Recap And Reviews Kdrama Trot Lovers: Episode 12

Recap and reviews korean drama Trot Lovers: Episode 12 -

Joon-hyun Bumbles be way through his amnesia as he repeatedly questioned per Soo-in, to name the truth against what everyone else tells him. But both his heart and his head lead him gradually away from Soo-in and toward Chun-hee, and there is a chance, next week all will be remembered. For now we are with another question: If the drama of Hans Christian Andersen ends or the Disney end of "The Little Mermaid"


After special necklace from the jewelers pickup, Joon-hyun sits in his fancy-pants apartment, ask the meaning of " MJ. " Tae-Song takes the suitcase, Joon-hyun left at its Officetel and then sputters out an embarrassing statement deliver as soon as he realizes that he does not want to admit that Joon-hyun had to live with it.

as Joon-hyun unpacks (with a puzzled look on the jacket it was after her photo shoot Chun-hee, aw), he finds the dating contract which he takes as evidence that Soo-in MJ have to be. He reads moodily about her to the shine Star offices as he waits for her, and when she enters the room, he pushes hastily in a drawer.

Handing over a piece of their favorite cake, he refuses to let know in her that he gained some made a compliment. After dating Treaty, he expects to get his pat on the head, but the confused Soo-in gives him a peck on the cheek. This is not the reaction he had expected, and he tries to have to demonstrate the head-Pat only their retreat, because they do not like anyone to touch her hair.

He triggered by their response, but tried to shrug it off when he asks if he called her by a nickname or by any initials. Soo-in still does not understand what he to reference, and as he leaves after a meeting with his promotional team, he wonders to himself if he cheated on Soo-in, because, as it seems MJ can Not be.

But Soo-in quickly discovered the dating Treaty was hidden and quickly realized what he was referring to - and must be the MJ, recalling how Joon-hyun to Chun-hee as the "Medal had referred meddler "(literally:" Medal Jinsangnyeo "). Panicked that their cover story is blown and that his memory returns when he finds out who is MJ really, they speak their mother rushes. But Yang Joo-hee has a plan. Of course it does.

they are their plan into motion, as the next day, together, the three of them with lunch. With Soo-in time in Los Angeles as an excuse Yang Joo-Hee is passing that Soo-in the English name "Mary Jane" was and everyone in America they used to call MJ. Both Soo-in and Joon-hyun are surprised that the study called "fact", but Joon-hyun is willing to accept it as an explanation of the mysterious MJ.

But Yang Joo-hee drops the real bomb: marriage. She claims quiet that when Joon-hyun had his accident had not, he and Soo-in would have been married now, but as it now seems fine, they should have the engagement ceremony soon. After all, she had chosen the wedding date before his accident - but he has not forgotten

Soo-in her mother in the privacy of the face? Toilet wanted to know if it has gone mad. Her mother refuses to back down, pointing out that, if they make Joon-hyun part of their family, that he can not do what happened, even if his memory returns. Being forced into marriage with the person to the left him his memory like a foolproof plan does not seem to lose exactly, but Soo-in accepted it as the only chance for survival, and returns to the table with the plans for their commitment ,

It succeeds by pretending she knows all about the dating Treaty to overcome some of his doubts. But even if Joon-hyun agrees with her, his uncomfortable expression makes it clear that something is wrong with him down.

When Joon-hyun drinks alone at the bar, he calls Tae-song, to ask if he was from a person other than Soo-in. The sets Tae-Song to stutter when he wonders why Joon-hyun suddenly makes such questions, and Joon-hyun sighs that he knows it's weird. Tae-song listing Dismissing fetch him, a very drunk Joon-hyun instead a taxi takes home.

Except he gave the address Chun-hee home, and Joon Hyun staggers up the stairs and can be automatically, happy in space spreading out that his earlier. Not too long after, Byul and Chun-hee return home. Byul sees his shoes by the door and is excited to know that Ahjussi has returned. They rush to the room, only to find Joon-hyun from passed and smelled of alcohol.

Chun-hee Byul convinced to let him sleep, and it clamps tender him into bed and wondered if his memory has returned. When he sleeps peacefully, she sits outside his room, to sing softly: "I know only love."

morning, a not-fully awake Joon-hyun stumbles into the kitchen, where he poured a little water (in "his" cup!). Chun-hee approaches him cautiously as he squints into his hangover state. For a moment it seems as if he can remember his her -., Until he falls down his cup and staggers back and asks if she kidnapped him

The lightning hope of Chun-hee's face replaced with tired resignation when she him that he came to inform her house at his own request. Demanding they remain two feet from him, he calls Tae-song bring him to come, and is surprised that Tae-song in which is Chun-hee house automatically know.

Joon-hyun watches warily Chun-hee make breakfast (hangover soup she is for she insists, not for him, although he is definitely the only hangover). When she reaches toward the broken cabinet, dissolve the latent memory and Joon-hyun jumps forward, exclaiming that it is dangerous.

He grabs an arm, so as not to drop the cabinet, spinning Chun-hee around his face. The Disney Hero music swells and Joon-hyun wonders if they were previously in a similar situation. But Chun-hee snarks that it was not with him.

They get their moment of broken cabinet near to experience, soon enough, though, if she lives on the Shine Star Elevator. As Chun-hee leaves the elevator, drops her hair clip. Joon-hyun holds to pick it - it's the one he bought her. She pulls it out of his hands, and when he teases for it tight hold on to ask if there is something bought her boyfriend for her, she says it was.

He observes walk away and mocked about themselves, Geon-woo is her boyfriend assuming. Later, when Tae-song drives him, Joon-hyun wonders why his heart beats faster when it to Chun-hee, although he did not want to see. He also wonders why he would write a song about Soo-in, where he would say her eyes and nose were not nice. Tae-Song tries to dismiss his concerns, but Joon-hyun, the fact his heart does not hurt to shake when he hears the song, which was allegedly written for Soo-in.

Joon-hyun runs in Hyo-yeol, and grabs his arm in joy and wondered how it all along, and tried him as a sunbae to to advise. Hyo-yeol is none of it, though, informal speech with Joon-hyun to remember that, even if he is now popular, his scandal dropped it on the floor and he was recently no more than Chun-hee Manager ,

This is news to Joon-hyun and he faced Chun-hee to know outside her house, demanding, what the hell made him to be her manager. She tells him that he was all President Jo guilt, but refuses to tell him why. But he expects President Jo is on vacation until it catches lurking him in the bushes, pick lettuce from the garden. Déjà-vu!

President Jo him about the details fills the transaction with respect to he made with Joon-hyun that if Chun-hee number one in the charts at number he would produce Joon-hyun new album. Joon-hyun thinks the story is so absurd that it has to be show on a hidden camera. Or maybe ... is Chun-hee President Jo long lost daughter? But President Jo tells him that she is the daughter of someone, it is thanks to (so thank God that one is Trope we get to skip).

Byul teaches Chun-hee how to play game "the story combines" where someone starts a story and the next person has to speak the next line, the continuation of the story. The history creating the two, is basically back their own history waiting for her father home, and Byul also adds the wish that her mother would come home. But not only her mother - Ahjussi also. Chun-hee clamped her sister into bed at a smile "happily ever after" ending her sister looks.

When Coach Bang Restaurant, Tae-Song and Chul-man space in a machismo competition from, where their faces appear less intimidating and more like they have lost control of their motor skills. Both help jump serve (even, ha!), but Chul-man snatches the tray soup away when Coach Bang Recalls that Tae-song "Girlfriend" has arrived.

[1945010at] Distressed lost his chance, he says Pil-nyeo distractedly that he goes overnight team building event Starshine instead instead of vacation.

Joon-hyun has no plans to attend, dismiss it as tacky and pointless. That is the answer Tae-Song took over he would give, but Tae-Song is all set to go, because he secretary to share duties with Chun-hee. Once Joon-hyun hears that Chun-hee will be there, he suddenly changes his mind and stated that the members of the Shining star should time the spend "god of music."

There is a catch: because Tae-song not think Joon-hyun would go, he reserved a VIP room. Joon-hyun tried to argue for himself, because he is a star, but Geon-woo reminds him that he is the president of the company. Joon-hyun follows him (and they have a tug-of-war to see who can get first through the door with their suitcases) and insisted that he can not sleep anywhere that is not a VIP room.

Geon-woo knows better and says that Joon-hyun is able to sleep wherever - but laughs when he remembers that Joon-hyun share no memory of a house, with Chun hee has. Nevertheless Joon-hyun a bed claimed, but is the opportunity struck, first to use the shower as Geon-woo rushes past and locks him out of the bath (and Joon-hyun gets his petty revenge by the lights shut off, ha) ,

Chun-hee and Soo-in sharing a room, the Soo-in says, is because it was the only one who was willing to share with Chun-hee. Tae-song is to be happy in his own room when he rolls over in bed until a knock on the balcony door gets his attention: It's Pil-nyeo

that night the Shine-star family sitting around the fire with her dinner and glasses of wine, cheer by its President for a toast. Instead draws Joon-hyun his guitar and sings his song MJ, to the delight of everyone except Chun-hee. And Geon-woo, who noticed Chun-hee complaints. And possibly Soo-in, knows the song is not for them, although each of them, it is.

Director Wang discovered Pil-nyeo is also there, and he reminds them that they. From the company kicked She points out that she only got kicked out because she did what he told her to do, and he threatened to keep them quiet or to get things worse for them. Your exchange will be consulted by Tae-song, and how Pil-nyeo packed everything and ready to go, because they do not want to see Director Wang, Tae-song comes with a bag of alcohol and snacks. Oh, what a perfect type.

Geon-woo and Chun-hee are the only ones to leave the hearth, and she teaches him how to play the game story link. Arriving in the middle of the story, Soo-in and Joon-hyun, seek shelter from the rain (which is based on "The Little Mermaid"). Joon-hyun, uninvited, joins the game in, and soon her story takes more important than their personal stories are wrapped in their version of "The Little Mermaid" - the more faithfully Hans Christian Andersen holds Chun-hee version as says the mermaid (ie, himself) turns into bubbles and disappears after the Prince (Joon-hyun) falls in love with another princess (Soo-in), having forgotten about the mermaid.

But Joon-hyun insists that now is how the story ends, because he saw the film! Ha. Geon-woo gives him a hefty forehead flick because Joon-hyun the story could not finish, and it ends its own way: The other Prince (Geon-woo) would the mermaid will not leave bubbles. "The end".

Tae-Song and Pil-nyeo are sloppy drunk, and both vary between laughter and tears as they curse for director Wang to say of her that she would make it never as a singer. He reminds them that it is the "Ballad Goddess" and she reminds him that he is the "trot God" before attacking him suddenly with drunken kisses.

Joon-hyun tries to fall asleep by counting sheep. But just before his window, Chun-hee singing "With You" on the phone Byul as goodnight lullaby that lulls even Joon-hyun in a happy, peaceful sleep. He once dreamed again about the mysterious woman, but this time he see her face: It is Chun-hee

In the morning he heard from Soo-in room - but he is curious about the whereabouts of Chun. hee. Soo-in, she says it all night not see, and at the sight of her walking with Geon-woo, Soo-in means that the rumors about Chun-hee tangled-up romantic relationships must be true. Joon-hyun spots her hair clip on the table, and reminded that her boyfriend bought for her, he feed it as far away as he can.

When Geon-woo and Chun-hee Return to the lodge to know Joon-hyun demands, where they were all the time. In his carefree teasing manner Geon-woo tells him he was to enjoy from a walk with Chun-hee, and the reason why he was not in the room because he could not sleep because of Joon-hyun snoring. Pffft.

A bleary Tae-song wakes up and realizes that between his state of undress and the woman in his bed, he and Pil-nyeo has a little too much fun last night have had. Pil-nyeo wakes as Tae-Song to hurry to dress (OMG it carries 10,000 print boxer shorts? I won), and he tries to say nothing has happened between them. But she sticks her leg seductively under the blankets and tells him it differently. HA!

How to return any boards the ferry to Seoul, Chun-hee discovers her hairpin missing. faced Joon-hyun about to throw away, to ask whether he knows how valuable she is. He takes them is valuable because Geon-woo gave it to her, dismissed as just a cheap pin. She leaves to go the ferry to find it and he rushes her.

After the ferry, Geon-woo discovers that Chun-hee is no longer on board, and thanks to Tae-song, realizes that Joon-hyun is with her. They are both to be found again in the lodge, looking through the grass to their pen, but it is nowhere to be found.

Joon-hyun shows how he threw it, and they realize it has lost in the woods. They find it hanging from a branch and Joon-hyun picks her up to get it - what they eventually do. And then they fall to the ground, landing protectively to him about her.

Both are aware of definitely how close they are, but Chun-hee crawling away quickly, more delighted to have their hairpin again. Thanks to her beaming smile and the happy way she pats the head, Joon-hyun is reminded more and more of the woman of his dreams.

They learn that the next ferry takes no for an additional three hours to kill time Joon-hyun asks her to him something to eat now. You find a nice pair of children something fresh seafood sold (and fans of Golden Rainbow could as they realize how the same children from the drama). They are both tired and ready to go home, but you first need to sell anything.

Chun-hee jumps quickly to their services voluntarily because they know the power of trot music on the market. When she Mija Lee sings "Iceland Village Teacher", it draws enough of a crowd the children Seafood for sale. The Styrofoam cooler lid as a drum, Joon-hyun stares in wonder gobsmacked. Maybe he remembers a similar experience when they tried to earn enough shine Star balls allowed to be in the business?

By all seafood sold, Chun-hee and Joon-hyun happy farewell the children wave. The pair consists in waiting until the ferry arrive, and Chun-hee grumbles that her hairpin remains no longer truncated because he threw it into the woods. He installs it for you, to her hair, and both an embarrassing (even charged!) Deliberately parts moment of being as close to their faces, to Chun-hee withdraws.

Regaining his composure, Joon-hyun asks for "The Little Mermaid" - it is really end turn into bubbles with her? Chun-hee asks him what else can do the mermaid, if the prince does not remember. Besides, how would he want to quit?

With a kiss, apparently, and Joon-hyun leans in. But the arrival of the ferry interrupts their intimate moment, and how they hurry to get up, Chun-hee loses his grip, in his arms Joon -hyun fall, as he reassured. But he refuses to let her go, telling her that he remembers how the story ends:

With only this moment Geon "Once the mermaid turned into bubbles, the memory of the Prince back." woo and Soo -in arrive and the two in each other's arms.


So ... his memory has returned to see, right? I suppose we have to wait until next week to see if it is official, but I hope that really means the end of the amnesia. This also means that maybe there is a little more exciting to get as Soo-in will now have to fight for their actions, because I do not know, Mommy Dearest to help them as from this terminal, now, will be able (I assume) Joon-hyun has not amnesia.

all in all, this episode was pretty dull for me. Maybe it was because I was still bummed that, yes, the authors have decided to go the way amnesia. But it felt even flat. I think it was mostly to do with Chun-hee - because they had to hide their feelings for most of the episode, I really missed the energy and vitality that Eun-ji normally brings to each episode. I really did not find myself interested in doing until the end when she got what she does best: sing trot, to make others happy, and make Joon-hyun hold until his idiotic mistakes. (Take that hairpin was a ridiculously small thing to do for him even with his petty.)

However, I did enjoy the Tae-song / Pil-nyeo side plot, especially since we got a glimmer so he they actually interested. Not to mention that I keep rooting, enabling them to overcome their difficulties and continue to be great. Or at least get revenge on director Wang.

I was disappointed that Geon-woo get not do to the look more pretty and be a convenient plot device. I thought he would at least be more than happy lining to make Joon-hyun jealous - I thought that he would begin to feel for Chun-hee affection like a serious contender, and not just settling into the insipid second guide. This said, his moments with Joon-hyun for me were some of the highlights, and I want to be her roomies than one night more, please.

Overall I felt just separated from our characters. They have begun to feel more like caricatures disjointed and less like people I really care about. I can handle absurd plot lines, where the characters are compelling, and for that episode, they just were not convincing enough. Everything that made me fall at the beginning in love with this little drama with this convenient "Reset" button of amnesia washed, and I try to convince me that these characters are worth my time and attention. I think a part of me fear I will fall in love with them again, and then they get snatched away from me at the last second with some ridiculous drama trope.

I mean, I was totally side- eyeing the use of "The Little Mermaid" (a story that loves me, especially the original non-Disney-fied version), because the use of children's story books as mirroring plot device has been done to death. Not to mention it feels to be introduced as a basic theme rather late in the game. While I do not necessarily require all my dramas to be original, as I at least feel as if the authors really try and not only on some slapping, which seems like a good idea afar, because it worked in an earlier drama. (This is also why I could not get the cute little Golden Rainbow Crossover enthused because to be enchanted instead of a few cameos, I was more inclined to the authors could not believe come with everything just what new)

Nevertheless, I have not given up on this drama. not yet. I still have the hope that it on the back cute and fun that it works so well, even though (as LollyPip), I decided my expectations for the last few episodes have lowered. With four episodes left, and with the amount of action, the authors can usually can cram into a week, anything could still happen (although if Chun-hee mother turns out, still be alive - or a mermaid - I'll start wondering).

But continue with hopes of a coherent plot and, as always, much more cute.

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tags: featured, Ji Hyun-woo, Jung Eun-ji, Trot Lovers

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