Recap And Reviews Kdrama School King of Savvy: Episode 5

Recap and reviews korean drama School King of Savvy: Episode 5 -

The rivalry has began. Min-seok and Jin-woo became officially frenemies, and they propose not to be missed when it comes to insulting each other, whether it is with a smile or a frown. The both have a point in their insults and arguments, but it is quite clear that they are not together any time soon agree. Fierce competition does not disappoint with sweet relations and Savvy . It's another beautiful episode where the characters will make more popular, new relationships bud, and keep family ties to be true.


After hearing the news of Soo-young expiring contract, min-seok place on the terrace to eat their feelings. She cries, but insists that it is because she is hungry and because of the wind. Min-seok takes his tie off, so that they can wipe her tears, but she continues to insist that she is doing well.

Infuriated, Min-seok storms in President Yoo room where team leader Kim to get some document approvals. Team leader Kim pushes the controversial Min-seok from the room and assures President Yoo that everything is in order.

But as soon as he is out of the room, team leader Kim grumbles softly Min-seok and pushes him outside. They point the finger and walk in circles, accusing each other of heinous crimes. Min-seok argues that a company can not only seek advice from an employee so, and team leader Kim calls him crazy after bursting into the room of the president and think that he actually the chief director. Obviously moved, team leader Kim warns him not to get involved in this issue, and Min-seok screams that he understands.

When Min-seok returns to the office, is gone Soo-jung. One team member tells him to leave them packed up her things, and Min-seok runs out of the building, but she misses.

When she goes out with her things, she broods over her bad luck talent: future events with dreams to predict. She remembers back when her father died, she had an unfortunate dream. Dreams told her that she would always a new low had on not planned, and it happened this time. The free-falling bungee jump dream was to be suspecting her dismissal.

Min-seok despondent looks when he comes into the office, and he realizes that Soo -Young she left moss plant. In his office, he calls and texts Soo-jung to discuss the plant, but it is too busy changing and always to bring into the arm hole of her shirt stuck her head. The medics.

When the phone rings, Min-seok jumps from his phone to check, but it's the company line. He is with the Office of the President exclaimed with Jin-woo, and they are working together to ordered project to a mall remodeling. President Yoo has great expectations, but Min-seok looks restless.

On the elevator ride down, Min-seok told Jin-woo over Soo-young dismissal. The time contract employees on Jin-woo team was not fired, so Min-seok wonders why Soo-jung was. Seemingly unaffected by the mention of Soo-jung, Jin-woo says that she was a hard-working employees and promises Min-seok to leave when he finds all open positions to know.

After Jin-woo the elevator gets out, Min-seok finds that Jin-woo not uncomfortable talking about seem Soo-young as she had said. It assumes that Jin-woo has a professional separation of work and personal life, as he is much older and more mature

As Min-seok after work goes, his friends -. Dressed in the clothes of his brother - cry and excitedly waving to him. Duk-hwan commented that she could hold a fashion show with clothing, and high Tae-seok asks if short clothes in fashion is. "No, you are unnecessarily large."

Min-seok tries to catch them with his magic company credit card, but the Retail team Women, to bribe them away. The boys look mesmerized by the ladies and block all Min-seok attempts to intervene. Upload thoughtlessly the ladies to dinner, and Min-seok looks irritated that he is once again forced to babysit.

All but Min-seok looks enthusiastically at dinner. The ladies ask where the boys work, and they make things fast. Tae-seok claimed to be a Chinese restaurant CEO, if he in fact provides only for a Chinese fast-food place. Duk-hwan claimed a fitness center to be the owner, but he is only a fitness victims hockey training. The ladies complement the boys and more food while Min-seok forcing a smile and checks for Soo-young texts.

Min-seok comes home with Soo-Young-moss plant, even to check his cell phone for her answer. He goes to his room grandfather, glasses upside down and plays to find with a hockey puck. Min-seok the puck ineptly away from him, saying that it is dangerous to play with, but Grandpa wants its Choco Pie (yum) back and continue with it.

Min-seok sets his stuff down and looks at the plant. "Hey broccoli, looks like your you unni leave. You can stay here now." He grabs a spray bottle, there is a good irrigation, and runs to play with Grandpa. Aw.

The next morning, Yoo-ah happy their comic books read, and Soo-jung her sister scolds them all the time for reading. Still recovering from surgery, relaxed Yoo-ah on the couch and read on. She tells her sister for the work to get done, and Soo-jung assured her that course she goes to work. It's not like they fired or anything was.

Yoo-ah urges of her sister, and Soo-young runs over, is to think something is terribly wrong. But they simply can not reach the next comic book in the series and can not move on the couch because of her surgical wound from her seat. Soo-jung says to stop her reading, so Yoo-ah, plays the role of a poor patient who goes her recovery risking to reach for the book. Soo-jung reluctantly agrees Yoo-ah-queries containing the next book, and two pieces of bread. Ha.

Before Soo-young leaves for "work" Yoo-ah tells her to leave their money to buy food, because they can not or will move school , Soo-young digs into her wallet and leaves most of her money before you. It goes without target and makes a little "eeny, meeny, Miny, Moe" to find out which direction to go.

Min-seok Friends conversely about how great this "female human" so yesterday. They are jealous of Min-seok, who gets to eat with them every day. Then they look at the girls in their school and express their rejection in her youth. Min-seok's had enough of their chatter and pulls them into the class. Tsk tsk.

with his friends in the loop, everything is routine. Once Min-seok name is called to participate, he sneaks out the window, adopt his friends, and the Min-seok dummy is set. Min-seok goes through the identity of an elevator to change, and he has to work.

The retail team members, whether or not brood to go cycling on the company weekend. Proceed to ask, and Assistant Park decides he does not go. He does not give his weekends for those endless trips, and the rest of the team jumping on his train.

When Min-seok arrives, they tell him about the trip, and he finds it exciting. He decides that he wants to go, and just change the rest of them their opinion of that. Before Min-seok goes to his office, he looks back on Soo-Young empty desk.

Speaking, Soo-young sitting on a bench, looking the newspaper for a new job. But she has no luck because it seems like a lot of employers do not count their temporary employment as an experience. She takes a sip from her instant Udon, and someone says that their food looks good. It is nothing more than our lovable Gramps.

She gives her food to her grandfather, and he takes it happily. He eats the rest of the noodles and asks how much it costs. Soo-jung rejects his offer to pay them, but he does it anyway. The hockey puck. He thanked the pretty unni and gets up to leave, but he can not remember where his house is. Uh-oh.

Soo-young leads Opa through the neighborhood to ask where he believes his home is. But he only asks, "Where is my house, Pretty Unni Where are you?" Fortunately, Dad finds them and thanks to Soo-jung for their kindness. As they leave, thinking Soo-jung that it recognizes Dad, but you can not seem him make too.

Min-seok is sleeping in his office fall, so he passes on the terrace. While there take a break, he overheard two employees over a rumor going around about talking Soo-young dismissal. They say that Jin-woo was the one who ordered them, and it seems that it has been specifically chosen because none of the other fixed-term contract employees were dismissed. up Min-seok and instantly dissipates on a mission.

Jin-woo is the approval of documents, and if his staff his pen stands to offer, Jin-woo instinctively out of his hands there is a knock. He takes his own pen and signed the document only as Min-seok storms.

He throws Jin-woo of Soo-young and burning as the nice guy acts, provides for them to find another position. But Jin-woo simply says he is not the culprit. He gets a call from his director and heads out without further allegations Min-seok of addressing.

Min-seok follows him to Yoon situation accuse him of first assistant manager and now this. He grabs Jin-woo arm and called him a coward to avoid the truth. Jin-woo tries to leave, but Min-seok grabs him again. That makes Jin-woo his confession screaming that he did fire. He asks why only a temporary contract employees is so important, and Min-seok answers: "That only a contract employee is important to me, you fired a member of my team, it stupid!. would be me, nothing to say. "Jin-woo tells him, but to think he wants and goes away.

While walking Soo -Young find a cafe, is in the attitude. She goes excited in, but quickly goes out again. She has rejected because their lack of experience and age. When she walks away in frustration, the Café Dame edit people aged 20 comes from its setting mark to 25 specify.

The retail and project teams for their joint planning meetings are always ready, but Min-seok doesn 't look too pleased to work with Jin-woo. During the meeting, he gives Jin-woo dirty looks and comments on how Jin-woo upgrade remodeling plan will make some traders unemployed, which is pretty selfish. Team leader Kim covers the awkwardness with a big laugh, and mentioned that Min-seok jokes always sound so serious.

all laugh at him, but Jin-woo has a comeback: he calls an amateur Min-Seok. The remodeling project has only one goal, which is to increase profits, and its upgrade will be beneficial to most traders. Min-seok commented that he still take advantage of the weak; Cowardice appears to be a trend for him. Team leader Kim tried to close it with a cookie, but Min-seok pushes the cookie in Team Leader Kim mouth instead.

Jin-woo takes him to another jab, stating that Min-seok takes everything personally and emotionally to respond with immediate opposition. He calls Min-seok childish and asks how he succeeded in Germany with his unprofessional manner.

After the meeting, the retail team rushes out the embarrassment and discomfort to discuss in this space. Assistant Park complained about how uncomfortable it is for them, and Jin-woo overhears their conversations but looks pretty pleased with how he goes away.

Min-seok looks Schmoll as team leader Kim Rauch about his behavior at the meeting. He asks the reasons for his behavior Min-Seok and Min-seok answers that he should have had a better comeback Jin-woo, the last statement. Team leader Kim reminds him to do nothing and say nothing at work, so Min-seok goes away, screaming that he, by going to disappear on hockey practice.

As Min-seok runs to catch the elevator, Jin-woo comes in and pushes the button quickly to close the door. The elevator closes as Min-seok to it gets, and he starts cursing. He had enough and starts to lift his profanity rant screaming so Jin-woo hear him loud and clear. Haha.

Min-seok lets his anger out at hockey practice, certainly shows a performance with the resistance bands. The coach looks impressed and tells him to try harder, which is in Min-seok leads running away in the resistance bands and his partner, Duk-hwan, dragged through the mud before he lets go.

still angry, Min-seok comes to his neighborhood and seems upset that Soo-jung has not yet responded. He calls them as they rounded the corner, he sits down with her to avoid his calls. She is surprised to see him in close so early, and Min-seok goes along with their assumption that he trains.

He asks how it was her, and she assures him that she is doing well. "I have eaten well, sleep well, and of pooling ..." And it is that it has been hired at a very good spot, in which the work is fun and comfortable. It runs in a hurry and Min-seok late wonders what to do with broccoli.

The good and fun at work ends up as the local convenience store where Soo-young-boxing moves. Min-seok barges into the shop and move the boxes for them. He notes that the work is indeed comfortable and sweeps over their terrible taste in men, especially that with two faces. He orders her to prepare some instant ramen, and she does not like that.

During Min-seok his ramen, Soo-young enjoys rings up a customer who completely distracted by her dog. The customer claimed that it was given incorrect change. It starts to get belligerent and Min-seok takes his phone to take the scene. The customer ends up slapping Soo-young, but Min-seok has everything on camera.

He to go to customers and to keep for at suggestions that the video asks asks to be called. He gives her the choice to apologize or to hold on to blackmail material is added. Confused, she apologizes to Soo-jung and leaves. Min-seok asks Soo-young, if she's okay, but she looks back and asks him to leave. He is still a while before charging and eventually leaves.

On his way back, Min-seok gets a call from Yoo-ah, who assures him that they also recovered from her appendectomy. He does not tell her to move and worsen their surgical wound that exactly what Soo-young told her. Yoo-ah adds that they are on their scar much ointment is the application and says Min-Seok not be surprised when he sees it later. HA.

Min-seok frowns, asking why he would see it later, and hangs up. Yoo-ah finds Min-seok embarrassment nice and goes for some food in the kitchen over. She finds Soo-young company card and then down looking at her field of classified information. confirms your suspicions, as she calls the Retail Team; her sister lost her job.

Soo-young her shift ended up, and Min-seok precisely follows her. He has to buy a couple of beers, but she refuses and goes. He continues to follow her, offering to buy their popcorn or spicy food. She refuses them all, so Min-seok with another way it comes cheer.

He borrows Tae-seok delivery motorcycle and tells Soo-jung to hopping. She doubts that her by feel in better, but the next thing we know, she's having a blast. Both enjoy the ride through the city lights, all curse during these rough customer. Soo-young cries a compliment: "You're a little ... a little sweet." And Min-seok returns the favor, "You're a little ... a little stupid." Haha. It's a sweet and vulgar moment.

to stop by the river, where Soo-young to admit refreshed. Min-seok asks if she wants to try to ride alone, and although she initially rejects, she decides to give it a try. Few seconds on the bike, Soo-jung, and Min-seok jumps in her fall to catch. While getting up, she elbows him (ouch), and shows him her injury. He tells her that she will not die and go.

While playing with the bike on foot, she thanked him for the ride and said that the wind and the speed felt really refreshing. She also says that Min-seok was quite unique as chief director. He was different, fun and a bit childish.

He keeps them there and back riding the bicycle. She screams at him that he is a good person, and Min-seok keeps, recalled that he has forgotten to mention the moss plant. He shrugs it off and drives away.

When Soo-jung returns home, she finds everything clean. From their reaction, it is completely abnormal to clean for Yoo-ah, and it presumes Yoo-ah in a glitch ran. Yoo-ah assures her that nothing is wrong, but Soo-jung can not believe it. The bathroom is clean and the laundry is finished. Downright rude.

asleep When Soo-jung, Yoo-ah gets up to cover her sister with the ceiling, they do not ask stupid to tell about the work. You fall asleep hugging each true sisterly fashion.

Min-seok is early the next morning, ready to go to work. Dad sticks his finger in Min-seok's big yawn and asks why he is so early in the weekend. Min-seok is that he has training Hockey and heads to his room where grandpa waving his hands over broccoli. He wants to give it to rightly Unni, but Min-seok, it snatches away from him and stated that it already has an owner.

Min-seok notes quite Unni must be really pretty, see Opas reddening face at the mention of her. Grandpa tries to take on the system again, but Min-seok will not let him, so he goes mad out of the room.

Soo-young pulling a face on the puck, that Grandpa gave her, and Yoo- ah asks where she got from the ice hockey puck. Just like grandpa, Soo-jung thinks that the puck as Choco Pie looks. Yoo-ah tells her sister to come for breakfast, but Soo-jung keeps on. What did she do wrong? Was it a big accident? Yoo-ah assures her that nothing is wrong, but Soo-jung concludes that they have made an appointment for double eyelid surgery, and refused to believe that they only cleaned without reason.

The Comfo employees have collected bike ride in their biking gear for your weekend. Director Nam commented that Director Han looks like a large fly in tights, I have to admit, a fairly accurate description. Team leader Kim comes, and Director Han expresses his betrayal, seeing that he did not dress in tight clothes Radler she had promised to bear. Now he is the only fly in tights Group.

Min-seok and Jin-woo coming, both to give each other looks, and President Yoo welcomes the group. For whichever team wins, he has to pay for a team dinner. The group cheered, and they're gone!

Most of the group for obvious reasons remains behind President Yoo, but a sales staff clearly gives him the memo missing. Min-seok and Jin-woo to ask before racing away. Both try to stumble and provoke each other, but it looks quite playful in comparison to the intensity of the meeting room. None losing in sports, Min-seok race before and is waiting at the finish line with ice cream for everyone, even the vile Jin-woo.

The cycling tour ends with a meal. Jin-woo and Min-seok sitting side by side at the end to exchange glances of hatred. President Yoo Min-seok Awards with money for a team dinner and supplemented his all-round talent. Min-seok accepts the compliment and will take a moment until now Jin-woo is inferior bike skills.

team leader Kim sees bitter retail team member who beat the third president Yoo. He seems proud, but chokes on his food, as president Yoo his disappointment at.

As Min-seok comes out of the bathroom, he runs into Jin-woo, who commented again on his childish tendencies. He asks why Min-seok as Soo-young dismissal is appropriate; it did not matter. Min-seok looks of Jin-woo is disturbed with two faces nature and argues that the employees are like family. Jin-woo takes its binding to Soo-young as affection and says Soo-jung for seducing men has a great talent.

This is enough to get physical for Min-seok. He headbutt Jin-woo, in turn, throws a punch. They get into a fight, while the rest of the company members enjoy their drunken state. The battle is finally broken by restaurant staff, and pulled them apart, while adjusting to throw.

Min-seok watches Soo-young from outside the convenience store and thinks back to Jin-woo words. He sighs and goes away with conflicting feelings. Or should I say conflict pheromones?

The next day at work, Min-seok and Jin-woo run into each other in front of the elevators. Min-seok has a split lip and Jin-woo has a bandaged chin. President Yoo approaches them and noticed her injuries, but they both give different excuses for them. On the elevator ride, President Yoo asks for updates on their common remodeling project, and they both sarcastic note that they have much to learn from each other.

As Min-seok goes to his office, he hears someone shouted, "Secretary Hwang!" He pauses and a light bulb goes off. He rushes to Soo-Young's part-time job and takes it with him back to the office.

The project and retail teams waiting for Min-seok, and how about to start the meeting without him, he runs with Soo-young in. Overlooking Jin-woo, he presents his new secretary: Jung Soo-jung.


Once again a round of applause for this show. Nothing in the action is also surprising, but still manages to get a good dose of fun from the series. It's pretty impressive that all the characters manage to grab a portion of the spotlight, and I realized that I was to see me on how the minor characters Mark begin to look for their roles. I'm always very attached to the drama as a whole, which is a very good thing when you left to get so much more.

I am glad that we got a better perspective on Yoo-ah, because although it's nice aside as Min-seok stalker girlfriend was pushed type. We have seen dynamic advance where Yoo-ah and Soo-jung seem to compensate for these sister each other, but this time we will see why Yoo-ah side of the scale is so important. Most of the time it is that immature high school nurse, but she knows what to do when Soo-jung she needs. This may mean, can not handle out of the character and of cleaning the whole house, but nothing a little sisterly love to be, right? I love how Soo-jung automatically think the worst when she looks the role of her sister. Cleaning? Make breakfast? You must have done something terribly wrong. Ha. As the older sister, Soo-young obviously takes care of Yoo-ah, but we see that Yoo-ah does the same. It goes both ways.

But Min-Seok steals the show with his uniquely immortal loyalty to the family. Whether it is his family home or his work family, he has left her. Jin-woo has appropriately pointed out that Min-seok is naive and childish, but that is what gives its charm Min-Seok. Unlike the jaded Jin-woo, Min-seok keeps to his ideals about family and does not intend to enter into the harsh realities of life. He has a conviction about his values ​​and persistently fights for what he believes is right. It seems out of place in an environment like Comfo, but there is nothing extraordinary. Youth gives him a passionate belief that all he cares about is important, and that's where he and Jin-woo clash.

Judging from his relationship with his father, Jin-woo does not seem to consider the idea of ​​the family too expensive to his heart. He has immersed himself in the business world and are almost too realistic for its own good. The cynicism he expresses himself clearly in his upbringing is rooted, and at some points during his confrontation with Min-seok, I began sorry for him to feel, because it seemed almost as if he were a concept contrary he never understood and never had: Family. I hope he comes that by the end understand, perhaps bromance through a little? I saw this potential during the bike race. They are still enemies, but Jin-woo smiled and enjoying themselves.

I thought it was interesting, Min-seok to see reactions to be too childish and childlike called. Even if he is younger, Min-seok does not seem to like these expressions. It's almost like he wants, with the big kids grow up and play, but he's just not mentally there yet. He does not necessarily fit with his high school friends either (or more), as it seems like he is always the responsible one. For for high school responsible, too childish for work, Min-seok is just stuck in a strange limbo.

And I think his confused state to its growing and conflicting feelings about Soo-young contributes. He cares obvious to them, as a friend, a neighbor, and as a retail team member of the family. It is definitely for them too young, but they are compatible. They enjoy each other's company (most of the time), and at least, their growing friendship is great to watch. I want to love a friend on a motorcycle that would take me for a ride on my bad days and curse those who ruined my day. This is a real homie right there

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