Recap And Reviews Kdrama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 5

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 5 -

Both Eul erstwhile suitors step their game on, if not exactly in the expected manner. With a step forward and one step back, Eul is so confused they do not know where to make. In fact, everyone is quite confused now that feelings are being admitted and declared intentions, and it will take some serious explaining things to put right.

I'm just to stop this week to weigh on Uncontrollable Fond , while our intrepid leader is busy with some very important stuff. You'll be right back!


Eul asks Joon-young on camera, what he would do if he has to live only a year, but he says sullenly that too much time. "Let's say I have three months." As Eul agrees, he realizes that he is going to do what he wants - sue the people who slander him, and kill everyone he hates.

Each grows in the room uncomfortable, but says Joon-Young to keep the cameras running. He smiles gently Eul says that he's not a joke - he dies, so what is there that he can not do? ?

he changes the subject and Eul asks him until today: "Will you now me, Noh Eul PD-nim Let's say, I'm going to die in three months, so that only three months - really passionately. Only for three months, the blank date as no tomorrow. "

Joon-young never breaks eye contact with Eul, even if the crew laughing as the biggest joke of all time. He says again that it is not a joke, and there Eul his winning smile. There is a long silent moment, and then Eul Simpers to a potentially can not say to such tender.

asks chirpily when they should start today and make it public, to mock costs Joon-young. He knows exactly what she is doing, and just snorted a laugh.

A while later Eul is facedown in a bowl on her favorite restaurant and tried to drown in an inch of water. Ji-tae finds them and asks if they have done something wrong, and she mutters that she thinks she'll get fired documentary by Joon-young.

You still thinks his offer a joke was, and that it responds incorrectly. Or wait - he was seriously and treated them there, as it was a joke. No, no, no, he was serious, and they took it seriously. One of these things.

Ji-tae dried sweet her face and says it's probably a good thing to work for them with Joon-young to stop. He offers her help even to find a job, but she scoffs, thinking that he is unemployed. Belatedly remembering the character he plays with it, he insists he will soon find a job, and Eul muses that she would marry him if he does. That scares Ji-tae, but he does not answer.

Joon-young is not happy when he gets the news that someone other than Eul will come to work on his documentary. Everyone he took asked her to get him to this day they go, and the president of the company made it possible.

is Gook-young upset, angry that Eul was fired, as in his mind, it the only way she reacted was. Joon-young makes him speak for himself, then says quietly without Eul, he is not one more second of the documentary. If the company president wants him to do it, he'd better Eul back.

Eul proposal visibly shaken Ji-tae so bad that she takes it again, provided that it. The idea of ​​objects Then she teases him to tell her that he likes the idea, but its continued silence sobered her and she takes it for a real rejection. She storms out, barking, that they do not like him too much, that anyway, and Ji-tae continue only to drink.

The ajumma Restaurant wonders how Eul thinks they could even get a big guy like Ji-tae, if it is unemployed. They tried him with a founding "friend" that sounds suspiciously, but Ji-tae smiles sadly and says that that is not enough for him for Eul well. "How could I dare to have it? What's why I did not say yes."

Eul phone rings, where they left it on the table behind him, and Ji-tae see that everyone the on her cell phone as only an image of a cartoon dog gets stored and bird (a type of PG way to say, son-of-a-bitch, ha). He answers the call, and at the other end of the line, Joon-young asks why he answer Eul phone.

Both guys go 'hackles and neither admits to give her name first. Joon-Young says that his name should come on the caller ID, but Ji-tae says it was only the images of dog and bird, so that Joon-young whine.

Ji-tae guess that's Joon-young vocation, and tells him not to call again Eul. Joon-young also guesses correctly that this "man", the Ji-tae again surprised. But Eul shows up and pulls her phone back, and it is a kind of freeze adorable as Joon-young and hangs up when he hears her voice, although he called they .

Curious, Ji-tae called Eul and grabs her phone when it rings, and sure enough, he saved as a "man" in their contacts. Eul claims it is because he always takes each side against them. Note JavaBeans. He stored in her cell phone, as a husband (nampyun) and to save face, she says it's because he never takes her side (Nae Pyun) only other sides (nam Pyun)

that makes him smile, but he tells her seriously that they find someone worthy of her who really cares about her and she loves, who is going to make them happy. Eul tells him not only to say, if he does not want to marry her, and tells him she no longer call.

As she goes home she wonders why Joon-young was to call them anyway, growling angrily at her phone and refused to ever again speak to him while at the same time does not answer a contrite apology composing for her phone , She is asking for a second chance, then deletes the whole thing and said that they get all by itself.

you see a car in the street at idle and curious looks through the heavily tinted windows, when suddenly it rolls down and she finds herself nose to nose with Joon-young. He asks peevishly why she lives with Na-ri, if they are already a has "man", but Eul replied that no one would be crazy enough to marry her.

She complains that she has no husband or children, no job, no money and no prospects, and has to live with a friend, because nowhere else has to go. Curiously, this makes only heard Joon-young grin and walks Eul calls away mad.

She gets a call from the documentary, her back to the job and says it provides all because Joon-young is. She turns back to thank him, but he rolls his only window and drives away, still smiling to herself.

Joon-young wakes in the morning on the floor again, and spends the day with video games and with Pororo Toben. Meanwhile Eul feeding her little brother and tells him that they'll a lot for a while to work, obsequious complain about him a little too much and make it.

Jik warns Eul that Joon-Young fans are scary, and to do her a background check as we speak. Only then he gets a text from Haru to wonder why he never contacted with information about Eul, and it shows the message to his noona. do Eul responded to wonder what she's up to with information about Eul, so to be Jik.

When Haru calls Jik depends fast before Eul can respond to it, and ignored the request of his sister for the number of the girl. He warns Eul not for Joon-young, anxious to fall, as they will be much around it, now her that Joon-young life to remember in a different world.

Eul bristles at him, and he says he wished she Newest Ji-tae would (who they know how Hyun-woo). He curling her hair and throws them some aegyo before school expires and she grumbles that Ji-tae they unloaded already.

Ji-tae can not get Eul casual suggestion from the head, and it makes him all muddy and Smiley. He says to himself, to get it together, which make it almost before he is called to play a game with his father. Ji-tae win and demanded his bet payment and threatened to tell on Mom when Dad tries to break.

Haru comes home and invites her father to Joon-Young's concert tonight and tried to convince him that pictures of him and his daughter at a concert for his picture would be good. Uncomfortable, Ji-tae takes Papas side and says Haru study to go, and when she waved him off and keeps whining, he takes on a stern tone and orders her to stop.

He says angry to hear him to go to study and finish Joon-young Fan Club. Haru claims that her life is nothing without Joon-young (yuck, really? Even if he is not her half-brother ...), but you do not tell Dad back to her to speak oppa.

Ji-tae apologizes to Dad once Haru is gone, but Papa says he likes this suddenly Joon-young guy. He had always wondered why Ji-tae never gets angry, even if he has to reason, and even thought about it. To a doctor He is happy that Ji-tae know how his temper after losing everything.

Joon-young waits outside his mother's house for them again, wondering why she did not call him back as promised. Standing on her porch, she says that their meeting is not over yet, and ha, I see where he gets his smart mouth.

Joon-young is to his concert their tickets and says Invite her Ajusshi, saying that "It's your last chance to see your sexy son." tears Mom cards and places them at his feet, so he jumps in front of her and says that he is serious, it is really the last chance to see him like that. Mom thanked him for the good news and ooooh, she will later regret to say.

Joon-young grabs her arm, but she pulls it away and spits that he never treated his mother. He quit school and became a celebrity without sulking and counseling, but Joon-young, that a celebrity is to be better than a prosecutor. , But Mom is hurt because he wants used to help poor people, as they were

Joon-young says that people like him should not be accusers - if he did, would poor people even in be able to live in this country. His tone lightens and he tells her that he would keep their concert seats, but she screams in his back that they will not come ". You will die before I go there"

Eul when facing top concert with the camera in hand, and films that the impressive amount, which is already arriving. She does not she Ji-tae watch from afar, concern on his face.

Haru it is also with the maid, still upset about how her brother cried earlier in the day. They cheered when her father finally shows up and said that her oppa worry to stop just about them, and he tells her behind his back talking about Ji-tae. But there is no heat in his words, and he also wore the T-shirt Joon-young face emblazoned on it to please his little girl.

The concert starts and Joon-Young sings and plays guitar, while his fans screaming, but the VIP seats it remain stored for his mother and Ajusshi empty. Eul by him on the stage, and it lowers their guard and can be swept away from his romantic song. not to fall Jik words for Joon-young echo in her head, but it looks like his warning comes too late.

It represents the camera to gather her composure down that Joon-young notes on the Stage. When she accumulates and then again, he smiles this huge grin happy and from the back of the audience Ji-tae see the whole exchange.

Ji-tae's father apologizes and goes out into the fresh air, the time to remember that Joon-young offered his umbrella in a storm to share. Oh, he must remind him. Joon-young had never come back to this book, and Dad believed that he never will, and goes away.

Ji-tae mother is worried when she hears that her husband can not be found, and their voice stumbles a bit when she learns that he was at Joon-Young concert. Does she know? She shakes like a leaf, and sweeps a vase on the table in anger - oh, I bet she knows.

Joon-Young mother caught their employees to watch the video of the concert and smacks him, although he claims he was looking for reasons Joon-young online bash. She turns her fury on Ajusshi if he shows up, but he gives her an envelope with money - it's the amount Gook-young Joon-young owes, which he has had for three years.

Ajusshi decided to pay back only the money itself, and he finally agrees to an equal footing with mom. He also informed Mom that Joon-young has to end because Gook-young not Law School, in fact, he announced before Gook-young also the financial aid needed.

Eul Movies Joon-young in his dressing room during a break, and it's nice, as is the only person that he pays no attention. But he ignored it scripted documentary issues, and instead asks who was the man who answered her phone yesterday.

Eul ignored the question, but Joon-young keeps asking about the man to repeat the word "friend" until it finally becomes a rise of Eul , She grabs that he grins and says NOT her friend, and Joon-young: "good work", as he heads back to the stage.

While Joon-Young finale song his headlights extinguished, and words appear on the PCB layout behind him. "There is someone I love at this point" Eul began nervously to look for when it recognizes that he an identical Teddy firstly he stops she retorted in high school. On the screen the sentence "I want my love to confess to you today" appears, and suddenly the screen print coat to reveal a full orchestra.

Joon-young falls on his microphone and goes into the audience and pulls Eul on stage with him. The section it rises stand, and the audience goes silent, but Joon-young and Eul only have eyes for each other.

He gives her the bear, the other bears pushing triggers a memory of him at her and jokingly said, "I love you, Eul-ah." But this time he is dead serious.

Ji-tae goes away, not ready for Eul staying response, and in the audience find Haru's friend a photo online of Joon-young and Eul with the teddy bear in the school back.

Awww, we cut to Joon-young sprawled in his dressing room while Gook-young complained that he was publicly rejected. The Internet exploded with stories about their past and what has happened today, especially about how Eul allegedly stole her friend and friend caused her friend to try suicide.

Joon-young tells his team to sue the people who slanderous comments, ready to kill with his bare hands. His stylist says Eul is likely to have a worse time than he is.

Eul is currently without knowing in the toilet, that Haru is to her next she stared at. Haru throws water in Eul's face and call it a gold digger, and stomps from Eul leaves a mob of angry girl opposite. Eul FIBS quickly that the proposal only a part of the show was, but she finds a camera in her face the moment she leaves the toilet.

You trying to stop the intrusive reporter, but stops when you show the products already on them and Joon-young wrote. Watch await their reaction, but Ji-tae pointing upwards and covers the camera lens, and tells them to hurt them Eul rights.

He pulls Eul outside the security, but they immediately Joon-young behold, with his face covered waiting. Joon-young and Ji-tae lock eyes, to know everyone who is the other, and Joon-young pulls down the scarf covering his face.

, it notes the fact that Ji-tae Eul wrist holds and asks quietly if he "husband." Ji-tae not Joon-young reached for Eul hand not answer, but Ji-tae steps between them. He says Joon-young, that the reporter filming now, but Joon-young does not care.

He is a celebrity, so that everyone already knows who he is, but is it okay to be with Ji-tae for his face out there ? "Everyone will find out about you in no time." Someone recognizes Joon-young and the trio with reporters and fans swarmed screaming, and they all stand still for a long moment.

Ji-tae breaks first, pulling his hat to cover his face and arm Eul releases. actually for a moment Joon-young looks a bit like Ji-tae of complaints sorry, but he takes Eul hand and leads her away.


Well, that escalated quickly. I know Joon-Young feels desperate to make the most of what little time he has left, but I was not expecting him to jump off just is dismissed for dating, on a full-on public display of affection. On the other hand, I pray kind that about him that he has just decided that screw it, he will do anything he wants, as long as he can.

When I watched the first of this drama began, I almost dropped the moment we that Joon-young found dying and that this would not be a nice little rom-com as I expected .. but I love the casting so much that I stuck around to see where this might take us. I'm so happy that I did it because I am very interested to find the sound so that between Joon-young and Eul, laced with Joon-young scared and quiet desperation live life cute bickering is the way he wants, as long as it can. The problem is also Joon-young do not know what he wants, unlike Eul, and it proves to be not at all to be an easy conquest.

My favorite part about Eul is their constant contradictions, as they always do and say two different things at the same time. Simply bursting at what she thinks, and she totally, totally, it means at the time, even if it does a 180 flip two seconds later. It's kind of awesome, as it has no filters, and no fear of the people to know what they are thinking and feeling at any given time, even if he gets in trouble. You'd rather be their own self and hell, who does not like when to hold in their feelings.

Then there Joon-young, of all so close to the vest maintains that it is hard to know is what he thinks, never. It is completely understandable how hard a life as he had, and be so intense in the public that he wants to protect themselves from injury keep. Although he was just a student, people wanted only for the way to be him, he sees, not because of who he was as a man. The only person he reveals his mother, and even then it is rejected again and again, so it is no wonder that he is the arrogance and contempt of the world is created this mask.

But it is also clear that underneath it all, he is deeply nourishing and emotional person. He gave up his dream and went into show business because there he was the only other option, that success had offered, but he is not really doing it because he loves it. He seems to be a very lonely existence to live differently than his friendship with Gook-young and his dog, downward pitching that part of yourself that yearns to reach other people, because every time he did he hit his hand got. So be ready for him now to achieve Eul as well as he knows how you got to be a daunting risk. It is no wonder that it seems they sometimes push away with his attitude, wanted to be near her, but fear actually get what he wants. You know he has to cry on the inside in terror knowing that his time is short and the only person he wants to spend not even aware of, but it is also clear that he did not want to be with him out of pity.

This is why I am glad Joon-young is to keep his illness in itself, but it is also difficult to fight him with his mortality alone to watch. I hope Eul comes around and give s him a true affection before she finds out that he dies, so easy, at least for a short time in Joon-young life, someone will love him, who he is.

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tags: featured, in Joo Eun, am Woo-in Joo-hwan, Kim, Suzy uncontrollable Fond

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