Recap And Reviews Kdrama Iron Man: Episode 1

Recap and reviews korean drama Iron Man: Episode 1 -

When advertising materials you failed enough for one of the most bizarre firsts always prep the ether grace, then as an indication take this your loins- Iron man gird , latest addition to the sparse Wednesday-Thursday lineup KBS, has much going. And surprisingly, it's not just that the hero of the story sprouts much of blades, but because his pain has the power to change the world. Literally. I could not do when I tried it, but now I really want to meet the person who did.

Reviews have, Iron Man with 6.6% premiered last. Competitors My spring days started out with 8.1%, while It's okay, it's love 's penultimate episode took the lead with 11.4%.


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The sun rises on a spacious, modern villa on top of a well-perched neat hill. inside is a television remote beaten against a staircase corner until it breaks, while other household furniture are slashed in half by invisible knives.

Outside begins to rain. a tree is cut cleanly in the half, as the raindrops. We seem uncertain to see the world from the perspective of someone on his feet, suddenly find themselves on the back while lying rain ...


the next morning, the head maid of the house, back episodes with MADAM YOON ( Lee Mi-Sook ) cursed terrible luck the "Master" of the budget started. Could this before in connection with the destruction of the night?

she goes to the master bedroom, just SECRETARY GO ( Han Jung-soo ) to leave to find it. As is clear that Secretary walking she does not want to enter the room, Ms. Yoon making enough fuss about how would the Master do not want to miss his breakfast that he finally moved out of the way.

When they reached the inner door, they alerted the "Chairman" that they would be taking in. Inside, she finds our hero (?), Joo HONG BIN ( Lee Dong-wook ) stretched out on his bed. He opens his eyes at first, but sniffs the air like an animal.

Hong-bin suddenly rises and says Ms. Yoon to move back. It does, but it ends anyway in their personal space to her in the eye and bluntly ask why they this morning is particularly submissive with her words to be.

Apparently afraid of him, Mrs Yoon quickly for whatever they apologized upset did him and explains it away than to be due to nervousness. But due to the Hong-bin being shockingly keen sense of smell, he is capable of everything to see it this morning in the mouth until the trademarks of their toothpaste and taste her mouthwash.

And because of the same sense of smell, he knows exactly what food his army of girls down the stairs, and even prepares an ingredient that has gone bad. Ms. Yoon reacted with alarm and disbelief, at least until they can confirm that he was right jar closed on being spoiled food.

While looking for something to wear holding, Hong-bin shirts, the unattractive smell him from this or that reason imperceptible to raise the normal nose, but Secretary Go shows to superhuman abilities when he catches a hanger throws Hong-bin directory.

go after chewing secretary for his poor choice in skin products, Hong-bin growls later to be super lately sensitive about his sense of smell to himself. He does not seem to understand why.

Hong-bin proves to be tempered as rough, where he suggests that a change in its product line a few employees at work. He also seems quite to himself happy when he is playing with a laptop at one of their heads (there goes the CG budget), and while their cries be heard from inside, secretary Go makes quiet a call to arrange for the room to be repaired and the broken electronics replaced. It's almost like he has done especially.

To say that what follows is a trip to Crazy Town with Hong-bin as mayor would be an understatement, but here goes: after further beatings to his staff for their inability Hong-bin makes a hasty speech is administered over how he detests people who can not do their job, before the subject in his eyes shift, the suddenly feel as if they were burning out of his skull ,

But then psych ! He threatens the employee that he would gouge out his eyeballs out and use them as balls against them bowling, provided that they submit their letter of resignation immediately. The two employees commiserate after her boss leaves to be sworn that they will not be fired because they leave . For the record, I have no idea what's going on.

While being chauffeured home from Secretary Go and other indentured servant, Hong-bin crabbily assumed that the two sleep together, because they he both like the same , smell terrible skin product can not stand. After he takes the two of them and decides to go home, bicker Secretary Go and chauffeur him go expensive product to steal.

Hong-bin hears the news on the drive home to hear a strange account of a number of trees that are in the middle and cut down, there is not even a single case, either. The same incident occurred two weeks ago on a similar rainy night like last night, the police to believe that it is the work of a madman.

We meet our heroine, SON SE-DONG ( Shin Se-kyung , its role as Shin Se Kyung reprising) from entering her apartment when she physically blocking angry host, while her innocence she does not protest men were allowed to live in their homes definitely in terms of .

a slow pan of the interior is a literal harem of boys out of the window sneak while outdoors, Se-dong continued to argue that her mother did not raise it that way.

And maybe would her landlord they believed if they do not for a harem boy who makes a ruckus when he tried to pick up their shoes out of the closet, so that they all escape. Fortunately for Se-dong, by the time her landlord burst past her, the apartment is testosterone free.

But if Se-dong can not avoid the window staring out after realizing the boys were hiding on the ledge, her landlord runs head to belch, to catch in the hope it. The boys flatten himself against the wall to remain unseen while Se-dong quickly closes a closet door, one of the boys huddled inside.

Once her landlord leaves, it heralds the harem boy under the cabinet come out ... just for him to cry he that can not, because he physically stucco.

So it goes the rest of the boys to pack, and collectively all they put her back in her comrades to liberate. Because of the noise, Se-dong does not realize that her landlord has reentered, and is caught in the act.

While a man we will come to know how SEUNG-hwan (played by Shin Seung-hwan , the lost the name Lottery I suspect) runs to the hospital after the bus is missing, Hong-bin forced the two employees to visit he put it.

the smell of the room bothers him so much that he stands by the door, while Secretary Hands promotion messages to the wounded men, to keep them calm and happy to go out. Ha, I love although Secretary Go deadpan congratulatory applause.

Suddenly Hong-bin hears voices from the next room, the sound like Se-dong and their harems strange. He stops in front of the curtain with tears in his eyes, only to hear.

And it has proven to Se-dong and their harems behind the curtain to be because the boy who slipped under the kitchen sink sporting now a back support all of them to scribble on now.

But Hong-bin thinks he hears someone else, a "Tae-hee" is said, as he pulls back the curtain in influencing emotional slo-mo ...

Seung-hwan shoves his way past Hong-bin, and no one else seems to be there, it should be noted, as Se-dong their way past him pushing leave. Hong-bin close to his eyes when he realizes Se-dong fragrance (never thought I would write this sentence), the one bearing Montage of different flowers prompted, fruit, sugar, spice and everything nice.

On the flip side, when Seung-hwan runs after her, Hong-bin interpreted his scent through the images of garbage and filth. go

Seung-hwan Se-dong from talking to the man who tries bought their company, although they returned, but the intellectual property he bought it do not want the actual company. I suspect this has something to do to be with her an artist since the "Monstro" what keeps noise to mention as a character or the title of a game.

Regardless, she thinks that getting whatever-it-is save boys from the Harem beaten up again, as they were today, although Seung -Hwan tried to tell her that the CEO, which they bought from, Joo Hong-bin (ring a bell?), is a devil so too much, so that not even a picture of him can be found on the Internet. been

He can not change their minds, but hardly does seconds dong leave that Hong-bin on the entire conversation listen reveals. He calls secretary Go ask him if he really looks like a devil, can threaten in front of his faithful servants with death if he him not to pick up and get him to the company before Se-dong comes via bus.

Secretary Go proves that it was a use for the "Two trains that each a speed of 30 km / h ..." question that we all in the elementary mathematics class endured when he calculated the rate they would need to go get it faster than Se-dong.

but in their haste, they collide into another car when an occupant Secretary only recognizes not go, but also respected by calling him "Elder." the man goes over to Hong-bin, which is in the back seat but everything hyperventilate when he ticks down winding of the clock thinking, and threatening knocking on the glass.

Se-dong is deflected from its travel when Seung-hwan calls with bad news: someone we called not know him to flee someone else in the States we do not know to buy a ticket. Whoever it is, it has to stop him.

Hong-bin does not want the elderly to recognize them meet, even if they all history together, but seem to have, if wants older an apology, Hong -bin vault superhuman about the car in an output of agility for his chauffeur square in the chest, to get as punishment not apologizing to do it .

, it is very clear that Hong-bin anger has little to do about excuses by car accident and more to do with whatever-it- is between him and the elderly.

But when he all but foaming at the mouth about the situation, begin to form storm clouds, causing him to urge Secretary Go to calm down. WaitAMinute ... so rain in this show is not the full moon after Hong-bin of the werewolf, Hong-bin mood can actually control the weather? He's Wolverine and storm?

When Hong-bin grows angrier that the elder not apologized to him, secretary Go hoists him over his shoulder and begins the road ran. Storm clouds continue to brew overhead unit as secretary Go to a halt, to the sound of something-like-but-not-necessarily-bone fracture.

He goes on regardless and landfills Hong-bin in a wrestling ring. Knowing the impact when Hong-bin were to cause a storm, he asks Hong-bin to let his frustrations out on him , essentially a punching bag for Hong-bin are superhuman strikes.

Real Talk but I do not know if this is to be a supernatural struggle or if it is just an exaggerated one. At the moment I am quite sure that Hong-bin is an association of each character of The Avengers , although it is inferior got anger management problems than the character famous for anger management issues.

During blow after blow to take, Secretary Go ekes out that Se-dong from now should be in the company, the Hong-bin, at least causes a break when he tenderly recalls her scent. But then he goes right back to beat the crap out of his secretary.

Se-dong is not in the company, when they their sunbae from when he tried to flee to the United States. She's hurt and betrayed by him on her running out, especially because it mean she would with the repayment of the loan she took for their company.

After their saddles, they are this [1945015NähezumErfolg] for whatever it is that they do it (video games?), But her sunbae does not care about the details to listen and tries to her to walk past. Se-dong is loud, sobbing hysterically as he runs away after her company for sale, is not enough to stop him.

Hong-bin has a different reason to be angry when he makes it his business to find out never shown Se-dong, as it is busy chasing her sunbae at the airport down.

as their sunbae is the one who sold them out to Hong-bin, Hong-bin calls him directly about the circumstances of asking around the past-he knows that the man did not consult with the rest of his employees before the deal was made.

your sunbae who talk currently in an airport caught bathroom with Seung-hwan in front of the stable, does not care about the shady deal, since it already, from him money benefits. But that makes Hong'm angry, and he literally has a "You will not like me when I'm angry" moment.

A grumpy-looking woman in every jewel dressed it has lands with a young boys, they seem to hate, and sends him alone in the bathroom of the men.

Seung-hwan noticed that the boy did not even know how he draw his own zipper down and helps while outdoors, gangsters come the ajumma bedazzled hunt.

in the process and hand to God, I'm not stumbling out-one of them on a piece of luggage and go towards Se-dong with grabby hands outstretched against the chest fly. Then they are frozen in this position, because the camera around them pan a full 360 degree slo-mo completed in this drama version of sword and flower 's version of the head down Spiderman Kiss , (It's the same PD. Sorry.)

The moment ends when Se-dong slaps the Gangster scream bloody murder. Then she throws it on the floor before yelling something more.

Then she says Seung-hwan that the man who touched her breast, so Seung-hwan can start to shout at the man, all while Se-dong her howling shrill on. Okay, that's it. I tried. This show is f * cking crazy for me. get brought

Se-dong, Seung-hwan and the random gangster to the airport police station where she asks her sexual harassment case to the gangster is carted. Only then will they remember pursued their sunbae, but it's too late, he's probably on his way to America now.

Just as they leave, a woman reported the boy Seung-hwan helped in the bathroom as lost. The boy is not comforted by the sight of the officer and crying because she where policemen and abandonment reminds him problems triggered by a seizure series of flashbacks.

Se-dong steps to calm the boy, but hardly try she has to leave him with the officer when he stopped he cries again starts up.

In a ball-shaped space suspended from the ceiling, flips Hong-bin by images of the woman he thought he smelled earlier. (Ah, so that's why he Se-dong followed.) It will flash to be with her back when his father / the elderly out of the car accident, JOO Jang-WON ( Kim Gab-soo ) faced they too poor to be of his high-born son.

of memory makes Hong'm angry, and the angrier he gets, the more are the lights begin to flicker like a storm begins to brew outside. Secretary Go has only heard a crack of thunder is something terribly wrong with knowing Hong-bin, and hurries to join him.

Hong-bin grits his teeth as blade legitimate metal blades of different lengths sprout from his back like a porcupine. And when he out there in the rain with his new weaponized back stalks, whole parts of the city electricity from the power of his anger loose.

But then he suddenly loses consciousness and falls like a sack of potatoes on someone's roof somewhere.

Ms. Yoon gets a call from the woman blinded from the airport claims that the six-year-old boy she brought with her son of Hong-bin. The lover he can not forget, Kim Tae-hee, the boy's mother is. But the woman can not stay on the line, more to say, because it has killed for [insert reason here] is.

Hong woke up in his own bed, blade-free, thanks to Secretary Go. It seems as if he can not know about being a Tim Burton nightmare as he tells the lie secretary Go believes him of how he fell asleep in the office with a slight fever.

The first thing he requires is Se-dong, which was somehow allowed out of the airport to take the unclaimed boys (possibly his son) home. When she wears the sleeping child on her back, she calls her sunbae to say that Hong-bin will meet with her.

Because they do not know what Hong-bin looks, she does not recognize him outside their house stood. He detects less from the eyes and more by the smell, is it so pleasant that it is closer to his nose closes his eyes and cups of air to breathe it in to. Because what he smells not only their natural pheromones, it's their breath , as evidenced by several close-ups of her mouth breathing.

Se-dong just stares at the man, who asked for her by her name, now ready, on one leg-the better they smell with.


Usually when I like I do not feel observed something as much as experienced , it is the connotation generally positive. To experience rather than just witness something it mean must that everything is the thing carries a kind of inherent value in comparison to something easy to digest and forget.

And while I still think that I came to realize that an "experience" with a litter of puppies can play the way you can get robbed "experience" at gunpoint that both events bound are to leave an imprint. What's pretty much where I am at with Iron Man -in any universe I would argue that it was time well spent, but a show that is this out of his mind from the starting gate? A show that looked set to the already ground-level bar for insanity of Dr. Jin , said to himself: "can I do better", and dug an it puts the lotion-on-its-skin-or-else-it-gets-the-hose-back hole solely for the purpose lowering the bar? The only has to be worth something. We must learn from it.

That being said, and to know that produced this episode, directed and acted by several people several opportunities had to put up with the script, I'm willing to accept that it might totally an audience for this show, and I'm not easy. But there is also the chance that there really not a perfect audience waiting to consume twenty Hours Iron Man , not because the premise is so far-fetched as it is, but because a large majority of the moments that begged to be taken were rather seriously unintentionally funny.

It does not help that there that clearly should be everywhere, comedic sets beats only blurs the line between when we are supposedly from laughing if we do not , I definitely do not think that one is good sign when I know that I the opposite reaction to the intended effect, as the broad, slapstick-y moments fell flat part of moments in comparison that tries for poignancy and failed so very, very spectacular.

To be fair, while I break a rule, would try what worked out, which was not the case, this premiere as early misstepped and so often, that I would not even know where to to start. It's a shame when you work, PD Kim Yong-soo body which consider while gradually from unforgettably brilliant White Christmas go for unforgettably confused sword and flower always has a had distinct visual style I have always had a preference for. Yes, sword and flower was also a failure of conception, but it at least tries to compensate for its lack of substance with style.

What that in any way to say a good thing, because it was not not. But since I have seen and recapped the last three plays from this director, I can say that Iron Man feels most attenuated visually, so much so that it lacks a distinctive flavor. Well, apart from the fact that it has a hero, the metal blades growing out of his back, when he's angry. And the one who controls apparently the weather with his mood. And bothers entire sections of mains Seoul. And smelling breath to learn their life stories people. and has no idea that he was doing most of these things.

I like to feel so is a belabored point now, but it bears repeating when shows like this happen: If you have a world even remotely mystical than the establishment we currently live, you need to define rules. Without it, we are as good as lost, and it is not even know how this show is a predetermined fantasy lore based off as we expect from vampires, ghosts, or even time travel. The premise of this show is just too specific to the only story in popular culture, where a man has the power to grow metal blades from his body, and I just really, really hope that it comes to to be a reason for growing Hong-bin blade skills that are not only based on the writer affinity for Hugh Jackman. For real.

So if you a hero with all these unspeakable magical powers have (there is a drought, when he distracted?), It makes logical sense to have the heroine, who just be a man of Lois Lane at the alarming-conformist hero Clark Kent. What happened instead was the feeling that I observed two different dramas melodrama with Hong-bin and his Thor / Hulk / Wolverine / storm skills and a romcom with Se-dong and lovably scruffy flower boys who they live with. Both were complete dramas in their own right, especially since this is overstuffed with existing character pasts and issues we were only let in hardly over. For heaven's sake, Se-dong accepted unofficially a tiny people. If not done a sixteen episode drama for TVN, I do not know what is

But trying cohesive to combine these two very different worlds in a credible whole raises the question:.? Why And: No, seriously, why At the end of the day I think it is better to have too much to explore as too little, even if I do this first has been the best trip can say? Confidence booster. I'll be watching for such an unusual premise out of curiosity, so if Iron Man somehow pulls itself together and get to this point, where it can be taken seriously, it will have earned praise that his comes way. I would just not on my breath that you hold.

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tags: featured, first episodes, Han Jung-soo, Iron Man, Lee Dong-wook, Shin Se-kyung

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