Recap And Reviews Kdrama Bring It On Ghost: Episode 5

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Bring It On Ghost: Episode 5 -

Familiarize yourself ready people because this ghost story both episode is frightening and tearful. Not every mind is evil, and some have only so much protection, if not more, than the living that she had been alarmed by mistake. Luckily they have a wonderful spirit Fight Team on their side, ready to do battle with the true monster, to protect both the living and the dead alike.


on a playground somewhere, a swing moves on its own, while a deep gravelly voice calling low invitation. The rockers rock, rotates the carousel and a child's voice laughs, and all the time that deep frightening voice singing, someone calls out to play. A door to a nearby apartment strikes all on its own, and we see a child big bloody handprint and to hear a little voice scream in terror.

Bong-pal makes the morning for Hyun-ji hangover soup after her drunken adventure, but do not complain really seemed that upset about it. He goes to wake her and stops when he sees how beautiful she looks, to sleep in the morning light. He shakes it off and pokes her awake and wonders how spirits even get drunk.

Hyun-ji is pleased when she hears that Bong-girlfriend her yesterday piggyback evening home and even more pleased to see that he her hangover soup , He says grumpily he had to use just a lot of bean sprouts up, but he grins when the taste makes it so obviously happy.

On the way to school. Bong-pal recieves a hilariously dorky video of Chun-sang and in rank, and a notification that they have paid for him last night ghost hunt just as promised. Hyun-ji gapes in size from Bong-pal savings, and asks why he is so stingy when it's pretty loaded into reality. Bong-buddy says he save the money for something, but he is not inclined to why to say.

The two share a seat on the bus, and at one point a pretty woman asks Bong-pal to move on, so that they can sit. He tells her that (seemingly empty) is seated, and Hyun-ji smiles at his chivalry.

Chun-sang and in rank are happy to count from the night before their sight, out to make a lot more in this way. The problem is, Bong-mate - they need him, but he is not interested in their club or in them as friends.

Bong-pal Professor (Cameo of Shim Hyung-tak ) complains about the quality of most of the students group reports - all but Bong-mate who by himself all his aced. Unfortunately, the public Professor tagged Bong-pal, so after class there is a lot of grumbling about Bong-pal. Hyun-ji overheard the students to speak ill of her friend, and grows indignant on his behalf.

But she realizes that what they say is true - he with any of the students, still not socialize walk and sit alone. Hyun-Ji asks if he is not boring to be alone all the time, but he asserts that anyway to talk to other students just about stupid things.

Hye-sung in the veterinary clinic comes with muddy shoes, and wearing the same clothes he was wearing last night. He goes into his office, with the same empty, creepy expression on his face, he wears only when and throws his dirty clothes.

Chun-sang and In-rang access Bong-mate to give him a presentation (ha, they are about as serious), her new school club called Introduction inexplicably Soondae soup. If Bong-pal threatens to walk out, it Chun-sang breaks - they'll find jobs new exorcism fighting Bong-pal spirits, and all profits

Bong-pal gives them only serious side-. Eye until they mention that they already begun to receive offers. He undertakes the ghosts to fight, but balks at their club to join - but still, the boys are excited ridiculous.

Seo-yeon finds Bong-mate (and it shields them from a cyclist who comes too close, they seem not to be seen) and asks whether he has found a partner for their final class project, and Struck Bong-pal agrees to work with her on the project. Hyun-ji scolds his easy acceptance of Seo-yeon the offer, and from a distance, Chun-sang and in rank to get an idea and watch.

Hye-Sung is on his best behavior irritating when he takes to participate and asks innocently the names of the students found that he killed the night before. We see that he (or whatever to have it) has her body under a pile of leaves left in a wooded area, but he gives no indication that he knows why they are not in class.

After class Hye-sung Bong-pal and Seo-yeon invites you to lunch to thank them for their help as his assistants. In the restaurant, Hyun-ji plunks himself belligerently next to Bong-mate, and he stops reflexive Seo-yeon to sit from there. He pretends the chair is dirty and shoves Hyun-ji, and Hyun-ji gives him a good blow to the head before poofing away.

Hye-sung seems very interesting to ask to life of Bong-pal, where he lives and where his parents are. He asks if Bong-pal has spoken lately with his father, which sets up Bong-pal hackles, and Hye-sung quickly changes the subject to school issues.

Kyung-ja finds Hyun-ji in the school campus pout, and complains that they can not find anywhere her new lover boy. Hyun-ji is also upset, wondering how Bong-pal could be so beautiful, to save on the bus their place, but then you. For Seo-yeon of a nudge

When Hyun-ji returns them to the restaurant, she stumbles on a staircase and out of nowhere, Bong-pal she hurries to catch. Hyun-ji is stunned by its proximity until they are released, and complained that he. Been searching for her He asks why she has been so spacey today, but Hyun-ji denies hot there, and they go home.

Hyun-ji can not help but mention how much Seo-yeon seemed to like Hye-sung and pointed out that it is beautiful, friendly and popular, as opposed to some people. She pulls the "There Seo-yeon over there!" Trick on him, so he counters with the words, there is something on her shoes and HAHAHA I love when they get fussy with each other.

Chun-sang and In-ranking approach Seo-yeon when alone and claimed to be close friends of Bong-mates. They feed you a sob story about her club close, and ask them to help by joining the club. She seems pretty weirded of them, but it closes may only get to squint to stop them.

Hyun-ji from nods, while still studying and Bong-pal she wakes with a cold drink on the face. He takes her by the shoulders and tells her passionate focus and study, but all Hyun-ji sees is Bong-pal face close to her. She is more interested in watching talk to hear when in fact him.

Hye-sung has somehow get ahold of a photo album of Bong-pal childhood, and he shows particular interest in an image of young Bong-mate with both his mother and father. It's the same, he was framed in his room.

Hyun-ji now sees the picture and comments on how nice Bong-pal mother, and it recognizes the shoes, which they called the same in a image wears is those Bong-buddy has in his storeroom. She apologizes for them to ask, and for a moment Bong-pal seems like he is going to say something, but he says only prove her light.

Outside Hye-sung is in the building parking lot, at Bong-pal staring window.

In another building to hear a laugh of the child, a man and his daughter wakes up as they try to sleep. The man bangs on the door of the apartment where the sounds seem original - open, so he leaves angry inward and slams the door behind him. He sees the ghostly face of a small child and hears a scream, and runs back to his own home.

Chun-sang and In-ranking Rent a car and Bong-pal apartment found building, but Bong-mate is not impressed by the scrapping premiums. It opens a window when Hyun-ji complained about the lack of air conditioning, so that they fall a little faint. The boys say that they have received request an emergency exorcism, and be there now heading.

When they arrive at the apartment building, Bong-buddy wants to go with Hyun-ji to verify the spirits unit. But Hyun-ji sees the playground and running to play on, and Bong-pal noticed a scruffy young woman on the jungle gym stairs sitting. She does not respond when a policeman comes over to scare them, and an elderly woman brings her shoes and takes them home.

Monk Myung-Chul goes to a shaman, a talisman seeks to scare a ghost that he thinks that follows him around. The shaman grumbles that he has really lost his touch when he needs something to mention, that they heard that he ran away from the enchanted inn recently.

She says that the child, who took over the job makes a quite name for himself, and Myung-Chul yelps hear that Bong-mate still doing exorcisms, after he'd promised he quit.

Bong-pal and Hyun-ji make their way to the haunted apartment, and it looks like every abandoned apartment to Bong-pal enters the nursery. There are frightening chalk drawings on the walls, the people shows to keep knives and bleeding from the eyes. The word "father" is scrawled in one corner, and a noise from the closet scares Bong-pal.

But it's just Hyun-ji silly and Bong-pal warns to be serious when they work. You will hear a laugh of the child who is in a moment of cheerful too scary, and Bong-pal opens a door to find yourself face to face with a laugh, Gap young mind.

The boy poofs away, and he leads the duo on a chase through the apartment buildings to Bong-pal finally catches him. He says the boy, it's time to go, then noticed a strange set of marks around the neck of the boy. A strange rattling Chimes near, and the boy bites Bong-pal and runs away again.

The rattles and a black mist, seem to come from a nearby door. Bong-pal winds and a blow throws, almost decking Chun-sang, who actually catches his fist in the air (then complains about how much it huuuurts , hee). Go back to Bong-pal court and present him with Seo-yeon of the completed application to their club and a blank one for Bong-pal. Of course, Bong-pal links, and Hyun-ji complained that he did it only because of Seo-yeon.

That night Bong-pal is thought the markings employed on the neck of the ghost boy, and the fear he saw in his eyes when he heard the rattling noise. He does some research and catches a taxi back to the house, ignoring Hyun-ji questions.

The building in which the little boy spirit hidden, while the creepy voice calling to him to come and play. The spirit behind him is broken and bloody, and carrying a series of buttons that rattle when he lurches the halls down, looking for the boy.

Once they are alone, Bong-pal tells Hyun-ji that the young mind is not people play awakening - his research showed that the boy was beaten by his stepfather to death. Now, even in death, he is still running from his killer away.

The killer spirit finds the little boy, and breathes a cloud of black fog him. We show that, if they were still alive, the little boy had awakened his stepfather on TV by turning while he was taking a nap, and the man dragged him to his room and beat him to death.

neighbors heard the noise, but not to call the police, even if the boy's mother, the same woman Bong-mate saw on the playground, had found their child dead. Now, half-mad, she sits on the playground every night to her baby to apologize.

Bong-pal and Hyun-ji hear when his stepfather scream mind the little boy spirit drags him into her old apartment, and takes his belt to beat the boy (ah, that is the banging noise the neighbors hear every evening). Just as the stepfather, the band throws, Bong-pal bursts and grabs his hand to kneel him in the wall punching and beside the boy.

He crouched over the boy to protect him, as the stepfather begins to whip them with his belt, he wrapped it around to Bong-pal's throat to strangle him. It is to save Hyun-ji's turn Bong-mate, and they are the stepfather a roundhouse kick to the stomach. She seems to win, but then the stepfather gets her on the floor, and luckily Bong-buddy has recovered enough to enter the battle again.

He smashes the stepfather to the ground, and the breathing of the Spirit is hollow and panting. We see his own death, as the boy's mother had attacked him and pushed him into a glass box. The broken glass had pierced his neck, cutting open his windpipe.

Now he gains his strength and attacks Bong-mate again, and Bong-pal kicks him right in the throat. He writhes and blows repeatedly, thinking of his own childhood trauma, pushed by a ghost in front of a speeding car to see his mother. Hyun-ji can see that Bong-pal is out of control, but it only protects the boy while Bong-mate hits the evil spirit weak spot, and he scattered.

Bong-pal, Hyun-Ji, and the boy go to the playground, where the boy's mother is still sitting. Somehow she sees him, and both are smiling and crying as she hugged her baby close and apologizes for not be able to save. The little boy wipes his mother's tears, and they hug again when the boy smiles Bong-mate and Hyun-ji.

Hyun-ji thinks his mother the boy remained, but Bong-pal can not speak. He remembers his own mother spirit in a playground to see, soon after her death - she had hugged him and apologized, like this boy's mother does now. Small Bong-buddy had his mother called him not to leave, but she had floated up.

Now Bong-pal turns away, and with a last smile, the little boy faded from his mother's arms. Hyun-ji followed at a short distance and Bong-pal does not seem to hear when she calls his name.

Monk Myung-Chul is doing his best to drown in Soju, and Bong-pal links him for a drink. Myung-Chul tells him that he knows that he still does exorcisms, and asks how he can stand Bong-pal mother when he dies, if he allows it. He sighs that it's his fault, if he does not, that had made mistakes ...

But Bong-pal tells Myung-Chul not worry about him - he will make him not responsible, and it is grateful that Myung-chul saved him. Myung-Chul rejects an invitation to Bong-pal place to stay, call him arrogant, "just like your father."

Hyun-ji all this is listening, and that night she watches over Bong-mate while he sleeps. She sighs on his bloody knuckles and leans gently blowing while Bong-pal dreams of children on the playground shunned him over to them. They had called him a ghost, but in his innocence he had the real ghost pointed out, to make it even more of an outsider.

He was plagued by terrifying ghosts in the night, and now, when he dreams about it, he mumbles in his sleep to go away. Hyun-ji watches sadly as a tear feel Bong-pal face, and she stretches anxious to smooth his forehead.


Oh, I liked Ghost episode of this story really. Violence against children is difficult to see, but I loved to see Bong-mate and Hyun-ji fight for someone small and weak who needed her help. And it was sweet that the boy could be any time moved on, but he stopped and tried to get his mother to see one last time. The spirit fighting duo protect him so that he will help to fulfill his last wish and go on his mother with their lives. It was a simple story, but touching and interesting as it triggered to see Bong-pal memories of his own mother one last time.

It's mostly guesswork at this point, but I think it's a pretty good bet that Hye-sung (or more specifically, the thing that will hold him) knows all about Bong-pal. I suppose he's all killed Bong-pal mother, and he knows that Bong-pal father followed him. These questions about Bong-pal family seemed terribly intrusive and suspicious, and I am happy that bong-pal not answer them. We still do not know why Bong-mate does not speak to his father, but we know that his father is looking for the thing that killed his mother, and at this point it is probably a good thing that Bong-pal hasn ' t had any contact with his father lately. If he does not know where Dad is, Hye-sung can not learn from him. And I wonder how well - Hye-sung is a man who is possessed already, or he is simply the thing itself, to take the human form? If he possessed the real Hye-sung will ever have control, or is everything thing all the time? I am very excited about the character, what he is and what his motives are.

I can see how Chun-sang and in rank are not for everyone because they are terribly silly and exaggerated, but as for me, they are to me to crack. I love their exaggerated expressions, their over-the-top emotional outbursts, and the funny sound effects that everything they do to improve. These two go a long way toward keeping Drama manhwa atmosphere, and I love it. I love their scheme for getting Bong-pal in the Club of Seo-yeon hooking and their plan for jobs for Bong-pal procurement seems pretty awesome. Bong-pal did well by itself, but seem to make the operation more and more professional, the two loons are commanding able much higher payments that will bring Bong-pal to be needed savings earlier amount to so much.

Speaking of, has the show barely mentioned why Bong-mate needs the money, but those who are familiar with the source material already know why he saves up. The show has just said he wants to "fix" his eyes, but the truth is much more dramatic than that. I will not spoil here (for the two of you who do not know yet), but suffice it to say, that he has to stop a plan spirits to see, and it is quite dramatic. I'm worried about Hyun-ji say when she learns why he needs so much money, and I'm curious how Bong-pal relationship with Hyun-ji could possibly change his mind.

Bong-pal is hard to read, when it comes to Hyun-ji - he finds it clearly both frustrating and endearing, and at least he to her presence and no longer sees any objects even for them when they are not in is nearby. But he's still with that torch for Seo-yeon, so until he can see past the pretty coed, I do not think he much to see in the way of romantic feelings for Hyun-Ji. Oh, he feels it, but I do not think that he is aware of them registered. Our favorite Spirit is feeling some pretty intense jealousy when Bong-pal paid attention to Seo-yeon, and I'm sure they already more than half in love with him. She faints visible when he does something, thoughtful, and leans up whenever he pushes them aside for Seo-yeon. Your crowd is pretty nice, and I love to see their flip-flops between emotions as the young girl she was before she was a ghost.

The show does a very good job to be entertaining with each episode, while we give a lot of teasers and hints of more to come. There are still so many unanswered questions and mysteries surrounding Bong-pal, Hyun-ji and Hye-sung, it keeps the show feel fresh and intriguing. We can spend all day thinking, long, but we really do not know much about the characters of the backgrounds and motivations, but somehow it is not feel frustrating. I honestly do not in the Bring It On, spirit expected much, unlike some funny ghost fight hijinks, but also in five episodes, I'm pleasantly surprised at how much history there is to say. The show does not hit us all at once, but to tease us with just enough that it comes to me again and again - not just because it I have my job and, but because I really want to to. ! So far so good

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Tags: Bring It On Spirit, in Kim So-hyun, Kwon Yul , Taecyeon

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