Recap And Reviews Kdrama Three days: Episode 6

Recap and reviews korean drama Three days: Episode 6 -

Following the climatic Events Episode 5, this episode feels like a new beginning for the series. The President has been found and defeated a bad guy, but we have only scratched the surface, with many questions yet to be answered. Although three days continue to be in new directions heading an action-packed hour that all attempts to predict against his course.


March 7 05:30 , 33 hours, 30 minutes after the sniping.

Cha-young to the tennis court gates examined in the presidential villa. If the shooter was stationed in the Villa, the door had opened to allow a clear shot. But in their interrogation at the end of Episode 5, Cha-young was told that the gates closed at the time of the shooting.

out, from the gate to the office. Seven minutes. Although Ham could have made it in 5 minutes, it would still not be fast enough. The blackout and the shooting was almost simultaneously. There is only one possible answer. Ham had an accomplice on the tennis court gate - someone else from within the Secret Service

Meanwhile, President Lee is just its meeting to leave the hotel, accompanied by his usual entourage. He has some instructions for Secretary Shin regarding the investigation into the incident. NIS and the police should be excluded. Shin should only people use them by the prosecution for the investigation team can trust.

as Cha-young desperately trying to call someone to tell them what they thought is out, Secretary Shin checked his phone: no signal. He keeps forgetting that mobile phones do not get reception around the president. (That's some fancy tech, but what sense does it?)

Over has the Team Leader Ham home, Tae-Kyung is the same problem as Cha-young. Somebody better answer her phone soon because Tae-Kyung seems to have the complicity identified. Agents Hwang Yoon-Jae is in the old photo of Ham and his army friends and - uh-oh -. He's on a lift with the President now

A rapid series of flashbacks show that agents Hwang was apparently for the incident at Yangjinri 1998 team leader Ham was not the only survivor of the restaurant shooting.

in the elevator agent Hwang touched his sidearm and looked at the President. A voice comes over the radio: The elevator is broken and will stop on the third floor. Hwang feels that something is wrong.

, the lights go out, and it's now or never. Hwang opened fire on the president, but make the other agents immediately a wall between the rogue agent and his victim. He manages to take a few agents before find themselves pinned to the ground.

The elevator doors open and the president has rushed for safety. Hwang yells: "I have to kill him!" He is so desperate and determined what I almost feel bad for him. But not entirely.

In the conference room, Chairman Kim and businesses are disappointed to hear that agents Hwang was unsuccessful. They hope that he will be able to keep his mouth shut. When he realizes they have used him, all bets are off.

Tae-Kyung gets a call phone to help him, recommending agent Hwang stop. (I knew elevator malfunction was not an accident.) He sees some papers under bookshelf ham hidden. On closer inspection, it is none other than the infamous document, confidential 98.

The sun rises on a nation in chaos. President Lee's involvement in the incident Yangjinri has everyone in an uproar. As the President's motorcade returned to the Blue House are lining demonstrators upwards. They surrounded the car of the president, fists banging on the windows, until finally subdued by security.

The Blue House staff welcomed the President and begins spinning options for mitigation. Against their advice, the President will immediately call a press conference.

When an emergency press conference, Minister Shin deflects questions about the Yangjinri allegations. There is a thorough investigation of the matter and the results of the investigation will be made available to the public unconditionally.

Shin goes to the details of the attack on Cheongsoodae to announce. This new, juicy story succeeds, the press, the attention away from the revelations Yangjinri on power.

alone in his office, the President recalls a confrontation with Chairman Kim years. The news broke just about the number of deaths at Yangjinri and the future president is in a rage, Kim tossed around the office. Kim explains what went wrong: The North Korean submarine failed and had to dock. Both sides began for fear of fire. Kim can not be blamed for the held, is not it?

Lee intends to face up to and the authorities recommends that Kim either do the same or to throw a window. Kim comes up with a third alternative. If he really wants to make things right, Lee should become president. "Take the Blue House" Kim tells him "and change the future." And you would not know, Lee seems intrigued by the idea.

Back to the present, President Lee vows that he is his past troubleshoot. His private moment is interrupted by a knock on the door. Secretary Shin is ready to announce the lineup for the special investigation team. The team will be led by Prosecutor Gu Ja-gwang. He is by representatives of the police, the security department, Secret Service and the Blue House.

are connected

As the investigation unit mounted, we see that Cha -Young is among them. The team has decided that the source of the EMP determine is their primary goal.

Chairman Kim cronies are angry when they find out that none of its people were taken to the investigation team. You just have to trust that team leader Ham and agents Hwang will be blamed. Kim warns that investigators must not be allowed to discover the true source of the EMP bomb.

, which may be easier said than done, because Cha-jung has an ace up its sleeve. She tells the team that they know of an eyewitness to the EMP blast -. Officer Yoon Bo-won

But Bo-won is busy with their own investigation. She gets a call from an eyewitness of the accident that killed Tae-Kyung father. It takes the caller address down and informs the meeting with him.

But perhaps it would be better to take their time, because something is not sitting on the guy at the other end of the call right with me. Maybe it's the lizard tattoo on hand. Or maybe it's written on the wall behind him the picture of Tae-Kyung father. And we certainly can not ignore the fact that the call will be monitored by the bombers last on the train saw in Episode 4 (It looks like he is upgraded to contact lenses because the thick frame are gone.)

Cha-young and Choi prosecutor at the same time arrive agents Hwang to take in for questioning. She recalls Choi that the special investigation is the first serving.

But they are not the only ones who are looking for answers. Tae-Kyung takes barrels through the hall, in the interrogation room door past the officers pushing and be locked inside with Hwang.

Tae-Kyung knowing receivables who the confidential 98 document was leader Ham the team. Were they trying to kill him to get the president? Hwang refuses to answer, and suggests that Tae-Kyung is just trying to deny the accuracy of the confidential, 98, because it his father brings. But it is lower than that for Tae-Kyung. He thought that he was right when he killed Ham. But if Ham was only used by someone else, then he has something really do?

Korea slowest policeman finally stumbles his way through the hallway with the keys in the interrogation room. The officers broke into the room and separate the two. Cha-young leaves with agents Hwang Tae Kyung despite asking for help. Officials try to drag Tae-Kyung away, but he slips easily out of their bowl and is on the run again.

Outside Cha-jung and Hwang agents besieged by a mob of protesters and journalists looking for answers. Tae-Kyung looks up and thinks back to his training. In a crowd, he was taught to always look at the hands. If someone is reaching for a gun or a bomb on the road, it always starts with a gesture.

Tae-Kyung works in the mob, scanning the hands. He sees exactly what he feared - a masked man in the crowd pulls a knife. He cries out for Cha-young for help, but none of them shall be pushed to the position by the mass of people.

The amount ejects a murmur to reveal farewell in the neck Hwang with a gaping wound. Tae-Kyung crying out for help, but it's too late. Within moments Agent Hwang's dead on the pavement, along with our hero's best chance to find out who's pulling the strings.

The masked killer, now has slipped into an alley. The distinctive lizard tattoo on hand identified him as the false witnesses Bo-won said. He makes a call on his cell phone: "Target eliminated."

to fulfill At the other end of the phone, the Assassin mate prepares for his part of the plan. It should be completed shortly; Bo-won has just arrived.

Tae-Kyung has a sickening realization. Someone kills any witnesses. This means that Bo-won is in danger. Cha-young phones Bo-won station and learns that they take an hour ago left with a witness. Tae-Kyung and Cha-young shares the same thought: it is a case of

Bo-won is the Grand Mall in search of the place of the meeting up. She pushes in a mall employee (literally), they find the place helps: a free warehouse, empty except for rows of naked mannequins, staring at her - creeeepy. As she goes through the store, the assassin she watches from behind the mannequins.

is help as Tae-Kyung and Cha-young race to the mall on the way. How do they know where to go? The Grand Mall is a great place, so they share for Bo-won looking upward. (Please hurry!)

Bo-won feels the bombers behind her. You unholsters carefully her gun, then spins around quickly, to surprise him. But he's faster on the draw and fired her in the chest, knocking her flat on the ground, reeling in pain. That's not a flesh wound. Did we lose our only Bo-won?

The assassin takes for another shot aim, but before he can pull the trigger to open the elevator door. Tae-Kyung is on there and fight. He Full concerned with the assassin, and together they go sailing through a glass window, tumbling down to a lower level of the store.

thrown with the gun out of reach, they come to each other flying with fists. Tae-Kyung quickly gaining the upper hand, and engages the killer's throat to ask, "Who ordered you to kill my father"

Cha-young has caught them. From now It calls for Tae-Kyung and the momentary distraction is all the bombers to free with a roundhouse kick must Tae-Kyung face. Cha-young fires at the assassin, but he manages to escape. It is only after he is gone, that Tae-Kyung Bo-won recalls. He rushes to help her, but she is unresponsive.

Cha-young to the assassin followed to the parking garage where Lizard hand for him was waiting in a getaway car. As they speed away, he calls for Chairman Kim with the good news.

settled order, Chairman Kim is happy return business as usual and heads in a meeting with the board on Jaesin Company. (That was the name on the truck of fate that Tae-Kyung father killed, and also the name of the hotel where the secret meeting took place.)

Secretary Shin has arrived at the mall to exhort Cha-young for not protecting Bo-won. Review of Tae-Kyung and Cha-young to realize that Bo-won was lured into a trap. What we do not see the first time, led by Tae-Kyung is receiving a voice mail of Bo-won. It is also suspicious of the alleged eyewitnesses, but provides the opportunity to catch a criminal. She asks him, they meet at the Grand Mall immediately.

So what happened to Bo-won, want to know Secretary Shin. Cha-young tells him that Bo-won ... is fine.

Another flashback. Tae-Kyung hastens the unconscious Bo-won to help. Bo-won eyes open and she grabs her jacket to reveal the bullet through her Kevlar vest stopped. Tae-Kyung and I breathe.


your ribs hurt from the shot, Bo-won in for calls into question with lawyer Gu. It describes the EMP bomb that had a name written with the initials F and O. He shows her the logo for a company called Force One and Bo-won confirmed that this is what she saw. Goo explains that Force One is the military weapons lab at Jaesin Company.

On Command lawyer Gu, the special investigation team Force One enters with a search warrant and prosecutor Choi and a team that starts over the events of recent days documents and computer to take.

thinking elsewhere. Agents Hwang murder are only the most recent death on the incident Yangjinri context. Could it be that someone, maybe even President Lee tried joined by anyone at the event to get rid of

lawyer Choi Tae-Kyung words will be remembered from their meeting on the web: "My father died because 15 of 98 EMPs Confidential ".

Back at the office of special investigation, the results of the Force One search that the company has built and missing four of them. A four-EMP explosion would be consistent with the scale of the power outage at Cheongsoodae. But as team leader Ham they acquire?

Chairman Kim receives word that the CEO of Force One is to be questioned. His instructions are to meet for the CEO. "Tell them everything," he says, as he cuts idly arm of a plastic soldier.

Secretary Shin says President Lee, he is confident that they will find out who worked for Ham. But the president seems to have a different endgame in mind. Once they have cornered the criminals, they offer a way out. In this way the president can get what he really wants from them. And what could that be? Let the speculation begin!

Chairman Kim takes a call from Joint Chief of Staff Kwon Jae-yeon. As the one and Ham Hwang got involved, he is worried he will be the one when talking the CEO goes down. Chairman Kim asks for his confidence, while slashing the throat of toy soldiers with an X-scalpel. Chef Kwon a bloody copy Confidential 98. nervously eyes here who not think it is the copy that was removed from the car accident?

Bo-won wakes up with broken ribs in the hospital of the shot. Tae-Kyung is at her bedside. He returns her car keys and said that they saved her life.

Looking back on the Grand Mall. When Bo-won is overturned by the Mall employees, it drops their keys. Later Tae-Kyung there is a crucial clue to find them.

to present

Back. Bo-won asks why Tae-Kyung is. "Witness Protection", he tells her. She tells him to go rest, the difficult few days he had recognition. She has heard that another sunbae died of his day. "So you're not going to die," he says, and puts in an unusually tender gesture, a glass of water in hand.

runs in lawyer Choi On his way out of the hospital, Tae-Kyung. Choi wants to know why Tae-Kyung his father thinks death is connected Confidential 98

with Tae-Kyung father to the meeting retrospect that Choi spoke of 4 in Episode Dad Choi to move the results of the announcement asks his investigation because the documents he has, are wrong. Choi refuses him and throws him some tampering with the investigation.

Back to present to hear. Prosecutor Choi has left its own copy of the confidential 98 to the copy Tae-Kyung in agents Hwang interrogation room in comparison. They are identical. Tae-Kyung told him of the copy of the document, the missing of his father's accident. If it is the same as the others, why would kill to get their hands on somebody?

During his interrogation, the CEO of Force One investigator says that the lack of EMPs were stolen on the way to a field test. The highest authority in the on-site inspection was Joint Chief of Staff Kwon.

Tae-Kyung Choi hopes prosecutors review the case again Yangjinri but Choi has no reason not the version of Confidential 98 he received from the chief Kwon trust.

In fact confirmed that a flashback Kwon is the one who delivered the document. Choi explained that a commander Kwon team leader Ham Army Brigade who was killed in Yangjinri, and he had his own investigation into the incident was carried out.

Cha-young has discovered and chief Kwon also the connection between Team Leader Ham. It's beginning to look like ham, Kwon, and Hwang learned of the misconduct of the president and conspiring to steal the EMPs. Time Chief Kwon talking.

Tae-Kyung is seen on the way Kwon as well. He imagines Kwon with the wrong Confidential 98. Team Leader Ham provision He is the perfect person to do it, someone would completely trust Ham. Tae-Kyung Kwon must ask for the death of his father.

When Tae-Kyung Kwon enormous building approaches, pull the assassin duo outside upwards. You have to be eliminated to their target and destroy the original Confidential 98.

Kwon ringing. Who's there? Cha-young, Tae-Kyung, or the murderer? "Are you from the Blue House?" Kwon asks the person at the door.

Cha-young comes just thrown in time from his window Joint Chief of Staff Kwon, to see, to land at the bottom of a car parked outside. He has all kinds of dead.

Upstairs, Cha-young finds Kwon door ajar and appears cautious. She finds a man at the open window.

She shows her weapon on his back and ordered him to turn around. It's Tae-Kyung.

March 8th 05:20. 57 hours, 20 minutes after the sniping.


During this episode had some exciting moments, it was definitely a cool down after the excitement of episode 5. I feel that the previous episode was the highlight of the three days: Chapter One and the writer of this episode will begin with three days: Chapter Two. The transition was a bit bumpy, but I am confident that we can only use the stage for an exciting second act. Should we the first five episodes considered a prologue to the real story? Or is three days continue to change direction every few episodes ? We will see.

to a large gear shift feeling occurs as the driving effect of changes series. Our characters are no longer looking for the president. Now they are trying to find out who is behind the assassination. The central mystery about Yangjinri however continue.

team leader Ham, our primary villain so far, has disappeared. But there are bigger, scarier villains are still confronted. Is Chairman Kim as bad as it gets? I'm not ready to place my bets. I do not want to look like an idiot, if we find out that the real masterminds Bo-won was the whole time.

The author sets their device more characters that do exactly the same thing at the same exact time. As if three different people come agents Hwang consulted. Or when three different people for Chief Kwon apartment passed. I will continue to suspend my disbelief ... for now.

The densely layered plotting, which I praised in episode 4 began to feel inauthentic in this episode. Previously we had received large payouts that were inextricably linked in the narrative. Now they feel like foreign Supplements. For example, find out that the president had an accident on the bus that we had learned a bit of a thrill from several episodes was. Finding out that Bo-won she had her keys a few scenes before fell and Tae-Kyung took like a weak imitation of the thrill felt. "This key saved your life"? For real?

The Shocking keychain disclose aside, the scene in the hospital room was one of my favorites in the series. In one episode, the forgotten reasons to interest me in general, the discovery of Tae-Kyung was on her bed waiting for a much-needed jolt to the heart. I admire the restraint of the writer shows how they developed their relationship. I honestly can not say for sure whether it towards romance is inching, or simply build only a strong platonic bond. ? The thoughts

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tags: featured, Micky Yoochun, Park ha-sun, so Yi-hyun, son Hyun-joo, Three Days

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