Recap And Reviews Kdrama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 8

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 8 -

There is Eul at the series to run scared of her feelings - but as much as she wants to hide from what happens Eul can not hide from their own feelings. Luckily Joon-young more stubborn than she is, and it will take more power than the Eul got to keep denying that there is something between them.


Joon-young says finally Eul that he loves her, but she does not believe him. Her brother did not warn again to be drawn from it, and Eul crying, knowing she's already fall. She screams, she's crazy, and Joon-young kisses.

on the other side of the wall listening, Ji-tae almost Pony, let it know Eul that he is there. But he thinks of himself, but he leans his head on the wall, beaten.

Joon-young retires and looking Eul directly in the eyes, says. "Not once did I have you or toy with you Concentrate on me Stop my heart I love you,.. Eul-ah. "Eul not say a word, but turns away, and Joon-young calls not to go after her. His voice choked with tears, and he asks again: ". Do not go, Eul-ah" She stops for a moment, then goes away.

It is only possible to get past his outer door before she starts to cry, and Joon-young is left alone, fighting his own tears. Ji-tae follows Eul home from a distance, unseen, and he is a witness, as shaken by Joon-young confession.

Yuna, the actress who Joon-Young Agent Namgoong told reporters he comes, is a television interview in which she confirmed the rumor. Eul hiding in bed while her friend Na-ri sparkles on the TV when the actress claims that she knew all about the supposed "distraction" trick with Eul.

asks Eul when she was in this plan, and Eul says brightly that they played at Joon-Young-Inquiry. Eul gets a good scolding for anyone tell an act was, and scare her brother and friends by disappearing.

agents Namgoong watches also Yuna's interview and jokes that she when she gets a better actress for credit. Gook-young is uncomfortable for the entire nation are, but fans around turn back to support Joon-young, his behavior chivalrous and thoughtful call.

Gook-young what Yuna asks the lie is always like this, and apparently she has now got many offers. Her career was refueling, but now she is gaining prestige only by "dating" Joon-young. Also Eul has improved reputation - if you thought she was from Joon-young, as commoners, it has been criticized as a gold digger. But now she is even praised for sacrificing to help a friend.

The really odd thing is silence Joon-young on the matter. They expected him to be angry, but he said not a word to anyone about it. It makes his team nervous that they have not heard from him.

Jik the whole class is treated in school burgers, apparently from Jik of Hyung, but Jik is mystified and may think not, who would have done that. He is with the principal's office called Joon-young there to find autographs for teacher signing, but he does not look pleased to see Joon-young.

go to speak to the roof, and Jik refuses Joon-young to shake hands. He adds, mentally, how much it costs to feed the entire school and promises to the huge sum to pay back, if he can, but Joon-young refused to give their account number.

look much less guarded than usual, Joon-young says simply that he likes Eul, so much so that he's going crazy. He can not eat, he can not sleep, he can not even breathe. He asks for help Jik wanted to tell him his sister not to run away from him and to trust him. Uff, it is so nakedly honest, it's almost hard to see -. But Jik again says only that he would repay as soon as he can Joon-young money

Despite thinking about Joon-young confession and the kiss of the night before their claims to Na-ri, Eul can not stop. Ji-tae is distracted at work, the night before remembers the events, and noticed his assistant and asks if he can speak as a friend for a minute.

He says Ji-tae stop - it has already gone too far with this, and it's time to Jung-eun and ad Eul apologize. If Eul finds out who is Ji-tae really, or if his parents or Jung-eun find out who interrupts Eul ... but Ji-tae and said that his minute.

Joon-young is sitting in his car outside Eul apartment when Ji-tae dressed as Hyun-woo arrives. Ji-tae goes up to Eul door and reaches for the bell, but Joon-young runs and ring it first. Heh.

Eul opens the door and immediately tried to close again, but Joon-Young-foot wedges open. He gives her a nice little Yes, will not work squint when they try to hold the door slam, and she has to leave him and Ji-tae in. has

Ji-tae brought food and Joon-young objects for his attempt to feed Eul. Eul sighs that she's fine, but Ji-tae is in full-on dad mode and tells her that she looks like she is about to fall from hunger. He holds back the spoonful of porridge, but also Eul is about to eat, Joon-young swoops down and grabs the bite like a hungry raptor. HA.

Eul annoyed and tells them to leave both. She grabs her coat and leaves the apartment itself, while Joon-young hollers petulantly that "Koreans eat rice !! "

yet inside, Joon-young eating the porridge and says that Ji-tae's weird, still hanging Eul rejection, but around them. He wants to say something about Ji-tae, said he has no right to love Eul, and argues that he can love whoever he wants. Ji-tae smiles and says that he is right - there is no such thing as "have the right" to love someone.

He actually thanks Joon-young, the Clear up for him and Joon-young asks: "Who are you?" He points out Ji-tae of luxury watch that would claim his belie that he poor and unemployed. He asks if Ji-tae is an impostor, but Ji-tae says it, who to love not matter about two men who pass through the same woman.

Ji-tae checked his phone to find a message from Haru who is hectic because her mother just collapsed. He rushes to the hospital Jung-eun find already there, and she explains that she and his mother in the sauna were when Mom collapsed with chest pains.

Ji-tae her throws to do something to his mother but Haru says that Mama is alive because Jung-eun them as quickly got to the hospital , Jung-eun apologizes for not better care of his mother and take Haru bursts into tears because she was so shocked when she could not reach Ji-tae.

Jung-eun says Ji-tae that his mother should be fine, its collapse was just a side effect of their recent kidney transplant. Ji-tae not it does not recognize and Haru threatened her father to say when he gets home from his business trip, but Jung-eun reassured.

Joon-young goes for Eul seeks and finds it in a restaurant to stuff her face, and HA, she looks so guilty when she discovers him. He beckons her to quit and come outside so that she eats slowly and even jobs seconds to discourage conversation. She's sick of the time it is completed, and Joon-young drags away, see a doctor.

Eul grabs him that it is not easy or a weakling, and the poor Joon-young she looks confused only at Zorn. He says he saw only that she looked sick and felt responsible, so he wanted to help them feel better, that's all. He covered his face again, warning them not to make a scene if it just the press from the back, and Eul tells him to stop worrying about how she feels.

But Joon-young did not intend to do that, or to let it go. He gets into his car and asks if she wants so badly to avoid him that they would make themselves sick, and Eul says that she does. She tells him they fall away in the hospital and will be lost, and it is surprised when he agrees quickly.

He says cryptically that he would disappear from sight and they will never see him again ... but not quite yet. He will do it, in about three to four months. Eul says only that it is planning to cling again to Ji-tae, harass him until he accepts it, but it is not the rise of Joon-young, that they tried for.

They arrive at their destination, but it is not a hospital - it is Joon-young-Restaurant Mother. He says Eul just say she hates him if his mother tried to run away, but swears that Mama in folk medicine is large.

Awww, Mom is definitely not happy Joon-young entered her restaurant, to see, although it watches that keeps Joon-young hand is Eul immediately. All led by the customers from the region, and the restaurant is closed, so that they can speak.

Joon-young refused to let Eul hand until she promises not to run away, and when he does, it presents itself formally. Ajusshi recognizes them as the "gold rush," said Eul starts cooked by Agent Namgoong in the cover story. Joon-young asks his mother Eul thumb (believed folk remedy to settle upset stomachs) to sting, and Eul tried to beg off, while mom just looks searchingly.

Eul promises that it does not really a gold digger, and that they and Joon-young from it are not. Ajusshi says this is obviously not true - she is the first girl, Joon-young has ever brought to meet his mother, so it must be something between them. Joon-young just nods and says that this is the girl he loves. Hee, he looks so proud to show to his mother.

Eul pipes up that says Gook-young that he is not in his right mind lately, ha, but Joon-young says only that he can not stop thinking of you - in the past nine years , He realized that he is in love with her before two weeks. Eul says his name in a warning tone, and he just grins.

Eul says that she knows where she is, and promises to Mama that she would not care avoid Joon-young, what he is doing. She has also written to put in that Joon-young-alarms, but they made their digestive keeps belching and Mom soft enough to come and knock them back.

Mom relents Eul finger to prick their complaints to alleviate, and Eul asks them not hard for her, only to be stuck, because she hates her. That makes Mom pause, and she says she does not hate Eul. Then she sticks her, and Eul crying so loud that Joon-young in the dining room of twitches.

Ajusshi a Soju brings to share with Joon-young, and asks how he could fall in love with someone who wears so cheap sneakers. Joon-young wonder that even if he could be any woman he wanted, and he says Ajusshi just like his father's.

He was also surrounded by beautiful, rich women, but he fell mother for Joon-young. But Ajusshi grumbles that you eventually forget about the cheap sneakers, upset that with all his money and power Assemblyman Choi has never tracked Joon-Young's mother.

Speaking Assemblyman Choi, he rushes home from his trip and goes to the hospital to see his wife, but Jung-eun stops Ji-tae from him following . She suggests he change clothes, because it is still its central Hyun-woo outfit and dad could find out, he has fallen for a poor girl. Ji-tae says only that he would have his assistant drive home Jung-eun, so he can be with his family.

doctor His mother tells her that she is doing well, but she says she is concerned about their health and their lives. Her husband gave her a kidney, but that's enough only the life of the recipient of ten to fifteen years, and it could fail at any time. She asks the doctor to her husband to say that it is fragile, and that they should be showered with attention, so she can rest.

Assemblyman Choi arrives, really shocked at his wife collapse, and the doctor is that he is concerned. Choi asks what he should do to make sure that she took good care of.

Ji-tae is on suitable and thinks about what Jung-eun just told him. She said his mother, she wants to be part of the family, so they decided the wedding up to a month from now to move on his parents' anniversary soon. She had said that his mother was thrilled, but the look on her face was almost predatory.

Joon-young joins his mother in the kitchen and asks her if Eul's not pretty, as they are used. "But it is not like you are." He promises that he will not let Eul suffer, or run away like Mom did, but Mom pretends only it is not heard. Joon-young is not bothered and continues that he does not let go Eul ... "I will not even give up on her when I die."

Out in the dining room, and Ajusshi Eul hear every word. Ajusshi says Eul that although he's a top star, Joon-young mother never cooked him a hot meal when he comes, and Eul asks how it ended that way. Ajusshi gives her the bare bones, but tells her that they need to get the details of Joon-young.

When Joon-young drives Eul home, he tells her that his mother was a single mother, and was only twenty-two, when she had him. When he was in high school, she worked in a bar to pay for a tutor, and even got in trouble for trying to bribe his teacher. Thereafter hated he goes to school.

he says Eul a few embarrassing stories about his mother, as she stole something, when he was in second grade, and asks if Eul still thinks that he is now out of their league, they knows where it comes from. Eul only thanks to him quietly to help for her upset stomach, and goes up to her apartment.

Ji-tae is concerned that his father is to collapse if he does not get some rest, but Dad is determined to stay by his wife's side. So Ji-tae go home, but he again made when Eul texts to meet heads him food for something. Before he comes to her, his father calls him and apologizes "for all", promised to be a better father.

The restaurant unni serves Eul additional side dishes as a thank you for supposedly being a bait for Joon-young and Yuna figure out she did fall probably Joon- young at some point. It is easier to accept than deny so Eul eating, Unni asks if she has other dumped by someone other than Joon-young and Ji-tae. Then she grabs the food again when she hears Ji-tae is on the way, heh.

But Ji-tae is still standing by the road, shaken by his father's promise and his loyalties. He ignored the calls Eul, and his food is cold.

Gook-young and agents Namgoong ready to Joon-young home show in to ask him for forgiveness, with Yuna for lying about his relationship. But Joon-young, she says did well, confusing them both. He goes to his room and collapsed on his bed, exhausted and frustrated.

Ji-tae never shows and Eul mutters that she had planned to ask his back hold. But now, "I do not care, it's all his fault," she leaves the restaurant and begins to make a call

But it is not Ji-tae, the telephone, the chimes -... It's Joon -Young. he jumps up and gets into his car, from ear to ear smile, and peels out. Whatever she had to say called, he wants it to say his face, and he finds them from the Han river and sit waiting for him.

He approaches her, still smiling, but when she turns vision Joon-Young look him suddenly goes blurry. He is disoriented, but he keeps his eyes on them, and internally he thinks: "they were very mistaken if you thought I would fall or give up or aside over something like this step."

his vision clears, and he goes the rest of the way to Eul. it is, and Joon-young smiles again and pulls them into a large, warm hug. "Come with everything you have to me. I will never despair, be sad, or succumb."


Augh, every time I start to forget that this is the show takes me back to the "reality" is not only remember a love story because me that Joon-young dies. His time is short, and it is shocking how he holds an angle on it by reference, as if he said Eul that he. Only for a few months the trouble, he would would disappear forever We just them speak now that we know what Joon-young of dying, I understand why he did not keep track of the election to the treatment - I knew that actually someone who had his same type of brain tumor, and it is a particularly malignant and aggressive form, with a very low survival rate in the treatment. And the treatment makes the patient very sick, so I can see why he would rather live what little time he has, without so sick leave. It is appealing his remaining time to love Eul to spend in any case.

It is interesting that it first Joon-young tried Eul avoid because his feelings, and then it was Eul do their best to avoid Joon-young. This tells me that she has feelings for him, no matter how much they deny it, because why spend so much energy to avoid it if it is not a threat? I can definitely understand why they tried to keep some distance because Joon-young one is emotionally "safe" bet never been, and a few simple words not that change. He will need to show that he is sincere and that he really loves her, before she begins to trust him. But at least now she has admitted that she has feelings for him, even if it does not wish, and I'm glad to have a chance to prove Joon-young, that they can be around him relax.

And luckily he seems to do too exactly. Joon-young has certainly changed his tactics in relation to Eul and I like this new, softer person he is always. I mentioned before that he comes on too strong for fear and despair that he is running out of time, and understandably afraid of Eul. She knows him, but you do not know that he is sick and has only a few months. You just know that he comes at all aggressive with a girl, then they fall just as quickly if he is tired she - in fact, he had it back with Eul at school. So Eul perspective, he has to do the exact same thing again. With her now, and it is no wonder that they do not trust what he says

I'm really impressed with how thoughtful Joon-young anyway, now that he gently Eul instead decided more has to pursue her only with bulldozers. The first thing he did after was reach their confrontation to Jik, proving that he is indeed listening and absorbing what Eul said the night before. Joon-young still has things in a gorgeous over-the-top way, but you have to admit, buying lunch for Jik certainly whole school child's attention. But I like that Joon-young found that Jik is the only person whose opinion Eul really cares about ... so if he wants to win Eul, first he has to win her little brother.

And to be additionally impressed I am by pretty amazed at how freaking adorable Joon-young are feelings for Eul, now that he shows it is open. He was practically giddy as he took Mom to meet so proud to show it, and tell his mother how much he loves her. He was totally unconcerned that Eul not on the same side as it is, and it's kind of sweet that he is happy just to be in love, even if she does not feel the same way (yet?). Now that he does not try to push them and something for him to feel he is down in a worshiping position, and it has lost its intimidating aura. I like this soft, sweet Joon-young - he eerily unpredictable live wire has gone to a big old squishy love bear from this, and it's just the best thing

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tags: functional, in Joo Eun, Im Joo-hwan, Kim Woo-bin, Suzy uncontrollable Fond

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