Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 11

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 11 -

It takes courage to open your heart to someone, and it takes strength to be vulnerable, even if you think that the feelings of mutual are. You are putting yourself on the line, is likely to take care of you, not knowing how he / she will take your words bald front of the person. And it's a scary moment because you never know when the results will be similar to check a romantic dream or a harsh reality. An open heart risked getting broken, but love is not love if it came with the insurance.


Gong Shim prepares lovingly an extensive breakfast menu and is ready to end up cooking the rice. It then fills the food up to the roof and gets to Dan-tae. He opens the door and is pleasantly surprised by the delivery of meals.

She looks happy when he digs in, and when it's all finished, she replies that she would be willing to indulge him for 100 years. Dan-tae shocked by their reception, and Gong Shim begins to fan herself, flushed feeling.

He urges to remove her wig when she is with him, but she is reluctant, so he pulls it off. You feel free and embarrassed, reveals to him her bald spot, but she realizes that she's gone! They celebrate their hair growth and jump holding hands until she blurts out: "I love you." Dan-tae moves slowly for a kiss in. Okay, you must be dreaming.

'Twas only a dream. Gong Shim of startled awake by talking to her rice cooker, and their warped lips left hanging. She brings a tray of food to Dan-tae place, for real this time, but he is not there.

Dan-tae of the Star Group pen he studied in his father's hand found and inserts it into an envelope with a note. He is new to a previous customer and asked him to deliver it in an hour Star Group. These were the events of the morning, leading to the Chairman, President, and Uncle Dan witness-tae go to the floor polishing machine down.

Chairman grandmother receives the envelope (without a return) to contain the guide pin, and is appalled that someone lost; the note reads that it was found in the Arboretum. She takes a look at the lapels of the President and uncle and finds both without them.

Uncle fades, dumb to remember it belongs to him. She blames them for their negligence and orders Dan-tae to find out who it belongs to.

Dan-tae always and take an overview of the occupants of the men's room and after all in their business in the stench, he checks off their names in his notebook as they all wore the pin. He warns sinisterly not lend their pens to other people all, or else but slaps on a mischievous grin to show that he was only with them in disarray.

President Seok's next for the inspection, and find Dan-tae that he was not wearing it. President Seok is surprised they lack to see and claims that he is. In the day before, when he was in the meetings

He decides to look for, where he used to be and the Dog Café on a swing, where he had fun some puppy for his pen on kiddie playground. Haha, some "meeting" in order! He is thrilled his pen in a dog bowl in the cafe, and thanks to Judy, the Golden Retriever for their help.

Jun-su's next on Dan-tae checklist, but he is not in his office. Dan-tae goes to Uncle next and takes the pin on his lapel. Uncle asks Dan-tae on his progress and Dan-tae reported that he has to consider only two other people: Jun-su and guiding force for the business in China.

A flashback shows Uncle that the executive asks to borrow his pen, just before he left for his trip. Well sure. The executive returns tomorrow, and uncle is worried about this lie to maintain.

On their way home, is Gong Shim through an ad for an octopus character fascinated drawing contest. That evening her parents leave attend a funeral and are set to return the next day, the leaves alone Gong Shim house. She is working on her octopus drawing when the lights begin to flicker before going out.

completely scared, it dark and dents in furniture wades through and trying to find the fuse box, only with the light. From her cell phone Dan-tae returns from work and overheard frantic howls of Gong Shim home. He pounds on the door, which they felt may be in danger, and Gong Shim lets him in.

asks if he knows how to use the force to cut back on, but he replies that has power has nothing to do with his liberal arts major, heh. He tried to find the fuse box, but did not get very far, because he he screams from her cell phone lit Gong Shim sees ghostly face the minute. Both Holler and scare each other, heh.

Dan-tae accidentally knocks into her, but catches it begins to fall. They share a short, intimate moment before the bickering voices of Gong Shim parents shake it. She hides quickly Dan-tae in a room, just before their parents. Dad flips the power again. It turned out that they soon returned because it speak no burial; the 97-year-old man in question does not have to die.

Dan-tae caught hiding in Gong Shim room, and he can not leave until their parents sleep. He is skeptical that he hides when he has done nothing wrong, but Gong Shim says, her parents might wonder what they were doing in the dark.

assured him that they turn soon will, but he recognizes the smell of pork space and hunger strikes blow through. Her parents are grilling pork belly and enjoy their leisurely late dinner. The smell of grilled meat and sounds of their parents enjoy it kill poor, caught Dan-tae.

Gong Shim brings him a salad wrap for her parents to explain that she wanted in the private eating. Dan-tae is grateful for the bite, but suggests that they bring him two with her two hands. He adds that they should double the salad, generous with the meat, and throw in the works, raw garlic and bean paste, haha.

prepares the salad packs per his instructions, and their parents are surprised that it is raw garlic addition, since they do not normally eat. She explains that she has therefore feel lately intake of garlic lethargic and quickly in each hand with two lettuce wraps to "private eat" again.

Her parents ask their Dan-tae over, invite, not knowing he is present, and Gong Shim he says is busy. Dan-tae overheard this and basically feels like the world, because the hunger ends. Is. Really. Gong Shim comes with eating, but Dan-tae had enough. He wants to be free and eat outdoors. He will explain everything to her parents, but Gong Shim says it's too late.

Dan-tae tries to get past Gong Shim and leave, but her mother opens the door for her daughter looking. Fortunately, the two carriages behind the door just in time, and Dad gets word that the 97-year-old man who just passed away. This distracts Mom, and Gong Shim and Dan-tae are back in the clear.

She says Dan-tae closely to sit for just a bit longer. Your constant back and forth will only get caught. Dan-tae looks by Gong Shim drawings and is pleased to see that they are all of it, but the last stops it. She wrote next: "Should I tell him I like him?"

He continues, the drawings if Gong Shim returns. She apologizes and explains that he finally left, as they now sleep are to catch an early train for tomorrow's funeral.

Back on the roof, Dan -Tae reflects on the moment when he said Gong Shim leave for Jeju. She angrily pushed him for flip-flop and stops not to leave them off. Meanwhile, in her bedroom, Gong Shim smiles to keep them firmly in the dark at the memory of Dan-tae.

The next day, Gong Shim waiting outside the convenience store Dan-tae catch on his way to work. Dan-tae looks from above, but he does not see all that much. Merry together Tags when he goes to work and ask him a series of questions. But he responds with Curt, one-word answers.

Dan-tae, reported his findings to the Chairman, President and uncle. Jun-su and the executive, flew to China still missing. Uncle remains restless, executive returns from his trip today to know. Jun-su back, and Mama and Uncle stop by.

uncle grinning when he noticed Jun-sus pin on his jacket. Uh oh. Mom had hoped that Jun-su could connect their lunch with Gong Mi, but he has to leave for a seminar, so it lunching then only the two ladies. Jun-su passes to his car and is about to go inside when he gets a call from uncle. UGH NO. Uncle to go as Jun-su leaves find it for him, "can not find a document".

Dan-tae studied the profile of the leader who for has not a share, but find no connection to his father. He confronted the executive over who reveals that Uncle had asked to borrow his pen.

Add uncanny timing, uncle appears. Dan-tae asks whether the pen belongs to his lapel the executive, and uncle still takes a pen from his pocket and gives it to the executive. He explains that he left his pen at home one day, and had to borrow someone else.

A flashback shows that uncle his nephew jacket and bag stolen from the car, while Jun-su tended to his inquiry. He also has the CCTVs disabled to without getting caught stealing. On the way to the seminar, Jun-su holds for coffee, and it is only then that he realized his bag and jacket missing from the back seat. But he reckons it was stolen while he took a drink, because the windows were left open.

Gong Shim finished their octopus drawing and stuck it in a large envelope. It radiates to think of Dan-tae encouragement, their art. A call from Jun-su comes, and she is alarmed to hear that his things were stolen.

him agrees to meet and help. Jun-su apologizes short for her, but admits that he tried by Star Group to become independent; he does not like to hear how privileged he is. He has his own business prepared in secret, which is why he could ask his colleagues for help.

He is due to present his proposal with potential investors, but lost all his documents was stolen when his pocket. His colleagues think he is for a seminar in a hotel, but that was just a front. Gong Shim understands his predicament and get right to work.

The two work together to prepare his presentation deck and assemble. He thanked them for saving him in a tie, and he rushes off to his lecture. Gong Shim's all tuckered, but suddenly realizes that she has to submit their octopus drawing. She rushes to the restaurant and puts her drawing, but is surprised to learn that 100 additional motifs applied.

Jun-sus mother remarked to Gong Mi, that every meal and shopping trip she had been such a pleasure working with her. When she Mamas car are in Jun-sus heading out, encounters a man in the car and screams in pain, clutching his arm. Jun-sus mother panics when the man of various ailments complains, but Gong Mi feel something is wrong.

keeps Jun-sus mother of money on administration and stated that the black box of the car detects intentionally make him jump in front of a slow-moving vehicle. He threatened to call the authorities, but Gong Mi gives him her business card and details of his transgression, together with the penalties he will face if convicted. Suddenly the man feels fine and flees.

Jun-sus mother and her mother-in-law are in love with Gong Mi after she handled the sticky situation cleverly. You ask if she has a boyfriend, and on hearing that they single, Jun-sus mother hits dating her son. Gong Mi replied modestly that it is not really up to her to decide what Jun-su Mom correctly interpreted as "yes" as long as Jun-sus also interested.

Jun-su calls Gong Shim and shares, the investors decided to finance his idea. He says it's all thanks to their help, and expresses that he would like her to find a full time job for you. But she refuses to his offer, saying that his support is more than enough. She wants to earn a job on your own as Jun-su doing.

Dan-tae and his aunt standing outside the hospital room where his father is still unconscious. Dan-tae wonders if he'll ever wake up, and complained that he had as much as he needs to discuss with him.

Dan-tae enters the convenience store, and Gu-nam, he says tired looks. Dan-tae says he can not think of a thing that make him feel better, but Gu-nam admits apologetically that he's all out of his beloved lunch sets. Dan-tae trudges steps with empty hands up and finds Gong Shim for him with two sets of his favorite lunch put on the table on the roof waiting.

She asks him as he to this love started and what other things he for an affinity. He rattles off a few of his favorite foods, but stops abruptly. He wonders why she be so curious, and she replies that she is just curious.

She notices he wears been much wonder and white shirts lately, if it is to impress women. He nixes her suspicions that it causes to smile. She then launches into a series of questions to ask about his family, who he resembles, and notes that his mother must be beautiful. This catches him off guard and urges him to turn early in her diner short cut.

Dan-tae thinks back to Gong Shim drawing her question whether he did not like his mother or father and other painful memories of his false identity. They seem to cause him much grief, but he is not able to do anything about it.

The next day, Dan-tae updates the chairman. None of the managers have a new badge, and the only one unaccounted for is not Jun-su appointed because he was attending a seminar. Jun-su comes and explains that he lost it on his way to yesterday's seminar in a hotel. He brought a jacket which had the pen on it, but it was stolen along with his bag, that's how its pin missing.


go Dan-tae head, Jun-su statement and wonders if he had been followed to steal his bag. He calls the hotel where Jun-su ostensibly a seminar had visited, but the concierge stating that it is a Star Group Seminar was not yesterday, nor a man named Jun-su there reservation. Dan-tae wonders what's going on. Oy.

collected an amount outside the Octopus restaurant for competition results and Gong Shim pushes covered by to the front with her eyes. She peers through her fingers and is amazed to discover that they won first place! It is positively ecstatic, and the audience applauded her performance.

Dan-tae Vitis Jun-su in the office and ask for the seminar. He asked how it could have gone well, without all of its materials and Jun-sus noticeably vague and a little hard with his responses and behavior. Jun-su intersects the short survey, claiming he is employed, and Dan-tae, it proposes a beer after work today fall evening.

Dan-tae the left with many unanswered questions. He wonders why Jun-su is him, and whether he lied about losing his pen, too, but a call from Gong Shim interrupts his train of thought.

asks excited when he would come home tonight. Dan-tae tells her he is now busy evening, but she urges him to call if he comes home late. You want to win their competition to show him and hear discouraged, it is not available, and wonders why he. So down these days

That night, she hears his footsteps and crashes him to see the first place banner in his hands. She holds it with pride for him, and he really impressed and happy for them. He gives her two thumbs up.

Her eyes brimmed with tears, and it shows that they never won first place for all that she has done on her own. She reveals that she really happy, but she begins to cry. She thanks Dan-tae give her the strength and courage to do it, and insists that he always been this person to give her strength. Search

section to Jun-su, who has arrived and all experienced from afar, absolutely crushed

. Meanwhile, going to bring expression Gong Shim their gratitude to Dan-tae.

Gong Shim: "You're the one who called me" pretty, "one who is my first fan was seen by my drawing and rooted for me every time. if I have a hard time, you're the one who stood at my side and watched over me. It was always you, Dan-tae ... I want to be for you, this kind of person "

Dan-tae fighting with an appropriate answer to come, and thinking Gong Shim adds more .: "remember the last time you said you liked me to be able to see, whenever, wherever you want? It is like that for me. I always think of you ... I like you, Ahn Dan-tae "

There's a long beat of silence, before Dan-tae exhales and apologizes. "I can not your heart, accept Gong Shim. So please, those feelings cleared away. I'm really sorry." Gong Shim not understand and asks what he meant by his serious statements from last time ,

Dan-tae responds that the last time, the situation was different. Gong Shim is completely devastated and goes away, tears silently trickling down her face. Dan-tae appear remorseful and confused, and Jun-su calls him out as they stand face to face.


Oof. It was a heartbreaking rejection. Gong Shim moved by the strength of Dan-tae gave her her artistic passion and realize their potential to continue, and they won - literally and figuratively! But to be called to cast the inner strength that led her heart for him in a crushing loss. And it hurt to see that because her confession was perfect, was as honest and sincere. It really came from the heart. She was being brave, unmistakably clear how she felt, but Dan-tae could not accept their feelings and asked them to do away with them.

I do not think Dan-tae a complete asshole is it he did the way for the rejection, but I think it came across that way. He struggled to find the right words to respond to her confession, and he could not seem to be now that the situation bring to explain (what then was not the case) so that the ground had been pulled out from under him, and his entire existence has been transformed into a huge question mark. How could he tell her that he is not who he thought he was and is in the right attitude not because it in this delicate moment? he might have, and Gong Shim had not been so crushed, but it is hard to conceive a articulate and well-intentioned answer, if he is on the spot like that.

Dan-tae clearly regrets the way he reacted, as from its "what-have-I-done" body language and facial expression. He was honest, too, but not much justification or explanation offer, so in Gong Shim eyes, only to say that the situation be interpreted has changed, could be called "I've changed my mind. I do not feel like I previously, "which is heard undoubtedly painful. Dan-tae has been secret revelation in an understandably odd radio after birth, and I feel for him, but it is a pity that he is not the front of it looks perfect confidant / friend / partner-in-crime: Gong Shim. She has opened before him, and that's how they grew close. He needs to realize that his relationship with their symbiotic is. He can open with her, too, and the two of them it will be better.

Gong Shim feel his drop in mind lately, but when she asks if he's okay, he just writes it to fatigue. She has to make him so many opportunities where air - her eye on him makes them curious! - But he, for one reason or another, has decided to carry this enormous burden on its own, and it is clearly taking a toll on his mental wellbeing. I hope that this is not the beginning of the noble idiocy because Dan-tae was far far from an idiot. He is smart, sensible, and not jump to conclusions. All times he has acted like an idiot were to throw off the people or to bring Gong Shim laugh. It was always deliberately idiocy, and I have faith that he has what it takes to open Shim Gong. When her sweet doodles were able to lift his mood, imagine what they could do personally, as a trusted friend who is as capable of more, to be there for Dan-tae, as he has a shoulder to cry. Gong Shim said explicitly that it wanted to be for him that kind of person. Now it is up to him to accept the help, he was offered. But ... he broke her heart, the minute they opened it for him. He will have to get it. With a heaping dose of apology to her makeup and honesty

Gong Shim broken was the only one not with their heart. Poor Jun-sus was shattered, too. If I had to guess, I would bet he did not stay on the roof long enough to hear Dan-tae rejection, but listen to Gong Shim had feelings for Dan-tae more than enough to drive the stake through his heart. He was nothing but sweet Gong Shim, but it's hard to beat the guy who lives directly above her and saw each side to her. Jun-su-sided crush Gong Shim was probably bearable, because he believed that he still had a chance with her after she learned to love. He also did not know of another man who was at her heart. But now that Dan-tae is the image / triangle, everything changes entered. Dan-tae is his close friend, and soon, he will find that he Jun-Pyo. I feel a big doozy, and I'm itching to find out what Jun-su says Dan-tae in its confrontation.

The end of this episode was an unfortunate, but it was all over some really great moments of ease. Gong Shim draw first place win for an adorable octopus, Dan-tae and Gong freaking Shim in the dark out (I may or may not, have the scene repeated one more time only namgoong min petrified face to see), Dan tae penned in Gong Shim room while a hard place without him. place outside, President Seok's amazing "meeting", and the fantasy dream sequence opening that all definitely impact the emotional end increased nicely from the start, and I had no idea Gong Shim would confess to him after he shows her competition win.

Butterfly Tattoo uncle is a tricky, tricky man. The timing of the Star Group Pin secret and Jun-su independent efforts, it is not a good combination, and I feel, Uncle has much more up its sleeve duplicity, now that he Jun-sus got bag full of secret documents. It makes sense for Dan-tae Jun-su now suspect, even if his suggestion is based on misunderstanding and false information. I wonder if this marks a turning point / end their friendship, and if that's the case, I'm so depressed. Discontinued bromance? Discontinued Trio fun? It's not fun.

Fun time's over now, but show, let us try the bromance and revive the romance again, shall we? Two bursts salad wraps in exchange for the three of them the best of friends to stay. Please, please, with a clove of garlic at the top?

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tags: Beautiful Gong Shim, episode 11, in Minah, namgoong min, Ohn Joo-wan

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