respect himself. While I believe that people deserve respect, no matter what, I can see why a person like Ki-tae a hard time to respect a girl who would constantly like a doormat affects people, to get them to like. It is probably more difficult for him, because he does not know the location, in their own right ... after all, it does it with him all the time.

But there is some work on Jang-mi to take the part because they lie down to watch and other on repeatedly, kick, stop Ki-tae of you really respect. And you can tell that he want to , because he calls her out on it every time more and more frustrated when they let this happen holds. I think if Jang-mi begins to defend themselves and their needs, Ki-tae respect will snap right because he wants to respect them and to respect for yourself, so bad.

And they're going to have to start with his mother. Ugh, Mom. Until this episode, I had a lot of compassion for them, because they really lived a hard life. Her husband steps out on her, her son wants nothing to do with it, and it is built in such a thick cocoon of self-preservation that she has hardly personality of their own left. I mentioned before that I think she and Jang-mi actually have much in common, that they both bring their loved ones to sacrifice their own needs, but only in so completely different way to express. I had hoped that this would be a point at which they could bind, but now Mom is only getting worse and be more control and manipulative, and it makes me crazy. I try to trust that the show a higher purpose for them than just the typical k-Drama mother-in-law, who tries to break apart the lovers, but lands they push together. But I see less of those hidden redeeming qualities and more of the scornful meanie, and I lose faith in it. I hope I'm wrong.

That said, I still think Ki-tae Mom is the key to Jang-mi and Ki-tae, to find each other, but not in the typical k-drama way. Ki-tae whole reason for this fake commitment his mother is to thwart the desire to control his marriage, and by extension his life. When Jang-mi with Mom plans to go in the name of peace on together, he will feel more and more threatened, that he is going to be actually forced to marry and be stuck with an extension of his mother. Jang-mi will get up to about Mom, and prove that they can not be controlled or manipulated for Ki-tae that for their much-needed respect to find and to realize that he could indeed want to marry her. It has to be strong and to find their self-esteem so that Ki-tae can see that they can be a partner who is fully on his side is capable of, and who can get along with his mother, but not cave in it.

These two have a looong way to go. But I have faith they can do it.

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